Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5896: Take one enemy and six! Who can be the enemy?

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The six strong men roared angrily.

How proud they are.

But now.

Their pride was crushed.

So now the eyes of the six strong men are blood red. When they look at Lin Feng, their eyes are gleaming with anger and murderous intentions.

In fact, they are quite normal now. Even if some lower-level monks in the black-handed world behind the scenes are defeated by the lower-level monks in their eyes, they cannot bear it.

Not to mention the monks of the royal family of the Black Hand behind the scenes?

They are high above.

Look down on all beings.

In their eyes.

The creatures of other worlds are all lowly creatures.

But now, they are suppressed by the lowly spirits in their eyes.

He even suffered some injuries, which made the mentality of the six strong men directly unbalanced.

Lin Feng sneered, he would not care if the mentality of these guys is unbalanced, now Lin Feng just wants to get rid of these guys quickly.

Under the control of Lin Feng, the six stone gates continued to kill the six powerful towns. Lin Feng wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill them. Even if they could not kill them all, it would be good to be able to kill one or two statues. After one or two strong men, the rest are easier to deal with.

"It's six reincarnations." A strong man said in a somber voice. Obviously he also recognized Lin Feng's six reincarnations, knowing how terrifying a kind of supernatural powers are. The six-channel reincarnations are the most powerful supernatural powers in this era, and the power is naturally unnecessary to say.

In fact, after Lin Feng sacrificed the flesh and soul and corpses of those monks, his mana was at most equal to the top six, but Lin Feng's supernatural powers were too powerful.

A monk's duel can affect the outcome of the duel in all aspects.

And obviously.

The monk's magical power is the most important aspect that affects the monk's combat effectiveness.

"The top talent of the human race is still so-so."

Said the second strong man.

Lin Feng sneered, these guys, really swollen faces and fat.

It is too difficult for them to admit that others are better than them.

"Perform my family's combined strike technique." At this time, the third strong man said.

The remaining five nodded.

A strange black energy flowed out of their bodies, and those black energies were connected together.

The terrible scene then appeared.

When that black energy is connected together.

Their combat power has been greatly improved several times.

Then the six men bombarded the stone gate to the town.

The stone gate summoned by Lin Feng's six reincarnations has already defeated the six strong men twice.

The loss is relatively large.

Compared with the time when it was just summoned, the power has already dropped by a small margin.

The other side is a situation where the combat power has skyrocketed.

The trade-offs are long and short.

The six stone gates were broken by the six powerful men.

"Light of death".

After the six strong men broke the stone gate, they all extended their right hands, and then in their right hands, there was a ray of light flying out.

It was an extremely powerful and extremely strange light. That kind of light contained the power of terrifying terror, after feeling the power contained in that light.

Lin Feng's mind could not help but sigh slightly. .

Very powerful attack.

And it was an attack made by the six strong men.

Lin Feng started to run the domineering magnetic field. The fifteen-fold domineering magnetic field was suddenly released by Lin Feng. When the fifteen-fold domineering magnetic field was released by Lin Feng, the fifteen-fold domineering magnetic field enveloped the six powerful men.

The power of the six powerful men plunged, and the light of death they released was also broken by fifteen times the domineering magnetic field.

"Domineering?" A strong man said somberly.

"It's not domineering, it's domineering magnetic field, so powerful domineering magnetic field, this guy has cultivated more than one kind of domineering." The face of another strong man is also extremely ugly.

"Let me show you how to create my own magical powers today."

Lin Feng's voice was cold, and his voice was like the sound of death floating from hell.

Extremely ... Extreme ... Round ... Back ... Fist!

After Lin Feng's voice fell, all magical powers and fairy verses in Lin Feng's body worked.

Lin Feng's supreme reincarnation punch is as powerful as ever.

After all, Lin Feng's supreme way has now been practiced to a satisfactory level.

Many of Lin Feng's supernatural powers have been consummated.

And they have received many fairy tales over the years.

All these can increase the power of Supreme Reincarnation.

In short, the more powerful Lin Feng's savings are, the stronger the Tao is, the more magical powers he has practiced, and the more immortal scriptures, the more terrifying the power of Supreme Reincarnation.

As soon as the supreme reincarnation punch came out, Lin Feng felt that he could destroy the world with one punch.

Lin Feng punched.

The punch he punched directly covered the top six.

After feeling the power of Lin Feng's punch, the face of the six strong men suddenly changed.

The strong of their level, the perception of power is too strong, naturally knowing to what extent the power of Lin Feng's punch is really strong, which makes them feel incredible.

How could Lin Feng make such a powerful attack?

"Quick, I wait for the strength to unite."

A strong man in the black hand world behind the scenes shouted loudly, and his voice was extremely anxious, because he foresaw some bad things.

At this time, the rest of the people were arranged behind him in this way, and then put their hands on the back of the man in front.

Powerful mana.

It was continuously pouring into the body of the person in front, and all the mana finally converged into the body of the first monk.

After receiving such a powerful blessing, the first monk directly hit the invincible palm, which was absolutely powerful beyond imagination.


The attack of the six strong men united together and the attack of Lin Feng collided fiercely together, when their attacks collided together.

Unbelievable things happened suddenly. Lin Feng's attack even directly broke the attack of the six strong men, and all the six strong men flew out like lightning.

The worst thing is the strong man at the front, his arms were broken.

The bones are bare.

The monk made a terrible scream.

The situation of the other five was slightly better, but it was not so good.

I saw five other people, and their pale faces shook one by one.

They were already extremely pale, and now there is no more blood color, just like a serious illness.

The damage suffered is absolutely unimaginable.

At this time, Lin Feng was quickly killed in front of the first strong man and punched him towards the strong man.

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