Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 3660: The first call to fate

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Lin Feng didn't know the fact that his identity was exposed and was targeted by the monks of the Wan tribe.

Even if he knew.

Don't care.

It is not easy to be an emperor.

It's normal to be targeted.

By the time.

How much comes, how much to kill.

As long as you can break through the emperor's realm, then cooperate with the armor of the master and many treasures on your body.

Lin Feng believes that he can meet God to kill God, meet ghost to kill ghost.


The penultimate thunderstorm was brewed.

This time the Thunder Tribulation was even more terrifying, and three Stone Men appeared.

The first stone man.

The body, the eagle head, has a pair of huge wings.

The second stone man looked like an old man.

The third stone man is a female stone man.


"Stone man robbery! This is the rumored robbery number. It is said that this robbery number is one of the last three robbery numbers in immortal robbery. Could it be that this guy's robbery is over?"

Someone said.

It's hard to calm down.

Because Lin Feng only broke through the emperor's realm, the number of crossings turned out to be immortal robbery.

It's really enviable and jealous.

How much do the monks of the Wan tribe want to make themselves Lin Feng.

But they are destined to be only envious of jealousy.


The powerful people of all ethnic groups are paying attention to the situation of Lin Fengdu robbery. They naturally hope that Linfengdu robbery will fail.

If Lin Feng's crossing failed,

Then, they will not use them to kill Lin Feng at that time.


Lin Feng stood in the void and looked at the three stone men.

Every stone man is terrifying, these three stone men.


The fit is seamless.

This is the horror of stone man robbery.

It is the so-called double fist is difficult to beat four hands.

Many monks failed to cross the stone man because they could not break the joint force of the three stone men.

And once the three stone men form a siege.

By the time.

The fighting power of the Three Stone Men will show a large upward trend.


The three stone men can promote each other and greatly increase the opponent's combat power. This is an extremely terrible ability.

However, in the face of the attack of the three stone men, Lin Feng was not afraid.

He directly exhibited the magical power of one gasification and three clearness.


Two avatars have evolved.

Although the two avatars of one Qi and three Qings could not exert Lin Feng's 100% fighting power.

But it is relatively easy to exert 70% or 80% of Lin Feng's combat power.

If the potential of the two avatars broke out, even more than 90% of the fighting power could be exerted.

Extremely close to Lin Feng's own powerful combat power.


Lin Feng locked a stone man.

The other two avatars flew to the other two stone men.

But Lin Feng's two avatars did not fight with those two stone men.

When Lin Feng's two avatars came to the two stone men.

The bodies of the two avatars bulged directly.

boom! boom!

With the sound of two violent explosions, Lin Feng's two avatars even exploded directly.


Devastating fluctuations.

Swept out.

The devastating power enveloped the two stone men.

The monks who watched Lin Feng's robbery outside were all dumbfounded.

Everyone was dumbfounded, with incredible expressions.

No one thought that Lin Feng directly let the two avatars explode.


After the two avatars exploded, the two stone men were also destroyed.

Only the last stone man remains.

Only when the three stone men join forces can the most powerful fighting force break out.

If only a stone man.

Then it's far away.

Lin Feng rushed forward, showing great power.

Destroy the third stone man directly.

The last four thunders remain.

But Lin Feng did not dare to relax half a point.


He is very clear.

The last three thunders are the most deadly thunder.

The power of the last three thunder robbers far exceeds that of other thunder robbers.

Throughout the ages, countless monks have failed.

He died under the attack of the last three thunders.

And now Lin Feng.

Have not yet begun to contend with the last three thunders.


"I was born to wait for the sky!"

"Who can beat the heroes?".

"Nine-handed fairy sword with me!"

"Sword cut the heavens I respect!"

At this time, a deep voice came from the thunderous ocean above the nine days.


A white man came step by step.

The man was extremely handsome and extremely powerful.

After he appeared.

It's like becoming an eternal ruler between heaven and earth.

Behind the man, carrying a nine-handed stone sword.


The nine-handed stone sword concussed into the void, and all flew out, suspended above the man.

"The Emperor has no way ...".

After seeing the man.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly burst into fire. The endless killing intention came out.

The penultimate Thunder Tribulation revealed that the Emperor Wudao holding the nine-handed stone sword.

In the past, this man betrayed his father.

Also because of this person.

His own home was destroyed.


Lin Feng hated emperor Wudao.

It's like a torrent of water!



"The son of a sinner, take it!"

Emperor Wudao's cold eyes looked at Lin Feng.

It was like looking at a ants, the contempt and disdain on his face.

It is emitted from the bone.

Nine-handed stone sword, he only sacrificed one.

Perhaps in his view, slaughter Lin Feng.

The nine-handed stone sword is not needed at all.

"At that time, you were just a dog servant beside my father! What qualifications are there to show off your power in front of me, you should call me young master!"

Lin Feng's murderous intent.

He felt his blood was ignited.

Full of anger.



Lin Feng felt a special force in his body, which seemed to be a kind of blood power.

Indistinctly, Lin Feng heard the voice of the fate shaking from the power of that bloodline.

That bloodline.

It should be the blood of destiny.

The father has a total of two blood lines, the first blood line comes from the undead blood line of the undead family.

The second kind of blood is a kind of blood that his father was awakened by heaven.

It is the blood of destiny.

It's just that his blood of destiny was sealed by his father.


The blood of destiny seems to be recovering.

The power of the blood of destiny penetrated the seal blessed by Lin Feng's father Lin Baitian and poured into Lin Feng's body.

"That great way of destiny, I carry the hope of countless people, I carry the expectations of ancestors, I carry the glory of the way of destiny, please come down to the power of destiny, let me punish, that dare to desecrate The despicable existence of destiny! "

When Lin Feng's voice fell.

The power of the blood of destiny in his body surged for nine days.


A long river of fate was summoned by the power of fate flowing from Lin Feng's body.

After seeing the long river of fate, Lin Feng's spirit couldn't help but rejuvenate.

This is his first time to summon a long fate.

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