Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6183: Encountered Golden Wing Demon God Race!

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In the distance, some monks can be seen wandering around the sea of ​​the gods. It is estimated that the monk who got the news has rushed over.

But it is not easy to enter the sea area of ​​the gods, because the monk of the dragon palace has been guarding several important places to enter the sea area of ​​the gods.

These places can directly enter the sea area of ​​the gods, and the restraining power is weak, and they will not encounter too serious a crisis.

In these important entrance locations, in addition to the Dragon Palace monks, there are magic weapons such as Zhou Tianjing, which shines on the world, and it is more difficult to hide the Dragon Palace monks and those Zhou Tianjing.

As for other places, they are blocked by a strong prohibition, and the guard force is not so strict. If a monk wants to cross those strong prohibitions, it is extremely dangerous. It is just a joke with his own life. In general, it is also Very few people make such a choice.

Lin Feng, after they came to the periphery of the sea area of ​​the gods, they went to several entrances into the sea area of ​​the gods, and found that each position was guarded by heavy soldiers. It is estimated that the Dragon Palace also learned some information outside, knowing that the gate of eternal life leak Came out, so quickly sent people to station in these important places.

The sloppy Taoist said, "It seems that the Dragon Palace wants to take advantage of itself. Now that 80% of them already have a group of masters of the Dragon Palace, are you looking for the door to eternal life?".

Dongji Tonggong said, "The door to immortality is sensitive, with a strong vigilance, and does not like to be disturbed. It has its own thoughts, spirits, and thoughts. The top of the Dragon Palace should know this, so it was blocked. Here, letting others not find the door to eternal life is probably to worry that if the door to eternal life is disturbed by many people, they will disappear on their own initiative. "

"This has happened many times in history and has to be treated with caution, but no matter how cautious they take on this matter, there will always be some people who will have other ideas, such as the news of the door to immortality this time Being spread out, is it simply to muddy the water? Then how can those people benefit from it? ".

"In fact, this may not be the case. Maybe some people think that? Anyway, it may be difficult for them to get such a chance. Since that is the case, no one wants to get it, so the news is spread out, or it may be because of the hatred of the Dragon Palace. Look. The Dragon Palace was unhappy, so the news was spread out, and there were various possibilities, but no matter how, now more and more monks are coming, this is indeed an extremely troublesome thing, because once the number increases, the courage It will become bigger, and there will certainly be a war with the Dragon Palace monks. "

"The monks of the Dragon Palace want to completely block so many monks from entering it, which is basically a difficult thing to achieve. If it is difficult to achieve, then there must be a large number of monks pouring into the sea of ​​gods. Bacheng will take the initiative to disappear. This opportunity is for the minority, not for the majority, so our time is extremely limited. We must find the whereabouts of the gate of immortality before a large number of monks enter, and Successfully get some opportunities, otherwise, we will miss this opportunity. "

Dongji Tongmu's remarks are extremely reasonable, and everyone frowned at the same time. The entrance was guarded by the army. Although their combat strength was strong, it was not easy to shake the army. Breaking is not a feasible method.

Then it can only go through some places where the prohibition is dense. Obviously this is also extremely dangerous. Although they are powerful, they are not arrogant enough to ignore those terrible prohibitions. You know, some prohibitions can even be killed in this world. What's more, even if they are beyond the realm, they have not yet broken through the realm?

Lin Feng said, "You follow me, I will take you through these prohibitions."

To everyone's surprise, Lin Feng also knew that the ban on formation was not successful? After all, Lin Feng is too young, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate for improvement. Is there still time to study the ban on formation? However, there are always some wicked characters in this world, which cannot be treated with normal human thinking.

Therefore, after a brief surprise, the people returned to calm.

Lin Feng took everyone to find an unmanned place, and then entered the area covered by the prohibition, which is terrible, Lin Feng can also feel how strong the prohibition is.

In addition to being strong, the prohibition here is also very special. It should have been formed by the interaction of different laws and broken space-time, magnetic fields during the war.

It's difficult to crack.

However, Lin Feng, who is a descendant of Heavenly Master, and the assistance of this treasure, the Stone Sutra, are very difficult to crack these prohibitions. However, as long as you are careful and careful, these prohibitions are really difficult to hurt Lin Feng. Under Lin Feng's leadership, everyone was traversing through the forbidden area.

After flying for a long distance, he was never attacked by the ban. At this time, everyone knows that Lin Feng really understands the ban, and everyone can admire Lin Feng. He is very young, and he is strong. He is above the ban. His attainments are still so high. In the future, there is no limit. Will he become a strong man beyond the realm?

