Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 4079: Liudao Zhenlingling

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"Formation ...". The look of the nether monk sank slightly.

He was extremely annoyed in his heart. He had thought that the silent attack on Lin Feng was silent, but who had thought that instead he fell into Lin Feng's formation.

"Has the self-launched net come?" Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Boy ..., do you think you can trap this seat with a large array? It's really ridiculous, these large arrays are not worth mentioning to you in this seat!"

The nether monk said in a cold voice that he locked Lin Feng and quickly rushed towards Lin Feng.

But at this time Lin Feng had already started, and withdrew from the large formation in time. At the same time, Lin Feng activated the Xianyuan Xingyuan ancient ship's immortal pattern and imperial formation.

The immortal pattern went directly towards the Nether Clan monk.

After the Nether Monk felt the powerful power of the immortal pattern, his face did not change slightly.

I saw the nether monk raised his right hand and went directly towards the immortal pattern.

A sullen collision sound came out, and the Nether Monk collided with Xianwen to resist Xianwen's attack.

This guy's strength is really strong, even Xianwen did not cause any harm to him.

Lin Feng activated all the emperor formations, the big gossip formations, and the destruction formations, and all the powerful attacks attacked the nether monks.

"Nether sacred pattern protects my true body!"

Facing so many attacks, the Nether Monk could not help but sigh.

Then, dense runes appeared on the surface of his body. Those runes were all black runes, exuding a terrible atmosphere. Those black runes contained unimaginable power. When various attacks blasted When he killed him, he was blocked by those runes.

"Fuck ... this guy is so powerful!"

Lin Feng's face plummeted, but in this case Lin Feng actually had psychological preparation in advance.

and so!

He was able to accept the situation in front of him, Lin Feng sacrificed the mysterious bell, and then began to shake.

Jingle bells!

Jingle bells!

Jingle bells!

The sound of crisp collisions came out, and the sound was extremely pleasant.

But when heard from the netherworld monks, this sound is like the sound of death.


He screamed again.

"Boy! Have the ability to put down the bells! This seat teaches you how to be a man in minutes!"

The Nether Monk roared angrily.

Lin Feng pouted and said, "I said you are sick in your brain. Since I have this bell, why not use it?".

Lin Feng not only did not stop, but also accelerated the speed of shaking the bell, the Nether Clan monk suffered great pain.

He roared and snarled constantly, and then began to blast into the large array, trying to rush out of the cabin.

This guy knows that he has been counted by Lin Feng, and now it is impossible to kill Lin Feng. It is quite good to be able to escape from Lin Feng. The impact of the Nether Monk monk is very powerful.

He tore through the large array, then quickly rushed out of the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship, and soon fled, disappeared and disappeared.


Seeing the nether monk ran away, Lin Feng felt a little pity.


The nether monk is so powerful that it is not strange to be able to escape from his own hands.

Just now the mysterious bell caused considerable damage to the soul of the nether monk, Lin Feng is still quite confident.

The suppressed feeling disappeared, and the Nether Monk should leave.


The ancient ship Xuanyuan Xingyuan quickly flew along the ancient Xingkong Road towards the depths, thousands of meters away, the nether monks suspended in the starry sky, gloomy looking at the old Xuanyuan Xingyuan ship.

"Boy ... you took things that you shouldn't take ... you can't escape, and when this seat recovers, it's your death ...".


Lin Feng could not hear the voice of this guy. He sat cross-legged in the cabin and studied the mysterious bell carefully.

That mysterious bell is really extraordinary. Before that, because of the Nether monk's reason, I haven't been able to calm down and study what kind of baby that bell is. Now I finally have time to study the origin of that baby carefully.

The surface of the mysterious bell was covered with mysterious runes. Lin Feng found that those runes were a rune he had never seen before, and he did not know the origin.

Lin Feng tried to sacrifice this mysterious bell with mana, but failed in the end.

Then he dropped a drop of blood on the bell.

Lin Feng's blood was absorbed by the mysterious bell.

After that mysterious bell absorbed Lin Feng's blood.

Lin Feng vaguely felt that his mind and the mysterious bell seemed to have a mysterious blend.

Jingle bells!

Jingle bells!

Jingle bells!

Lin Feng heard the shaking of the bell, but in fact Lin Feng did not shake the bell.

Lin Feng found that he appeared in an ancient mountain. In the ancient mountain, there was a Taoist temple. The shaking sound of the bell came from the Taoist temple.

Lin Feng entered the Taoist temple. The Taoist priests in the Taoist temple were not large.

In a room in the backyard.

A priest with a naked upper body is making a baby.

And the treasure created by the Taoist was a bell, but the bell created by the Taoist was very large, almost as big as an ancient clock.

But the bell in Lin Feng's hands was very small. Lin Feng guessed that the bell created by the Taoist should be the one he got.

That bell should be able to change the size, but he hasn't mastered the trick of urging the bell.

If you find the trick to urge the bell.

It should be able to mobilize the power of this baby by then.

Those pictures quickly disappeared, and some information poured into Lin Feng's mind.

The name of this magic weapon is "Liu Dao Zhen Ling Ling".

In fact, such treasures as Zhen Ling Ling are relatively common.

According to different materials and different crafts, the power of this treasure like Soul Calming is also different.

But the piece of spirit-relieving bell that Lin Feng got was called Liudao spirit-relieving bell. This name is really unusual.

Mainly involves the word "six".

But any baby or supernatural being involved in these two words is extremely extraordinary.

The same is true of Liu Dao Zhen Ling Ling.

Lin Feng put away the six Dao Zhenling bells.

Half a month later, Lin Feng saw a huge star field, and some ancient ships in the sky flew towards the star field.

It seems.

There should be a planet of life in that star field. Lin Feng collected the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship and flew towards the star field.

He planned to take a few days of rest in that star field before continuing to set off.

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