Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6414: The condition of the three-headed wolf god! Get the holy water of life!

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The three-headed wolf **** said, "You must be very puzzled. I am clearly a creature who has escaped from the universe of extinction. Why am I the spirit of the tree of life?"

"Yes, why? It sounds incredible and incredible!". Lin Feng said.

The three-headed wolf **** said, "This is because I was dying when I fled here, and the spirit of the tree of life wanted to leave this place, but as the spirit of the tree of life, there is no way to leave. ".

"It happened that I appeared in this place, and it wanted to take away my body, but as the existence of the level of the cosmic dying cosmos, the spirit of the tree of life is too small to look down on my soul, we passed by After the struggle, a fusion was formed, and this body became the body that I shared with the tree of life spirit. "

"And this thing?" Lin Feng and others are all surprised expressions, things are really twists and turns, just like listening to novels, wrong, even more interesting than the novels that many storytellers said.

Lin Feng, they did not think that the three-headed wolf **** would deceive them. It was this time, and it was meaningless to deceive them, right?

So they think that what the three-headed wolf **** said should be true, that is to say, now, the three-headed wolf **** shares a body with the spirit of the tree of life.

Lin Feng asked doubtfully, "What about the spirit of the tree of life? Why haven't you ever spoken?".

The three-headed wolf **** said, "This is because, I control the body in the night, it controls the body during the day, and now, it is already at night, so I control the body."

This world has always been a bit dim, there is no distinction between night and day, so the night and day that the three-headed wolf **** said actually refers to the replacement of night and day in the outside world.

Now, the outside world is indeed night.

"So if we want to get the holy water of life, then we need to wait until the day comes, and then negotiate with the spirit of the tree of life?", Said Hongchen Xianzun.

The three-headed wolf **** said, "Actually, if I agree, it will agree, because at this stage the two of us are completely inseparable. I will help it accomplish some things, and it will also help me accomplish some things."

"So, what do you want us to do for you?". Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

The three-headed wolf **** said, "When I saw my head, I was so beautiful. Now, there is only one head left, and I won't be as beautiful as ever."


Lin Feng and others are speechless. Are you handsome?

Well, maybe we are not wolf race creatures, so we cannot distinguish between the beauty of wolf race creatures and the ugly. You say that Junmei is handsome.

The three-headed wolf **** said, "The people who cut off my head, destroyed my kingdom, a large number of people who believed in me, were slaughtered, and the **** wolf empire became history, and many faithful subordinates fled to cover me , And eventually died in the hands of the other party. "

"The endless years have passed, I still can't forget the previous hatred, I hate, I want to go back to revenge, but my own strength is not enough to complete the revenge, so I need your help."

Lin Feng and Hong Chen Xianzun could not help frowning slightly. Does this guy mean to let them go to the Universe to help him revenge?

Lin Feng didn't know much about the Extinct Universe. Lin Feng knew a person, that is, the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord is the existence of the Great Lord of the Extinct Universe. It is estimated that it is similar to the three-headed wolf god. .

In addition, Lin Feng knows that the universe has always been very chaotic. Many big bosses exist, fighting for each other, grabbing territory, and grabbing resources.

It is estimated that the country of the three-headed wolf **** was destroyed in this way.

It is impossible to imagine how powerful the existence of the three-headed wolf **** is.

If it is involved in this matter, how can it be so easy to help the three wolf gods kill each other?

Maybe they will be killed by the other party, so now Lin Feng and Hong Chen Xianzun can't help but hesitate slightly.

The three-headed wolf **** said, "Relax, I know what is happening here on the Kyushu universe. The Kyushu universe will be destroyed in more than 100 years. You want to stop the destruction of the Kyushu universe, right? I can wait for you for more than 100 years. Time, wait for you to finish the matter of the Kyushu universe, then follow me to the universe of extinction, and help me kill my enemy. "

Lin Feng said, "You are quite confident in us."

The three-headed wolf **** said, "This is natural, because a great reincarnation of three thousand epochs, every time a great reincarnation, many great things will happen."

"For example, the change of some top powers, the same is true of the four universes. Every time the reincarnation appears, some top old powers will be destroyed. For example, the former Taixi people. Presumably you should understand it. This race has been more than that. Powerful, this race is the master of the Kyushu universe. What was the Mafia behind the scenes at that time? ".

