Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6409: Terrible annihilation millstone! The idea of ​​plundering the World's Mill

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The energy light ball condensed by this person is absolutely terrible. Since this person has crossed three thousand eras, it is obvious that he is definitely not as simple as transcending the realm.

Even the monks who approached the realm of joint do not bring so much pressure to Lin Feng.

So this person is likely to be a monk in the same realm.

If this is the realm, it will be terrifying.

Beyond the realm, the Hedao realm is a huge watershed. Everyone knows that once it breaks into the Hedao realm, its strength will be improved by leaps and bounds.

However, it is extremely difficult to break through the realm of Hedao. It is said that 90% of the monks, after breaking through beyond the realm, will spend their whole lives working hard, and do n’t want to break through.

And these monks who transcend the realm themselves have extremely talents, their talents, understanding of Tao, understanding of magical powers, understanding of fairy magic, etc. are simply not comparable to others.

They are the strongest people standing in the world, and they are also the most talented people.

If such a character can't break through the realm of Yangshen to the realm of Hedao, you can imagine how hard it is to break through the realm of Hedao.

Therefore, at present, Lin Feng has seen many monks beyond the realm, basically monks in the realm of Yangshen, at most they are monks close to the realm of Hedao, and monks above the realm of Hedao are extremely rare, mainly a breakthrough Too difficult.

In the face of the attack of the unparalleled king of the world, Lin Feng and others naturally dare not have a hint of care.

Lin Feng took out this treasure of Ryutian Cup, and Ryutian Cup formed a powerful defensive mask. When the black energy light ball was bombarded, it was resisted by Ryutian Cup.

The black energy light sphere exploded, and the devastating force exploded Lin Feng and others.

Fortunately, the defense force of Ryukyu Cup was terrifying enough, so it did not cause harm to Lin Feng and others.

After seeing the Ryukyu Cup, the King of Peerless God showed a surprised expression.

He said, "An ancient weapon-level treasure is extremely rare in itself, not to mention the ancient weapons of the defensive type? There are fewer ancient weapons of this defensive type, and I did not expect that your lowly ants can still control such a weapon. Piece Zhibao, it seems that the creatures of low bloodline can sometimes get some chance. "

Peerless Heavenly King left a lowly, another lowly degrading Lin Feng and others.

It can be seen how proud this person is. This kind of pride is a kind of pride that emanates from the bone.

People feel disgusted.

The poisonous ancestor scolded, "What are you talking about, the royal family behind the scenes is noble? It's a laugh, don't be too self-righteous."

The King of Peerless God glanced at the poison ancestor and said disdainfully, "You are nothing more than a creature born from the poisonous poison. You are so low that you are not even qualified to speak to this seat. If you are in this world, you are like this Creatures are slaves, wrong, they should be slaves of slaves. "

The poisonous ancestor of the **** of the gods yelled.

Lin Feng said with a sneer, "It's said that others are low bloodline, but, have you ever thought that your family, in the eyes of others, is low bloodline?".

"Who dares to regard my family as a low bloodline?". The Desperate King sneered.

Lin Feng said, "Do I still need to elaborate? For example, the Yexuan family in Kunlun Universe, such as the Taishanfujun family, such as the dominant emperor, which bloodline is not stronger than the master behind you?".

"Even the declining Taixi tribe had a bloodline stronger than the bloodline of the black-handed royal family behind you. So, when you say someone else is a low bloodline, do you really want to find a sense of superiority from others?".

"Why look for this kind of superiority? The reason is actually very simple, because you know that in front of those top families, you have a low bloodline and ca n’t lift your head, so you want to find superiority, and then comfort your fragility and Poor heart ".

"I don't know anything about life or death. You are a lowly human monk, and you dare to speak up here, this seat will kill you!"

Desperate Heavenly King was obviously annoyed by Lin Feng's words, and his eyes gleamed with sensational killing intentions, trying to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said sarcastically, "Jesus King, did you know that Ye Xuan's family, which dominates the emperor, are the earliest human races? You said that the blood line of the human race is low. Isn't the blood line of the royal family behind you behind the scenes even more? humble?".

