Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6180: News of the Gate of Eternal Life

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In Penglai city, people come and go, and it is very lively. This is the most famous big city in the second world of heaven, and the largest ancient city in Penglai. In Penglai City, you can see a variety of shops, and the distribution is row by row. There are also various stalls with different kinds of items placed on the stalls. The bargaining noises of those vendors and customers and many bargaining noises are very noisy and show a worldly red atmosphere.

It seems that celestial realm is not exempt.

In fact, the difference between the Celestial Realm and the Earth is mainly richer in resources and higher in plane. Therefore, the energy system of the Celestial Realm is different from that of the Earth. For example, the energy system of the Celestial Realm is constructed with the power of immortals. Success, absorb the power of immortals, and the speed of cultivation is higher than the energy of the world, so the speed of the monks of the fairy world is not comparable to that of the monks.

After looking for a place to stay, Lin Feng went to the business to explore some things about the seas of the gods. In addition, Lin Feng planned to let the business pay attention to the whereabouts of the poisonous ancestors and others. Many large businesses were established in chains and shared information. So, after finding out the news, Lin Feng was able to hear the news in the same business in other cities.

The news about the sea areas of the gods made Lin Feng frown slightly. First of all, the sea area of ​​the gods itself was an extremely dangerous sea area. Since the title gods have fallen, the place has become a bit demon and entered the monk, Dead death, crazy crazy, of course, does not mean that everyone has such a tragic ending, in fact, there are still some people who have gotten the chance, even relying on the opportunity obtained from the sea of ​​the gods, soaring into the sky.

But this kind of person is only a few people after all, the fate of most people is still very miserable, and the danger of the seas of the gods is enough, but at least the monk can go to the sea of ​​the gods to explore opportunities, and as for the result, then It depends on creativity.

However, some time ago, it is said that the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Palace issued an order to allow the monks of the Dragon Palace to block the outer area of ​​the sea of ​​gods and prevent the monks from approaching the sea of ​​the gods. Why the dragon palace blocked the sea of ​​gods, this matter is not yet known, but Some people are secretly investigating this matter, and many monks are also paying attention to the development of the matter.

However, when the Dragon Palace blocked the sea area of ​​the gods, it was indeed extremely difficult to find out some secrets of the sea area of ​​the gods.

Because those monks only dare to secretly explore things in the seas of the gods, even many great forces, they dare not openly face up with the Dragon Palace, this is for a reason, because the Dragon Palace in this place of the Heaven Realm may be the Heaven Realm in addition to the Heaven Court In addition, the most powerful force, there is even a saying in heaven.

This statement is ... Tianting ruled the inland world of the 33rd heaven of the heavens, while the Dragon Palace ruled the sea world of the 33rd heaven of the heavens. This statement is actually not particularly exaggerated.

Thirty-three heavens are vast and immense, and there are countless powerful forces. However, the most powerful force is definitely the Dragon Palace. Among the thirty-three heavens, there are thirty-three dragon palaces. Emperor's order.

These dragon palaces are extremely united.

Therefore, when these dragon palaces are held together, the forces formed are too strong, and no one can contend with them. In addition, it is said that the dragon emperor is likely to be a three-epoch surpassing the powerful. I just do n’t know if this rumor is true, but there is a saying that there is no such thing as a hole. Since there is such a rumor, maybe this rumor is true.

Therefore, no one would dare to provoke the Dragon Palace.

of course.

In nominal terms, Heaven Realm is still the Heaven Realm ruled by the Heavenly Court. The Dragon Palace must also be controlled by the Heavenly Court. The Dragon Palace pays tribute to the Heavenly Court every year, and the Heavenly Court basically does not care about how the Dragon Palace rules the overseas world.

No one can shake the dominance of the Dragon Palace, so although many people are very dissatisfied with some of the Dragon Palace ’s actions, such as the blockade of the seas of the gods, at most they just complain in private and dare not speak out in front of others. .

If it was heard by the Dragon Palace, it would be miserable.

Then Lin Feng bought a chart of the seas of the gods in the business. Some of the more important places are generally marked, but most places are blank, without any labels. After all, that place is very dangerous. It is naturally more difficult to fully explore everything in that place.

After Lin Feng came out of the business, he planned to go to the overseas world to see. He didn't want to sit here and there was also a monk gathering area in the overseas world.

After reaching the monks gathering area in the overseas world, we might be able to find more useful information.

On the second day, Lin Feng left Penglai City and flew in the direction of the seas of the gods. Above the sea, the waves were rippling. Ten days later, suddenly the storms swept through the world, and the thunder was intertwined. The thunder came down from the sky as if to destroy the world.

Lin Feng walked through the thunderstorm weather, and suddenly, Lin Feng saw a small boat on which was sitting a monk, who was a white monk, with a very elegant temperament, and looked like a scholar.

The boat was very turbulent with the huge waves, but the white monk stared at the rainstorm, thunder and lightning, and the huge waves, blowing his flute with interest.

Lin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. This man is really relaxed and elegant. Is there a person who lacks a piano player?

Rainy days ... The sound of the piano is better matched with the sound of the flute.

At this time, a monk flew in the distance. The monk, dressed in a casket, was rickety and very old. He landed on the boat. After the old man arrived, he came with a piggyback. The monk of the piano, Lin Feng was a little whispering, just thinking about the rainy day, the sound of the piano and the flute were more suitable, and then someone came to recite the piano.

