Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 3586: Stone clothing

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Bamboo slips are very old.

I don't know what was recorded above.

Lin Feng felt that the content of the record should be extremely extraordinary.


"Can you show me bamboo slips?". Lin Feng asked, want to see the content of bamboo slips.

"Naturally, no problem!"

The old man with broken arm handed the bamboo slip to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng started the bamboo slips slowly.

Above the bamboo slip is an extremely ancient script.

When Lin Feng opened the bamboo slips, Wu Yong also brought his head together, and seemed to be watching the same font.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while.

Has this guy's eyes been dug? Can you see the content above?


of course.

Lin Feng was too lazy to bother about this guy.

He carefully observed the words above, but these words Lin Feng did not know.

So he didn't know what was written on it at all. He sent a sound to the demon king and asked if the demon king knew the words above.

But Lin Feng's answer surprised him.

Even the demon king didn't even recognize the text above.

There are very few ancient scripts that demon kings do not know.

However, the ancient demon monarch on the bamboo slip didn't know, which is enough to explain too many problems.

"Buy!‘ ’

The demon prince said concisely that he always seems to be such a pity of words that if he can say less, he can express what he wants to say.

The demon will never say one more word.

Lin Feng looked at the one-armed old man and asked, "How does Senior Bamboo Jane plan to sell?".

The one-armed old man said with a smile, "Ten elixir!"

Hearing the price stated by the one-armed old man, Lin Feng suddenly had a urge to slap the one-armed old man.

This old guy is really a big lion.

Immortals are so precious.

This guy even dared to shout out the price of ten elixir.

Is it possible to treat elixir as Chinese cabbage?

"I don't know the value! Maybe it's just a junk! At most it's worth an elixir! If we can, let's make a deal. If we can't, I will leave!"

Lin Feng said.

The one-armed old man said with a smile, "That old man will lose money today! Sell this ancient jade to you!"

Although he said a big sale at a loss, the smile on his face was obviously ecstatic.

Lin Feng estimated that the one-armed old man did not know what was on the bamboo slips. For him, such a thing was simply tasteless.

If Lin Feng could not explore the secrets of bamboo slips.


Bamboo slips are actually the same to him, and they belong to the same tasteless thing.

But since the demon king let himself buy it, Lin Feng will not refuse.

Maybe you will actually buy something against the sky?


Lin Feng took out an elixir and gave it to the one-armed old man. He probably had more than a dozen elixir on him. These elixir were extremely precious.

Use one less.

Mainly because the elixir is hard to find.

But if it can be used, it is naturally the result that Lin Feng wants to see most.

Lin Feng put away the bamboo slips temporarily, and then waited for time to study the contents of the bamboo slips.

"Little friend !!! There is one more thing, I don't know if you are interested?". The one-armed old man continued.

"what?". Lin Feng asked.

"It's this dress!"

The old man pointed to a piece of clothing on the booth. Lin Feng looked around and was very surprised.

That dress is very special, turned out to be a stone garment made of stone.

Not particularly thick.

But it exudes a cold luster.

"What kind of clothes is this?" Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

"Stone clothing !! It is said that this kind of clothing can play a key role in many places!"

Said the one-armed old man.

"A lot of places, what do you mean?". Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

The one-armed old man lowered his voice and whispered, "In the Death Jedi, it is said that this kind of clothing can ward off evil spirits and hide some unknown creatures in the Death Jedi!"

"Is this still the case?".

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning.

Lin Feng is also quite familiar with the dead Jedi. The terrifying creatures in the dead Jedi said how powerful Lin Feng is very clear.

Some of the existence of terror is so powerful that future generations simply cannot imagine it.

But this piece of clothing can shield the feelings of those terrifying creatures of the dead Jedi, which sounds a bit unbelievable.

"But what you said is true?".

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning, always feeling that the old man was fooling him.

Just a stone garment.

Is there really such an ability?

Sounds incredible.

The one-armed old man said vowedly, "Of course it is true! Look at the contents of this ancient book!"

The one-armed old man took out an ancient book that was about to decay and gave it to Lin Feng.

"What is this ancient book?" Lin Feng asked.

"When I discovered Shiyi, I also discovered this ancient book. This ancient book is a wonderful introduction to Shiyi!"

Said the one-armed old man.

After hearing it, Lin Feng opened the ancient book and found that many of the fonts on it were already obscured.

And it is still a kind of ghost-like text, which is really obscure.

"Shiyi wards off evil! Buy it!"

The demon's voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind again.

He was very surprised, stone clothes ward off evil spirits, four words, enough to explain everything.

Your luck is so good?

Entering the street of sin, I encountered so many good things.

The one-armed old man is still an honest man, unlike the infinite Taoist prince.

The Daoist Taoist also often went to some lively places to set up stalls or something to sell what he dug out of the ancient tomb.

But in fact.

The guy who really has something valuable will take it for himself, but will not take it out to sell it.

The things he sells are all tattered goods.

Can sell one.

It is considered to be earned.

"What price is Shiyi?". Lin Feng asked.

"Thirty Immortals!" The one-armed old man grinned.

The old guy didn't know whether it was because Lin Feng had cut the price too much before, so he proposed a higher price than the bamboo slip.

It is estimated that Lin Feng will continue to suppress prices, so he feels that after raising the price.

Lin Feng will not continue to shout out the price of an elixir, right?

Should n’t you point your face?


Lin Feng said: "It's too expensive !! A piece of stone clothing only !! It can only be used in places like the Death Jedi, and I don't go to the Death Jedi. It may not be used all the time. You said this stone clothing can shield death. Can the perception of those horrible creatures in the Jedi be able to shield the perception of those horrible creatures? If it can be shielded, if it can't be shielded, then it will be miserable. By the time there is no place to die, this tattered stone clothing It ’s not worth so many elixirs at all, but I do n’t think it ’s easy for my predecessors to come out and set up stalls. It ’s so good. I ’ve lost some of this broken stone clothing, and I ’m still an elixir. The price was sold to me by my predecessors, it was considered a profit! "

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