Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2853: Demon Lord punishes!

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"found it……".

Above a cliff, the teenager saw a fiery red grass.

Seeing that the spirit grass young man showed a very surprised expression.

The teenager carefully climbed towards the spirit grass, but the place where the spirit grass grew was too steep.

Every time a teenager moves his body, it will be extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the teenager finally moved to the place where the spirit grass grows. He picked the spirit grass and was planning to leave.

The teenager saw a little gold-colored snake rushing towards him.

The teenager was taken aback and quickly avoided the golden snake. Although he avoided the attack of the golden snake, his hand suddenly slipped.

The body quickly fell towards the cliff.

Such a high distance will definitely die.

The boy was lucky, and was blocked by a big tree when he was about to fall to the ground.

His body passed through the uncle's branches, and the uncle lost his powerful fall power.

This fell to the ground.

With a thump, smoke was everywhere.

The teenager passed out.

The boy didn't wake up until the sky gradually dimmed.

The teenager was sore all over his body that he struggled to get up from the ground and then ran towards his village.

The teenager lives in a small mountain village, and he lives with his mother.

Now the mother of the teenager is seriously ill.

The burden of caring for the mother fell on the juvenile shoulders. Today, the juvenile has finally found a life-saving holy grass fire spirit grass.

There is always a legend in the village that if the holy grass fire spirit grass can be found, the dead can also be saved.

"Father, you will be fine soon, and soon you will be fine ...".

The boy said excitedly, after crushing the spirit grass, it was melted with water and fed to the sick mother who was lying unconscious in bed.

The teenager ’s mother may have been due to hard work over the years, so although she was only thirty years old, she looked like she was forty or fifty.

But vaguely still can be seen that the young mother must have the appearance of falling into the country at the age of flowers.

After the teenage mother drank the potion, she woke up the next day.

"Nice mother is so good, really good, you finally woke up!" The teenager looked at his mother excitedly.

"Good boy, mother's good son!" The teenager's mother kissed the teenager's head gently, her eyes full of comfort.

A month later, the teenager's mother-in-law recovered completely.

That night.

The young girl's mother looked at the young boy, and he said, "Xing'er, Uncle Wang tomorrow they are going to sell prey in the county. The mother has told Uncle Wang to let them go with you!"

"The county?" The young man's eyes suddenly brightened up.

There are half a year of teenagers who will be twelve years old, but they have never been to the county.

The county town is five hundred miles from the mountain village where they live.

Along the way, powerful fierce beasts are everywhere, and even ghosts and other ghosts roam around during the day.

Therefore, the outside world is very dangerous, so young people have always been very curious about the outside world.

However, the teenager has never had the opportunity to travel to the outside world.

But now, the mother-in-law actually let herself follow Uncle Wang and them to the county town. For young people, the county town is a behemoth and a city that people yearn for.

"This is a token! When you are in the county, Uncle Wang will take you to a mansion. When you arrive at that mansion, you will see the man in the mansion. ! Leave it to the old man! "

The young lady's mother took out a jade pendant, which was carved with the appearance of a fairy palace.

The opposite is written with a "li" word.

The teenager looked at this jade pendant and couldn't help but slammed the word "li". He said, "Mother, this li character is the same as my surname. Was this jade pendant uploaded by the ancestor?".

The teenager ’s mother sighed. She did n’t answer the teenager ’s question, but said, “After you give this piece of jade to the old man, the old man will arrange for you to go to Zongmen for testing! If you can join Zongmenzhi Learn some skills in the inner world, in this chaotic world, you can also get a livelihood, and you will not be trapped in this small mountain village forever! "

"Zongmen? The legendary Zongmen? I heard that there are flying gods among those Zongmen!"

Said the boy in surprise.

For young people of this age, he is very interested in those legends.

"Yeah, that kind of sect!" Said the teenager's mother.

"Mother, I will definitely join Zongmen, and I will definitely stand out. At that time, Xing'er will definitely let his mother live a good life. Xing'er will find a lot of maids to serve her.

The boy said, his voice is extremely firm, this is his belief.

"Good boy!"

The teenager's mother held the teenager in her arms and could not help crying.

Er Qian Qian Li worried.

The teenager ’s mother is naturally reluctant to leave the teenager, but she hopes to seize this opportunity.

I do n’t want to be rich and expensive in the future, but I want to be able to join the sect gate and have the sect gate sheltered, so I do n’t worry about being afraid in the mountain village.

The next day.

The teenager and his mother were separated and followed the village hunters to the county.

Parting is always sad. The poor life of these years has long sharpened the teenager's strong character.

But no matter how strong his character is, he is still less than twelve years old. After leaving his mother, he can't help crying.

Five days later, the team finally came to the county.

The county town is very lively and prosperous, but the teenagers do not have much interest to appreciate the prosperity of the county town. The prosperity here is out of tune with him.

"Brother Xing, let's go to the Liu Mansion that your mother said!"

Uncle Wang said.

After hearing the words of Uncle Wang, the teenager finally got a little more energized, he said, "Uncle Wang leads the way!"

The teenager followed Uncle Wang to Liu Mansion. This mansion is also a famous family among the county seats. The lord of Liu Man, which villagers in the mountains can see it casually?

The boy and Uncle Wang were expelled.

The young man was in a hurry and took out the tokens given by his mother, and asked the other party to take the tokens and report them.

The guard frowned when he saw the token, and thought to himself, could it be that Grand Master really did not know this kind of untouchable?

Don't dare to be indifferent now, and quickly took the token and entered the mansion to report this matter.

Not long afterwards, an old man in a Jinfu holding a token, followed by a dozen others, the old man walked out quickly.

"This little brother, did you bring Yu Pei?" The old man looked excitedly at the teenager.

"Yes, old husband!" Said the young man, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Dare to ask what brother is called?", The old man asked.


The boy replied.


"Severe punishment, severe punishment, is this his name? A devil's ghost, a name destined to shock the heavens in the future".

Lin Feng is a passer-by in this world. After seeing what happened, Lin Feng took a deep breath after hearing the name.

He knew the name of the devil, but he didn't know that this was the first generation of devil.

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