Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4518: Change one's life

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"My breath of life has really changed ...".

Yuan Tianzun Lord's face showed a very surprised expression.

She can clearly feel the changes in her breath of life.

This change made Yuan Tianzun Lord very excited.

Because Lord Tian Tian found that everything Lin Feng said was true.

Lin Feng really seems to have the ability to change her destiny.

With the passage of time, Yuan Tianzun Lord's breath of life is subtly changing.

Every race has the breath of life of every race.

And specific to everyone, although they are people of the same race.


Their breath of life is completely different.

This is the most shocking point.

Various breaths of life can make people judge the specific identity of this person.


If Lin Feng's breath of life is remembered, it will be recognized even if he exhibits Dahua Xingshu to change his present appearance.

The reason is that the appearance of a person will change, but the breath of life will not change.

Lin Feng intends to change the life breath of Yuan Tian Venerable Lord to the life breath of adult monks.

This way.

No one knows that Yuan Tianzun Lord is a creature across the era.

When the time comes, Lord Tian Tianzun puts on a veil.

Everyone can't see the appearance of Yuan Tian.

and so.

As long as Yuan Tian Lord does not deliberately expose himself.

No one can discover the true identity of Yuan Tianzun Lord.

It took Lin Feng two days to completely revamp Yuan Tianzun.

Yuan Tian Venerable Lord's life breath became the life breath of human race monks.


Anyone who sees Yuan Tian Venerable Lord will say that Yuan Tian Venerable Lord is a nun of the human race.

Not the female nun of the era survivors.


Lin Feng continued to read the spell, this time Lin Feng began to change his life for Yuan Tian Venerable Lord.

With the previous foundation.

So this time it seems that it is much easier to cast the Great Destiny technique for Yuan Tian Zun Lord and transforming life.

"That great way of destiny, please come down the flow of destiny, I will use the power of destiny to change the destiny of this poor woman!"

Lin Feng's spell resounded.

When his spell fell.

The power of fate came down again.

This time.

The power of fate began to change the fate of Yuan Tian Zun Lord.

It is really difficult to change a person's fate.

Lin Feng tried many times, but he found that he could not change the fate of Yuan Tian.

But Lin Feng did not give up.

He tried again and again.

After trying many times in a row.

at last.

There was a slight change in the fate of Yuan Tian.

As the so-called thousand-mile breakwater begins in the ant den.

When the gear of fate turns.

After the fate begins to change.

Yuan Tianzun's fate began to change subtly.

Time is passing.

Ten days later.

Yuan Tian's fate was finally changed by Lin Feng.

Yuan Tian Lord has never been as easy as it is now.

She has never been as comfortable as she is now.

prior to.

Yuan Tianzun's cultivation practice has been falling, and his body is also weak.

This feeling makes Yuan Tianzun almost crazy.

But now, Yuan Tianzun Lord feels that his body has become stronger than before.

And the realm has become stronger than before.

"Really became ...".

Yuan Tianzun Lord opened his eyes.

She still couldn't believe it.

Because even among the black robe, it is extremely rare for people who can change their lives.

Yuan Tianzun originally thought she was hopeless in this life.

Who ever thought.

Lin Feng actually helped her to complete her transformation.

At this moment, Yuan Tian Zun Lord even wept with joy.

This is like a person trapped in the desert.

He was already full of despair.


The next moment, someone took him out of the desert.

This joy is the joy that comes from within.

So Yuan Tian Venerable Lord is crying now, not because of sadness, but because of excitement.

Lin Feng couldn't help but whisper.

Doesn't this woman give her a hug?

Will you refuse at that time?

Accept it?


Lin Feng's fantasy did not happen, and Lord Tian Tian was very grateful to Lin Feng for helping her change her life.

But she would not give Lin Feng a bosom.

Yuan Tian Venerable Lord is a proud person.

As she said before.

She will not become a vassal of any man.

After Yuan Tianzun Lord's emotions stabilized, Lin Feng said, "Now you can pass the black robe clan's fairy scripture to me!"

Yuan Tianzun Lord said, "The black robe clan is called the dark immortal, and it is divided into three parts, and I only got the upper volume! The middle volume! The lower volume! I failed to get it!"

Wen Yan said, Lin Feng frowned slightly, "What is your cultivation practice at your peak? Isn't your cultivation practice yet qualified for the middle volume and the next volume?"

Yuan Tianzun said, "When the subordinate is at the peak, it is the true immortal peak! Unless you break through the real fairy realm! You are eligible to receive the Zhongjuan Jingjing, and it is even more unclear when the Xuanjuan Jingjing is subordinate ! "

Lin Feng said with some surprise, "Isn't Real Fairy Realm the ultimate in cultivation?".

"of course not!"

Yuan Tianzun said, "Now it is different from before. Now many people like to give themselves a more powerful name. For example, some monks are just the emperor's cultivation behavior. He dare to give himself a certain ancestor. Title, sounds really domineering! "

"But in the era of the title deity, the word saint cannot be screamed casually!"

"In the era of the title God, the holy emperor of the human race, the demon holy of the demon ... Only these people can be called" holy ".

Lin Feng said, "In other words, above the true fairy, is it a holy realm?".

Yuan Tianzun nodded and said, "Yes, above the real immortals is the holy realm, like those reversing the destiny and spanning several eras of immortality, they can be called holy!"

"The super immortal is in the holy, so what is the state beyond the realm of the holy?". Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

"I do n’t know. My strength failed to touch the threshold of the holy realm during the peak period, so I do n’t know much about the holy realm. Perhaps, the holy realm is the ultimate peak of the monk. ! "

Lin Feng couldn't help asking, "What are the cultivation practices of the deity gods in the era of the deity gods?".

Yuan Tianzun said, "The title deities in the era of title deities are also divided into three, six, nine, etc. The weakest title deities are probably equivalent to the current emperors, but such title deities are actually not true gods. They can only control a very small area, for example, the mountain gods of a certain mountain forest belong to this type of existence! "

"Some of the more titled deities are equivalent to the current false immortals. The rights of these titled deities are slightly greater, for example, they can manage a huge lake!"

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