Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6388: Arcana and Broken Corpse Blood

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Everyone couldn't help but be surprised that these stone statues were resurrected, which is really strange.

Such a stone statue is indeed terrifying, and it is terrifying.

However, ghost swordsmanship is bold, and when someone else sees the current situation, he may choose to retreat, and then move.

But Ghost Sword didn't do this. Ghost Sword's attitude was clearly both clear and tough. It just wanted to be tough. It's so powerful. It's normal to have this confidence!

The twelve stone statues all moved at this time, and two beams of light were shining into the eyes of each stone statue.

The two beams of light, one yin, one yang, and yin and yang blend together, and the cycle does not hesitate, the power is amazing.

Every two beams are fused together, and the fused beams are shining toward the ghost sword.


The sound of the ghost sword was cold, and the sword body was directly beheaded towards the dreadful beams, and the sound of clashing clang suddenly came out.

The ghost sword resisted those beam attacks.

However, at this time, the twelve stone statues irradiated with new beams. As in the previous case, each stone statue irradiated two beams of one yin and one yang, and then two beams of one yin and yang merged together. The two beams are also fused, and eventually become a beam.

The power of the fused beams became extremely powerful, many times more terrifying than before.

Soon, the beam flew again in front of the ghost sword, but at this time, the beam did not bombard the sword's body.

That beam of light suddenly changed very strangely.

I saw that beam of light turned into a whip.

Directly wrapped around the ghost sword.

Wrapped the ghost sword densely.

On the twelve stone statues, countless runes have recovered at this moment, and a powerful force of engulfing rushed out of the twelve stone statues. Those engulfing forces are terrible, and they seem to want to bring ghosts The power of the sword swallowed up.

"It's kind of interesting, this is the evil spirit's way of devouring evil spirits, and it was actually exhibited by the twelve stone statues!" The ghost sword could not help sneering.

I saw the green light in the sword body.

Bang Bang Bang ...

After a series of violent explosions came out, the light beam wrapped around the body of the ghost sword suddenly exploded completely, and then the ghost sword quickly flew to the first altar.

Pianhong hit!

Suddenly, the cold sound of the ghost sword came out, and the voice fell, and the ghost sword directly beheaded towards the head of the first stone statue.

An unreal world emerged in front of the body of this stone statue. This stone statue wanted to hold the ghost sword out of this unreal world.

But this stone statue failed to do this.

The ghost sword instantly shattered this illusory world, then a sword beheaded the head of the stone statue, and then the ghost sword swallowed the sacrifice on the altar directly.

"Twelve days of dry earth support is broken, start!"

Lin Feng said with a deep voice.

He locked an altar and rushed past quickly.

The altar locked by Lin Feng is enshrined in the rat.

Seeing Lin Feng flying, there was a beam of horror beams shining in the eyes of Zika.

Lin Feng sacrificed the Ryutian Cup, and this magic weapon was activated by Lin Feng.

When the beams of light came, Lin Feng resisted Zi Zi's attack with the Ryukyu Cup, and he kept approaching the altar.

The rest also shot.

Mo Tongyi, Ling Muhua, Huo Yanyi, and Xia Donghuang each locked an altar, and the old power of the Phoenix family is not so powerful.

Therefore, these ancestors were divided into two teams, led by two clan elders who had mastered the transcendental law, and rushed to their locked altar.


As he continued to approach the altar, the attack released by Zishu Stone Statue became more and more powerful. Lin Feng could not help whispering, and the large array had been broken. The Zishu Stone Statue was able to release such a horrific attack. If the array is not broken, to what extent is the attack released by the Zishu stone statue violent?

It is estimated that there is no way for ordinary transcendent powerhouses to get close?

Fortunately, the power is now sharply reduced, and Lin Feng has a defensive magic weapon like the Ryukyu Cup, so Lin Feng is constantly approaching the altar, and when he comes to the edge of the altar, the child opens his mouth.

An energy light sphere was brewing in its mouth. The energy light sphere flew out and sprayed towards Lin Feng. After feeling the power of the energy light sphere, Lin Feng's heart was horrified.

He felt the breath of death from that energy ball.

The peculiar blow made by Zishu stone statue is naturally terrifying, but Lin Feng has been prepared for a long time. When the energy light ball spewed by Zishu quickly bombed, Lin Feng exhibited the door of Unreal Mantra. Absolutely.

Lin Feng's body instantly became unreal.

That terrible energy light sphere passed through Lin Feng's illusory body, and could not cause any damage to Lin Feng, and finally dissipated in the air.

Lin Feng was on the altar, and he sacrificed the Epoch War Gun, sweeping it towards the stone statue of Zishu.


