Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6429: Refining the magic tire! Mana surge!

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Once before, Lin Feng will not be able to do it the second time with the magic tire?

of course not!

Lin Feng has been guarding against the magic tire!

So in the face of the spirit attack of the magic tire, Lin Feng activated the treasure of the soul-souling bell.

The Soul Soul shook gently, releasing an invisible force.

This invisible force directly destroyed the soul attack released by the magic tire.

Lin Feng's face immediately showed a sneer expression.

He said, "Why do you have to struggle again, demon? If you let me refine, you can show your value."

The devil's eyes were cold, and he took a palm towards Lin Feng, but he was trapped in the golden treasure.

Therefore, his attack was resisted by this treasure of golden light cover, and now the demon can only release some soul attacks at most.

If it is someone else, it is estimated that it cannot resist the soul attack released by the magic tire.

But Lin Feng is different.

Lin Feng has an ancient weapon-level soul attack magic weapon of the spirit of soul, and its soul power is also strong enough. In addition, there are chaotic ancient lamps to protect the soul. As long as Lin Feng pays a little attention to resolve the soul attack of the magic tire, it ’s a piece of cake .

Lin Feng came three meters away from the golden mask. He sat cross-legged and tried to input mana into the golden mask.

The golden mask, this magic weapon, did not resist Lin Feng's mana. Lin Feng's mana was successfully input into the golden mask, and then gradually poured into the body of the magic tire.

The magic tire did not resist the influx of Lin Feng's mana too much. Without much congress, a large amount of mana poured into the body of the magic tire.

After Lin Feng's mana poured into the body of the magic tire.

Lin Feng found that he could gradually control the body of the magic tire.

But Lin Feng felt that the whole process was a bit too easy?

Lin Feng thought about it, maybe it was because the demon had no soul? So it is so easy to refine the magic tire?

After refining the magic tire, this treasure of the golden hood seems to have sensed, and flew quickly towards the outside. Such a baby, which has powerful intelligence itself, now probably feels that its task has been completed, so go find it The owner went.

Who is the owner of Jinguang Ho, Lin Feng is unclear. Maybe it is Huang Shengzong or other people, but this is not Lin Feng ’s concern. Lin Feng ’s energy is mainly placed on the magic tire.

Refining the magic tire is only the first step.

Next, you need to integrate the magic tire into your own Dantian. This step is extremely critical. Lin Feng suddenly felt that melting the magic tire and Dantian together is a bit similar to the realm of the Tao, and merges your own Tao with the body.

There seems to be similarities between the two sides.

But now Lin Feng did not think too much about this matter. He tried to send the magic tire into Dantian, and then a large amount of mana came continuously. These mana all poured into the body of the magic tire.

Wash the body of the magic tire.

The magic tire has a deep magic, Lin Feng needs to wash away the magic and magical energy of the magic tire, otherwise, it is not a good thing for Lin Feng.

Because the magic of the fetal tire will even affect Lin Feng, let Lin Feng into the magic, if such a thing really happens, it will be terrible, and then Lin Feng will be outweighed.

But just when Lin Feng wanted to use his power to wash away the magic energy of the magic tire, suddenly, terrible things happened. The originally silent magic tire actually struggled violently, and there was a purge in the body of the magic tire. Destructive power, that force bombarded Lin Feng's Dantian.

Dan Tian who wants to destroy Lin Feng.

Originally Lin Feng thought he had completely controlled the magic tire.

Now I know that this kind of thinking seems a bit whimsical.

Lin Feng simply could not completely control the magic tire.

The magic tire deliberately weakened before, making Lin Feng feel that he had completely controlled the magic tire.

In fact, just now Lin Feng also murmured a bit, and felt that the magic tire was really good.

But Lin Feng didn't think much, and now he knew that it was calculated by the magic tire.

"Huh, do you still want to make waves? Do you think you can succeed?".

Lin Feng sneered suddenly, and the powerful mana in his body directly suppressed toward the terror that was rushing out of the magic tire.

The horror power flowing out of the magic tire was suppressed by Lin Feng's mana.

But the fetus is not reconciled and is still struggling.

The breath inside the magic tire is more and more scary.

Feel the crazy surging power inside the magic tire.

Lin Feng's face also couldn't be changed slightly, because the power gushing inside the magic tire's body was really terrible.

This kind of power is that the magic tire has accumulated the power of endless years. Before, the magic tire deliberately converged its strength, but now it is completely unnecessary to do so. It now wants to be desperate. Looks like.

