Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6382: A golden light pierced the sky!

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Phoenix family.

Huo Qianyue residence.

"Miss is not good, the people in the Law Enforcement Hall have come to you and said they are going to take you to the Law Enforcement Hall for questions!".

Huo Qianyue's maidservant ran in panic, but when she went to the family law enforcement hall, she was afraid that there would be no good ending.

Now the people in the law enforcement hall are in a menacing way, I am afraid that the comers are not good.

Huo Qianyue had long known that the other party would come. She smiled slightly and said, "Go out and let the law enforcement hall wait!"


The maidservant said, she couldn't help but admire the young lady, the law enforcement hall was coming soon, but the young lady was still very calm, this calm temperament, already admirable.

Sure enough, it is one of the best young monks in the family.

Psychological quality is not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

After tidying up, Huo Qianyue came to the living room in the front yard. After coming here, in addition to the dozen or so people in the law enforcement hall, including many of the family members of Huo Qianyue, such as her parents, siblings, etc. Everyone is here.

After seeing Huo Qianyue coming out, their faces were extremely unsightly.

Because they have learned the course of things from these people in the law enforcement hall.

The reason why the law enforcement hall came over was because Huo Qianyue was entangled with the man who was full of mystery before.

This made the family members of Huo Qianyue angry, and now the people in the law enforcement hall are coming. The family is afraid that they will be fined, and they will be implicated by then?

Thinking of your superior life may be gone forever.

The people of Huo Qianyue's face were all angry.

"Qianyue, what did you do?"

"You disappointed us too much!"

"Are you worthy of us?".

A celebrity accused Qianyue Huo.

Huo Qianyue is not the first time to face such a situation.

Perhaps she was not only jealous of the relationship between Fire Dance and Lin Feng.

It also includes ... a family of fire dances.

Because she knew that the family members of Fire Dance were all on the side of Fire Dance.

And what about her family?

It ’s just for my own consideration. No one has ever considered anything for her.

Listen to the accusations of the family.

Huo Qianyue felt cold for a while.

In the past.

He will not come out to refute.

Just stood there and listened.



She didn't want to endure any longer.

She endured too long for too long.

I can't stand it anymore.

She wants to express what she wants to say the most in her heart and the emotion she wants to express most.

Say it all, express it.

Therefore, she glared at her dear ones.

"I want to live for myself, you should understand what I'm talking about?".

Her voice sounded hysterical.

In the impression of everyone.

Huo Qianyue is a beautiful, smiling and cheerful person who has never even turned her face.

But today.

Huo Qianyue turned over.

The first time I saw Huo Qianyue's cold, even with a little crazy look.

Everyone was a little scared.

Blamed Huo Qianyue's family members, but they did not dare to speak.

Everything they got was because of Huo Qianyue.

If Huo Qianyue is really angry, doing some radical things can even cause them to lose everything.

Before, they accused Huo Qianyue from the perspective of their families.

Because they are a family.

So Huo Qianyue has been enduring.

But if Huo Qianyue didn't want to endure it.

They are actually very afraid of Huo Qianyue.

Huo Qianyue took a deep breath, then looked at the people in the law enforcement hall, and said, "Let's go!"

People in the Law Enforcement Hall have long heard that Huo Qianyue's family members are a group of parasites, one by one selfish.

I finally saw the faces of these people today, so when these people in the Law Enforcement Hall looked at Huo Qianyue, they seemed to have some sympathy for the Huo Yueyue. It was really a very unfortunate thing to have such a group of family members.

The law enforcement hall nodded.

Then leave with fire Qian Yue.

After coming to the Law Enforcement Hall, many high-ranking members of the Phoenix clan were waiting for the arrival of the fire Qianyue in the Law Enforcement Hall, and even several non-born clan elders also appeared.

The elder elder said angrily, "The shameful things, the faces of the Phoenix family, are all lost by you!"

Facing the scolding of the elders, Huo Qianyue kept silent.

The elder elder said, "She should abolish her cultivation behavior, drive her into the cliff, and never come out!"

These senior leaders frowned slightly and meditated on the words of the elders.

Huo Qianyue said, "I am Lin Feng's woman now! You can do whatever you like, but if Lin Feng knows, hehe ...".

"Shameful, really shameful!"

The elder patted the table fiercely, "You kind of say this kind of thing, as the dignity of the Phoenix Clan? If you still have a little bit of awareness of the Phoenix Clan monk, you won't post the person upside down."

Huo Qianyue said, "What kind of dignity is mentioned at this time? Isn't it the right thing for the weak to attach to the strong? You should know Lin Feng's true identity? Since you know it, it should be clear that the Phoenix family is in front of his family. What is it? The noble bloodline you think, in a certain era, maybe just a spirit bird in other people's homes! "

The elder elder shouted angrily, "You are crazy, you are crazy, even if you despise your family like this, you are hopeless!"