With the sound of the violent collision, the powerful and powerful blow was slammed on the stone statue of Zishu, and the stone statue of Zishu could not bear such terrifying power, so the stone statue of Zishu was crushed by Lin Feng in one blow .

After the broken stone statue of Zishu, Lin Feng's face finally showed a relief-like expression. It was just dangerous, but the result was not bad.

Lin Feng quickly put away the mysterious light group above the altar. As for the treasure in this mysterious light group, I didn't have time to examine it carefully. It wouldn't be too late to check after I left this place to find a safe place.

Lin Feng then killed towards the second altar. There were two altars next to the Zishu altar. One was the ugly bull altar and the other was the Hai pig altar.

Lin Feng originally wanted to go to the Ugly Cow Altar. As the second-ranked existence among the zodiac signs, the things placed on the altar may be very precious.

But Lin Feng found that the ghost sword went to the ugly cow altar, Lin Feng could not compete with the ghost sword, so Lin Feng chose the Hai pig altar.

Hai pigs are different from ordinary domestic pigs. Hai pigs look more like wild boars, with huge fangs, and look very fierce. At first glance, it is not easy to provoke existence.

With the previous experience of dealing with Zi rats, dealing with Hai pigs is much simpler and smoother than before.

Lin Feng got two treasures.

The ghost sword got three treasures.

The magic boy got two treasures.

Ling Muhua got two treasures.

Huo Yanyi got a baby.

Xia Donghuang got a treasure.

The other two teams of the Phoenix family, only one team got the baby.

Another team wanted to get the things on the Yinhu altar, but Yinhu's attack power was too strong. They destroyed a strong man and injured three others, so they finally retreated.

Later, the thing on the altar was gone by the magic boy.

So far.

All the things on the twelve altars were taken away.

Lin Feng intends to leave this place quickly.

But this time.

Between heaven and earth.

Many terrible laws of order have emerged.

And the law of order that appears here.

Block the void directly.

This place is completely sealed off.

"Don't dare to break into the forbidden ground and disturb the deep sleep of this seat, you people should be damn!"

The icy voice came from the temple, and there was a cold and murderous intention in the voice.




Then the earth was shaking, and not long afterwards, a terrible creature came out. This is a stone statue, a blood-stained stone statue, with wings on its back.

But soon Lin Feng discovered that this existence is not as simple as a stone statue, it seems to be a stone clan's holy spirit, but the state is a bit strange, really strange.

Soon Lin Feng was attracted by the blood in this statue.

That kind of blood.

Deja vu!

Is ... the blood of the broken corpse in the mysterious iron box?

Then, an idea appeared in Lin Feng's mind, Lin Feng took a breath.

The origin of the broken body inside the mysterious iron box is too mysterious.

This blood of existence, the horrible unimaginable, the breath is too similar, but now the mysterious iron box has not issued any movement, which makes Lin Feng very puzzled.

Because in Lin Feng's opinion, if the blood on the stone statue is really the blood of the mysterious iron box broken corpse, the mysterious iron box should produce abnormal movements, right? Why now there is no movement?

Could it be ... The broken corpse inside the mysterious iron box is now in a quiet state?

Did not sense the blood?

Or maybe.

The blood is just like the blood of the corpse inside the mysterious iron box, but is it not the blood of the corpse inside the mysterious iron box?

But no matter what the reason, anyway, there is no change in the mysterious iron box, Lin Feng decided to observe and observe the specific situation.

"It turned out to be a poor worm that has lost its flesh, but now it has a body of the Holy Spirit of the Stone Clan, so dare to speak up here? Really ridiculous!"

Gui Jian said sarcastically.

"Huh, it's time to die, and it's still here to provoke the seat, really looking for death!"

The sound of this powerful existence is cold.

After his words fell.


I saw a flash of light, and he disappeared instantly. The next moment, he had come to the ghost sword, and then he went towards the ghost sword with a punch.

The speed of the ghost sword is too fast, and it is easy to avoid the punch of this existence, and then the ghost sword erupts out of the terrifying power.


The icy voice of the ghost sword came out, and I saw the ghost sword descend from the sky, and a sword was beheaded towards this horrible existence.

With a clatter, the sword of the ghost sword was beheaded on this horrible existence, only a loud noise came out, but it could not cause any harm to this horrible existence.

This is too unreasonable.

Because of the power of the ghost sword, everyone knows clearly that even the body of the stone clan's Holy Spirit can't resist the attack of the ghost sword.

For example, this horrible existence in front of him, he controlled the body of the holy spirit of the stone clan. It stands to reason that even the ghost sword just could n’t split it into two in the first blow, but at the very least, it should also be very serious to his body. The damage is right.

