Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5392: Blackmail of blackmail (Part 2)

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"I have already given you eight thousand pieces of fairy artifacts, aren't you still satisfied? Don't forget a sentence, this sentence is called insufficiency of snakes."

Black Shadow said viciously.

Lin Feng has certainly heard of the phrase "snake swallowing the elephant".

This is not good, Lin Feng said, "I am always easy to meet, as long as you meet my requirements, I will naturally not continue to put forward conditions for you."

Black Shadow now has an urge to slap Lin Feng with a slap.


He found.

Lin Feng didn't listen to him at all, but he talked nonsense about Gu Zhuo.

Heiying knew that Lin Feng was hard to deal with.

Although I do not want to continue to promise Lin Feng.

But now he is not in charge.

Or find a way to send Lin Feng away as soon as possible.

"You continue to say ...". Shadow said.

"Is there any panacea to improve the strength? Give me a few thousand." Lin Feng said.

Black Shadow said silently, "If I had such a panacea, do you think I would stay until now?".

Lin Feng said, "Let's go second, I think, you must have many precious fairy medicines?".

"No". Shadow said.

"Deceptive ... The Black Night Mountains are so huge, there must be a lot of fairy medicine, so good, if you give me 10,000 herbs, I won't bother you."

Lin Feng said.

Hearing Lin Feng even asking for 10,000 strains of black medicine, the shadow of Alchemy was almost angerless.


Hei Ying also heard Lin Feng saying that as long as he gave him 10,000 xianxian medicines, he would not continue to struggle.

This sentence.

Make the shadows very happy.

Shadow said, "Okay, I will give you ten thousand immortals."

Black Shadow waved his hand.


A lot of fairy medicine flew out.

Those fairy medicines.

All flew to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng gathered up 10,000 immortals.

"The fairy medicine is for you, now, immediately, immediately, leave the Black Night Mountains". Shadow said.

He really didn't want to see Lin Feng again for a second.

Just thinking that Lin Feng can leave quickly.

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, let's continue to talk about the next condition."

Black Shadow said angrily, "You just said that as long as I give you 10,000 strains of immortal medicine, you won't be entangled. Could it be that you want to be successful?".

Lin Feng said, "The man's husband is a big man, he can't say anything, it's hard to chase after the horse, I certainly won't turn the corner."

The shadow said, "Now that there is no going back, then you should leave now, instead of staying here, let alone continue to make unreasonable demands on me."

Lin Feng said, "I just said ... I won't be entangled with you, but what I'm saying is, you give me 10,000 immortals, and I won't continue to entangle you. You want more immortals, you understand What does it mean? ".

"You fool me……".

Dark shadow glanced at Lin Feng, he naturally knew that Lin Feng had just played a word game for him.

In Shadow's life, there have been several major enemies, even some of them, let him hate his teeth.

However, those great enemies seemed far worse than Lin Feng, and Shadow had never been as painful as he hated Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "We are the most intimate partners, how can I trick you? You must not misunderstand me."

"Cooperate with your sister".

"Son of a bitch".

"The Eight King Calves".

"The guy who should strike thunderously."

"The dude."

Black Shadow kept cursing Lin Feng in his heart.

He swears whatever is unpleasant.

Black Shadow tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "Speak, what are the conditions?"

"The top ancient scriptures such as fairy scriptures and magic scriptures, I think, you should know some?".

Lin Feng said.

Shadow said, "Taoist heritage cannot be given to you. Everyone has their own bottom line. I think you should understand what I mean by this sentence."

Lin Feng said, "Everyone really has his own bottom line, but then we have to see how this bottom line is compared. I always think that life is the most precious thing, even if the so-called bottom line, sometimes it can't be compared with Compared to life ".

Black Shadow sneered and said, "You can't persuade yourself when you say this? If what you said, you should have killed each other in order to survive, instead of fighting against me, and now running It ’s ridiculous to say to me that life is more important than the bottom line. "

Lin Feng was a little speechless in the words of the shadow, this guy really would find reasons to refute.

But Lin Feng immediately said, "Because I had confidence in dealing with you before, I don't need to kill each other at all."

After hearing the ridiculous words of Lin Feng, the leader, Hei Ying's mouth twitched violently again.

Black Shadow now feels that this world of Nuo Da may not find a second as thick-skinned as Lin Feng.

Be human.

Can't be so shameless.

"I can give you a magic scripture, but I got it by accident. If you want as many magic scriptures and magic scriptures as possible, I can't get it out." Shadow said.

Lin Feng knew that this was almost the limit that the Shadow could accept.

Being able to get a magic script from the shadows is also a very good harvest.

"it is good".

Lin Feng nodded.

Black Shadow took out a jade tube and threw it to Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng took the jade tube, Shen Nian invaded the jade tube.

His brows couldn't help but slightly.

This magic script has some meaning.

The Magic Book is called the Vientiane Magic Book.

This is an extremely extraordinary magic scripture, according to the introduction above.

This kind of magic scriptures can condense one image after another after being cultivated.

These images are very special, and the monk cannot distinguish the images from the deity by the mind.

This is the most terrifying place.

It is conceivable that if there are so many images suddenly condensed when fighting against others, it will be real.

Then launch a killing blow to the opponent.

The other party doesn't even know what happened.

Has been slaughtered.


Condensing images is just an ability of the Vientiane Magic Book.

There are many terrible places in the Vientiane Magic Book.

such as.

The cultivation of the Vientiane magic scripture to a high level can condense real avatars, and those avatars can even be transformed into another single individual to survive independently in this world.

The deity who had practiced the Vientiane Magic Sutra died.

None of those avatars will die.

Of course, there are still many incredible abilities in the Vientiane Mojing, and it is only after Lin Feng successfully cultivates the Vientiane Mojing that he can explore those abilities.

"You're fairly aware of current affairs, this time we are very happy to cooperate, hope there is still a chance to cooperate."

Lin Feng said with a grin.

The shadow is quite speechless, he cursed in his heart, "Cooperate with your family, I don't want to see you anymore."

Lin Feng didn't care what Black Shadow thought. After receiving the Vientiane Magical scripture, Lin Feng didn't continue to ask Black Shadow for other things. He and the gluttonous, sacred beast quickly swept towards the outside of the Black Night Mountains.

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