Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 3533: neither fish nor fowl

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Lin Feng was the first to see that kind of creature. He saw that the creature's body was shaped like an elk, but it had a half-body and arms.

And there are horns on the head.

Holding a black war gun.

The black war gun swept lightly.

The void is about to collapse.

It is really shocking.

Shocking and moving.

The Daoist Taoist's method is extraordinary, but he is still chased by the unknown creature and fleeing around, unable to resist the attack of the unknown creature.

The unknown creature is indeed extremely powerful, and his whole body can be regarded as a paradox.

The black war gun in his hand swept toward the infinite Taoist.

A beam of destructive power swept toward the infinite Taoist priest.

The Infinite Taoist had that mysterious Xiaoding bodyguard, but was still robbed and swept away.

Wow, a spit of blood came out, and the bones made a clicking sound.

I don't know how many bones were directly broken.

"Help! Help!"

The infinite Taoist priest looked at Lin Feng for help.

"Hahahaha, deserve ...".

Lin Feng laughed in the distance and said, a look of gloating.

The best friend.

It was Lin Feng.

Of course, Lin Feng will not really die.

He took out three stone swords, sacrificed the stone sword, and beheaded the horrifying creature who chased down the infinite Taoist priest.

Clang clang! !

The horrible creature waved the gun in his hand.

Three consecutive hits with Lin Feng's stone sword.

The three stone swords were blown out by the horrible creature.

Infinite Taoist princes took advantage of this rare opportunity to quickly escape.

Lin Feng took the stone sword and swiftly moved towards the distance with the infinite Taoist priest.

The horrible creature was suspended in the black mist and looked coldly at Lin Feng and the infinite Taoist.

He did not chase Lin Feng and Infinite Taoist, and returned to the cave.

The valley became calm again.

Lin Feng and Infinite Taoist stopped in the distance.

Lin Feng scolded, "Dead Taoist, I clearly heard that I called you before, but pretended not to hear. Now I am so sorry to ask for help. Do you still have to be shameless?"

Wu Dao Taoist looked at Lin Feng with a puzzled expression, and said, "Brother! What did you say? When did you call me? I really didn't hear it, based on the feelings of the two of us, if you listen When you call me, do you think I will pretend not to hear? ".

There is a saying that people are shameless and invincible.

There is another saying that people are cheap and invincible.

Lin Feng felt that these two sentences were simply tailored for the infinite Taoist person.

Lin Feng was too lazy to care about these with the infinite Taoist priests. He asked, "What is buried under this mountain?".

Infinite Taoist priest knew that this matter could not be concealed.

It's better to just say it.

And Lin Feng's means are extraordinary. If he joins hands with Lin Feng, the probability of successfully exploring the ancient tomb will be much greater.

Infinite Taoist said, "That is an ancient tomb! It is rumored that the ancient tomb involved a powerful existence in the totem era !!"

"So old?" Lin Feng was taken aback.

Infinite Taoist nodded and said, "It is indeed very old. The totem age should be traced back to the early age?".

The totem era is not an era, but several successive times, those tribes will look for totems belonging to their own tribe and then worship.

"In the Totem Age, it was when the souls of the last era were most active. Was the souls of the previous era buried here?". Lin Feng asked.

Infinite Taoist nodded and said, "From the clues I got, it may indeed be the creature of the last era, which fell into the totem era."

The creatures of the previous era are very evil after crossing the era, and they unscrupulously claim all the opportunities of this era.

They want to destroy the races born in this era.


They did not succeed in the end, first, because of the rise of innate creatures, and second, because of the strong vitality that erupted at the beginning of this era, and the major races multiplied quickly.

Although many races were killed by the creatures of the previous era, more races survived.


With the continuous improvement of the strength of innate souls, coupled with the great forces of this era, many strong people have begun to emerge.

The creatures of the last era were also stubbornly blocked.

There have been several wars in the Totem Age.

The loss of life in the last era was severe.

Especially after the tribe began to develop into the city.

The innate gossip of Fuxi Shenghuang was promoted.

Countless large formations evolved from congenital gossip.

The evolution of those large formations has hit the creatures of the previous era even more seriously.


The creatures of the last era have begun to decline at the end of the totem era, and the combat power is far from being comparable to the beginning of the world.



This is not to say that the creatures of the previous era were not strong enough.

In fact, the opposite is true.

The creatures of the last era are terrifying.


The creatures of the last era are extremely rare.

Such a small number of people contend with all the forces of this era.

In several major eras after the early age.

Still holding down all the forces of this era.

If it is not the use of the city and the innate gossip, it is not always certain who won or lost the original battle.

Today, a powerful creature from the previous era is buried here.

This made Lin Feng very curious and may be able to get some inheritance from the previous era from this creature.

Previously, Lin Feng got the unique and unique knowledge of "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

This magical power is the magical power of the last era, terrifying.

Therefore, Lin Feng is very interested in the top genius of the last era.


"That creature is terrible, but I have never seen or heard of it. Is it also the creature of the last era?".

Lin Feng couldn't help saying.

The infinite Taoist shook his head and said, "It's not the creature of the last era. If I'm not mistaken, that creature should be like the four things in the rumors!"

"Four different? What kind of creature is this?".

Lin Feng was surprised, and unlike him, he had never heard of it.

"It is rumored that a strange animal was born when the world first opened. The strange animal has a body like an elk, a human head, and a half-body torso, a long horn on the arm, a head, and a tail like a tiger !! It ’s just that the four are not like holy beasts! It is a very powerful creature with a blood line. The first generation of four is not like a congenital spirit. Later, this congenital spirit and other race creatures gave birth to future generations. With the passage of time, this vein is still a genocide, and it has basically not reappeared since the middle and late period of the early era! "

Infinite Taoist said.

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