But the actual situation?

This existing body has not been hurt at all, which is really astounding.

"It's the blood ...".

Lin Feng instantly thought of a possibility.

It is most likely that the blood changed the body of the Holy Spirit of the stone clan.

and so.

The ghost sword did not break through the defense of the stone spirit body.

At this time, the blood on this horrible existence seemed to be resurrected, and quickly rushed towards the ghost sword.


The ghost sword disappeared instantly.

When it reappears, it has appeared a hundred meters away.


On the sword body of the ghost sword, a drop of blood has been contaminated.

That drop of blood is constantly eroding the ghost sword, and wants to enter the body of the ghost sword.


The ghost sword made an angry and painful roar, which shocked Lin Feng and others.

Ghost Sword is so awesome that he was so embarrassed by a drop of blood.

Oh shit!

The blood on the body of the stone holy spirit is really terrifying.


"Jin Jie, do you know how powerful this seat is? Even if your supernatural powers can reverse the world, but in front of this seat, it is like a ant dog!"

This horrible existence said humbly.

"Blood swallowed!"

next moment.

This horrible existence waved a big hand.

Focus on him.

A large amount of blood gas rolled over, and those blood gases seemed to turn into a blood-colored Wang Yang. Those blood gases quickly flew towards Lin Feng and others, wanting to devour Lin Feng and others.


Everyone's look changed dramatically and quickly backed off.

Lin Feng quickly took out the door of mind in the process of retreating, and then he began to try to urge the door of mind.

This place was affected by the order of law. Lin Feng did not know whether the door of mind could be successfully activated by him, but soon Lin Lin's face showed a happy look, because the door of mind was actually activated by him.


At the next moment, Lin Feng was attacked by the other party's terror. An invisible force hit Lin Feng's soul, causing damage to Lin Feng's soul. Lin Feng's mind was stunned and his body fell towards the ground.

However, Lin Feng's extraordinary means quickly stabilized his body, but the door of the mind was already dim and needs to be reactivated before it can be used.

But the other party could not give him this opportunity anymore.

"The curse technique!"

Lin Feng looked gloomy at the horrible existence, and the other party definitely cast a curse. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to have such an influence.

At that time, the horrible existence also looked at Lin Feng, and his eyes were full of contempt and sensational killing intentions, and seemed to be mocking Lin Feng.

Oh shit! It was despised by this bastard!

But I have to say that this king of **** is really terrifying. The sea of ​​blood is shrouded, and **** tentacles appear, entwining a famous monk, and then the powerful swallowing power surges out, trying to devour everyone dry.

The ghost sword is so powerful.

But because of the drop of blood, it is now trapped.

Is it the blood of a broken corpse?

Lin Feng was puzzled.

Can't wait to die.

Otherwise, you must die in the hands of this horrible being.

From now on.

Lin Feng quickly summoned the mysterious iron box.

Originally the mysterious iron box was in a quiet state, but when the mysterious iron box was placed in the blood sea environment, many runes suddenly recovered.

Click and click.


The mysterious tin box took the initiative to open a gap.

Powerful swallowing power surged from inside the mysterious iron box.

Amazing things appeared.

I saw the blood on the stone body of the horror, all flew towards the mysterious iron box.

The blood was really the blood of the broken corpse.

There was a happy look on Lin Feng's face.

And the horrible existence saw this scene with anger and anger. He didn't expect this to happen. He roared angrily, "Return my blood!"

Then this existence, quickly flew towards Lin Feng's side, trying to get back the blood.

The drop of blood on the ghost sword body also left the ghost sword body and flew towards the mysterious iron box.

The ghost sword took a breath.

It could not help secretly seeing in the mysterious iron box: "It turned out to be the blood of that existence!"

The ghost sword then looked at the horrible existence, and suddenly showed a sense of killing.

Just suffocated it.

The ghost sword flew over quickly, and a sword beheaded towards this horrible existence.

The dazzling light illuminates the dazzling world.

The ghost sword locked this horrible existence, and this horrible existence wanted to avoid it.

But it is impossible to avoid the attack of the ghost sword.

He sacrificed a stone sword to resist the attack of the ghost sword, but the powerful stone sword appeared so weak under the attack of the ghost sword.


The powerful stone sword broke, and then the ghost sword was beheaded on the neck of this horrible creature.

The previous time, the ghost sword was slashed on it and it didn't even cause any damage to it.

But that time was because of the blood of broken corpses.

This time the situation is completely different.

The blood of broken corpses has been absorbed by Lin Feng's mysterious iron box.

There is no blessing of broken corpse blood.

The head of this horrible creature was beheaded by a ghost sword.

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