Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4478: Snow woman

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The crime area is wanted Lin Feng.

It's just that there is no portrait of Lin Feng. It is not easy to find Lin Feng.

By virtue of the description alone, even though I saw Lin Feng.

I don't know who Lin Feng is.

At this moment, Lin Feng flew towards the northwest.

According to the news I got from Su Yingran before.

There may be descendants of Shun Emperor in the northwest.

I don't know if I can find them.


There are basically no large cities in the northwest.

The real big cities are basically in the eastern and central regions of the crime area.

However, there are still many towns in the northwest.

However, as it continued to penetrate northwest, the weather gradually became colder.

The Northwest, True North, and Northeast are the legendary regions of bitter cold.

Because that area is closer to the extreme north of the undead.

The extreme north of the undead is covered by endless icebergs.

The climate in that place is extremely cold and it is a place where no one wants to dabble easily.

That place is too dangerous.

Although not a restricted area of ​​life.

But it is comparable to the restricted area of ​​life.


So close to several places in the extreme north.

It is also a barren land.

With the continuous deepening, even the town has become less and less.

Lin Feng has been to many small towns, trying to find out where the blood of sin is.

But basically nothing has been achieved.


The three-headed viper flew fast over the forest.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged above the head of the three-headed viper.

Heavy snow fell.

Lin Feng did not stop the snowflakes from landing on himself.

The land of the north.

It's freezing cold.

He has not seen any town where monks gather for more than ten days.

Three days later.

Lin Feng finally saw a small town.

There is a huge stone monument beside the town.

Two words are written on the stele.

Snow town.

In this area, heavy snow drifts all year round.

It snows for more than half of a year.

So this is the origin of Xuezhen's name.

Snow town is cold, but there are not many monks.

"Xue Nu appeared, Xue Nu appeared ...".

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly in the snow town.

After hearing the appearance of the Snow Maiden, many monks were dispatched.

Fly quickly towards the mountains.

Lin Feng found a restaurant.

Then ordered a table of wine dishes.

It's freezing in the cold, a pot of hot wine, a table of good food, is really a great enjoyment in life.

"It's all going to die ...".

Seeing many monks rushing to Gulin, the old man on a table next to Lin Feng shook his head.

The old man is too old, and his body is a bit rickety.

Cloudy eyes.

There were two small dishes on the table in front of him.

A plate of fried peanuts.

There is also a plate of green vegetables, I do not know if it is wild vegetables.

Then a bottle of wine that looked rather inferior.

But the old man drank with relish.

Lin Feng looked at the old man and said, "Old senior, how boring is drinking alone? If the old senior is interested, why not go to the junior and try the fine wine here?".

The old man stood up when he heard Lin Feng ’s invitation, and said with a smile, “Thank you for the invitation, but the old man was disrespectful!”

Lin Feng poured a glass of wine for the old man, this is the best spirit wine, brewed with hundreds of valuable materials.

No ordinary drink can compare with it.

Lin Feng poured a glass of wine for the old man.

The old man took a sip, and then smashed his mouth, with an endless aftertaste.

"Younger Lin Feng! Haven't asked the senior how to call it?". Lin Feng asked.

"Seniors don't dare to be fooled. The old man is called Bailian Mountain, but he is a casual repairer who does nothing!"

Said the old man.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Senior is overly humble! Senior, let's not just drink, but also try these dishes to see if it suits Senior's appetite!"

"Today's old man got a little friend's light ...". The old man smiled, then picked up a piece of dragon meat with chopsticks, and ate it with relish.

Lin Feng even respected the old man for three glasses of wine. The old man was happy to drink and chatted with Lin Feng all-roundly.

Only after some exchanges did Lin Feng know that the old man had lived in this town for a long time.

So many things are relatively clear.

Lin Feng asked how long the old man had lived here.

Because Lin Feng really can't sense the specific age of this old man.

But the old man just laughed and said nothing.

"Predecessors said that those who went out to find the Snow Maiden were to die. Is the Snow Maiden they are looking for a monk of the Snow Maiden?"

Lin Feng asked quietly.

Xue Nu clan is a very mysterious race. Lin Feng had some intersections with Xue Nu clan when he was in Tianwu mainland.

It is rumored that there is no man in the Snow Maiden.

All the Snow Maidens are women.


The people of the Snow Maiden are beautiful as immortals.

However, their temperament is cold.

Every snow girl, when she is three thousand years old, will go out to experience.

After the training is over.

They will return to the Snow Maiden tribe.

After a while.

He will go to the holy mountain, drink the holy water in the holy mountain, and give birth to the heir.

This is the method of succession of the Xue Nu clan.

Qian Fengxue of Lin Feng and Xue Nu clan saw some intersections, and even had a little ambiguity.


This ambiguousness does not last long.

Later, Lin Feng never saw Qian Piaoxue again.

I don't know what happened to Qian Piaoxue now.

The old man said, "The Snow Girl mentioned here is not a member of the Snow Girl ...".

"The Snow Girl mentioned here, to be precise, should be called Snow Demon!"

"Snow Demon?" Lin Feng looked at the old man very surprised.

The old man nodded solemnly and said, "The origin of the snow demon has to be traced back to more than 10,000 years ago. At that time, many adventurers entered the deep forest to look for opportunities. It is said that someone saw a The beautiful and attractive woman, that woman, will seduce a man, but all men who are seduced by that woman will eventually be eaten by that woman. That woman is the Snow Demon! "

"Snow Demon was not as powerful at first! But as time passed! More and more people devoured by Snow Demon! And Xiuwei became more and more powerful!"

"But that woman is indeed beautiful. In the past, I have seen her peerless look far away, perhaps because others did not want to associate such a beautiful woman with the demon, so the name of Snow Maiden gradually spread!"


"It turns out so ...".

Lin Feng nodded and asked, "Where did this Snow Maiden come from?"

The old man shook his head and said, "No one knows the origin of Xue Nu. She suddenly appeared and hid deeper on weekdays, and the deep forests were in danger. So if Xue Nu did not come out, everyone would not dare to search Her whereabouts! "

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