"Are you hitting yourself in the face? Are you insulting your ancestors for low bloodline?".

"It's really interesting. Some people even insulted their ancestors for their low bloodline. If they were known to the dead elders of your family, would they have to be angered to survive? In this way, you still have a lot to do with the family!"

"Hahahaha, laugh at me ..."

The poison ancestor was amused by Lin Feng's words. This guy laughed exaggeratedly. In fact, the poison ancestor was a pretentious gesture, deliberately angering the **** of heaven.

"Go to **** ...".

Jue Shen Tianwang screamed with anger, and they slapped one by one toward Lin Feng.

One big handprint of energy condenses out of the void.

The big fingerprints of energy one after another were bombarded fiercely on the defensive mask formed by Ryukyu Cup.

Click and click.

After dozens of palms in a row, the defensive mask formed by the Ryutian Cup suddenly appeared densely cracked, and it was difficult to continue to look at it. It must be said that the fighting power of this guy is absolutely terrifying.

Lin Feng definitely counterattacked the King of Peerless God. After Lin Feng got the Scarlet Sword before, Lin Feng already has nine ancient attack weapons (of which eight are pure attack weapons and one soul weapon).

Lin Feng summoned all the ancient weapon-level magic weapons, and then used the ancient weapons to form a special connection between these ancient weapons. The power of the nine ancient weapon-level magic weapons was suddenly connected together.

These ancient weapon-level magic weapons are indeed terrifying. When the power of these magic weapons is connected together, the power of each ancient weapon begins to increase wildly.

Moreover, after the formation of a large array of ancient weapons, not only the power surged, these ancient weapons cooperated with each other, it was a **** to block the killing god, and the Buddha to block the Buddha.

Under the control of Lin Feng, Zhen Lingling shocked out a wave of sounds of death.

This is the technique of soul attack, which can cause tremendous damage to the monk's soul, and the other eight ancient weapon-level magic weapons have been slashed toward the **** of heaven.

The soul of Peerless Heavenly King was affected to a certain extent, and there was a very painful expression on his face, but the person of Peerless Heavenly King was indeed terrible, and he quickly suppressed the severe pain caused by the soul.

However, at this time, Lin Feng's ancient weapons had already been killed. The King of Peerless God saw so many ancient weapons, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

Even if his nephew, the master of the black hand behind the scenes, does not have so many ancient weapons.

There is endless greed in the heart of the King of Peerless God, and I wish to kill Lin Feng immediately, and then **** all the treasures of these powerful ancient weapon levels. If you grab these ancient weapons, they will be issued by then.

However, what the King of Gods must do now is to dispel the attacks of these ancient weapons in front of him. He originally wanted to shuttle through the void to avoid the attacks of these ancient weapons.

However, he discovered that the void was already imprisoned by the powerful forces emanating from these ancient weapons, and there was simply no way to travel through the void.

Therefore, we can only choose to resist the power released by these ancient weapons.

The Deity God King sacrificed a powerful defensive magic weapon. This defensive magic weapon is a treasure of the half-step ancient weapon level.

Now the King of Peerless God is looking for the last material. As long as this material is found, this defensive magic weapon can be sacrificed into a real ancient weapon.

Although this magic weapon has not yet become a real ancient weapon level magic weapon, but its power is still terrifying.

The power of this defensive magic weapon is activated!

Formed a huge shield.

Resist in front of you.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Lin Feng's eight ancient weapons carried the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, and were bombarded on the defensive magic weapon of the Desperate Heavenly King. This defensive magic weapon of the Desperate Heavenly King instantly shattered.

However, the King of Divine God took advantage of this opportunity to quickly retreat and opened the distance from Lin Feng's ancient weapons.


Lin Feng marveled. After replacing the Ryutian cup with a **** sword, the power of the ancient weapon array surged. If it was not because of the defensive magic weapon, it might even cause a heavy blow to the King of the Divine God.

"My Shield of Holy Light!"

The King of Peerless God roared, and it was too difficult and difficult to build ancient weapons of defensive type, mainly because the materials were too rare and too rare. For a long time, in order to use the Holy Light Shield as an ancient weapon, King of Peerless God did not know how much it cost. With painstaking effort, I don't know how much Treasure I spent to exchange the materials he needed with others.

