Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6443: Sacrifice ceremony, the sky is going to be resurrected?

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The phantom liquid is constantly decomposing into the most pure and powerful energy.

These pure, powerful energies poured into Lin Feng's body continuously.

Then began to help Lin Feng to open up acupuncture points.

This is the first step in opening up acupuncture points.

It is a complicated process to open the meridians after all the acupuncture points have been successfully opened.

In the next period of time, Lin Feng began to open up his acupuncture points, and time slowly passed by. The process of opening acupuncture points was not smooth.

For example, the acupuncture point of the dead point is equivalent to one of the monks' life gates. It cannot be touched casually. Once it touches the dead point, it will be extremely dangerous.

When opening the dead hole, Lin Feng was really taken aback, but fortunately, there was no danger, and the dead hole was successfully opened.

After 365 large acupuncture points were fully opened, Lin Feng began to try to open some middle or small points.

It took ten days for Lin Feng to open up middle and small points. Lin Feng had a total of 2,345 medium-sized acupuncture points, and a small number of 17,400 small acupoints. Then it reached 114,250.

After opening all the acupuncture points, Lin Feng's face was also full of unbelievable expressions.

It was incredible that he opened up so many middle positions and miniature points.

How much mana must be stored for so many points?

Since Lin Feng has only opened up the twelve main meridians, the acupuncture points on the twelve main meridians' running routes have already begun to store mana.

As for the acupoints in other places, you need to wait for Lin Feng to open the meridians connected to those acupoints.

Only those points can store mana.

In the next half month, Lin Feng used the remaining magic liquid to fully open his meridian.

In addition to the twelve main meridians and sixty other meridians, 386 branch meridians were also opened.

These meridians are all connected together in a crisscross pattern.

When these meridians are connected together, these meridians connect all the points on Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng started to run the Taikoo Dragon Elephant Formula, and the powerful mana quickly moved along the body's meridian.

With the operation of his own mana, Lin Feng felt that his body was filled with endless power.

This feeling is really too comfortable.

Lin Feng's Dantian is probably equivalent to the power center.

Dantian can continue to produce new mana, and then all of these mana poured into large and small acupoints.

In each acupuncture point, there is a powerful mana stored.

Lin Feng felt his body seemed to enter an unprecedented peak state.

He moved slightly, and felt that he seemed to have the power to manipulate the world.

Moreover, when Lin Feng operated the Archaic Dragon Elephant Trick, 100,000 caves resonated, and 100,000 caves resonated, sending out sounds like Jin Shengyu Zhen.

Acupuncture points, meridians, and flesh can form extremely powerful resonances.

This resonance can naturally play a huge role in promoting Lin Feng's combat strength.

Lin Feng felt that when the acupuncture points and the meridians in his body were completely opened, and the acupoints in his body were full of mana, his combat power had increased by almost eight times.

This is not an exaggeration, it has really improved so much.

The current Lin Feng is probably equivalent to the strength when he displayed eight times the fighting power.

If you use the power of many treasures such as the armor of the master, Lin Feng's combat power will further increase.

So you can imagine how shocking Lin Feng is now.

"Comfortable, it's so comfortable. I don't know if I'm dueling with a monk in the same realm now, can I completely suppress the monk in the same realm?"

Lin Feng couldn't help saying to himself, the reason why the monks who are in the same realm are strong is because their own Tao and body merge together.

Their powerful source does not come from mana or magical power, but from the control of the Tao.

Lin Feng's strong source comes from his strong mana.

Although this is the most low-level way to improve combat power.

But do n’t worry about the low-level or the low-level, just remember the sentence of falling down for ten minutes.

When the power exceeds the opponent enough.

Regardless of what kind of magical power you will have, and how powerful your way is, you must be killed with a punch.

Lin Feng, who opened up the body meridians and acupuncture points, now has this confidence and can achieve a ten-point drop.