It ’s just that the monk who came back from the piano was not a woman, but a man. He was a handsome man. He also landed on the boat. After him, he came a Taoist, who was chubby. The robes were shiny and greasy. The Taoist looked very sloppy. He also landed on the boat, and then came an old woman. The old woman had white hair and crutches, and her spirit was shining.

A monk like a scholar, an old man in a dress, a monk from a piano, a scruffy priest, an old woman with white hair.

Such a group of people all landed on a small boat. Lin Feng felt that the style of painting seemed strange. This group of people is not afraid to crush the boat?

A group of strange people gathered together. What is this for?

Lin Feng was a little curious. He flew over and landed on the boat. Several people looked at Lin Feng. It seemed strange. They did n’t know Lin Feng, but they did n’t say much. They thought they were the main person. Lin Feng coming.

Soon, another monk flew.

The monk was looking at a girl who was only about eight or nine years old, but she was obviously not a girl. After seeing this person coming, everyone clenched their fists and shouted, "Tongmao."

"Ok". The "little girl" nodded. Her eyes turned to Lin Feng. She probably felt that Lin Feng was brought by someone, so she didn't say much, because some people in their small team might occasionally bring Some people come to act together, including herself, and occasionally bring people over, but people will not say much or ask more, because they only ask for opportunities, regardless of others.


Lin Feng was mixed into this group of strange people.

"The seas of the gods, the gate of eternal life is present, and the Dragon Palace blocked the news, but I still found this matter."

Said the "little girl".

"What? The door to eternal life?"

"My God, what happened?".

These monks also exclaimed, even though they were powerful and extraordinary, but after hearing the news of the Gate of Eternal Life, they were shocked one by one. Everyone's face was unbelievable.

Then there is excitement.

That's the door to eternal life.

For any monk, the gate of immortality is extremely different, because there are too many secrets hidden in the gate of immortality, and these secrets hidden in the gate of immortality are obviously enough to make people crazy.

The secret of immortality.

Complete Three Thousand Avenues.

Ancient fairy tales.

The way to become immortal.

Method of sanctification.

Ways to go beyond.

Etc., etc.

Moreover, enlightenment to the door of eternal life, monks' magical powers, immortals, and Tao will be greatly improved. If you ask what the door of eternal life can't do, perhaps, the blood of the monk cannot be transformed.

Even Lin Feng was extremely excited at this moment. In the past, Lin Feng ’s spiritual world had learned about the gate of immortality and imprinted the ghost image of the gate of immortality. However, in reality, Lin Feng has not approached immortality. The door, the spiritual world comprehends the door of eternal life and the real world, reaching the door of eternal life, and even entering the door of eternal life are completely different concepts.

Therefore, Lin Feng is also extremely looking forward to being able to find the door to immortality, and it would be better if he could enter the door to immortality.

The monk who looked like a scholar asked, "Would Grandma Tong find the specific location of the gate of immortality?".

"Little girl" said, "Which is such an easy thing? This is to call everyone to come through the obstacles together to find the door to eternal life, but by then, it is estimated that it will offend the Dragon Palace, whether to participate in this operation, Think about it yourself. "

Several monks thought slightly.

Although they are very powerful, they also know what it means to offend the Dragon Palace.

This is a behemoth second only to the heavenly court, and it is likely to have power beyond the realm of the powerful.

"I attended".

Lin Feng basically said without much hesitation, not to mention the Dragon Palace, the Heavenly Court Lin Feng was not afraid, the Dragon Palace could not compare with the Heavenly Court? Anyway, Lin Feng is just a hurried passer-by of the Celestial Realm, and it is not the Celestial Realm. How about offending the other side?

It's a big deal, patting the **** and leaving.

Seeing Lin Feng's position, the scholar-like monk immediately expressed his position. The rest of the people also expressed their position one after another. Although they were unwilling to offend the Dragon Palace, it is clear that now facing the great opportunity like the Gate of Eternal Life, everyone cannot contain Live the desire in your heart-hope, even if you risk offending the Dragon Palace, you must go to the gate of eternal life to learn about it.

This opportunity is really rare.

"Let's go." "Little girl" said, she took the lead in the sky and flew towards the depths, everyone also skyrocketed into the sky, the scholar-like monk, put the boat away, quickly toward the pedestrian in front Chase.

Over the next period of time, Lin Feng gradually became familiar with these people and knew their names one after another. Of course, they only knew their names. In fact, even a few of them did not understand others. Because there is basically no contact except when there is a connection when doing a task.

A monk like a scholar is called a "Dongpu lay priest". This person is a Confucian monk.

The old man in the clothes is called the "grey-backed old man". This name is a bit strange. Lin Feng did not know whether this name has any special origin or particularity.

The monk who came back from the piano was called the six-finger demon, because his hands were all six fingers, so he got this name, but he was a powerful demon monk.

The sloppy Taoist prince is known as Taiji Yuantian Lei Dao Shengjun, but this guy has a very sloppy look all day long, so everyone is still used to being called a sloppy Taoist priest.

The old woman with white hair is called the mother-in-law of the soul. It is said that she is very good at the art of soul attack. In this aspect, she rarely finds opponents. This makes Lin Feng secretly mindful, because these monks who are good at the art of soul attack, Can often take human lives in the invisible.

That "little girl" is called "Tongji Tongmu".

It is said that she was n’t like this. I do n’t know what exercises she practiced, and eventually she turned into a little girl. She will recover after a few years, but even the appearance of a little girl does n’t affect her. strength.

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