In fact, before coming out this time, he already had the last piece of material.

Just waiting to kill the Red Dust Immortal Venerable and return to the black hand world behind the scenes, he went to find the material.

Then the Holy Light Shield is forged into a real defensive ancient weapon.

But now, he doesn't have this opportunity anymore. He spent countless efforts to forge the Holy Light Shield, which was destroyed by Lin Feng's eight ancient weapon-level treasures.

angry! Rage!

From the perspective of the King of Gods, this is not just a loss of a treasure. He feels that he has been slapped **** the face, and the other party slapped it on his face. He hated and mad.

In his long life, he has never encountered such a stifling thing.

After all, his race is there, his identity is there.

No one dared to offend him on weekdays.

Today, he seems to have experienced the same humiliation that he did not receive in the first half of his life.

"Why do you master so many ancient weapons?".

Peerless King looked gloomy at Lin Feng.

He really couldn't understand this matter.

It stands to reason that it is a great luck to get a treasure of the ancient weapon level.

But Lin Feng has mastered ten treasures of ancient weapons.

It ’s really unprecedented.

He even doubted whether he was dreaming, but everything was true, he was not dreaming, Lin Feng did hold so many ancient weapons.

He was not tolerated.

Lin Feng said, "Is it difficult to master these ancient weapons? For me, it is not a difficult thing, because I am the person who controls the emperor."

"What? Are you the master of the emperor?". The face of the priest **** is full of shocked expression.

"Yes, I am the one who controls the emperor." Lin Feng ran a little bit to control the blood of the emperor, and the face of Jushen Tianwang was even more difficult to look. Lin Feng showed that he had dominated the status of emperor, which gave him a slap.

Are you pretending? Don't you think you are above you?

A monk of a low race, pretending to be in front of a noble race, is too amused, isn't he smoking himself?

"Then you should be even more damn." The eyes of the **** of utter despair shone with a sense of murder.

He waved a big hand.

A grinding disc appeared, it was the eradicating grinding disc.

This is the first time Lin Feng has seen the World Extinguishing Mopan. I saw that the World Extinguishing Mopan is not particularly large, and its diameter is about half a meter, showing a dark color, exuding a cold and terrible atmosphere.

Lin Feng had always thought that the World Extinction Grinding Disk did not belong to any forces. It wasn't until he heard that the God of Peerless God had control of the World Extinguishing Grinding Disc before he knew that this World Extinguishing Grinding Disc was originally the treasure held by the royal family behind the scenes.

"I am now in charge of the World Destruction Mill, which can destroy everything, including you!"

Peerless King looked coldly at Lin Feng.

Then, he activated the World Extinction Millstone.

When the World Extinction Millstone was activated, this ancient millstone suddenly turned in the void.


An invisible force, condensed, came towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hurriedly manipulated his own ancient weapon to beheaded towards the World Extinguishing Mopan. Lin Feng's ancient weapon was attacked by invisible forces, and was directly blown out by the power released by the World Extinguishing Mopan.

"So strong".

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a breath of relief. This is the first time he saw the World Extinguishing Mopan showing great power, and he couldn't help but feel extremely shocked in his heart.

The power displayed by the World Extinguishing Mopan is indeed terrible, and it is so moving that in the face of such a horrible treasure as the World Extinguishing Mopan, it is estimated that anyone must be desperate.

"Although the ancient weapons are strong, the World Extinction Grinding Disk is very special, which can suppress the treasures of the ancient weapons level." The Deity God said with a sneer.

Lin Feng sneered and continued to manipulate the ancient weapons to kill the World Warrior, but to no avail, Lin Feng's ancient weapons still flew out by the power released by the World Warrior.

The World Extinction Grinding Disc is terrible. Lin Feng ’s ancient weapons were suppressed by the World Extinction Grinding Disc.

The power released by the World Extinction Millstone has not been completely resolved by the ancient weapons, and there is still a part of the power coming from the bombardment.

The three Lin Feng were blasted out, Lin Feng was better, the poison ancestor and Xia Donghuang vomited blood, and their faces were pale.

