Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6155: Hearthstone Town! The whereabouts of the people behind Baijiazhai!

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Bang Bang Bang ...

Lin Feng threw the surrounding rockery mountains to the monks in Baijiazhai. Many people were in distress, but they couldn't avoid them at all. After several rockery mountains were thrown away, more than 1,000 people were directly killed. More than a thousand people, but many people have suffered different injuries.

Now there is really nothing to lose around Lin Feng. Can't you throw the monks around you right? Even if there is nothing to throw away, Lin Feng's divine operations have dealt a great blow to these monks in Baijiazhai.

"Kill the kid".

A monk from Baijiazhai shouted, should be a monk with a relatively high status, so his words are still more useful. In addition, Lin Feng has nothing to lose now, even if he is born with divine power? Could it still be invulnerable?

How can there be such a perverted person?

They lost most people on this side, but compared to the 500 people brought by Lin Feng, they still occupy a great advantage in terms of numbers, which may be the main reason why they dare to deal with Lin Feng.

Thus, the war broke out.

More than a thousand people quickly killed. The monk headed led nearly 100 monks towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng's face showed a sneer expression, and there was a dagger in his hand. In the middle of the show, every time they will bring up a blood line, these people can't touch Lin Feng's body at all, and a monk from Baijiazhai was wiped off his neck by Lin Feng and fell to the ground.

Now Lin Feng is almost like a **** of death coming out of hell. Seeing Lin Feng's horror, those people in Baijiazhai were terrified when they were killed.


I do n’t know who shouted it. The monks in the back started to flee. After some people made a demonstration, the rest of the monks in Baijiazhai also fled. Some people go back and clean up the gold and silver, as long as they have money, they can live very smartly everywhere.

Lin Feng ignored the next thing.

The people of the 14th Village Alliance are enough to solve these people in Baijiazhai.

There are killings everywhere.

Death is everywhere.

A deep cry of screaming and begging for mercy came from the depths, but no one was kind-hearted and let the tiger return to the mountain. After all, the people in Baijiazhai must die.

After an hour.

The voice gradually disappeared. At this time, a group of people escorted a middle-aged man to come.

"Lin Gongzi, this person is Bai Qilong, the owner of Baijiazhai!" Said a monk.

"Oh? Is he Bai Qilong?" There was a smile on Lin Feng's face. I was worried that this guy would run away or be killed in chaos. Now that he is caught, Lin Feng finally feels relieved.

"There are people behind my Baijiazhai, today you destroy my Baijiazhai, you are all dead, all of you are dead."

Bai Qilong knew that he certainly had nothing to end, so at this time, he was fearless, bitterly cursing, and a pair of vicious eyes staring at Lin Feng, he knew that if it were not Lin Feng, how could Baijiazhai be finished? He now wants to eat Lin Feng's meat and drink Lin Feng's blood.

Lin Feng felt a move in his heart, "This character named by Bai Qilong is the one who wants to get the cosmic stone? Don't know who it is?".

Cosmic Stones are different, and after gathering, they can connect with Ye Xuan, the most terrifying strongman in Kunlun Universe. It is conceivable that if he has a relationship with a person like Ye Xuan, he can even let Ye Xuan help himself to accomplish something Great temptation?

No wonder the other party is deliberately looking for cosmic stones.

Lin Feng looked at Bai Qilong and asked, "Who are the people behind you?".

After thinking of those people, Bai Qilong's pupils also contracted slightly. This is a kind of fear that originates from the depths of the heart. He has never seen such a terrifying existence.

He said coldly, "That's a real fairy, the means can't be imagined".

Lin Feng asked, "How can I find them?".

Bai Qilong sneered and said, "Why tell you?".

Lin Feng said indifferently, "Honestly speaking, you can cry less."

"Don't want to know." Bai Qilong said coldly, his attitude was very tough.

Lin Feng feels that this guy has never suffered. If he waits for him to suffer, he knows that his best choice is honest cooperation, rather than pretending to be tough here.

"Cut off pieces of meat from him."

Lin Feng said indifferently.