Lin Feng was familiar with his own power, and when he completely took control of his greatly soaring terror power, Lin Feng went out of the game.

He has retired in time and space for almost a month and a half, and the outside world has only passed for four or five days.

After Lin Feng went out, the Wolf Emperor hadn't gone out yet.

Lin Feng was waiting for the Emperor Wolf to pass through the cave.

Lin Feng went to the bookshelf and bookcase where various books were placed, and then picked up some books to watch.

What surprised Lin Feng was that the books here were all words he didn't know.

It is probably written by the wolf family, Lin Feng put these books back.

After waiting for about a day, the Emperor Wolf went out.

Looking at the appearance of Wolf Emperor's spring breeze, you know that Wolf Emperor has gained huge benefits.

It seems that his soul has really broken through to the realm of the Creator, and this time it will be amazing.

Although the soul breaks through to the creator realm, the hope of breaking through the creator realm is still pitiful.

But fortunately, there is a little hope to break through.

If the soul cannot break through to the creator realm in advance, it is estimated that there is no hope of a breakthrough in the future.

This is the case with cultivation, the more difficult it is to achieve higher levels of cultivation, and to break through to higher levels.

"Let's go to the heaven to be resurrected now. I am worried that it will be late. Some things will happen at that time!" Lin Feng said.

"it is good!". The Emperor Wolf nodded.


Lin Feng and Wolf Emperor went to the place where the sky was resurrected.

Lin Feng knew that something was wrong while on the road.

Because he saw a large number of corpses of monks, there were corpses of monks scattered in the mountains and forests in many places.

Lin Feng carefully examined many corpses.

The death methods of these monks are almost the same as those of the monks on the ship.


These monks were swallowed by those soul gatherers, and then they died.

Gathering Souls collects the souls of powerful monks in large numbers in order to gather the souls of heaven.

The Soul Gathering has condensed the soul of the sky to about 50%.

Now a lot of monk souls, the soul of the sky, are likely to really condense out.

At that time, Cangtian will be truly reborn, and the combat power will increase madly.

At that time it was almost impossible to kill the sky again.

The sky must be stopped quickly, otherwise, the trouble will be big.

Lin Feng is too clear about this.

He let the wolf emperor speed up, and the wolf emperor said, "I advise you to give up, lest you lose your life."

Lin Feng said, "rest assured, I will not die in the hands of the sky, even if I really lose to the sky, I can get out of it!"

The Emperor Wolf said, "You are really confident enough!"

Lin Feng said, "If you don't even have this self-confidence, then I won't deal with the sky."

The Emperor Wolf said, "However, the means of the sky are indeed extraordinary. Self-confidence is good, but we must pay full attention to the sky. This guy is not a good character.

"Of course!" Lin Feng nodded and said.


The next day.

The Emperor Wolf brought Lin Feng to the outlying area where the heaven was resurrected.

The Emperor Wolf pointed to the deep mountain forest shrouded in darkness, and said, "Walking all the way to the depths, there is a valley at the deepest point, and the coordinate points leading to that mysterious space are in the valley."

"In terms of your cultivation, it should not be difficult to find the mysterious coordinate point, I can only send you here, if I continue to go inside, the guy in the sky will notice that I sent you over. Yes, it won't do me any good at that time. "

Lin Feng was speechless. It seems that the emperor wolf did not feel that he could kill the sky.

But Wolf Emperor thinks so, it is understandable, because Lin Feng knows that the sky is really terrifying.

So although he is also very powerful, he came alone and wanted to kill the terrifying existence of the sky. In the eyes of the wolf emperor, it was still a difficult thing.

Lin Feng did not pay any attention to what the Wolf Emperor thought.

He flew quickly towards the depths.

Lin Feng found that some ghosts were patrolling in the dark forest.

When Lin Feng chatted with the wolf emperor about this place, the wolf emperor said there was no guard here.

Because everyone knows that there is a black hand behind the sky behind the royal family.