"However, during the great reincarnation, the seemingly powerful Taixi tribe was eventually replaced by the behind-the-scenes Mafia. This rule has remained unchanged, so I think that this reincarnation is the best opportunity to wipe out the behind-the-scenes Mafia. If this reincarnation cannot destroy the Mafia behind the scenes, then you guys are completely finished. "

"The next three thousand epochs, you may not be able to exterminate the behind-the-scenes Mafia. No. To be precise, you cannot live for so long at all. The behind-the-scenes Mafia will definitely kill you, from my personal point of view. Speaking of course, I of course hope you all go well, but if there is any deviation from what I expected, I can only admit that I am out of luck, and then think of other ways. "

The words of the three-headed wolf **** surprised Lin Feng very much. No wonder this era, the black hand world behind the scenes is so crazy to kill all the powerful monks standing opposite them, it is because of this reason, it seems that behind the scenes The world of black hands is very clear, so the black hands behind the scenes are also afraid now.

Lin Feng and Hong Chen Xianzun glanced at each other, and they both saw affirmative answers from each other's eyes. Lin Feng said, "Okay, we agreed to your request, and then borrow your good luck, hoping to get rid of the behind-the-scenes royal family. ! "


The next step is to wait.

Wait for the day to come and talk to the spirit of the tree of life.

The three-headed wolf **** found a place to rest. As for Lin Feng, they watched around the tree of life. Lin Feng collected some leaves and branches of the tree of life. Maybe they can use these things to exchange with people at the fair. Some treasures, there must be many monks interested in the leaves and branches of the tree of life.

After collecting these leaves and branches, Lin Feng then tried to see if he could have a special induction with the tree of life.

An ancient tree like the tree of life is extraordinary, even if this tree of life is not a deity, but the figure is here.

This tree of life will surely allow the monks to enter the state of Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi's enlightenment, even if they can't realize the true meaning of life, maybe they can understand other ways?

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng found that the Red Dust Fairy Venerable seemed to be in the state of Xuan Zhi and Xuan. It seemed that she felt something.

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling that Hongxian Xianzun was really against the sky. Even he didn't sense any special place, Hongchen Xianzun had already sensed it.

In fact, Hongchen Xianzun is also very normal. After all, when Lin Feng practiced several kinds of three thousand avenues, Hongchen Xianzun had already practiced 3,000 kinds of three thousand avenues.

What an amazing achievement?

It's shocking.

Therefore, Lin Feng always thought that Lin Feng's present talent should be regarded as one of the strongest in the heavens and the world. There may be no one comparable to her. If there is, Lin Feng does not know.

Ancestral Poison and Xia Donghuang also failed to have a special induction with the tree of life.

"This woman is really awesome! I have seen countless surprises and flamboyant existences, and even seen female giants standing at the pinnacle of the universe, but even those female giants standing at the pinnacle of the universe are more talented. Not up to this woman. "

The three-headed wolf **** came to Lin Feng and could not help speaking.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Indeed, in an era, perhaps such a strange woman will appear!"

The three-headed wolf **** said, "In fact, what I really admire is not this woman, but you."

"why would you say so?". Lin Feng asked puzzled.

The three-headed wolf **** said, "This woman is so powerful, isn't he still surrendered by you?".

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I now find that I seem to like to be friends with you a little bit, because I like you who speaks straight and loves the truth."

The three-headed wolf **** smiled and said, "One another, I also like your open-minded humor."

Lin Feng and the three wolf gods boasted each other.

The two did not feel any embarrassment at all.

When the day came, the spirit of the three-headed wolf **** slept, and the soul of the tree of life spirit recovered.

It looked at Lin Feng, Hong Chen Xianzun and others and said, "I already know the purpose of your coming here!"

"You wait for a while, and I will give you the holy water of life."

The spirit of the tree of life is relatively straightforward and refreshing, but it saves a lot of trouble for Lin Feng and others.

They nodded and waited aside.

The spirit of the tree of life begins to read spells.

When his spell fell.

A holy water flew down from above.

The group of holy water exudes a very powerful life force. After feeling that powerful life force, Lin Feng suddenly showed a happy look.


That group of holy water should be holy water of life, and finally got holy water of life.

This time, the fire can be revived.

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