Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6169: Great trouble!

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Lin Feng looked at the painting in the painting axis.

He found that what was drawn on the scroll was endless darkness.

In the darkness, a vaguely unknown existence can be seen vaguely, and it is unclear what the unknown existence looks like, only about a pair of eyes.

The name of the scroll is called "The Devil Is in the World".

This name ...

Something special!

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking.

In many cases, the name is not taken casually, but rather very carefully, so sometimes the wrong name will bring a series of disasters, which is not alarmist.

The content on the scroll in front of people is very disturbing. The name of the demon in the world seems to add more evil colors to the scroll.

Although the seniors of these big families have some of the tokens, they have not been able to put these tokens together because they are kept separately. Therefore, when they saw this painting axis, they also felt very surprised.

Xia Zhiyue's third grandfather said, "Does this sentence of the devil in the world have any deeper meaning?".

It may indeed hide some profound meanings, but now, by conjecture alone, it is obviously impossible to guess how much special information or secrets are hidden in it.

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "The tokens are like this, and we can only hope that the tokens can bring us the things inside."

Everyone nodded, it seemed that they could only think so, and there was no other way.

A group of people walked inside.

As soon as he entered the seventh courtyard, the scroll changed abruptly. I saw that the scroll quickly flew into the void.


This scroll hangs down with a stream of black energy, and those black energies form an energy mask that envelopes everyone in it.


Bang Bang Bang ...

There seems to be something that began to impact the protective mask formed by these black energies. This scene surprised everyone. That is to say, in the seventh courtyard, there may really be an unknown existence hidden in this place.

This is undoubtedly a terrible thing, which makes people tremble.

Fortunately, this scroll is very extraordinary, helping everyone to resist the unknown danger. If not, I do n’t know how many people will die here.

"The body ...".

A monk said.

Pointed forward.

Everyone looked at it, and the pupils contracted slightly. There were about thirty-four corpses lying in front. Everybody found that those corpses were the bodies of the monk of the heavenly court.

Everyone walked quickly, and found that the corpses had just died, and the pupils burst and died. Obviously, they experienced extremely terrible things during their lifetime. They even seemed to be scared to death.

"Why are there only Heavenly Court people, exotic creatures, era ancestors, monks behind the scenes of the black hand world? Didn't they come in together?". At this time a monk said.

Lin Feng said, "Not all forces are able to put aside their prejudices and explore the treasure together like the Dahuang clan. Obviously, after they came in, they separated."

Everyone nodded, it really should be the reason.

So this place, only the body of the monk of heaven.

"Isn't the chance of being here by the monk of heaven court?" Someone said.

Everyone was surprised.

Hurry to walk inside.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The unknown existence is still constantly striking the protective mask outside. Everyone is frightened. The heavenly monks outside are tragically killed and apparently killed by unknown creatures. If destroyed, many people will be robbed by then.

But fortunately.

The power of the defensive mask formed by the scroll is not bad. Although it has been impacted, at present, there is no sign of being destroyed.

Everyone came to the depths of the seventh house, which had a lone building.

This lonely building looks strange.

Gives an extremely eerie feeling.

Everyone carefully entered the lone building, there was nothing on the first floor, so Lin Feng and others walked towards the second floor.

When I came to the second floor, I saw that there were counters on the second floor. On top of the counter, there were glassware. There were all kinds of things in the glassware. Less good things stay.

But Lin Feng suddenly had many questions in his mind.

Whose things are here?

Definitely not an unowned thing.

And the identity of the owner here must be extraordinary.

Although the last owner of this ancient city was a crown prince of the royal family behind the scenes, in fact, he also inherited this ancient city under a coincidence.

Many secrets, even he did not know.

This is something left by the powerful across the era ...

Also, does the unknown presence outside have anything to do with the owner of this place?

Although there are many doubts in my heart.

But one thing.

Lin Feng was extremely stable.

That's it.

Hurry to collect the baby here.

What else do you think about?

Lin Feng took a cursory look, and the treasures here looked like about thirty.

So many forces divide these treasures.

Each strength is only two or three pieces.

Lin Feng is not greedy and only needs one piece.