Xinxi Ancient Weapon dissolves most of the power, otherwise, the situation of the two will be even worse.

Lin Feng may even be injured.

"Shit, is this mortal millstone too abnormal?".

The poisonous ancestor could not help cursing. He was so depressed now. The blood he had been beaten had no power to fight back. It was extremely suffocating.

Xia Donghuang's face is also not pretty.

Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, "You stay away!"

The poison ancestor and Xia Donghuang quickly flew towards the distance, and they were destined to be unable to participate in this battle.

Those ancient weapons quickly flew to Lin Feng's side, suspended around Lin Feng.

at the same time.

Lin Feng sacrificed the grinding plate of the son and mother.

The son-mother grinding disc is the most mysterious one among the five major grinding discs. What role does the son-mother grinding disc actually have? Lin Feng is not particularly clear, but since it is the same as the mortal grinding disc, Lin Feng feels that maybe the son-mother grinding disc Baby, able to contend with the eradication.

After the son-mother grinding disc was sacrificed by Lin Feng, the face of the **** of extinction suddenly appeared in a surprise. Apparently he recognized the son-mother grinding disc that Lin Feng sacrificed.

"You actually got the grinding wheel of mother and son!".

There was an endless greedy gaze in the eyes of the princely king.

This look is much more greedy than the ancient weapon that wanted Lin Feng before.

In other words, the status of Lin Feng's so many ancient weapons in the mind of the **** of heaven is even inferior to that of the mother and son.

In this way, the celestial king must know what the role of the son and mother grinding disc is.

However, Lin Feng did not ask about the hidden secrets of the prince's mother.

Because Lin Feng felt.

Even if asked.

It is impossible for the God of Despair to tell him the secret of grinding the son and mother.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "My son and daughter grinding discs are more powerful than your mortal grinding discs!"

The King of Peerless God said with a sneer, "The functions are different, how to compare, this child and mother grinding disc is mine!".

The voice fell.

The World Extinction Millstone released a terrible attack again.

Lin Feng tried to use the mother-child grinding disc to resist the attack of the World Extinguishing Grinding Disc. Lin Feng didn't really know anything at all. After all, the Power of the World Extinguishing Grinding Disc was clear.

But soon Lin Feng's face showed a happy look, because he saw that when the terrorist attack released by the World Extinction Mill Pan was bombarded, countless runes on the child-mother mill pan recovered, and then the child-mother mill pan turned The attack of World Extinction Mopan was absorbed.

I rely on!


I really didn't expect that the master-mother discs can absorb powerful attacks. Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder whether the master-mother discs can absorb any kind of attack, or can they only absorb the attacks released by the other four major discs?

Don't think about this for a while, anyway, the son-mother grinding disc can absorb the power released by the World Extinguishing Grinding Disc. In this way, the opponent's World Extinguishing Grinding Disc cannot pose a threat to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, however, once again manipulated the treasures of the ancient weapon class and launched an attack on the King of the Absolute God.

At the same time, Lin Feng gave a voice to the poison ancestor, allowing the poison ancestor to secretly release the highly toxic.

Use highly toxic to deal with the **** of heaven.

Because Lin Feng knows that this **** is absolutely terrible, and it is difficult to get rid of this guy, and at this time, the poisonous venom of the poison ancestor can play a huge role.

After all, the poisonous ancestor's current venomous technique is really powerful. No matter how powerful the venerable **** is, it is impossible to completely resist the poisonous ancestor's venomous technique. After the venerable venerable king is poisoned, the venerable venerable king's combat power will plummet At that time, the King of Peerless God was easy to deal with.

I am not sure if you can really kill the King of Gods.

If you kill the King of Peerless God, willn't it be possible to **** the World Destroyer at that time?

And then you can search for the soul memory of the King of the Divine God, and then you may be able to know the hidden secrets of the child and mother.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little bit enthusiastic.

The attack power of the World Extinguishing Mopan is too unfavorable. After mastering the World Extinguishing Mopan, Lin Feng feels that urging the World Extinguishing Mopan may be able to easily kill the powerful in the same realm.

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