Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 3371: The rumored dragon and tiger stone!

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Refining the God of Demon Emperor is used as a way to improve his combat power.

Such a crazy move, perhaps only Lin Feng can make it.

It's just that the vast world of stars is really not an easy task to find ogres.

Lin Feng searched for more than ten days and never saw the ogre.

On this day, Lin Feng saw a life planet from afar.

He flew towards this life planet.

When Lin Feng landed on this life planet, he suddenly discovered that this life planet had been destroyed.

The most prosperous life planet in the past.

People come and go, it's very lively.

Now it has become a dead place.

The sound of Li Gui crying can be heard everywhere.

During the day.

Can see ghosts wandering around.


"A life planet has been destroyed. What happened?".

Lin Feng couldn't help mumbling.

He felt it was not easy here.

Lin Feng landed in an ancient city.

This ancient city is quiet and strange.

There are also many stalls on the street.

The door of the shop is even open.

But it was empty.

I can only see some ghosts wandering around.

"Well !!"

The sharp ghosts screamed sharply.


A venerable ghost, spreading his teeth and claws, came directly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, and he waved his hand.


The light flashed.


The ghost canister flew out.

"Hoohoo ...".

A powerful force of engulfing emerged from the ghost tank.

A respectable Li Gui was enveloped by that powerful force of devouring.


Directly swallowed by the ghost tank.


Lin Feng had urged the ghost pot to devour the tens of thousands of evil spirits among the tens of thousands of streamers.

Now Lin Feng continues to urge the ghost raising pot to devour the ghosts on this planet.

Lin Feng felt.

Maybe it won't take long.

You can train the third ghost emperor.


quickly! !

The ghosts in an ancient city were completely swallowed up by the ghost tank.

"Four Seasons Restaurant!"

Lin Feng stopped in front of a restaurant.

Four Seasons Restaurant! !

This is the name of this restaurant.

Lin Feng came to the back kitchen of the Four Seasons Restaurant and found that the charcoal fire under the kitchen stove was still warm.

"The extinction time is not particularly long, it seems that the planet has been robbed, which is what happened in these days!"

Lin Feng said to himself.

Although the scale of this planet is not particularly large, there are still no problems for hundreds of millions or even more than one billion people.

Today, such a planet.

All creatures disappeared silently, without leaving any clues, it is too weird.

Lin Feng's heart was full of doubts and puzzles.

What happened?


Lin Feng entered the depths of the ancient city.

In the depths, there is a huge palace.

This palace is called "Floating Palace!"

Lin Feng guessed.

The owner of this palace should be the owner of this planet.


Lin Feng entered the floating palace.

The palace is heavy.

Lin Feng traversed palace after palace.


He passed through the Eighteenth Palace.

In the depths of the eighteenth-floor palace, there is also a palace whose gate is a stone gate.

A giant dragon is drawn on the stone door on the left.

The stone gate on the right is drawn with a white tiger.

Two pictures, lifelike.

Whether it is a dragon or a white tiger, it seems that they have to rush out of the mural directly.

Such two pictures.

It's really shocking.


Lin Feng tried to push open the stone door.

But Shimen was so heavy that he had never been able to push it away.

"The rumored dragon and tiger stone!"

The demon said.

"Dragon Tiger Stone, what kind of stone is this?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask very curiously, before that, he hadn't heard of this kind of stone.

The demon said, "Longhu stone is rumored to be one of the most mysterious ancient stones. There is a rumor that the place where the dragon and tiger stone was born is also where the stone like the Zhentian stone was born!"

"Oh? Is there such a rumor?".

Lin Feng couldn't help being surprised.

The demon said, "Is it true that the rumors are really unclear yet !!! But !!! Dragon and Tiger Stone is indeed an amazing baby !!!"

"What can this thing do?". Lin Feng asked.

"Naturally is to create a magic weapon! The best effect! Attack and defense integration, great power !!!"

The demon said.

"Build a magic weapon? Since you can create a magic weapon, why didn't the owner of this floating palace use the dragon and tiger stone to create a powerful magic weapon for yourself?".

Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

The demon said, "I don't think the monk is unwilling to turn the dragon and tiger stone into a magic weapon, but he doesn't have that ability!"

"What does this say?" Lin Feng continued to ask.

The demon said, "Dragon and Tiger Stone is too hard! The average person can't smelt Dragon and Tiger Stone at all, let alone use Dragon and Tiger Stone to create a magic weapon!"

"If you want to smelt dragon and tiger stones, you need either extremely powerful cultivation, or you need to borrow some foreign power!"

"For example ... with the help of Skyfire!"

"However, Skyfire is too rare, and the power of Skyfire is not realistic for countless monks!"


"It turns out so!"

Lin Feng nodded.

The owner of the floating palace only occupies such a planet that is not particularly large in size.

Obviously, this person's cultivation should not be particularly advanced.

Even at the level of the emperor.

Lin Feng guessed.

The other party is estimated to be the cultivation behavior of the first-level emperor.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to forge dragon and tiger stones into their own magic weapon.

"If you look closely at the two pictures, you can see that the graphics of the dragon and the white tiger are not drawn, but are actively displayed!"

The demon continued.

Wen Yan.

Lin Feng got closer and looked closely, and found that it was really the same as the demon king said.

The graphics of the dragon and the white tiger are not really drawn.

But a fairy stone development.

These are two pictures condensed by Long Hu Shi himself.

It's really amazing.

"You have now forged this natal magic weapon of the ancient chaotic lamp! But have you ever thought of forging another natal magic weapon?".

The demon suddenly asked.

"Forge another magic weapon?". Lin Feng couldn't help widening his eyes.

what's going on?

He remembered.

The monk's life.

Only one magic weapon can be forged.

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask, "Are monks only able to forge a magic weapon?".

The demon said, "This statement is not correct. To be precise, a monk has several primitive gods, and he can forge several natal magic weapons! Because the monk's primitive spirit and the natal magic weapon are connected!

"You have a main primordial spirit and three deputy primordial spirits, that is to say, in theory, you can forge up to four natal magic weapons!"

Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

Then there was a happy look.

It's amazing how I can forge four natal magic weapons.

The demon continued, "Find a way to remove the dragon and tiger stone, and then forge it into a life magic weapon. The power of the dragon and tiger stone forge is absolutely extremely powerful!

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