Shi Potian said, "Well, how about letting Mr. Lin choose first?".


The rest of the senior leaders nodded.

Lin Feng was also polite, wandering among these treasures.

Suddenly, he saw a spar.

The spar is very special, but composed of nine colors.

"Can it be the Nine Saints Mother Stone?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly.

It is rumored that this is a strange stone of heaven and earth, formed at a specific time in the initial period of each epoch, and no more than one hundred pieces of this kind of pebble are produced in each epoch.

At the beginning of the era, it was relatively rare, not to mention the end of the era.

This Nine Saints Mother Stone has some amazing effects.

It is said that if it is ground into powder, it can be used for refining medicine, and it can greatly improve the success rate of refining medicine, and at the same time it can greatly improve the efficacy of medicine. This is an extremely amazing effect.

In addition, it is said that this kind of Nine Saints Mother Stone can increase the power and even the level of some magic weapons. In particular, it can increase the initial level of the magic weapon. This is an ability that makes people crazy, for example, a certain magic weapon, refined At that time, it may be able to be refined into a holy artifact level, but after incorporating this nine-sage black mother stone, the initial level of this magic weapon may not be a holy artifact level, but a quasi-surpassing level.

of course.

Lin Feng ’s favorite role is to help the monks and improve the role of cultivation. That is to say, if Lin Feng absorbs the energy inside the Nine Saints Mother Stone, then his cultivation can get a certain degree of improvement, specifically how much can he improve , I do n’t know yet.

and so!

Lin Feng made a choice in an instant. He opened the glassware and took out the Nine Saints Mysterious Mother Stone. Because it was temporarily unable to communicate with time and space, it was possible to get a baby and it was impossible to put it in, but Lin Feng had already been prepared. , He put the Nine Saint Mysterious Mother Stone in a package, and then tied the package to his body.

"I have chosen, everyone can choose."

Lin Feng said, and then retreated.

Seeing that Lin Feng chose only one baby, these powerful people felt that Lin Feng was an interesting person, not greedy.

In fact, they let Lin Feng choose first, one is because Lin Feng is of extraordinary origin, and the other is because Lin Feng is powerful, but Lin Feng is only one person after all, if Lin Feng chooses too many things, even if they do n’t say, they will naturally feel painless.

There are a total of eleven races in the Dahuang clan, and there are 29 treasures left. How to allocate them is not something that Lin Feng can intervene.

Lin Feng saw a few bottles of panacea, and he could not help secretly saying, "At that time, some people found a panacea that transcends the pill in some places where the seal was banned in the Great Wilderness City. ? "

There is a reason why the panacea is more precious than the panacea. The biggest reason is that this prescription is relatively secret. The race that can master this prescription is definitely an unimaginable race, even if it is loose repair. The key to the extreme cultivation is that you have mastered this prescription and may not be able to refine it beyond Dan.

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of elixirs must be used to prepare the remedy beyond the Dan. Many elixirs are bound to be very difficult and difficult to find. Some people may not be able to find these herbs in their entire lives even if they have remedies.

If you are lucky enough to find these herbs ...

What if the refining fails?

That was a complete sad reminder.

After everyone has divided the good things.


The sound of booming boom came from below.

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly.

In the room, it was originally very quiet. Why did footsteps suddenly come out?

And the sound of footsteps from this kind of wooden floor seems more strange.

It makes people feel a creepy feeling involuntarily.

"Go down and see ...".

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded.

Fortunately, there are many people.

When there are many people, the courage is greater.

Everyone walked down below, when they came down below.

It's empty below.

There is nothing.

"Is it just hallucinations?".

Someone said.

"All heard, can it be auditory?".

Someone said bitterly.

Boom Boom Boom!

At this time, footsteps came again, and this time, from the stairs.

From top to bottom.

There seems to be something coming down the stairs.

"I go……".

Many people feel scalp tingling.

Everyone was upstairs just now.

No abnormalities were found.

If there is really an unknown existence upstairs, does it mean that everyone just stayed with that unknown existence for a long time?

Moreover, the unknown existence, watching everyone divide the baby on the second floor.

