Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5359: Blocked

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"Is there really no clue?". Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

He wanted to find a savage senior too much.

But Lin Feng knew that it was not an easy task to find the savages in the vast world.

Especially now.

Lin Feng still does not know where the senior savages are.

"Really don't know, maybe! He hid somewhere and recovered."

Said invincible.

Lin Feng frowned a little, but this statement of Saint Invincible was quite possible.

Lin Feng said, "I'm still bothering the governor to help me find out about the savages' predecessors."

Sheng invincible said, "Of course there is no problem, as long as there is news, Lin Gongzi will be notified at that time."

Lin Feng said at once, "Since you can take out such things as Angel Wings, can you still have some treasures for your bloodline to evolve?".

Sheng invincible said, "It is indeed the case, but what is needed for bloodline evolution is different. What the son needs, can tell us that we can help the son to collect. Treasure of all kinds of legends. "

It is said that Lin Feng is very happy, but what can make him dominate the blood of the emperor, the undead blood, and the evolution of the blood of fate, Lin Feng is not particularly clear, he decided to ask the demon king.

Perhaps the demon monarch should know about this.

So Lin Feng Chuanyin asked, "Yaojun! Do you know what my three kinds of blood awakening need?"

The demon thought for a while and said, "Your undead bloodline has now awakened four times. The things used to awaken before have no effect, and the babies similar to those have no effect, so the fifth For the second awakening, perhaps the undead Phoenix Blood can be used for awakening. "

"Undead Phoenix Blood? Is it the original blood of Undead Phoenix?". Lin Feng asked curiously.

The demon said, "Yes, it is the original blood of the undead Phoenix. This kind of original blood is extremely rare, but the effect is extremely amazing, and it can wake up the sleeping undead blood."

"it is good". Lin Feng nodded.

The demon continued, "The fourth awakening of the blood of the emperor can be used as the crystal of the master."

"Master Crystal? What is this?". Lin Feng asked curiously.

The demon said, "It is rumored that this is an extremely precious treasure! This treasure is condensed by the way of the master, and is transformed into the origin of the heaven and earth avenue, which can help your lord emperor blood to awaken, of course, want It is extremely difficult to find such things, but the time-reversing world is somewhat different from the outside world. As Saint Invincible said, maybe they have a way to find these things. "

"hope so". Lin Feng said.

The demon continued, "The blood of destiny is too mysterious, and I do n’t know much about it. So, I do n’t know exactly what kind of baby is used to awaken the blood of destiny. However, I know a cold fate. Bing is a kind of treasure that can produce huge stimulation to the blood of the human body. Through this kind of stimulation, some changes can be made to the body's blood. For example, some monks have a variant blood, which is to activate the blood's mutation with a similar treasure. "

"Then I asked if Sheng Wudeng could help find these three treasures."

Lin Feng said.

The demon didn't speak anymore.

The communication with the demon king just now is the exchange of thoughts and thoughts, which seems to take a long time.

But in fact, the communication between electro-optical flint has been completed.

Lin Feng looked at Shengsheng Wudi and said, "I need three things. The first thing is called the undead phoenix blood, but it is the blood of the undead phoenix. The second thing is called the crystal of the lord. Can the president help collect these three things? ".

Sheng Wudi said, "I've heard of the undead Phoenix Blood and the Crystal of the Lord, but we don't have any in our business. I can help the son to find out the news. As for the fate and ice, this is the first time I have heard of it. Do you know what are the characteristics of Fate Ice? ".

Lin Feng sent a voice to the demon king and asked, "Demon, what are the characteristics of fate?"

The demon said, "A crystal with a clear blue like crystal. This crystal is generally small, about the size of a rice grain, very cold, lingering with the power of fate, and very extraordinary."

Wen Yan.

Lin Feng then relayed the remarks made by the demon king to Saint Invincible.

Sheng invincible said, "Okay! Now that I know some characteristics of the fate of ice, it will be much easier to play like this."

"Then there is work. We live in the house at 317 Xiannv Road. If there is any news, we also ask the president to send someone to notify us."

Lin Feng said.

"no problem". Saint invincible said with a smile.

Lin Feng did not mean to continue to stay here.

He left with Hongyueer and others.

Sheng invincible sent Lin Feng personally.

Immediately after the invincible returned to the business, he came out of a room on the top floor of the business.

Saint Invincible knocked on the door, and then said respectfully, "Holy Lady, Saint Invincible Seeks".

"come in".

A voice came out.

Saint Invincible opened the door and entered the room.

In the room, a woman is sitting.

This woman was no one else, it was Xia Tingyu, the sage girl of Shengtianxianlou.

Xia Tingyu said, "It seems that you have a good harvest."


Sheng invincible quickly said, "The origin of the young son is extremely extraordinary. He said that he entered the time-reversed world from the life-restricted area, and that the master in the life-restricted area was his father's former subordinate. Helping find out the whereabouts of the savages, he said that the savages are his escorts. "

Xia Tingyu got up and she looked out the window.

You can see the back of Lin Feng and others leaving.

Holy Invincible also glanced.

But he said nothing more, but waited for the saint to speak.

Xia Tingyu said, "I have seen him twice before, and he is really extraordinary."

"What else did he say?".

Sheng Wudi said, "He said ... I hope our Shengtian firm will help him find three things. According to what he said, those three things are all things that awaken the bloodline."

"What are the three things?". Xia Tingyu asked.

Sheng Invincible said, "The first thing is the undead Phoenix Blood, the second thing is the Crystal of Domination, and the third thing is the ice of destiny."

Xia Tingyu said, "These three things are too extraordinary."

"Moreover, the three words of immortality, domination, and destiny have profound meanings, then help him find it."

Xia Tingyu said.


Saint Invincible nodded.


The conversation between Xia Tingyu and Saint Invincible Lin Feng naturally didn't know.

At this time, several people of Lin Feng walked towards the residence.

At a corner of a street, a group of monks poured in and surrounded Lin Feng and others directly.


The monks separated, and a middle-aged monk came in.

After seeing the middle-aged monk, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

This middle-aged monk is none other than the guy who sold counterfeit drugs before.

"Sold out fake drugs?". Lin Feng said.

The middle-aged monk said, "I am not a fake medicine, at most it is only a generic medicine, because the fake medicine hurts the body, and my medicine does not harm the body."

"Then do I have to praise you a few words?". Lin Feng said sarcastically.

The middle-aged man said, “It ’s not necessary anymore. I ’m here today. I ’m not here to trouble you. My goal is this little girl. It has nothing to do with you. Let me take this little girl away, and then I play three Time, I can't blame the mistakes made by this little girl before. "

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