Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5901: Reaching the earth and spirit world!

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The four strong men, one from the Tianlong tribe, one from the Golden Dragon tribe, one from the Pterosaur tribe, and one from the Balong tribe.

Among the four, the strong of the Tianlong tribe is called Tianguhai.

The powerhouse of the Golden Dragon Clan is called Jin Qishan.

The strong pterosaurs are called Sun Muhai.

The powerhouse of the Balong tribe is called Li Tianba.

Among the four strong men, Tianguhai and Jinqishan are both quasi-transcendental realms.

Sun Muhai quasi-powerful beyond the six-fold Sendai realm.

As for Li Tianba, it is a strong man who is likely to transcend the four-fold Sendai.

The strength is very strong, they actually do not know what to do.

Came here before Lin Feng talked to them about the purpose of this trip.



"Everyone should have heard of this place of the earth and spirit world?", Lin Feng looked at the six strong men including the two insect emperors.

"I've heard of it, but haven't been there. That place is very dangerous, so few monks will go there." Sun Muhai said.

The rest nodded. .

Lin Feng said, "I'm looking for you this time, but I plan to go to the realm of the earth."

"Go to the earth and soul world?".

Everyone was surprised.

"Why did the son venture to that place?". Li Tianba asked.

Lin Feng said, "It must be clear to everyone that many powerful people came to the Dragon Realm. Their goal is the Earth and Soul Realm, because the place of the Earth and Soul Realm hides Hongmeng's congenital Taoism, and they are spying on the congenital Taoism. ".

Wen Yan.

A group of people couldn't help but take a breath, because everyone knows what Hongmeng's congenital body represents. .

It's no wonder that so many powerful people have arrived, actually for Hongmeng's congenital body.

Tian Guhai said, "In this way, the people in the black-handed world behind the scenes slaughtered the dragon monks and took the blood of the dragon monks. In fact, not only to obtain the origin of the dragon realm, but also the most fundamental purpose, it is also the congenital body of the earth and soul realm. ? "


Lin Feng nodded and said, "It is estimated that it will not take too long, and the major forces will start to work. This time we will also go to the spiritual world to try to take away the innate Taoist body. There should be more than a congenital body. When the time comes, everyone will pay attention to it. This is a great fortune. "

Everyone knows that great fortune and danger coexist.


This also cannot stop everyone's enthusiasm.

For the six major powerhouses, Hongmeng's congenital body does not dare to think extravagantly.

But some other opportunities can still be peeped.

"We will certainly do our utmost to help the son grab the congenital body."

The six strong men said in unison.

"Okay, after the event is completed, the opportunities you got in the earth and soul world say another, in addition to those opportunities, I will reward you again." .

Lin Feng said.

Everyone was overjoyed.



Lin Feng and the captain of the cursed ship merged together again.

After seeing the six strong men on Lin Feng's side, the captain of the cursed ship said, "We need to enter from that place in Zhongtianyu. Let's go now"

Lin Feng nodded, and he took out the Xuanyuan Starship.

Immediately Lin Feng and others boarded the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship.

As for the cursed ship, Lin Feng and others will never board.

The cursed ship is too weird.

It's easy to go up.

It's hard to come down.

The cursed ship and the Xuanyuan starry ancient ship quickly flew in the direction of Zhongtianyu.

Inside the cabin.

Jin Qishan said, "Son, that person felt strange just now, as if cursed."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "That guy is indeed a cursed creature, and, to lift the curse, you need to kill me."

"And this thing?"

Several people were taken aback.

Lin Feng nodded.

"How could that son cooperate with that guy?". Li Tianba asked.

Lin Feng said, "Because that guy is strong."

"Otherwise, let's find an opportunity to kill those guys, so that we can solve the crisis of the son?"

Tian Guhai said.

Lin Feng said, "After this guy was cursed, it almost existed immortally, so it is very difficult to kill this guy now, you don't have to care too much about this guy, of course, you should also guard against it when you should prevent it. Followed this guy's way. "


Everyone responded quickly.



Zhongtianyu was in the territory of the original evil dragon alliance, and now the evil dragon alliance is divided by the major dragon clan forces.

The issue of power distribution.

Lin Feng didn't ask much.

There are also frictions and contradictions among the big dragons. These are all within the allowable range.

A month later, Lin Feng and others came to the place of Zhongtianyu. After arriving here, Lin Feng and them flew down from the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Old Ship, and then Lin Feng collected the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Old Ship.

It is estimated that the powerful of all major forces are in this area.

and so.

It's better to be low-key.

The captain of the cursed ship and his three subordinates also flew down from the cursed ship.

Then the cursed ship traveled through the void and disappeared.

After the cursed ship leaves.

Lin Feng and others flew towards the depths. They found a rough location and flew quickly towards the ground.

The strong men of their level have all kinds of powerful magical powers.

Even if the shuttle is underground, the difference is not particularly great.

Lin Feng and others are very fast.

However, with the constant approach to the geocentric world.

The temperature suddenly rose.

This level of high temperature will not have much effect on Lin Feng and others.

They continued to fly downward. .

When it comes to the geocentric world, above the geocentric world, there are hard rocks.

Inside the rock, a hollow geocentric world is formed.

Places such as cracks can enter the world of the earth's core.

Lin Feng and his entourage entered the earth-centered world. As soon as they came here, they were attacked by a group of earth-centered beasts.

Those fierce beasts, with their fiery red bodies, looked like lions and had scales.


However, Lin Feng and others were strong, and although they were suddenly attacked, they responded quickly and resisted the attack of the terrible beasts.

But these terrestrial beasts are very powerful, and it is not easy to kill them.

After a great war, a group of terrestrial beasts saw Lin Feng and they were extremely uncomfortable, so they did not continue to attack Lin Feng and others, but left quickly.

Lin Feng took a breath.

Immediately flew towards the depths of the geocentric world.

The geocentric world where they are now should be the geocentric world closest to the geopsychic realm.

After searching for a day, Lin Feng and others found the earth and spirit world.

From afar.

can be seen.

In front there is a world shrouded in light.

That world.

Obviously it is the rumored "spiritual realm".

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