At the end of each epoch, there are indeed some monks who can seize the opportunity to become powerful beyond the realm, so these monks feel that Lin Feng has this possibility, and it is understandable, and they think they actually have this possibility, but the specific is It is not true that you can become a monk beyond the realm, depending on many reasons.

For example, there are some reasons for yourself, and some reasons for the outside world.

Their own reasons often refer to their own precipitation, understanding of Tao, magical powers, how well the sacred scriptures are practiced, and so on. Some of the external reasons mostly refer to whether they have some more powerful opportunities. .

Now what these monks can do is to seize every opportunity as much as possible, constantly improve themselves, and wait for the moment of leaping dragon gate.

Under the leadership of Lin Feng, they successfully traversed the most terrible area of ​​the peripheral banned formation, and then reached the central area of ​​the sea area of ​​the gods. After reaching the central area of ​​the sea area of ​​the gods, the power of the banned formation was greatly reduced, but here is diffuse The power of death has increased by at least thirty times.

These powers of death are terrifying, shocking and moving.

If the monk ’s practice is not up to a certain level, it is even difficult to resist the power of death. If the power of death invades the body, it will be a terrifying thing. This is a predictable thing, and Shouyuan is deprived. , And then tragic death, so, where the power of death is strong, not all monks can come in.

In fact, even powerful monks ca n’t stay in places where the power of death is strong, because, within a certain period of time, these powerful monks have indeed resisted the invasion of the power of death, but with time What's going on?

The continuous consumption of the monk's mana will eventually be unable to continue to resist the invasion of the force of death, if it does not leave the area enveloped by the force of death.

By the time……

These powerful monks are afraid that there is only one way to die.

"The seas of the gods are so large, where should we go to find the door to eternal life?".

Dongpu Jishi said.

Dongji Tongmu said, "Let the Taoist count."

The sloppy Taoist priest smiled and said, "A little problem, let Taoist come without a word, and know where the gate of immortality is."

The sloppy Taoist priest's tone of voice was very pretentious, but Lin Feng felt that this guy was afraid that he would be beaten because he pretended not to be forced. Why did he say this?

This is because ... the door to eternal life is very special.

Before, Lin Feng had sensed the door of immortality. He used the spiritual world to sense the door of immortality. Relatively speaking, it should be easier, but in fact, it is still difficult to sense the door of immortality, let alone to find immortality. The door is gone.

The special existence of the Gate of Eternal Life has extremely powerful abilities, such as shielding the heavens, blocking the exploration of others, and so on.

So the scrambled Taoist priest wanted to find the gate of eternal life by way of hexagrams. It must be as difficult as climbing the sky. Of course, maybe the scrambled Taoist priest has some more powerful means to find the gate of eternal life?

The sloppy priest took out seven pieces of tortoise shells, and then put those tortoise shells in a jade tube, then began to shake, while shaking the tortoise shell, while chanting some spells, after the spell was finished, the tortoise shells were scattered in the void Among them, these tortoiseshells were suspended in the void, but they had not waited for the scruffy priests to take a closer look at the hexagram.

The sound of clicks and clicks came one after another, and I saw that these tortoise shells were all cracked. After seeing this scene, the face of the scruffy priest changed suddenly. Obviously he failed this time.

"So evil, I will try again."

The scruffy Taoist gritted his teeth and said, it seemed a little unwilling.

Lin Feng said, "There is no need to try again, it is impossible to succeed, after all, the door to immortality is so extraordinary that it will certainly be able to shield the heavens."

"If you are too obsessed with the position of the gate of eternal life, it is likely that your deity will also be repulsed, I think it's okay."

Hearing the word "reverse bite", the body of the scruffy priest could not help but tremble a little, and thought about Lin Feng's words carefully. I thought Lin Feng's words were indeed very reasonable. After giving up to continue divination, everyone felt that Lin Feng's remarks made sense, so they did not ask the sloppy Taoist priest to continue divination.

Dongji Tongmu said, "Since we can't get the divination, let's search slowly."

Lin Feng said, "I actually have an idea."

"What idea?" Everyone looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "The monks of the Dragon Palace should have been here for some time. Perhaps, we have found a clue. Let's look for the location of the monks of the Dragon Palace. Then, maybe we can find the gate of eternal life?".

Everyone's eyes lit up slightly, and felt that Lin Feng's direction was indeed feasible.

The sloppy priest said, "Hey, let me tell you where the dragon palaces are."

Lin Feng and others nodded.

