Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 4875: The crucified gods and demons

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Now that the news of the ancient city has been determined to be true, the high-level leaders of the major forces began to convene masters.

Planning to go to the ancient city deep.

Because the masters of the major forces feel that there is certainly a great opportunity hidden in the ancient city in the depths.

In addition to the big chance.

The way to leave from the Dragon Island may also be in the ancient city in the depths.

For example, if there is a teleportation array in the deep ancient city.

Once you find the teleportation array, you can leave Dragon Island through the teleportation array.

Naturally no one wants to be trapped in Long Island all the time.

Such a place is crazy.

Therefore, everyone is very much looking forward to the trip to the ancient city.

Even knowing that the trip to the ancient city is extremely dangerous.


The trip to the ancient city is also imperative.


When the major forces organized monks to kill the depths of Longdao.

Lin Feng ordered the monks of the Yin-Yang League to temporarily stay inactive.

During this period, many powerful monks joined the Yin-Yang League.

Those monks basically came to surrender after they heard that there were two more top masters in the Yin Yang League.

Other than that.

The major forces began to advance into the depths of Dragon Island, so many monks who did not join the big forces also chose to join some of the big forces at this time.

The purpose is to be able to act in groups at this time.

Within the Dragon Island, it became extremely unstable, and the monk and the prehistoric dragon family, the Dragon Island creatures once again fought together.

In fact, most of the prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures have entered the area of ​​the ancient city deep.

Only a small part of the prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures were patrolling outside, so this small part of the prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures could not stop the major forces at all.

After a fierce battle, the prehistoric dragons and dragon islands suffered heavy casualties, leaving only a small part of the prehistoric dragons and dragon islands to withdraw to the ancient city. Of course, after the previous war, the monks of all major forces also lost Not small, but fortunately everything is still under control.

When the major forces also killed outside the ancient city, the major forces and the prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures broke out again.

The prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures apparently did not want the monks of all major forces to enter the ancient city.

Perhaps they feel that these foreign monks will take away the opportunity that originally belonged to them.

Therefore, prehistoric dragons and dragon island creatures were very hostile to foreign monks.

The war between the two sides was fierce, and the killing was inseparable.

In the end, this battle ended with both defeats and injuries. Whether it was a monk of all major forces or a prehistoric dragon and dragon island creature, the losses were very serious, so in the end the two sides chose a truce and could not continue the war.

If the war continues, the loss will be even greater, and neither side will accept it.

The two sides chose the truce very well, and then stayed in two areas clearly.

An area is a place where many major forces gather together.

The other area is where the prehistoric dragons and dragon islands gather.

The ancient city has never been opened, so they can only continue to wait.

The prohibition circling around the ancient city is a kind of darkness, and I don't know what it is.

That kind of dark prohibition is terrible, exuding an eerie atmosphere.

After feeling the breath of darkness, many monks could not help but feel a creepy feeling.

In fact, until now, the ancient city can only see a blurry outline.

Because the darkness outside is forbidden, it obscures the reality inside.

With the passage of time, the power of the ban is rapidly fading.

After about three days, the ancient city finally appeared in everyone's sight.

I saw that on the walls of the ancient city, one body after another was killed.

After seeing this scene, many people were shocked.

"Have there been a peak battle in the old city in the past? Who are those corpses?".

Many people could not help talking to themselves.

This ancient city is very mysterious. I don't know what it is.

However, judging from the monks crucified outside, absolutely unbelievable battles broke out in the past.

if not.

It won't crucify so many monks.

"Look, it's a demon ...", because the monk pointed in one direction.

Everyone looked around and saw a corpse of a demon.

It was a supernatural power with three heads and six arms, and it was definitely a terrifying demon of the organizing committee.

However, he was shot through the body with an arrow.

His three heads, six arms and legs, and his torso have many arrows.

The same is true of the rest of the creatures, with many arrows.

"The female student's beautiful life is beautiful and moving ...".

Someone pointed to a corpse, and everyone looked around and saw a peerless beauty.

That is a peerless lady dressed in white.

The beauty is suffocating.


An ancient bronze sword pierced her chest and nailed her to the wall.

Such a beautiful peerless beauty, it is so fragrant.

What a shame it makes people feel.

"That bronze sword is a treasure!"

A monk said that staring at the bronze sword can no longer be moved. The bronze sword is indeed an extremely powerful treasure. .

I don't know who left it.

"Look at that person who turned out to be the dragon head. Is that the rumored half-dragon?"

Then a monk pointed to a dead monk.

Everyone looked around and saw the monk who was killed. The monk who was killed was indeed strange.

Personal dragon head.

It seems to be the half-dragon in the rumors.

The half-dragon is said to be the heir of the dragon and the human race.

Some half-dragons are like dragon heads, but some half-dragons are not.

There are many forms of half-dragon.

But the half-dragon people are so powerful that they can exhibit the supernatural powers inherited from the dragon family.

There is also human wisdom.

and so.

Although there are not many half-dragons in the history of the era, every half-empty man is extremely powerful and terrifying.

"Oh my god, those beings crucified on the walls of the city, one is more horrible than the other, and one is bigger than one. The existences are not all the gods or demons they once were?

A monk said in horror.

Because this ancient city is the ancient city of the prehistoric era, this time is still the era of the title deity.

Therefore, the powerhouses of this era are all gods or demons, not the current "sen".

Although the name is unwilling, the strength is actually the same.

How powerful are the gods and demons in the era of the title deity? At the very least, it is equivalent to the true fairy strongman now.

However, such powerful creatures were actually crucified on the walls of the ancient city.

I can't imagine how terrible that battle was.

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