After hearing Lin Feng's punishment method, many people couldn't help shivering. What cruel punishment is this?

Even if someone wanted to take down Bai Qilong's clothes, and then sentence Bai Qilong, but he didn't wait until Lin Feng's hands started, Bai Qilong shouted in horror, "Don't move, I said, I said everything." .

Seeing Bai Qilong's terrified look, Lin Feng couldn't help being extremely speechless, and originally thought this guy should be a relatively tough character, who had thought that it was only a paper tiger, and planted one.

Lin Feng said silently, "Say, how to contact each other."

"Every six months, those people will go to Hearthstone Town. They have a yard in Hearthstone ...".

Bai Qilong originally told Lin Feng how to find those monks.

According to Bai Qilong, at first he only saw the other person, but later he saw the other three monks, all extremely powerful and terrifying.

After knowing the position of the other party, this Bai Qilong was useless. Lin Feng let people take Bai Qilong down. Bai Qilong had been shouting for mercy, but Lin Feng ignored him.

Baijiazhai was thus destroyed.

Baijiazhai is indeed rich, with grains piled up like mountains, and frozen game, salt, oil and other necessities. In addition, I even found a box of gold and silver, which together amounted to hundreds of thousands of two. The rest of the cottage, eating is a problem, but Baijiazhai is obviously not the case, rich and oily, there is really no comparison. .

In fact, Baijiazhai is so rich for two main reasons. One is that extortion has brought a lot of wealth. Which cottage is not extorted by Baijiazhai several times a year? How many times a year is Baijiazhai not robbed?

The second reason is that Baijiazhai still has its own business in Lushi Town, which is also one of the main reasons why Baijiazhai is rich.

For food, gold and silver, Lin Feng was distributed according to the characters of each cottage who participated in the war. In addition, each person received an additional 100 stone of food. The fourteen village alliance monks who died in battle, the family will receive an additional 100 stone of food compensation.

As for the few monks who caught Bai Qilong, they also received an extra reward of a thousand stone grain. How they distributed it was not Lin Fengguan ’s thing.

Baijiazhai has several shops in Lushi Town, and Lin Feng's deeds were taken by Lin Feng. Lin Feng intends to hand them over to Ye Shuang'er. After that time, with these businesses, Yejiazhai's life will be much better.

Carts of food, meat, gold and silver are transported to their respective cottages. This time the harvest is extremely huge.

The people in Yejiazhai had already heard the news in advance, so after seeing Lin Feng and others coming back, the whole zhaizi boiled.

In the evening, a rich dinner was prepared.

Ye Shuang'er looked at Lin Feng from time to time, and the eyes of love appeared in his beautiful eyes. Since Lin Feng appeared, Yejiazhai's life has been getting better and better, and no matter what the difficulties are, if Lin Feng is here, there seems to be no Can not be solved.

I don't know since when, Ye Shuang'er found himself becoming extremely dependent on Lin Feng.

Back to the residence.

Ye Qiaoer has entered a dream.

Ye Shuang'er couldn't sleep and came to the outside room, just as Lin Feng had something to give to Ye Shuang'er.

Lin Feng handed over the deeds of several shops to Ye Shuang'er.

"what is this?". Ye Shuang'er asked curiously.

Lin Feng said, "It is Baijiazhai's store in Lushi Town. There are seven stores in total. These stores should have good business."

"Ah? The shop?"

Ye Shuang'er was shocked, and she understood what these shops meant.

In Yejiazhai, there are about 4,000 men and women.

If you have these stores.

Ye Jiazhai can even live a good life.

Ye Shuang'er's big watery eyes looked at Lin Feng. The house deeds of the shop Lin Feng gave her without hesitation, which made Ye Shuang'er feel moved and happy.

This is not just seven deeds. In her view, it seems to include Lin Feng's affection.

Was looked at with affection by such a beautiful woman.

Rao is Lin Feng's mentality. At this moment, he can't help feeling the speed of his heart beating much faster.

