Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 4860: Canglong

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Long Xiao Ape cries.

More than a dozen prehistoric dragons and five or six powerful dragon island creatures surrounded Lin Feng and Long Aotian, and then launched an extremely fierce and violent attack on Lin Feng and Long Aotian.

These prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures are very powerful, but in the face of these prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures, Lin Feng and Long Aotian are not very difficult, because they are also very powerful.

The mountains shake in the distance. It seems that there are more prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures killing quickly, so Lin Feng and Long Aotian have no plans to stay, and they are not willing to communicate with these prehistoric dragons and dragon islands. The creatures continue to fight, and there is no benefit anyway.

Lin Feng and Long Aotian quickly got rid of those prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures.

"These prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures are insane? Look everywhere for foreign monks, and then kill the foreign monks. Why are they doing this?".

Long Aotian couldn't understand the thoughts of those prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures. Those prehistoric dragons had already sacrificed tens of thousands of foreign monks.

So in their view, those prehistoric dragons should be able to stop for a while, but those prehistoric dragons did not do so, they are still massacring foreign monks.

Of course, foreign monks are not vegetarian. During the war, many prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures were killed. This was a result of losing both sides. However, prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures did not stop because of this result. Down.

They are still attacking, and many monks die tragically.

Many prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures are also continually dying, and corpses can be seen everywhere, either from the prehistoric dragon races, or the dragon island creatures, or the corpses of foreign monks.

Lin Feng said, "Will it have something to do with the imminent appearance of the ancient city? The reason why the prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures massacred these foreign monks was actually to prevent them from entering the ancient city when the ancient city appeared? ".

Long Aotian nodded and said, "If you say this, I think there is really such a possibility!"

Lin Feng said, "If there is such a possibility, then everything is easy to explain! This killing may not end in a short time!"

Long Aotian said, "You said, would the prehistoric dragon emperor sit in the ancient city?".

Lin Feng thought about it and said, "There is indeed such a possibility! However, when this ancient city will appear, and where will it appear in Longdao, is still unknown!"

Long Aotian said, "I guess that the ritual technique of light may not be able to summon the ancient city. The ritual technique is only the first step of summoning the ancient city. Next, the prehistoric dragons may use some other means. Come and summon that ancient city! "

Lin Feng thinks this possibility is also very possible.

In the next period of time, the killing continued. Many monks knew that the situation in front of them was extremely bad, so a large number of monks began to swarm outside and wanted to leave Long Island.

Lin Feng and Long Aotian were stared at by a terrifying creature. It was a dragon king level existence, but a lightning dragon.

The lightning dragon is only a dozen meters long. Compared with other prehistoric dragons, its size is too small.

However, as a dragon king level existence, the lightning dragon's speed and combat power are absolutely terrifying.

Lin Feng summoned two statues of evil spirits, and then joined forces with Long Aotian to deal with this lightning dragon.

However, they still lost to each other.

In the end, Lin Feng and Long Aotian were very helpless, they had to choose to escape.

The lightning dragon is very fast, and it's a bit incredible.

Lin Feng runs the world of all directions, and then uses the way of space as a supplement.

But even so, still unable to get rid of this dragon king's pursuit.

"Run away, go where there are many monks!"

Long Aotian said.

Where there are many monks, even the existence of the level of the dragon king will be very scared.

Lin Feng fled towards the outside of the island. When he came to the outer area of ​​the island, many monks evacuated to this area.

The Lightning Dragon snarled unwillingly, and left quickly.

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a breath.

"Someone sacrificed the ancient ship, intending to ride the wind and waves and leave Dragon Island!"

There was news that a large number of monks came to the beach.

Lin Feng and Long Aotian came here as well. They saw a huge ancient ship heading out in the distance.

Many monks have boarded the ship.




However, at this time, something seemed to be hitting the ancient ship in the sea, so a burst of violent collision sound could not help coming out.

"It's Canglong! It must be the Canglong!"

Many monks said in horror.

Everyone has seen the dragon in the sea before, but it is the absolute overlord in the sea. It is powerful and unimaginable.

Now that ancient ships have entered the sea and become the target of Canglong, it seems to be quite normal.


A large number of monks poured onto the deck, and then the captain gave orders.

Various magic weapons flew out, submerged in the water, and launched an attack on the sea king, the dragon.

But terrible things happened. Those magic weapons were submerged in the sea water, and even without any waves, they were swallowed by the dragon.

The long dragon continued to hide in the sea and hit the ancient ship.

Bang Bang Bang!

After dozens of consecutive impacts.

A crackling sound came out.

The prohibition of ancient ships began to crack.

It didn't take long for the ancient ship's ban to be completely destroyed.

But this is just the beginning.

After the ban on the ancient ship was damaged.

The hull also began to crack.

This is the most terrible thing.

Click! Click!

The speed at which the hull cracks is amazing.

In the blink of an eye.

The hull shattered completely.

Many monks rose to the sky and wanted to escape.


The huge waves swept through, and a large number of monks were caught by the huge waves.


The monks were caught in the ocean.

Instantly submerged by seawater.

No monk escaped, it is estimated to have become a food for the dragon.

There are only a dozen monks who have not been caught in the sea.

There were about four or five hundred monks in that ship, but in the end only a dozen of them were lucky.

"Canglong guards the waters and cannot pass at all!"

Many people became pale.

The Canglong is too powerful, and its strength is estimated to be much stronger than those of the Dragon King level. This is definitely a terrorist existence close to the Holy Land.

So it's really difficult to cross through the dragon's territory.

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