Huo Qianyue said, "I haven't disparaged my family. I'm just telling the truth. Some things, you know better than me."

The elder elder said with a sneer, "What if that family is more brilliant? Isn't it now declining? How many people are there in the whole family?".

Huo Qianyue said, "Is this the elder deception?"

The old elder looked somber and wanted to rebuke a few words, but Huo Qianyue sneered first? "No wonder the elder is so angry. I remembered that the elder was beaten to death by a punch. It ’s normal to hate them in my heart now, but the elder elders have ignored the interests of his family because of the hatred in his heart. Does the elder elder think he is still suitable for his current position? ”.

The elder is obviously not Huo Qianyue's opponent at all in speech competition. Huo Qianyue's face is full of skin. Huo Qianyue is famous for her clever teeth. Trying to suppress her in words is really not an easy thing. .

The words of the elders were irritated by the fire, and their faces were twitching.

At this time, a clan elder said, "Now, the people of the demon dragon clan are waiting for us in the living room. They asked our clan to punish you and fire dance severely, and kill Lin Feng together. What do you think my clan should do?" .

Huo Qianyue smiled and said, "How to do it ... Didn't you all have an idea? Why should you scare me? I'm very timid!"

Several old people smiled bitterly at each other.

This hot Qianyue, really has too many eyes, will she be afraid? Of course she is not afraid, Lin Feng is her amulet.

Before Lin Feng had an accident, she knew she would never be in trouble.




Huo Yiqing came to the garden, Huo Wu was watching the fish in the pool in the gazebo, and occasionally threw some food into the water to feed the fish.

Huo Yiqing said, "Sister, it's crazy that Huo Qianyue went to Lin Ge yesterday, and spent a long time in Lin Ge, you said, Huo Qianyue will not happen to Lin Ge? ".

Fire Dance naturally knows this matter too, she said, "Hua Qianyue, this man has a deep mind, and if he wants to use your brother Lin, can you not see it? Today's news 8 Chengdu is Huo Qian According to the news released by Yue, your brother Lin did not stop her from doing so, he must have his own plan! ".

Huo Yiqing nodded.

Fire Dance continued to look at the swimming fish in the pool, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a sigh of coldness appeared in his eyes.

Although he believed that Lin Feng was a man, he did not have any good feelings about wanting to use Lin Feng's fire.



The monks of the demon dragon tribe left the phoenix angrily, no one knew what the phoenix had said to these monks of the demon dragon tribe, so that they were so angry.

The Beyond Garden area where the Demon Dragon clan lives is not far away from the Beyond Garden area where Lin Feng lives. It is only a few kilometers away. After the monks who negotiated with the Phoenix returned, the clan leader led by the Demon Dragon clan asked, "What is the situation?" ? "

A monk in charge of negotiation said, "Phoenix clan said that the ancestors of their clan a few days ago because of the Phoenix clan's engagement with our demon dragon clan, they specially recalled the main person in the city to their ancestors. To explain, so now the principals of their clan are not in the ancient city of Phoenix. They need to wait a few days and wait for the principals of their clan to return before they can fight together and kill Lin Feng! "

"What a Phoenix family, even plaguing us with such reasons that three-year-olds would not believe! It's really hateful!"

The old face of the monster dragon is extremely ugly.

This old clan is not simple, this person is called Gu Pengzu.

I saw that he was tall and burly. Although he was old, his appearance was still extremely fierce. He knew at a glance that this person was definitely not annoying when he was young.

The fact is the same.

This young man, known for his fierceness in his young age, even slaughtered more than 70,000 people, including old, weak women and children, because of a sentence.

It can be seen how cruel this person is.

Now he is older.

But still does not change nature.

In fact, there is a good saying, the nature is difficult to move, and human character, in many cases, will not change much because of age.

At this time, Gu Tiange said, "The purpose of the Phoenix Clan is very clear, just want to see us fight with that kid! See who can overwhelm who, the winning side, it is estimated that he will become his ally!"

Gu Pengzu said, "This cooperation with the Phoenix family is also very important to our family, and there is no room for loss! Now the Phoenix family plays with us. After our town kills Lin Feng, we must renegotiate with the Phoenix family. The interests of the Phoenix family and ours should be redistributed. "

"That's right, it can't be cheaper!"

"Surely let the Phoenix family vomit blood!"

The rest also responded.




The terrible breath surged from the place where the demon dragon clan lived, and the numerous monks of the demon dragon clan added up to almost a hundred people.

One after another, they flew towards Lin Feng's residence.

