Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 4180: return to the past

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The ability of the little boy is really strong enough, actually turned himself back into the past time and space.


This is an unfamiliar world. Lin Feng looked towards the distance and saw the black mist rolling in the distance.

After seeing the violently rolling black mist, Lin Feng flew away in that direction quickly.

"Go, go quickly ...".

There was a loud drink in the dark mist, and a group of holy lights enveloped three monks and a baby who was still swaddled.

Among the three monks was a stunned man.

He was carried by a man with a bearded man on his face, and a middle-aged female nun with a baby in her arms.

There are seven monks in the distance.

"Let the children grow up ... grow up healthy and healthy ...".

The man named first shouted loudly.

Immediately, he led several others and killed Black Mist.

In the dark mist, there are terrible creatures.

"Hahahaha, Ji Yuxing, it ’s not easy for you to practice till now, why die for them, and a few of you, are also strong in the Megatron Starry sky, why not take refuge in my family ... and survive, there is no need to fail for the forest God and the little boy died! "

There was laughter in the dark mist.

Ji Yuxing and others did not speak, and they used their own actions to tell the existence of these choices in the black mist.

They killed the existence in the black mist, and they dragged these people as far as possible.

So that they cannot chase down Lin Baitian and others.

"Ji Yuxing, do you really think you are the one who controls the emperor? Do you need to work so hard? You are just a dog slave who controls the emperor, Ji Long'er calls you brother, you are the one who controls the emperor. Hahahaha, ridiculous ... ". There was a sarcastic voice in the dark mist.

Lin Feng was surprised, could this Ji Yuxing be his uncle?

He is not his mother's brother?

Even ... not the one who dominates the emperor?

Ji Yuxing sneered in response to the other party's words.

He led the rest to hold back the creatures in the dark mist.

"You, your family, have served the emperor for generations. You, your family, are really slaves forever. Now you have the opportunity to get rid of your status as a slave, why not cherish it?".

The existence in the black mist continued.

"To shut up……".

Ji Yuxing said coldly.

His family indeed served the emperor tribe for generations.

The first generation of his ancestors was awakened by the ancestor of the emperor, and later, he has been following the ancestor of the emperor.

Since this generation, the two communities have been closely linked together.

People of his family have always been with the emperor.

Outsiders may feel that the people of his family are the servants of the imperial family.

But only they knew that the people who ruled the emperor clan never regarded them as slaves.

Ji Long'er ... Same with Ji Yuxing.

They grew up together.

Ji Long'er is more than a decade older than Ji Yuxing.

Ji Long'er has always treated Ji Yuxing like a brother.

Ji Yuxing, how could it betray Ji Long'er?

"You people all deserve to die ..." Ji Yuxing gritted his teeth and killed the creatures in the dark mist.

"Ji Yuxing !!! Since you want to find death !!! Then !!! I will wait for you today!"

The icy voice came from the rolling black mist, containing endless killing intentions.

The war was extremely terrible, but Ji Yuxing and several other monks who followed Lin Baitian were very powerful.

They were loyal to Lin Baitian.

Would rather die in battle than retreat.

The creatures in the dark mist dominated the battle. After a series of battles, a strong man who followed Lin Daotian was killed and his body exploded directly.

Seeing this scene ... Lin Feng's eyes were all wet.

In this world ... there are too many merciless betrayals, too many intrigues.

Loyalty alone ... seems so precious.

These strong men who followed his father back then used their lives to win precious time for Lin Baitian and others to escape.

"Sir Lin ... I hope it's still alive ... Let's meet again ...".

A famous monk fell.

Their voice still echoed between the world.

Lin Feng tears his eyes.

These predecessors ... died ... really miserable ...

Why don't good people live long?

On the contrary, it is a bad person like Emperor Wudao, who is still very lively and chic.

Now only Ji Yuxing is left, and the creatures in the dark mist attack Ji Yuxing violently.


A stone sword cut through the void and pierced Ji Yuxing's chest.

Emperor Wudao stepped out of the black mist.

He looked at Ji Yuxing indifferently, as if looking at a poor worm.

"The emperor has no way ... you **** ...". Ji Yuxing roared, and everything was imperial.

If it were not for him to calculate Lin Baitian, the strength of Lin Baitian, plus the strength of these followers around Lin Baitian.

Who can help them?

but. There is no if anything, and what has already happened cannot be turned back.

"Your roar, your hysterics, your resentment ... wait, all this, for me, is useless, you can go away with peace of mind !!! Rest assured! After you die !! I will burn some paper money for you !!! After all, we have also got along for many years! "

Emperor Wudao's mouth showed a dark smile.

"I fight with you ...".

Ji Yuxing rushed towards Emperor Wudao, his body became bloated, and Ji Yuxing seemed to want to explode.

Take the Emperor Wudao together to be buried together.

Emperor Wudao retreated quickly, pulling away from Ji Yuxing.

at this time.

Among the black mist.

A peerless war gun appeared.


The war gun pierced Ji Yuxing's body again.


The creatures in the black mist picked up Ji Yuxing.

The war gun shook suddenly.

With a bang.

Ji Yuxing's body exploded directly.

Ji Yuxing fell.

"Uncle ...".

There was a painful expression on Lin Feng's face.

What if Ji Yuxing is not related to him?

Sometimes kinship far outweighs the feelings of blood relationship.

Ji Yu acted to hold these people down ... the death was really miserable!


I can only watch what I do, and I can't do anything.

Emperor has no way! Emperor has no way! Emperor has no way!

Lin Feng could not help roaring angrily, he wished that the emperor would be incompetent.

But Emperor Wudao did not hear Lin Feng's voice.

Although Lin Feng came to the past time and space, but ... he just came to consciousness.

Not the deity came.

And Lin Feng felt that his consciousness was being pulled out of this world by a powerful force.

Lin Feng knew that his consciousness should soon return to the real world.


With a flash of light, Lin Feng's consciousness withdrew from that world.

Back to reality.

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