Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5520: Come together

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

After Damoyue was born, Xiuwei recovered quickly, but he didn't know to what extent now, but no matter what level Damoyue recovered to.

Lin Feng is not afraid of Da Mo Yue.

But for Da Mo Yue, Lin Feng's emotions are actually somewhat complicated.

That year he was in prison for the dead.

He and Damo Yue fight against the master of the undead prison, but both are trapped and suppressed by the power of the curse.

Later, Lin Feng pounced directly on Damo Yue, who had intended to be refreshed before he died.

Who would have thought about solving the crisis between the two after a lot of horse racing.

after that.

The intersection of Lin Feng and Da Mo Yue is less.

Da Mo Yue.

So he lost his innocence.

She naturally wanted to kill Lin Feng.

For Da Mo Yue, this is obviously a more appropriate opportunity.

Of course Lin Feng would not sit back and die. If Da Mo Yue dares to come, then Da Mo Yue will surely not be able to eat her pocket.

But what Lin Feng really worried about was Luna, and Lin Feng's news was quite informed.

Damoyue and Luna have formed an alliance for a long time, so the forces of Damoyue and Luna have long merged into one.

I don't know if Luna will help Damoyue.

If Luna helped Damo Yue, it would be a little troublesome.

After all, Moon God is the master sister of the ancestors of his ancestors. The cultivation practice of the year can be described as the ghosts and weeping ghosts.

Although repairs fell because of being suppressed.

But she has been out for so long.

In such a long time, the ghost knows whether Luna has returned to the ultimate peak.

If it is back to its peak state, it is really tricky to join forces with Da Mo Yue.

Lin Feng plans to arrange some formations first. If Da Moyue comes alone, he will definitely be trapped by the formation.

If you come with Luna.

At that time, maybe Luna can also be captured.

If you catch Luna, let Luna kneel on the ground to sing and conquer.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

Lin Feng immediately began to arrange the formation in the other garden where he lived.


Two women flew northwest of the crime area.

A woman dressed in black has an extremely hot body. The woman has a face that charms all beings.

As long as you look at it, you will be deeply confused by that face.

The hot, charming woman is not anyone else, it is the woman Da Mo Yue.

As for the other person, she was wearing a silver-white long dress. She was as cold as the moon, like a fairy falling in the moon palace.

She is also beautiful.

Beautiful does not eat fireworks on earth.

This woman is naturally Luna.

It really made Lin Feng guess right, Luna and Damo Yue joined together.

"I never thought you would agree to my invitation. I remember that the ancestor of Lin Feng's ancestors is not your brother? And you seem to like the lord of the gods, but the lord of the gods likes another woman, so You fell into the devil's path because of love and hatred, but you can control the inner devil, so you never controlled your body by the magic, this time you go with me to deal with Lin Feng, this seems not your style? I think, even Looking at the face of the Lord of the Gods, you wouldn't deal with Lin Feng. Tell me why you deal with Lin Feng. "

Da Mo Yue said.

She is a cautious person.

Even if it is an alliance with Luna, Damo Yue does not trust Luna 100%.

Da Mo Yue is full of doubts and puzzles about the purpose of Luna's trip.

"I originally did not want to kill him."

Luna said.

"But now I have changed my mind."

Big Mo Yue asked in surprise, "Why change your mind?".

"I have some minor problems in my cultivation." Luna said.

"Oh? Some small problems appeared in cultivation? Let me think about what the problem is?".

Da Mo Yue said with a smile.

Soon she guessed the reason, she said, "It seems that the Lord of the Gods has formed a obsession or a magic barrier in your heart. Now you cannot kill the Lord of the Gods naturally, so you want to kill Lin Feng, then use Lin Feng's blood to break the magic barrier in your heart. "

"You are very smart". Luna said.

At their level, many things can be frankly and unfairly stated.

There is no need to cover up.

Da Moyue said, "Lin Feng is Lin Feng, and the Lord of the Gods is the Lord of the Gods. If you kill Lin Feng, it is estimated that it will not help you."

Luna said, "It's hard to say if there is any help. I won't know until I kill it."

"Sure enough, acquaintances like pit acquaintances the most." Da Mo Yue laughed.

"You seem to know him better, after all, the two of you have done everything, haven't you?"

Luna said with a smile.

Da Mo Yue's eyes were slightly cold, and he said, "Do you know what you're talking about?".

"Why? Do you still value your virginity so seriously?".

Luna said with a smile.


Da Mo Yue snorted coldly, didn't say anything else, and didn't ask how Luna knew about this.

Da Mo Yue speeded up and flew in the direction of the sin capital.

"Hate makes a person stronger."

There was a sneer in the corner of Luna's mouth.

Immediately, it also speeded up and caught up.


"Finally, you're done."

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a breath.

This time, the formation of the formation consumes a lot of precious formation materials, and Lin Feng's formation is absolutely terrifying.

Just waiting for Da Mo Yue to come over.

After arranging the formation, Lin Feng rejected the servants in the Beyond Garden to avoid hurting the innocent.

After half a month.

Damoyue and Luna came to the capital of sin.

Sin is very lively. Compared with the previous lifelessness, it is completely like two different worlds.

"This guy Lin Feng is still capable of turning sin into such a peaceful age. It is estimated that he is very much loved here."

Da Mo Yue said.

Moon God said sarcastically, "Why? My heart softened? Not willing to kill him?".

Da Mo Yue said, "I didn't say this. I'm a witch. Do you know what a witch is? Witches are cruel, and the things they believe will never change, so I still want to kill him."

Luna said, "There is an old thing here that is very powerful and needs to be guarded against him."

Da Mo Yue said: "Are you saying that Lin Feng's ancestor? I have long investigated, he is sitting at the entrance of life and death, how can Kung Fu understand Lin Feng? So this time, is the best time for us to start, of course, master here There are still quite a few, and we need to be cautious. Let ’s take a break for a while and wait until late at night to start, and we will kill him without knowing it. ”


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