Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5467: Skull

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Lin Feng and others went to the 17th floor of the Necropolis.

Before entering the eighteenth floor of the Necropolis, everyone was a little nervous.


No matter who is facing the situation at hand.

All will be nervous.

Who knows, is there any horrible existence at the eighteenth floor?

Lin Feng and others adjusted their emotions and immediately entered the eighteenth floor of the Necropolis.

After coming in, Lin Feng and others saw that there was a skull on the eighteenth floor of the Necropolis.

Except for that skull.

There is nothing else.


Lin Feng and gluttonous can not help but looked at each other.

Is the secret of the eighteenth floor of the Necropolis this skull?

Why is it so weird?

Lin Feng felt that things were definitely not that simple.

He intends to see what is special about the skull.

Just when Lin Feng was near the skull.


The skull opened his eyes.

Say it's eyes.

In fact, it is a ghost fire beating in the eye socket.

The two groups of ghost fire jumped up and looked very strange.

Lin Feng stepped back quickly.

The skull flew into the air.

After looking around Lin Feng and others, he said, "I never imagined that after such a long time, someone could come here. In that way, have all the undead creatures been brought down by you?".

"This is it."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Not bad! Even so many undead creatures can be subdued. You know, in the eastern region, for such a long time, there are only less than one hundred undead creatures of the Holy Land level, and almost half are concentrated here No matter how the undead creatures you fell, it shows that you have some extraordinary means. "

Said the skull.

"Are you called by those undead creatures? Are you the Lord of those undead creatures?".

"Does the formation of the cave of death matter to you?".

"What kind of existence do you belong to now? Are you also an undead?".

"Which strong man was you during your lifetime?"

Lin Feng asked a series of questions.


He is very cautious.

Has been alert to this horrible existence.

Because Lin Feng couldn't figure out the character of this skull, since it is the 18th floor of the Necropolis.

The fighting power is bound to be terrifying. If they are shot against them, Lin Feng is very worried, even if there is such a treasure of the book of the dead.

I'm afraid it won't be possible.

But now that he has faced the skull.

Lin Feng is not afraid of things, take a step by step.

"Your questions are really many," said the skull.

"Can you answer me these questions?". Lin Feng asked.

The skull said, "Naturally there is no problem."

"The first question you asked, did I bring in the undead?".

"No, those undead are not called by me, they came by themselves."

"I came here only after feeling the breath here. If I say it, it really seems to have something to do with me."

"The second question you asked, am I the Lord of those undead creatures?".

"Oh, I never admit it, but what the undead creatures think has nothing to do with me."

"The third question you asked, does the formation of the cave of death have anything to do with me?".

"It should be directly related."

"The fourth question you asked, what kind of existence am I? Are they also undead?".

"I can tell you that I am not an undead, I am a creature of the skeleton family, but my body is damaged and only one head is left."

"The last question, who was it when I was alive?".

"Since I haven't died, naturally I didn't have a lifetime, I said it after death, you asked this question, you want to know my identity, I don't need to tell you, I used to be the head of the Skeleton Clan. The presence of the Skeleton Clan, when he saw me, he also called me Uncle Clan. "


After hearing this guy's words.

Lin Feng's face suddenly appeared surprised.

This skeleton creature.

What a big history.

Such a presence, even if only one head is left, if you attack them, I am afraid that they cannot resist the attacks of these guys.

And this statue exists.

There was no attack on everyone.

What does this mean?

"I know what you think in your heart. If you die on it, I would be happy and relaxed. Since you haven't died on it, I won't deal with you."

Said the skull.

After hearing the promise of the skull, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel slightly happy.

He then asked, "Why? I originally thought you would shoot us."

"Return human relations".

Said the skull.

"What kind of favor?" Lin Feng looked at the skull with a somewhat stunned look.

I don't know what the skull is saying.

"Don't you bring that guy?".

The skull said lightly.

Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

The guy said by the skull refers to the savages?

After the existence of the skull wakes up.

Can sense the savage breath.

It is also quite normal.

after all.

Savage has never deliberately hidden his breath.

"He brought you to remind me that it's time to return the relationship."

The skull continued.

"You owe savage senior's favor?".

Lin Feng asked.


Said the head of the cave.


He didn't owe a savage any favors, but the skull did not say so.

Lin Feng did not ask.

"There are hundreds of millions of years of powerful shamanism here, which can help you hit the real fairyland."

Said the skull.

Wen Yan.

Lin Feng's face suddenly showed ecstasy.

Lin Feng has been practicing here for a long time, and I don't know how many life and death battles have been experienced.

I don't know how many battles have been experienced.

Lin Feng has reached the edge of breakthrough.


There is still a chance.

The breakthrough of the big realm is not the same as the breakthrough of the small realm. The small realm can continuously stimulate the body's potential through the battle of life and death to improve the cultivation.

But the big realm is different.

The big realm must rely on some powerful opportunities and then assist the monks to make breakthroughs.

For example, this is the case of breaking through the real fairyland.

Once a breakthrough, immediately from mortal to fairy.

and so.

It will be difficult to break through.

An unprecedented opportunity is needed.

This is where Lin Feng was worried.

Where to find such a big chance?


It will be light and dark.

At this moment.

The skull exhaled.

The breath fell to the ground, and a pattern suddenly appeared.

When the array appeared, Lin Feng felt it immediately.

The eighteenth floor of the Cave of Death seems to be a world of purgatory.

"The forces of Yinsha have been sealed by me. Now I can unlock the seal and let you absorb those forces of Yinsha. As for whether it can break through, it is up to you." .

Said the skull.

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