Lin Feng suppressed a slight throb in his heart and said, "After all, this place in Yejiazhai is located in the mountain forest, and there are many fierce beasts and beasts, and even some terrible fierce beasts, so it is very dangerous. Did n’t you get a lot of gold and silver? You can buy a larger house in Hearthstone Town, enough to arrange these people. ”

Hearing Lin Feng saying this, Ye Shuang'er also felt very reasonable. She said, "Well, then I will talk about this matter with the clan elders tomorrow."

"Row". Lin Feng nodded.

Ye Shuang'er was also embarrassed to stay with Lin Feng all the time, so she went back to the inner room, but she couldn't sleep anymore. She heard the sound of Lin Feng turning over outside, and wonder what Lin Feng was thinking?

At this moment.

Lin Feng was thinking about going to Lushi Town. This place in Lushi Town is about seven days away from Yejiazhai. It is estimated that it will take half a month to reach Lushi Town because of the road closure.

According to Bai Qilong.

One month later.

The people behind him will come to Hearthstone Town to meet him and ask for some information about Cosmic Stone.

So Lin Feng plans to find a time to go to Hearthstone Town.

Whether you can go out from the place of Great Waste depends on whether you can catch the monk.

However, Lin Feng felt that by his means, it should not be difficult to seize the other party.



After having breakfast the next day, Ye Shuang'er went to several tribes and said he bought a property in Lushi Town and moved to Lushi Town.

After seeing the house deeds, several old folks shed tears in excitement.

Although Yejiazhai is the ancestral land.

They also have certain feelings for Yejiazhai, but if they really say it, they have always been worried about Yejiazhai's future.

After all, here is really too dangerous.

It would be great if I could move to Hearthstone Town.

So this matter is easy to reach an agreement with several clan elders.

The next step is to go to Hearthstone to buy real estate and accept the shop.

Lin Feng, Ye Shuang'er, Ye Biao, and 20 Yejiazhai experts went to Lushi Town together.

They rode to Hearthstone Town.

But the road is difficult to go.

The snow is too heavy.

Even if these fierce beasts walk under such severe cold and deep snow, they are far less flexible than usual.

But after all, riding a mount, the speed is faster than Lin Feng imagined, it took about ten days to see the furnace town.

Although it is just a town.

But Lushi Town is very different from Lin Feng's imagination.

Because the town of Hearthstone is built like a city, surrounded by tall walls.

This is so because the beasts in the great waste are too powerful.

The monk, who can't cultivate mana, won't be magical, and can't resist the attack of a powerful beast.

and so.

The towns in the wilderness will be built to the scale of ancient cities.

The purpose is to defend against beasts.

The gates of Hearthstone are only open during the day.

The gate is not large, only about two meters wide, and about four meters wide.

The city wall is as high as three or four hundred meters, the gate is so small, it is really amazing.

Of course, Lin Feng knew that the reason why the city gate of Lushi Town was built was because it was worried that if the beast attacked furnace town, if the city gate of Lushi Town was broken, and the city gate of Lushi Town was relatively large By that time the fierce beast will be able to drive straight in.

If the gate is relatively small, because of the large size of the fierce beasts, it is impossible to enter the heart of the furnace town from the gate.

Lin Feng and his party entered the furnace town, which was very lively.

It is said that thousands of miles around, only the town of Hearthstone.

Large and small villages.

I'm afraid it's not less than a hundred thousand.


All Zhaizi will come to Lushi Town to trade.

It can be seen how lively Hearthstone Town is.

Last time, Ye Shuang'er bought grain in Lushi Town.

It's just that the mood of visiting Lushi Town this time is completely different from that of the last time.

Ye Shuang'er was worried when he came to Lushi Town last time.

One is to worry about the coming cold winter.

The second is to worry about food being robbed halfway.

But this time I came to Hearthstone.

Ye Shuang'er is very happy, very happy.

The reason for all this is Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "After so many days, we haven't eaten any good food. Let's find a place to eat a good meal first."

In fact, Lin Feng is nothing, the key is Ye Shuang'er and others, who have been in the wild, the ice mountains and snow, the body is almost frozen.

Eat something good and drink some wine.

Dredge the blood.

"it is good". The group quickly responded, thinking of the food and wine, one by one can not help but look forward to.

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