The magic tire is indeed crazy enough. Lin Feng guesses that the magic tire probably also knows that if it has been trapped in this magic weapon of the golden mask, then it will never be able to get out of its trap, so this is a risk.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Demon, although I don't fully control your body, but I also control a part of your body, so you are destined not to reverse this battle."

When the words fell, Lin Feng began to fight back.

Lin Feng did two things.

The first thing is to use his control of the magic tire body to suppress the power within the magic tire body. About 30% to 40% of the power is suppressed. It's much smaller.

The second thing is that Lin Feng started to run his own emperor's blood, because Huang Shengzong also said before, because of the reason of the gods, the demon tire has a natural fear of the emperor's clan. The power of the fetus.

After the blood of Lin Feng's lord emperor was up and running, Lin Feng discovered that some changes had occurred in the magic tire, and the mood swings of the magic tire became extremely irritable. This irritability stemmed from inner fear.

This made Lin Feng show a happy look.

Lin Feng's suppression of the magic tire, and the suppression of the blood by the emperor's blood on the magic tire, the impact on the magic tire is really too great.

The power of the magic tire was not released, and was suppressed.

Lin Feng said coldly, "Demon, please be refined by me. If you are refined by me, you will follow me as an ancestor and be a holy man. How brilliant is that? If you are obsessed, then, I will completely wipe out all your spirituality. "

The magic tire still ignored Lin Feng's words, and it continued to struggle, only to see a star chart emerged from the body of the magic tire. The star chart was connected to the point of the magic tire, a powerful force, A steady stream of stars poured into the stars.

The power of the star map is constantly increasing, and the magic tire is obviously accumulating power, and then attacks Lin Feng with the star map.

Lin Feng tried to suppress the star chart of the magic tire, hoping to resolve the star chart of the magic tire, so that the attack of the magic tire could be dismantled.

Only sometimes, there is a huge gap between reality and ideal, and the attack that the magic tire is brewing with all its strength is of course extremely simple.

The star chart quickly flew out, it was completely a star chart formed by the condensed devil qi, containing the power to destroy all.

When the star chart quickly flew out, Lin Feng had already been prepared. Lin Feng ’s six celestial stone monuments directly entered the Dantian, and suppressed towards the star map, although the devil was condensed and The star maps of Cheng are powerful, but it is not easy to deal with the suppression of the six celestial monuments.


When the six Zhentian Stones were suppressed, the terrifying power was severely suppressed on the astral map. The powerful astral map could not resist the suppression of the six Zhentian Stones, and eventually shattered. Lost.

Lin Feng took this opportunity to try to wipe out the spirit of the magic tire.

But at this time, the body of the magic tire began to swell up. Obviously, the magic tire probably knew that it could not resist Lin Feng's refining, so it wanted to die with Lin Feng by means of self-detonation.

Lin Feng's face could not be changed slightly. Now this situation is extremely bad for him. Now it is too late to send the magic tire out of the body. The power of the magic tire is so powerful. If it explodes, it will definitely kill itself. The body was also destroyed together.

So now it seems that we can only count on the undead rebirth technique or the phoenix nirvana technique to give power to save ourselves from the hardship.

But Lin Feng was not sure.

If the undead rebirth technique and the phoenix nirvana technique fail to perform, wouldn't they be dead?

Lin Feng's complexion also became extremely gloomy, making it difficult to look.

But at this very dangerous moment, the tree of Jianmu in Lin Feng Dantian actually moved. I saw the branches on the tree of Jianmu quickly entwined towards the magic tire, and immediately wrapped the magic tire densely.

After the magic tire was wrapped up, the power of the magic tire quickly fell silent, and the self-explosion plan of the magic tire suddenly aborted.

This situation made Lin Feng's eyes suddenly brighten up. He did not expect that Jianmuzhishu had exerted such an amazing effect at this time.

Now it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Of course, Lin Feng will not miss this opportunity. Lin Feng ’s spiritual power quickly rushes towards the magic tire. The powerful spiritual power instantly locks the spirituality of the magic tire.

Since spirituality is not a complete soul, nature is not as powerful as the soul.

Therefore, the spirituality of the devil faced Lin Feng's spiritual attack, and could not withstand Lin Feng's spiritual attack at all.

After struggling with the spirituality of the Devil, he was soon completely destroyed by the spiritual power of the soul.

After destroying the spirit of the magic tire, Lin Feng began to wash the magic energy of the magic tire.

Then Lin Feng began to try to merge the power of the magic tire.

The power inside the magic tire surged wildly.

Lin Feng found.

His current strength, if it is a Hubo, is so great.


The power accumulated by the magic tire's endless years is vast and majestic like a vast ocean.

It is really shocking!

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