Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 3429: Speculation on the battle of innate souls

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Mo Tie said, "I don't really know the specific reason !!! But if you talk about it in detail, it's not completely unknown!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"You should have heard of Supreme God Court?", Mo Tie asked.

Supreme Supreme, Lin Feng had heard of it.

He knew the horror of Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court has hidden too many secrets.

Lin Feng said, "Know !! It is said to be one of the most mysterious things in the heavens and the world, and its mystery level is one level with the door of immortality !! It is said that there are endless treasures in the Supreme Court, and the value of each treasure is It is enough to describe it against the sky. In addition to all kinds of treasures, the Supreme God Court also has many magical powers, inheritances, and even inheritances beyond immortality. The most mysterious grand destiny technique can never I found it in the Divine Court. Of course, the most shocking thing is not the Grand Destiny Technique. It is said that there is a heritage beyond the Immortal Technique in the Supreme Court, and I do n’t know what inheritance exceeds the Divine Technique!

"In addition, within the Supreme Court, there are secrets of immortality and so on!"


Wen Yan.

Devil Railway, "It's true, as you said, there are too many secrets hidden in the Supreme Court, and they are so unbelievable that the Supreme Court appeared once before the end of the innate spiritual age! A single appearance is different from previous appearances! "

"Supreme God Court appeared in the past, it is difficult to peep at its secret! But that time, it is said that the portal of Supreme God Court opened wide! Some monks entered the Supreme God Court!"


Lin Feng couldn't help being surprised.

It was really incredible that such a thing happened.

The mysterious shrine in the supreme shrine.

There was a day when the portal opened wide?

I don't know what amazing things happened in the past.


Lin Feng asked, "Does the monks who have entered into the Supreme Court open to extraordinary things?"

"This is not clear !! But Supreme Supreme Court disappeared soon, but since then, the world is in chaos!"

The magic iron said, "I guess! The reason why the world is in chaos is related to the opening of the portal of the Supreme God Court. Perhaps as you said, after the opening of the portal of Supreme God Court, those lucky ones entered The monk who got the magical power must have gotten a chance! "

"The monks who didn't enter the Supreme Court were peeping at those opportunities, so those monks started to work on the monks who entered the Supreme Court, but because too many forces shot, it caused more and more conflicts and conflicts between different forces."

"Finally, the peak battle was formed! Later, there was no way to control it. More and more forces were involved, more and more powerful people were involved, and countless people fell in the war!"


"However, even if such a war occurs, innate creatures should not be extinct?" Said Lin Feng.

Devil Railway, "In fact, it doesn't have to be really extinct, but it is almost dead. Innate spirits were bred at the beginning of the world, so it is said that there are very few innate spirits themselves!"

"An era followed by an era. In the midst of disasters, innate creatures fell one after another. By the time innate creatures ruled the heavens and the end of the world, in fact, there are not many innate spirits! Experience the unprecedented war! The creatures have once again fallen, and fewer innate creatures can survive! "

"So I said that after that war, innate creatures were almost extinct!"


Lin Feng said, "What about other forces? Shouldn't it have suffered such a great loss? After the end of the inborn spirit era, the cultivation system formed by countless eras collapsed directly, and countless Taoist inheritances were lost until the Xiangu era after many eras It was only after the Lord of the Gods was born that a new cultivation system was created, and the cultivation world gradually recovered from the decline! "

"Oh? The previous cultivation system collapsed? Countless Taoist traditions were lost? Is there such a thing? I fell into a deep sleep and didn't understand what happened later. It stands to reason that those big forces will not hurt even if they hurt Let Taoism be lost. After that war, what happened to the unknown? ".

The magic iron couldn't help wondering.

These words of the magic iron are almost plain sight.

Lin Feng also doubted it.

After that war.

Did something else happen?

Now it seems that this may be true.

in fact.

In that great war that year, the cultivation system did not collapse and the Confucianism was lost.

It was what happened after that war that caused the cultivation system to collapse and the Orthodoxy to be lost.

So that the heavens and the whole world have fallen into a feeling of the end of the law.

Because monks do not have a complete cultivation system as support, they cannot improve their cultivation practices.

and so.

After that war.

One big era after another.

Basically, no powerful monk appeared.

Until the rise of the gods of the gods in the ancient times.

After the new cultivation system was created, everything was on track.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that what happened after that war is bound to be extremely terrible !! It is really unimaginable. How much killing is needed to make the cultivation system formed in many eras collapse directly?".

Demon Railway, "This is unknown!"

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "It feels that there is a sense of annihilation in it! But I heard that there is an era of three thousand times, and the battle of annihilation at the end of the era will come. Heaven and earth will be destroyed. After the destruction of the universe, a new universe will be bred again, and then a new era will be opened! "

Devil Railway, "When you say this, I also feel that what happened after that war in that year is a bit annihilated. In fact, what you said is a battle of annihilation at the end of the era is not accurate!"

"Why do you say that?" Lin Feng asked.

"The battle of the world may happen in every era, but it happened in some heydays, because there are too many powerful people in the world, so it is difficult to succeed, but the end of the era is different. There will be a brief flashback, so that there will be a group of strong men, but these newly emerged strong men are destined to not change this battle of annihilation !! "

Demon Iron said.

Lin Feng was extremely shocked. This was the first time he heard this kind of argument.

There are too many secrets hidden in these worlds.

Lin Feng realized that the world he was in contact with was still too small.

The heavens and the world, countless secrets.

Lin Feng has not yet come into contact.

"Something has happened, you should still look forward!"

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling.

Then he looked at the magic iron and continued to ask, "Since you are sleeping in the battlefield of the gods, then you must know where the battlefield of the gods is?".

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