Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4582: Descendants

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"The third generation of the human race, Jiang Mo, descendant of Jiang Chen, came to support the emperor of sin and blood!"

At this time another monk rose into the sky.

"I'm going, isn't this the old liar at the gate? This guy turned out to be a powerful descendant of sin!"

Many people exclaimed after seeing the monk, they couldn't believe their eyes.

After seeing the monk, Lin Feng was also very surprised.

Because the monk was no one else, it was the old man who sold him the map.

At the beginning, Lin Feng did not find anything unusual about him.

Lin Feng even once felt that the old man was all body and blood, but now I know that it is not the case.

This old man's frightening history turned out to be a descendant of the third generation of Vulcan.

"The son of the earth praises his father and his descendants to come to support the emperor of sin and blood!"

Then there were strong men rising into the sky, the same scary origin.

The story of Kuafu's day by day must have been heard by many people.

Kuafu is one of the most powerful innate creatures in the early era.

The descendants of Kua Father also appeared.

"The first generation of water gods and workers came to support the emperor of sin and blood!"

Another strong man appeared, turned out to be a descendant of the co-workers.

The first generation of Water God is called Gong Gong.

Later, the descendants of Gong Gong used the word Gong Gong as the surname of the clan.

Gong Gong was also one of the earliest innate creatures of that year, and now his descendants have not cut off the blood lineage.


"The Queen of Nine Eyes Saint Heaven ...".

"God respects the descendants of the Lord ...".

"Blood Night Tianshi Queen ......".

Next, a famous monk appeared.

Hundreds of powerful monks appeared one after another

Those monks are descendants of sin.

The vast majority of people are cultivated at the level of Dixian, and there are several descendants of sin blood at the level of people.

There are three celestial blood descendants.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying force.

After these strong men were born.

In the distance, many monks rose to the sky.

"We are descendants of the Innate Human Race, the God Blood Human Race ...".

There were two or three hundred monks, and they were actually descendants of the inborn race.

Of course, the innate human race is also a human race, and the earliest state of the human race is the innate human race.

Later, with the passage of time, the blood of the human race became weaker and weaker.

and so.

The innate human race was stripped of the "innate" title and became a human race.

"We are descendants of the Holy King ...".

In the other direction, dozens of powerful monks rise up into the sky, and their origins are extremely extraordinary. They are monks of the demon clan.

The demon tribe listens to the holy king as one of the most powerful holy kings in the history of demon clan.

Pure blood is very rare to listen to the holy beast.

It is said that since the beginning of the era.

A total of only nine statues appeared in the holy beast of pure blood.

"We are descendants of the Great Witch Phoenix Nine Pole ...". ,

Another strong man appeared, coming from the Wu people, about a hundred people.

"We are……".

"We are……".

"We are……".

Groups of monks rise from all directions, they are descendants of sins of all races.

Their ancestors were once extremely powerful.

Their ancestors once fought **** battles in this era.

The blood of their ancestors stained the heavens and earth, and the history of the era.

Their ancestors are all weeping characters.


After their ancestors died, they became sin blood.

Being spurned.

Their people were massacred.

The once heyday family inheritance has been few people now.

But now, they have come forward one after another.

"Sin and blood never fail!"

"Sin blood never walks alone!"

"Now we are sin blood!"

"It will be necessary to clean up the stigma that the world has stolen in other days!"


"We are the in-laws of the Jiuli, and the pearl of our family married the Jiuli at that time!"

"We are the in-laws of Yuntian Saint ...".

"We are the in-laws of the blue blood sword fairy ...".

Then a large number of monks stood up. They were not descendants of sin, but they were in-laws of descendants of sin.

At that time, sin blood was massacred, and a small part of it was concealed after escaping from birth.

The sin blood in-laws also suffered the same fate, a large number of sin blood in-laws were slaughtered by the heavenly army.

If not because of the pressure of taking into account public opinion.

Perhaps the blood and blood in-laws will also be slaughtered.

Now blood and blood in-laws have responded to Lin Feng one after another.

The dense monks skyrocketed.

All these monks roared.

The countless monks around were not shocked by the pictures in front of them.

A cloud-piercing arrow met thousands of troops.

This sentence is indeed well-deserved.

Lin Feng, the emperor of sin and blood, shot a cloud-piercing arrow.

Sure enough, he got support from the sin blood and the in-laws.

"We are not descendants of sin blood! We are not descendants of sin blood! But we! We are also willing to fight side by side with the emperor of sin blood, descendants of sin blood, and the marriage of sin blood to annihilate the Holy Legion!"

Among the crowd, a monk roared.

"The atrocities of the Holy Legion are overwhelming, but anyone who is suspected of them, even if not guilty, must cut the door! The people of the Holy Legion should be guilty of death! Brothers, take up arms and fight back with the King of Sin and Blood! "

Then a monk roared.

"Reverse, reverse, reverse!"

Numerous monks roared loudly, they sacrificed magic weapons, and then rushed to the sky.

Seeing so many people come to support himself, Lin Feng suddenly felt a tear in his eyes.

The Taoist help more!

The misguided helpless!

The ancients never bullied me!

At this moment, the 100,000 monk army of the Holy Legion became panic.

Although there are only about 20,000 or 30,000 monks in solidarity with Lin Feng.

However, they have become unstable.

Because they read the endless hatred, anger, killing intention and unswerving will, and years of forbearance and dormancy from the eyes of those who supported Lin Feng.

Moreover, at this moment, there are more monks flying from all directions to support Lin Feng.

"Do you want to rebel?"

Yan Kuan couldn't help roaring, the situation in front of him was indeed something he didn't think of beforehand, and now he sees so many people supporting Lin Feng.

Yan Kuan was extremely angry, but in addition to his anger, there was a trace of panic.


"The people who slaughtered the Holy Legion ...".

"Yan Kuan, the **** is the son-in-law of the Holy Legion! Seize Yan Kuan ...".

Numerous monks roared.

A large number of monks rushed towards the 100,000 monks of the Holy Legion.

Yan Kuan shouted loudly, "Don't panic, we have a hundred thousand troops, and we are well-trained!"

"These people are only temporarily combined together. The chaos is chaotic. How many battles have we experienced? How can these people compare? Although they are not weak, but the legion combat is about cooperation, what are we afraid of? They are just a group now. It ’s just a crowd! "

Yan Kuan's remarks were very useful. After hearing his remarks, the original impetuous heart of the 100,000 Army of the Holy Army became calm.

The sacred legionary monk army, one by one, is full of fighting spirit, and its fighting intentions are soaring.

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