Could the baby on the second floor be the unknown?

Originally Lin Feng thought that there was only some unknown and terrible existence in the courtyard, but now I know that it seems to be wrong.

Or maybe ...

In the yard, the unknown existence that previously attacked them is actually the unknown existence in the solitary building?

Is this possible?

think carefully.

It seems there is.

But no matter what the specific situation is, everyone can't continue anymore.

Too dangerous.

"Hurry up." Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Everyone quickly walked outside.

Opportunity has already been obtained anyway, let's leave this land of right and wrong.


With a bang, the door closed.

A monk pushed the door hard.

But the door cannot be pushed open.

"I come……".

Another monk shouted loudly, kicking hard with one foot, trying to kick the door open.

His foot is strong.

Kick on the door.

He failed to kick the closed door.

Instead, he was flew out a dozen meters by a powerful force.

His body hit **** a pillar.

Then slipped to the ground.

Several monks wanted to help him in the past.

"Slow down". Lin Feng said with a deep voice.

"what happened?". Several monks looked at Lin Feng.

"Back". Lin Feng said, he looked at the monk who slowly got up.

Everyone also looked at the monk.

At this time, everyone found that his eyes became very wrong.

The white pupil disappeared.

Only the black eyes were left.

Somewhat strange.

"who are you?". Lin Feng asked.

"Take my things and ask who I am?". He said.

Obviously, the monk was possessed.


What a weird supernatural event!

Lin Feng feels that things are a bit troublesome!

This existence in front of me is definitely not irritating!

"What do you want to do?". An old man asked in a deep voice.

"Hehehehe, eat your soul, I'm one step closer to breaking the seal." He killed quickly.

I do n’t know if it ’s because I entered the lonely building, so now the scroll is silent, and I ca n’t continue to protect Lin Feng and others. This is obviously an extremely bad situation, and it ’s also the one that Lin Feng is most unwilling to see. Kind of situation.


This is the real situation facing Lin Feng.

The possessed monk rushed to everyone.

"Suppress him."

A senior of a large family shouted.

More than a dozen people tried to suppress the possessed monk.

But at this time, the body of the possessed monk fell softly.


he died!

What is this means?

Suddenly killed a person in an instant.

"I am here."

At this time, a monk standing on the edge of the crowd said with a smile.

His laughter was strange.

He was possessed.

After saying this, his body collapsed softly.


Instant death.

At the next moment, the third monk said, "The vitality of these bodies is not particularly exuberant. It really disappointed me and was far worse than those who came in before."

It was the monk of the heavenly court who came in before. The monk of the heavenly court, able to practice outside, has strong strength, strong blood and vitality.

After coming to the Great Desolation, although their magical powers and magical powers were imprisoned, in reality, their vitality was not greatly affected.

The monks of the great wasteland, because of the seal of the great wasteland, can only choose to take the road of body repair and constantly sharpen their own flesh, so naturally Shouyuan can't compare with the heavenly monk.

This is also the reason why this unknown existence says that the monks of the great waste ancestors are not as viable as the monks of heaven.

"But chat is better than nothing."

Another monk said.

After his voice fell.

The monk's body fell softly.

See a famous monk fall down.

Many people are going crazy.

The taste of waiting for death is the most terrible.

Someone bombarded the gate and tried to break the gate and escape.

But no matter who it is, they must be sent out.

"I come".

Lin Feng stepped forward, running the power of the dragon's arm.

One punch killed the past.


The punch hit **** the door.

Lin Feng's power was too strong, so the anti-shock force of the gate could not fly Lin Fengzhen out.

Instead, the door creaked with a crackling sound.

Seeing this scene, a surprise expression suddenly appeared on everyone's face.

If Lin Feng can destroy the gate.


Everyone can rush out, and when the time comes, the painting axis will shelter everyone.

Can everyone escape?

But just when Lin Feng planned to punch again and bombard the gate.


Horrible things happened.

A cold breath swept through and wrapped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knows.

That horrible existence must be attached to him.

Lin Feng felt his body became stiff.

That cold breath is constantly invading his body.

This time.


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