Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5387: Feeling trusted! that's nice!

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The origin of the mysterious shadow is unknown, but it is absolutely terrifying.

This is the dark night mountain range, a very dangerous place. When you come here, you must naturally be careful and cope with it.

Otherwise, it is likely to die here.

Lin Feng and others had been in danger before when they came in.

But the danger at that time was obviously not comparable to the present.

Now Lin Feng and others looked at the shadow like an enemy.

"Entering the Black Nightmare Mountains and killing the God Eater who was suppressed in the Black Nightmare Mountains, you have some skills."

The shadow stopped and said immediately.

His voice sounded hoarse.

Listening to the sound is like a middle-aged man in his forties.

It is not clear exactly what he looks like.

Therefore, Lin Feng and others are not easy to judge what kind of existence this existence is.

"who are you?".

Wan Yantian asked in a deep voice.

"You have come to my site, don't you know who I am?". Black Shadow asked.

Wen Yan.

Lin Feng and others could not help changing their faces.

This existence dare to say that the Black Night Mountains are his place. If he didn't lie, this guy should be the same as those who died and died.

This is really troublesome.

Lin Feng licked some chapped lips, he said, "That's really embarrassing, we will leave now, and will never bother you again."

Black Shadow's sarcasm looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt a wry smile after feeling the dark shadow.

Although he wants to go now.

But obviously.

The other party will not let him go.

So Lin Feng did not move at all.

The shadow said, "If you want to go, you can, but you need to meet my requirements before you can leave."

"any request?". Lin Feng asked.

"Only one of the three can go out alive."

Shadow said.


Lin Feng could not help scolding it out.

Black Shadow is really lacking in morality.

The underlying meaning of his remarks is well understood.

This guy wants them to kill each other.

Simply bad pus.

The looks of Lin Feng and the three people are extremely gloomy.

It is really impossible to do such a thing.

"Why? Are you unwilling? This is your only chance to survive."

The shadow said darkly.

There was a pause.

He continued: "You can think about it, is it easy for you to cultivate to this state? How much hardship did you eat? Do you still have unfinished things to do?".

"Do you still have people to protect? You should think about your loved ones, loved ones, parents. What if they die? So, you must live. There is only one way to live. That is Kill two other people. "


I have to say that this guy is really too confusing.

What he said pointed directly to the softest place in everyone's heart.

Therefore, after hearing these words, many people are estimated to be unable to control the thought of killing their companions.

Heying looked at Lin Feng and the sacred beast and said, "You should know that gluttonous people are evil beasts and unforgivable guys. Such guys should not be deeply affiliated. I'm sure that this guy must be thinking of **** you for his life Among the three, gluttonous is the most powerful, so I suggest that you two join hands to kill gluttonous gluttons, otherwise, you will be killed by gluttonous gluttons. After you kill the gluttonous gluttons, you will decide the victory and defeat, so you survive The possibility is even greater, otherwise, you will definitely die ".

The gluttonous eyes were extremely gloomy, his head was always lowered, and his eyes flickered, and I wondered if the shadows were talking about his thoughts.

Lin Feng said with a sneer, "You're paralyzed! I don't want to make a fuss here, gluttonous is our partner, we naturally trust it unconditionally."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, gluttonously raised his head, and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

He originally thought.

Lin Feng will not trust him.

after all.

How long did he and Lin Feng know each other?

Moreover, before, he chased Lin Feng twice.

Lin Feng did not trust him.

Isn't it a very normal thing?

In fact, I was very happy with Lin Feng and others during this time.

In the past, it was always gluttonous oneself.

Even if gluttony wants to get close to others.

But seeing such a horrible gluttonous existence, anyone would be scared to death.


No matter what kind of creatures, they will find a way to get rid of gluttonous food.

Because they feel that gluttony wants to hunt them.

and so.

Gluttony has no friends.

Has been lonely.

Until after making friends with Lin Feng.

Gourmet experienced a different life.

But when faced with the choice of life and death, gluttonous know that no one will believe their own.


He is indeed a "evil beast" as the shadow said.

Who would believe a "evil beast"?

But Lin Feng believed.

Gluttony doesn't know what to say.

He felt.

Warm in my heart.

The eyes seem a little wet.

The feeling of being trusted! that's nice!


At this moment, hearing Lin Feng cursing himself, the shadow of Black Shadow suddenly became murderous.

Heying looked at the glutton and said, "Gourmet! You are the most powerful of the three! Go kill them now! Kill them! You are free!"

"Fuck you numb."

The gluttony also cursed at the shadow.

After scolding the shadow.

It's really cool.

This king and **** really yelled.

"Fuck you numb."

The holy beast also cursed loudly.

Anyway, they don't know if they can escape.

That being the case, naturally there is no need to fear the shadow.


"Look for death! Look for death! Give you a chance that you don't cherish, then, you all go to death."

Black Shadow's bitter voice came out.


In the void.

The black mist rolled violently.

With the black mist rolling.

In the dark mist, suddenly a pair of evil eyes appeared.

Those evil eyes looked at Lin Feng and others.


After glancing at the evil eyes, the holy beast could not bear it first, and he screamed in pain.


The gluttony also screamed in pain.

Although the sacred beasts and gluttons are very powerful, they are beast creatures.

Their magical powers are powerful, but they cannot cover their weaknesses.

Their souls are relatively weak.

and so.

Even if the gluttonous repair is a bit taller than Lin Feng, it is the glutton that was robbed first.

After Lin Feng and that eye glanced for a moment, he suddenly felt a terrible invisible force pouring into his mind, wanting to destroy his soul instantly.

Lin Feng's soul quickly hid in the chaotic ancient lamp, and that terrifying power was bombarded on the chaotic ancient lamp, and was suddenly blocked by Lin Feng's chaotic ancient lamp.

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