The sloppy Taoist divination took a divination, and the hexagram instructed them to walk southeast to find the people in the Dragon Palace.

So Lin Feng and others flew towards the southeast direction. As they continued to deepen the southeast direction, Lin Feng and they discovered that the richness of the power of death was continuously strengthened. After three days, the power of death even formed a lot of fog of death. In general, the fog of death can even isolate the monk's perception of the outside world, and the visibility has dropped to a distance of only about 100 meters.

However, Lin Feng and others have not yet been able to find the whereabouts of the monks of the Dragon Palace.

"Can't you find the wrong direction?".

Said the six-finger piano demon.

Sloppy Taoist said, "Absolutely not, Dao Ye is quite confident in his divination technique."

About a day later, Lin Feng and others met another group of monks, but that group of monks was not a monk in the Dragon Palace. It was a monk headed by a monk with two wings and a pair of golden wings. There were three eyes born, surrounded by thunder.

This monk is definitely a terrible existence.

"Tongji Tongmu, let's meet again."

The monk with his wings spread out, his eyes cold.

Dongji Tongmu's face was very gloomy.

She snorted coldly and said, "Yeah, what a coincidence, or is this the so-called narrow path?"

Lin Feng felt a slight move in his heart. He thought about the fact that the Dongji child's grandma was injured before. Could it have something to do with this monk with two wings?

This monk with two wings is very strange, the breath is terrible, and the blood is strong, but I do n’t know what race it is. There are too many ancient races in the heavens. Many races, it is normal for Lin Feng not to know.

"Dongji Tongmu, you should know that choosing to cooperate with us is the best choice you can make at the moment. If it is stubborn, what will happen to you? In fact, you do n’t need to say more, you are very much It ’s clear, and, the last time you were able to get out of trouble was because of a very lucky chance, but that chance is only once, there can be no second time, ”the monk with back wings said with a sneer.

"No matter what means you have, I will follow." Dongji Tongmu said with a sneer.

The monk with back wings did not go to see Dongji Tongmu anymore, but looked at Lin Feng and others, and said, "You, my Golden Wing Demon Protoss, and Dongji Tongmu have some things to solve, you can leave now , My Golden Wing Demon God Clan, will not be difficult for you. "

The monks with wings on their backs obviously wanted to separate Lin Feng and others from Dongji Tongmu.

Dongji Tongmu's face became extremely difficult to look at.

After hearing the name of the Golden Winged Demon God Clan, other people's face could not be changed suddenly, because the Golden Winged Deity God Clan is an ancient race spanning five epochs. It is impossible to imagine how powerful this race is.

Therefore, some people have also become hesitant. For the gate of eternal life, they do not hesitate to offend the dragon palace because they can get many benefits from the gate of eternal life.

But is it worth it to offend the Golden Wing Demon God Clan for the sake of Dongji Tongmu?

Dongji Tongmu, what can they give them?

To put it bluntly, when it comes to troublesome things, the vast majority of people will generally focus on their own interests and then think about things.

What's more, in the eyes of some people, they don't have a deep friendship with Dongji Tongmu.

The monk with two wings is obviously very satisfied with his divisive plan. He believes that these people are smart people. He knows how to choose. He is like a man in the chest, waiting for everyone to leave this place. He can deal with it when the time comes. Dongji Tongmu is now, he must get the token that Dongji Tongmu holds, because the secret behind the token is really amazing.

"Who are you? A self-righteous look here is really enough for him-Mom is annoying. If you want to beat us to accompany you, or if you do n’t, you have to go to the door of immortality. How can you have so much time with you? Nonsense here? ".

Just as the atmosphere was deadlocked, a voice rang out.

It is Lin Feng.

Everyone was surprised, and did not expect Lin Feng to take the lead.

And still standing on the side of Dongji Tongmu.

Dongji Tongmu took a deep look at Lin Feng. She was actually a bit surprised by Lin Feng's position.

And Lin Feng naturally has his own thoughts.

Lin Feng has his own principles. He is now an ally with Dongji Tongmu and betrays his ally. Lin Feng cannot do this.

Therefore, Lin Feng's attitude is very firm.

"Yes, if you want to fight, you think we are afraid that you will not succeed? Dao Ye is not afraid of this word in my dictionary. God is here, 33 Dao is here, Dao Ye hangs them, not to mention you Golden Wing Demon God Clan group The guy who can't help himself? ".

The scruffy priest couldn't help but sneer. After finishing this pretending remark, it was estimated that the blow was too much, so he could not help shrinking his neck. The obscure temperament is also a clear stream of pretending to push the world.

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