In the ancient city of Phoenix, countless people are paying attention to the situation here, and now see the monks of the demon dragon clan take the initiative.

One by one as excited as chicken blood.

"The demon dragon clan is about to start!"

"There is a good show now!"

Countless people quickly followed behind the demon dragon clan monks and flew towards the place where Lin Feng lived.

Soon, hundreds of monks of the demon dragon clan came to the top of Lin Feng's residence.

"Junior, do you dare to let my clan children kneel on the ground, no one in the world can humiliate my clan children like this, and still come out and die quickly?".

An elder shouted coldly.

Xia Donghuang walked out of the room and said, "Gu Wudang and others dared to provoke my majesty's majesty. It is not an exaggeration to die a thousand times or ten thousand times. My master has not ordered the killing of the three of them. It ’s to give you face, so do n’t let the demon dragon tribe know what ’s wrong, and leave the ancient city of Phoenix quickly, and my master is too lazy to care about these with your demon dragon tribe, otherwise, you will not forgive you.

"Find death, find death!"

These monks of the demon dragon clan were almost exploded.

It can be heard from Xia Donghuang's speech.

Lin Feng disregarded the demon dragon clan.

The demon dragon tribe is a very self-respecting race, so many ordinary monks of the demon dragon tribe came to the fifteenth layer of the heavenly world. They all despised, mocked, and looked down upon the monks of the fifteenth layer of the heavenly world.

Now they have become the object of being despised, ridiculed, and despised. How could these people of the demon dragon clan suffer such a gap?

In fact, they do not know Lin Feng's identity. After all, this is not the territory of the Demon Dragon Clan. The Phoenix Clan can investigate the identity of Lin Feng because it is the Phoenix Clan's territory. The power they can mobilize is amazing.

And the demon dragon tribe?

The territory of this tribe is in the twenty-two world of heaven.

They did not have the ability to quickly investigate Lin Feng ’s identity on the 15th floor of the Celestial Realm. As for the Phoenix Clan, although they knew Lin Feng ’s identity, they were not obliged to tell the Demon Dragon Clan, and the Demon Dragon Clan did not ask them. can speak.

So the demon dragon clan doesn't even know Lin Feng's true identity now, because Lin Feng never shot from the beginning to the end. What is Lin Feng's combat strength? It's not easy to say, it can only be inferred from Lin Feng's apprentice Xia Donghuang.

Xia Donghuang was able to easily defeat the elders of the Phoenix clan before. From this, it can be seen how profound the skill is. Xia Donghuang is likely to have infinite strength close to the transcendental realm, but it is hard to say whether it is the refinement of the transcendental law.

But what if the law of transcendence is refined?

From the perspective of the monks on the demon dragon tribe, even if Xia Donghuang refined the law of transcendence, at most one rule of transcendence would be refined. If two rules of transcendence were refined, the combat power would be more than that. Seven full rules of transcendence have been transformed.

To know.

The monks who are in the same realm are only ten transcendental laws.

Now, the power of Gu Pengzu is already close to the power of the common realm, but that is the second level beyond the realm.

As for Lin Feng, the master of Xia Donghuang, in the eyes of the monks of the demon dragon clan, it is estimated that he also succeeded by transcending the law?

Otherwise, how can you be so young at a young age?

The people of the demon dragon family naturally have no fear.

Gu Pengzu sneered and said, "Junior, this seat wants to learn your skills!"

The voice fell.

Gu Pengzu slapped towards Xia Donghuang with a palm. In the void, an energy fingerprint was condensed. That energy fingerprint, covering Xia Donghuang, the power of Gu Pengzu was indeed terrifying. With his shot, the void collapsed , Just like the end of the world is coming.

Xia Donghuang jumped up like a dive in nine days, everyone saw that behind him, a Dapeng bird appeared vaguely.

In a flash, Xia Donghuang turned into a scorching golden light and collided with the big fingerprint of energy condensed by ancient Peng Zu.

Instantly shattered Gu Pengzu's energy fingerprint, and then quickly killed Gu Pengzu, and soon came to Gu Pengzu.

Xia Donghuang made a demon chaos and killed Gu Pengzu.

"It turns out that you also have blood of demon, and you have fallen into the worship of the human monk as a teacher, and you have really lost the face of the demon race."

Gu Pengzu's voice was cold, and the seven powers in his body that transcended the law were completely mobilized, and he came towards Xia Donghuang.

At this time, Xia Donghuang's face could not be changed slightly. Although the combat strength of Gu Pengzu just showed was very strong, but if he said that he was against the sky, it did not. He secretly brewed an attack. At such a short distance, Xia Donghuang wanted to avoid it and could not escape.

"What a terrifying power, this person's power is far beyond the monk of the Yangshen Realm, and is already close to the monk of the realm of the same doctrine."

