Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 3388: Shaved

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Lin Feng purchased a lot of formation materials and materials for cultivating Archaeopteryx, Archaic King Butterfly, and Honghuang Refining Demon Swarm in the trading market.

With such a huge trading market, it is easier to find some materials that Lin Feng needs.

During this time, more and more cultivating demon worms hatched, and a large amount of precious insect materials were needed to cultivate.

Including Taikoo Insect, Taikoo King Butterfly, all need a lot of insect materials to cultivate.

The insect material on Lin Feng is almost consumed.

Fortunately, however, a large amount of worms have been added to the Fire Snake market.


Whether it is an archaic ancestor, an archaic monarch butterfly, or a wilderness demon worm.

Are in an extremely critical growth period.

And during this time, certainly can not cut off the worms.

if not.

Will have a great impact on their growth.

Originally, Lin Feng also wanted to find the treasures for the cultivation of dragon eggs.

Dragon Egg only needs a kind of anti-celestial treasure to complete the final transformation.

Then came out.

But a pity.

Where can you find this type of Tiancaidibao?

Need a chance! !

It is only possible to find it! !

Such a huge trading market, failed to find such a baby! !

"Wanbao Building !!!"

Lin Feng looked at a huge palace in the trading market.

This palace is magnificent and magnificent, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres.

A huge golden plaque was hung on it, and the dragon and phoenix dance was written with three words on it.

And these three words.

It is "Wanbao Building".

A dense monk.

In and out! !

Wanbao Building stands out in the huge trading market.

"This place is the center of the trading market, and there are even auctions in it. Many precious things will appear in the Wanbao Building!"

Xia Yulan couldn't help saying.

"Okay, let's take a look inside the Wanbao Building!" Lin Feng said.

Xia Yulan nodded cleverly and followed Lin Feng towards the Wanbao Building.

After entering the first floor of Wanbao Building.

Suddenly I saw booths one by one.

Behind the booth, there is a dazzling array of commodities.

Many commodities.

High value.


One of the most attractive booths is the auction booth for slaves.

I saw a dozen slaves standing above the booth.

Those slaves also have men and women.

But without exception.

He was shackled and shackled.

Several female slaves, all beautiful and moving.

And those male slaves.

It is powerful.

"A vixen will be auctioned next ...".

Said the nun who presided over the auction.

The coquette that was about to be auctioned came to the front.

A pitiful look, I saw pity.

Suddenly aroused the cheers of many people below.

Lin Feng has also seen a lot of such slave auctions.

Many places have this tradition.

Lin Feng and Xia Yulan came to the second floor.

The goods on the second floor are more expensive.

Suddenly, there was a commotion not far away.

There seems to be a conflict.

Many people revolve around the past.

Lin Feng and others were also attracted to the past.

In front of a booth, a young monk who looked slightly disoriented had a dispute with a middle-aged monk.

Lin Feng inquired about the people next to it and found out.

It turned out that the young son was in a hurry to use the source spar.

So three days ago, I deposited an ancestral thing in this booth.

In exchange for a portion of the source spar from this booth.

The young man and the boss of the booth, that is, the middle-aged man, knew each other.

I heard that the ancestors are still friends.

The young man will call this middle-aged man a "shishu".

The two sides agreed that after three days, the young people would take out more of the source crystal to redeem the ancestral thing.


The young man took the prepared source crystal to redeem his ancestral things.

This "Uncle Shi" turned out.

Do not admit this matter.

He also asked the young man to come up with the agreement he had signed.

Because the two are the reason for the friendship.

Therefore, the young people did not sign an agreement when they exchanged the ancestral treasure for the source spar.

It is naturally impossible to get it out now.

This kind of thing is actually more common in the secular world.

Someone named a pit acquaintance.

It's called "scraping".

The monks of the cultivator world pay more attention to fame.

So familiar with this kind of thing is not particularly common.

But it is not without.

Obviously this young monk trusted the so-called "Uncle Shi" too much.

So he was pitted by this "Uncle Shi".

"Zhou Chong, I was thinking that our two were friends of the world and did not drive you out. If you are unreasonably making trouble here again, don't blame Uncle Shi for turning your head away!"

The middle-aged monk said coldly to the young man.

"Since I know it's a world friend, I still want to pit me like this.

The young monk named Zhou Chong apparently tore his face with the middle-aged monk.

So there is nothing polite in words.

"I don't know anything about life and death, do you think that Zhou's family is still the same as that of Zhou's family before? Come on, hit this kid to death, and then throw it out!"

The middle-aged monk said coldly.

Suddenly two monks appeared like ghosts.

The middle-aged monk had an extraordinary identity and entrusted the entire second floor of Wanbao Building to do business.

You know how big you are.


An **** shot and punched Zhou Chong.

Zhou Chong didn't punch him.

Zhou Chong lost his opponent and was suddenly flew out.

The other person appeared behind Zhou Chong.

Kicked towards Zhou Chong.

boom! !

The second sound came out.

Zhou Chong was kicked directly to the ground.

These two people are extremely ghostly.

Go towards Zhou Chong.

Want to abolish Zhou Chong.

It's really cold and warm.

Now here is the most vivid.


The light flashed.

Lin Feng appeared in front of Zhou Chong, swiped gently with his right hand, shocked two monks who wanted to abolish Zhou Chong, and then said, "Even if you greedy others' things, there is no need to abolish them? , After the old man! "

"Boy, who are you? How dare you do more business?".

The middle-aged monk's complexion suddenly fell.

At this time, someone said to Lin Feng, "Little brother, don't do too much business. This middle-aged man is named Wu Yungui! This guy's daughter is the favorite concubine of the five princes of the Fire Serpent Royal Family. What a good ending! "

Someone secretly sent a message to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng responded.

He ignored Wu Yungui.

Instead, he helped Zhou Chong up.

"Are you all right?". Lin Feng asked.

"It's okay, thank Xiongtai for helping!" Zhou Chong clenched his fists.

"Boy, do you count anything, and dare to take care of Lao Tzu's affairs, is it awkward?".

When Wu Yungui saw Lin Feng ignoring him directly, he was furious and waved his hands. A dozen monks gathered around Lin Feng and Zhou Chong.

(End of this chapter)

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