Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4716: Quenching body fluid

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The demon entered the time and space and began to search for the various medicinal herbs he needed.

There are indeed many medicinal herbs in Lin Feng, and a large number of medicinal herbs are planted in time and space.

Therefore, many herbal demon kings have been found here.

But there are also some medicinal demon kings that have not been found.

Lin Feng also entered into time and space.

He asked, "How is the medicinal materials needed for refining the quenching liquid collected?".

The demon said, "There are still dozens of medicinal herbs not collected!"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "In this case, it seems that there is no way to refine the quenching body fluids. When I go to some ancient cities in the future, I will look for some of the big business firms. The herbs we need! "

The demon said, "There is no need to be so troublesome. Many medicines can be replaced with some other elixir!"

Lin Feng also understands this.

For example, when refining certain elixirs, when a certain medicinal material cannot be found, other similar medicinal materials can be substituted.


It is actually risky to substitute other similar medicinal materials.

Because it is not known whether this medicinal material will conflict with other medicinal materials.

If there is a conflict, then all the herbs will be destroyed.

Therefore, you must be careful when replacing medicinal herbs you cannot find with other medicinal herbs. There must be no negligence.

This requires the monk to have an extremely familiar understanding of the various medicinal properties of alternative medicinal materials.

This time, there are dozens of alternative medicines that the demon king is looking for.

The more herbs that are replaced, the greater the probability of problems.

The essence blood of the immortal drug insect is extremely precious, so we must be very careful.

Lin Feng said, "Will there be any problems?"

The demon said, "Relax, no problem!"

With the assurance of the demon king, Lin Feng was relieved.

Lin Feng went on to say, "Let's see if we can find the medicinal herbs we need among the various treasures of time and space!"

The demon then began to look for these alternative medicines.


The demon found a dozen kinds of elixir that can replace the original medicinal materials.

This way.

The elixir for refining the quenched body fluid is collected.

In addition to the essential blood of the immortal immortal insect, the demon also needs to use seven kinds of immortals, thirty kinds of sacred medicines over 300,000 years, and seventy kinds of sacred medicines of 100,000 to 300,000 years old There are also 351 elixir between 10,000 and 100,000 years.

The demon said, "I need to borrow your Skyfire!"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Ziyan Dixinhuo refining the Elixir is better, so use Ziyan Dixinhuo!"

Lin Feng summoned Zi Yan's heart and fire.

Immediately, the original magic tripod was summoned.

Then Lin Feng took another drop of essential blood from the undead fairy bug.

In total, there are not a few drops of essential blood in the body of the undead fairy bug.

After Lin Feng took this drop of essential blood.

The immortal medicine insect suddenly became weak.

The demon said, "Find some top-level elixir to feed it. It ’s better if you have enough fairy medicine. If you use fairy medicine to feed it, it works best! But do n’t give it to you. Undead immortal drug bug, if you do n’t feed it, it can enter a sleeping state without dying. If you feed it, it will continue to eat until it can sustain itself alive! "

After hearing this, Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

Does this want to be a ghost?

This made Lin Feng speechless.

Lin Feng said, "I'll pay attention, I won't let it die!"

The demon nodded and began to refine the quenched body fluid.

Lin Feng sacrificed Ziyan Dixinhuo to help the demon king.


Refining this body quenching liquid is not difficult for the demon monarch.

of course.

Even so, the things to pay attention to should still be paid attention to.

After all, it only takes one wrong step.

It is likely that the refining medicine will be defeated.

This kind of thing is actually very common.

Many monks have made a few mistakes when making medicine.

Eliminate the immortality medicine.

This will lose all the elixir.

It would be better if the elixir was easier to find.

What if the elixir is not easy to find?

This is bad.

Fortunately, when the demon refining, he has been careful and concentrated.

It took three days for the demon to refine the quenching body spirit.

Then the demon put the quenching body liquid into two porcelain bottles.

He accepted a porcelain bottle himself.

Another porcelain bottle was handed over to Lin Feng.

The demon said, "I have left a part of the body fluid I need, and the rest of the fluid is here!"

"I guess you can use some of these spirits to reshape your flesh for the second time. You can use the remaining spirits for the little ones in time and space!"

Lin Feng knew that the little guys that the monster said were referring to them.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "No problem, but they are still asleep, and wait until they wake up!"


The demon king responded, and then returned to the magic ball.

Lin Feng speculated that the demon might have some problems when fusing the bones of Emperor Yao.

Therefore, he urgently needs this kind of quenching body fluid to repair some problems that appear in the body.

Lin Feng certainly hopes that the demon monarch can become stronger, which also has many benefits for him.

After the demon returned to the inside of the magic bead, Lin Feng's eyes turned to the space porcelain bottle with quenching body fluid in his hand.

There was a joy on his face.

Lin Feng can't wait for the second remodeling of his body.

This quenching liquid cannot be swallowed directly, but should be diluted into water.

Then slowly refine and absorb.

Only in this way can the effect of this spirit be fully exerted.

Of course, there is another extremely important reason. This kind of quenching body spirit is very domineering.

If you swallow it directly, it will not only fail to refine the body.

It can even cause extremely serious injuries to your body.

This is what the demon king admonished Lin Feng before.

So Lin Feng was filled with Lingquan within the original magic tripod.

Then poured some quenching liquid, then stripped off his clothes and jumped into the quenching liquid.

Lin Feng runs Taikoo Dragon Elephant.

Start to absorb the pure energy contained in quenching body spirit.

With the passage of time, the pure energy contained in the quenching body fluid was gradually absorbed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng could even hear a crackling sound from his body.

Lin Feng felt that his whole body was starting to get hot, and he felt that his flesh and bones and even internal organs had to undergo a deep transformation.

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