Many people exclaimed.

In general, refining a transcendental law is a great opportunity, and Gu Pengzu, even refining and refining so many transcendental laws, is indeed a very shocking thing.

"That kid ... fooled!"

"Yes, he was fooled. Gu Pengzu shot for the first time. The strength he showed was not strong. It is estimated that he wanted to lead him to take the initiative to attack! When he approached Gu Pengzu, the strength of Gu Pengzu has been brewing, so close Being attacked by Gu Pengzu in the distance, he can only face up with Gu Pengzu. This young monk is obviously far inferior to Gu Pengzu in history.

"Won't Gu Pengzu be shot to death?"

"Who knows? But there is indeed a possibility!"


Just as the monks around were having a lot of discussion, Xia Donghuang hurriedly displayed "Cangtian Domineering".


Cangtian domineering exuded terrible fluctuations, and collided fiercely with the attack of Gu Pengzu.

Gu Pengzu's attack was instantly destroyed by the domineering world.

Then Cang Tian's domineering bombarded Gu Pengzu and flew Gu Pengzu directly.

"How much transcending the law? How is it still hard to beat my domineering!"

Xia Donghuang came step by step, like a **** like a demon, the speed was too fast, and immediately killed Gu Pengzu. Under the mobilization of the sky, the domineering world went all the way towards Gu Pengzu.


Gu Pengzu suffered a second domineering attack.


This time, Gu Pengzu failed to withstand such a terrible attack and spit out a blood.

"God, Gu Pengzu is defeated!"

"This is too cruel!"

Countless people yelled in disbelief. It ’s unbelievable that Gu Pengzu ’s horrible existence even lost to a young monk.

Including the monks of the demon dragon clan, they can't even believe it all.

Gu Pengzu!

How can it fail?


Xia Donghuang's voice was cold, and he quickly killed Gu Pengzu, trying to kill Gu Pengzu.

"Ancestor, please lower your avatar!"

At this time, Gu Tiange took out a jade symbol and shouted loudly.

Then he crushed the jade rune.

When Yufu was crushed, a mysterious existence shrouded in endless dragon spirit appeared.

The existence, stepping on the sky and the world above, is like the Lord of the universe.

Branding avatar of the powerful beyond the realm!

Many people took a sigh of relief, having a power that transcends the realm and a strong difference that transcends the realm.

Because the powerful beyond the realm has many incredible abilities, and these abilities are unmatched by other monks.

So simply having power beyond the realm is actually very difficult to defeat the strong beyond the realm, unless this person also possesses some extremely anti-natural means, which is obviously not so easy to obtain.

The branding avatar of the powerful beyond the realm can last for a short time, but if some powerful branding avatars can even exert 70% of the fighting power beyond the realm during this continuous period, this is A terrible point.

After the appearance of this brand avatar, there was a soft, invisible force slamming towards Xia Donghuang. Originally wanting to use this opportunity to solve the Xia Donghuang's look of the ancient Pengzu suddenly changed, he quickly retreated, while dominating the sky Resist the power of the other party.


Cangtian domineering was dissipated, Xia Donghuang was also flicked out, Xia Donghuang's face was a little pale, standing in the void, his chest violently fluctuated, panting continuously, between heaven and earth, all sounds were silent, everyone was shocked It is so shocking that the brand of a powerful person beyond the realm is so terrifying.

"The demon dragon clan, the powerful beyond the realm, I am afraid that it is not comparable to the ordinary monk beyond the realm!"

A monk said.

The monk's remarks were recognized by many people.

This statue is so powerful that it transcends the real brand, and the deity is bound to be more terrifying.

"Deer ants, die!"

The branding voice of this surpassing strong man was cold, and endless dragon qi diffused out towards Xia Donghuang. Where the dragon qi said, the void collapsed, everyone was horrified, the other party's attack was terrible, terrible , The degree of despair.

"Is he afraid that it will be difficult to resist?"

"It's a young age, so against the sky, there is no limit to the future, but today, a peerless genius is afraid to fall?"!

Many people exclaimed.


But at this time, a cold hum came from the courtyard below.

Then everyone saw it.

A golden light flew out of the courtyard, that golden light.

Across the sky.



That golden light directly tore the mark of the demon dragon clan beyond the strong, into two halves.




at this moment.

Countless people feel like they can't breathe.

One move, killing this brand beyond the realm of power.

This brand has almost 70% of its combat power, but it was still killed by the opponent in a single move.

Everybody knows.

It's that mysterious son.

That is, Master Xia Donghuang shot.

This is the first time everyone saw him shot.

Until this time.

Everyone only knew.

To what terrible level did the young man tyrannize.


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