Naturally will not offend the sky.

But now there are ghost gatherings patrolling here, which can only explain one thing. Cangtian must be undergoing some extremely important transformation, fearing to be disturbed, so some powerful ghost gatherings are sent out to patrol outside.

It ’s really not an easy thing to use the technique of the void to hide these ghosts. The reason for this is that the way of the void will cause energy ripples, and the horrible creatures like the ghosts will fluctuate the energy. It is extremely sensitive, with a high probability that it will be noticed by Ghosts.

However, Lin Feng has been prepared for a long time. Lin Feng has an invisible cloak here. After wearing this invisible cloak, he can become invisible.

The invisibility cloak comes with an invisibility effect, so don't worry that the invisibility cloak will produce energy fluctuations and alarm those ghosts.

Lin Feng took out the invisibility cloak, he put on the invisibility cloak, and then Lin Feng suddenly became invisible.

He continued to plunder towards the depths, and saw many patrolling ghosts along the way, but none of the ghosts found Lin Feng's figure.

The cloak of invisibility is really amazing.

Lin Feng came to the deepest position smoothly, and there were several ghosts guarding outside the valley at the deepest position. Lin Feng successfully concealed these ghosts and entered the valley.

In the deep part of the valley, the space node was sensed, and then jumped into the space node, Lin Feng appeared in a mysterious space next moment.

This mysterious space is the dark space where the sky was resurrected. Lin Feng flew towards the depths of this space. Not long after, Lin Feng saw the nine altars and the sky.

Now the sky is still like the body of a stone man. He stood in front of the nine altars. Around the nine altars, there were many soul gatherers kneeling.

Those horror ghosts have a very terrifying atmosphere and are extremely powerful. All the horror monsters together have more than 100 statues. The horror monsters here are much stronger than those patrolling outside.

On each altar, there is a ghost gatherer wearing a priest's robe. It is probably a ghost gatherer who knows the art of ritual. A large number of demons are sealed with the souls of a large number of dead monks.

This time the Celestial Exhibit exhibited great magical powers, changed the channel, and brought all the ships of the seven forces here. Obviously, they were preparing for the resurrection, step by step. Now that they have collected enough souls, only the last step is left from the sky. Too.

The nine priests jumped and jumped on the altar, and they still murmured some incomprehensible language.

When the spell was completely dropped, each of the nine high priests took out a porcelain bottle.

A part of the magic liquid flew out of each of the porcelain bottles.

Those magical liquids flew towards the Nine Demons, Lin Feng frowned slightly after seeing this scene.

Do you need phantom liquid to condense the soul of heaven?

It should be unnecessary.

Maybe it's just a sacrifice?

The magic of the phantom liquid is indeed quite high when it comes to offering sacrifices.

"Violent things!"

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

The phantom liquid is indeed too precious, so it is a pity to consume it as a sacrifice.

Lin Feng didn't do anything, he was looking for an opportunity to deal with the sky.

Now it is clearly not the best opportunity.

Because the most important moment has not yet arrived.

When the soul of the sky begins to condense, the energy of the sky will certainly be placed on the soul of the condensed sky.

This time is the best opportunity to deal with the sky.

As those phantom liquids merged into the magic tripod, phantom liquids merged with those monk souls for pure energy.

As for those monk souls, they are gradually refined into pure soul power.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Nine consecutive violent noises came out.

A beam of light emerged from each of the nine magic tripods.

Those beams of light are formed by the gathering of the purest and most powerful soul energy. The nine beams of light all flew to the sky.

Then, the nine pillars of light poured into the sky.

"I want to return from robbery, I want to return from robbery ...".

The sky shouted, his breath more and more terrifying.

Obviously, as the soul of the sky continues to improve, the sky will become more and more terrible.

Lin Feng saw that the best time to shoot had arrived, and he stopped staying. He wore an invisible cloak and, in an invisible state, quickly killed him in the sky!

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