Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4607: The whereabouts of Heavenly Court Xuanyin Fairy and the Gate of Heart!

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Once invincible in heaven and earth, how powerful and terrifying that was.

In the end it ended up really sad.

Lin Feng said, "Do you believe your lover is wrong?".

"Yes, is there something wrong?". Mu Xiuhan muttered to himself.

When Lin Feng said this.

Mu Xiuhan knew what Lin Feng's view was like.

Love itself is beautiful.

It is also desirable.


When love is a betrayal, the cost is often extremely heavy.

"Do seniors hate her?".

Lin Feng asked.

"I once hated it! But now it is no longer hated!" Mu Xiuhan said.


Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

"Because, after all, it was the person I used to love!"

Mu Xiuhan said.

When he said this, it must have been very painful in his heart?

In fact, no matter who happens to this kind of thing.

It will be very painful.

Where can such a thing be relieved?

Speaking is naturally easy.

But what you think in your heart can only be known by yourself.

"This is a forbidden land. Who gave you the courage to make you dare to break into the forbidden land?".

A cold voice came.

Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan turned to look around.

A beautiful woman appeared.

Coldly looked at Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan.

Mu Xiuhan didn't pay attention to the beautiful woman, he still remembered the years that had passed away.

Lin Feng looked at the beautiful woman. He thought the beautiful woman had a bad look.

At the beginning, this place was full of cherry blossoms. Perhaps, after the endless years, would you have changed your mind?

Is this beautiful woman the new owner here?

"We entered this place by mistake, and please fairy to anger!"

Lin Feng said.

"I don't know what is alive and dead, go to die!"

The beautiful woman's face was cold, and her hand was blasting towards Lin Feng. That hand contained the power of ruining the world.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Who is this beautiful woman? What a horror? I'm afraid it is stronger than the Holy King.

The heavens really lie in the tiger and the dragon.

Mu Xiuhan shook his figure slightly, and then came to Lin Feng, and he shot towards the beautiful woman with a palm.


The two sides collided fiercely, and then the two took a step back.

The woman narrowed her eyes and said, "A strong man like you is definitely not an unknown person. Why have I never heard of you?".

Mu Xiuhan did not answer the beautiful woman, but looked at Lin Feng, planning to call Lin Feng away.

But Mu Xiuhan saw what made him smile bitterly.

Lin Feng actually took out a dagger, and then carved a line on the pavilion.

Master Lin Feng visited here.

This is the content of this line.

"This pavilion is made of eternal **** wood. It has existed for hundreds of millions of years, imprinted with countless avenues of breath. You dare to leave words on it, you should die for sin!

The beautiful woman saw Lin Feng leaving the words on the pavilion and was almost alive.

She jumped out and killed Lin Feng, trying to frustrate Lin Feng.

But Mu Xiuhan stopped the beautiful woman.

Although the beautiful woman is extremely powerful, Mu Xiuhan is also terrifying, so she can't break Mu Xiuhan to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's favorite thing to do is to take advantage of the situation. Mu Xiuhan is by his side when it is time for Lin Feng to pretend to be arrogant.

Anyway, if anything goes out, Mu Xiuhan will protect him.

Lin Feng is not afraid at all.

Lin Feng said, "Believe it or not, I will leave a line on your body? The content will be written, I and XX are willing to serve as servants for life, and serve the host Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng? Your name is Lin Feng? I know who you are? You are the son of Lin Baitian, right, aren't you in the domain of sin? How did you come to heaven? You ... aren't real flesh and blood?" .

At this time, the nun finally found something wrong.

Although Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan gave Nun Xi the feeling of being flesh and blood, but because of Lin Feng ’s identity, Nv Xiu concluded that Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan were not flesh and blood, but they did n’t know the strange way to come to heaven Among.

It sounds incredible.

But what you see with your own eyes, even if it is incredible, you must believe that everything you see with your eyes is true.

Mu Xiuhan shook back the nun, and then mana rolled Lin Feng and flew away.

Sister Xiu's face is extremely ugly. In fact, she has not heard of the annihilation of the entire army of the Holy Legion.

But Lin Feng and another powerful monk appeared incarnate in heaven.

This is enough to explain too many problems.

Was that man ... sin blood?

The female Xiu did not chase because she knew that Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan were not real bodies, and there was no need to chase. What if they caught up?

It is better to spread the news and let others do it.

The nun's eyes glanced at Mu Xiuhan and looked at Lin Feng, and then she could not help clenching her teeth.

Since the endless years, who dares to be so rude to her?

But Lin Feng dared to do this, which made the female nun quite angry.

"Kid, remember my name. My name is Xuanyin Fairy. You better pray not to fall into my hands! Otherwise, I will let you taste what life is better than death!" Nv Xiuleng Said coldly.

Lin Feng shouted in the distance, "Will you have a little face? A lot of people still call themselves fairies, so the face is so thick? It is estimated that you can't cut your face with the dragon knife!" "

Hearing the words, the female Xiuqi jumped like thunder.

She wished that Lin Feng would be frustrated immediately, and she quickly issued an order.

The General Tianting stationed inside the Heavenly Court learned that someone had quietly sneaked into the Heavenly Court, and his expression changed greatly.

Quickly led an army to encircle and suppress Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan.

However, Lin Feng and Mu Xiuhan have already returned to their minds.

Back to the real world.

The door of heart also disappeared.

"Your kid can really cause trouble, even turned a strong person of the true fairy level into that look."

Mu Xiuhan said with a smile.

Lin Feng said, "It's best to be angry with her! Since she is a true immortal in the heavenly court, it is definitely not a good thing!"

Mu Xiuhan nodded and said, "I'm leaving!"

He stood up and looked towards the distance.

Hearing Mu Xiuhan's departure, Lin Feng's heart suddenly burst into deep sadness.

Mu Xiuhan is here.

Like Chu Moli's predecessors, he will lose himself and die in pain.

This made Lin Feng very sad.

But Lin Feng could not save Mu Xiuhan.

"Practice hard and live well. I know you want the door of the mind very much, but the door of the mind is not on me now. The door of the mind that I have shown is only the door of the illusion. The door of the mind is invisible. There is no quality, but there is a spirit. After I died, the door of mind left, maybe lost in the heavenly realm. It belongs to the treasure of our heavenly master. ".

Mu Xiuhan patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and walked towards the distance.

"Senior, go all the way!"

Seeing the leaving Mu Xiuhan, Lin Feng suppressed the sadness in his heart, he waved at Mu Xiuhan continuously, until Mu Xiuhan disappeared completely into the line of sight, Lin Feng just returned his gaze, he sighed, and then turned Flying quickly in the direction of Sindu.

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