Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6564: Responsibilities of the master of the life restricted area, guarding the myster

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"Relax, with me by your side, everything will be fine." Lin Feng grabbed Li Mingxi's little hand.

Li Mingxi smiled, Lin Feng and her then talked about many things, including Li Mingxi's reincarnation.

Li Mingxi's reincarnation of the Baishi is a little special. Every time she reincarnates, her body will be wiped out, leaving a seed.

That seed will turn into a lotus, and Li Mingxi will be reborn in the lotus.

So now Li Mingxi is probably equivalent to the Holy Spirit.

When he was born, Li Mingxi started out blank.

Memories will slowly recover over time.

Li Mingxi told Lin Feng that if the 101st reincarnation is to be carried out next.

After she was born, she had to follow Lin Feng all the time.

She didn't want to know anything like before, wandering around, having no loved ones, only her own difficult survival.

Lin Feng told her that he would always guard her.

Do not know when to start, Li Mingxi fell asleep in Lin Feng's arms.

There was a smile on the small face.

Her mind is very immature, probably the mind of a little girl, but many things make her different from ordinary little children.

She hasn't shown such a smile for a long time.

"Everything will be better". Lin Feng looked at Li Mingxi who was asleep and whispered to himself.

On the second day, Li Mingxi woke up and saw Lin Feng sitting next to her. She said embarrassedly, "Did I sleep for a long time?".

"It didn't take long! Is the rest okay?". Lin Feng asked.

"It's very good!" Li Mingxi's face was full of smiles.

Lin Feng said, "This place is not suitable for staying any longer, leave with me!".

"Okay!" Li Mingxi nodded.

"How many of your subordinates? Did they choose to leave together? If they leave, I welcome them to join!" Lin Feng said.

Li Mingxi said, "They stayed in the restricted area of ​​life for a long time, and don't necessarily want to go out, I will ask them!".

"Well," Lin Feng responded.

Li Mingxi went to ask her several subordinates, and soon returned, saying, "They don't plan to leave, I don't want to force them."

Lin Feng asked, "Is it dangerous to stay here?".

Li Mingxi said, "Relax, they have the means to protect themselves, and those people's goal is me, not these restricted area creatures, if possible, they are not willing to offend these restricted area spirits The creatures in the restricted area are terrible, and they are all the owners of the restricted area. If it is possible, no one is willing to offend the Lord of the restricted area! ".

"Lord of the restricted area? Who is he?" Lin Feng was surprised, he had never heard of this lord of the restricted area.

However, it is needless to say how terrible places such as Life Forbidden Zone and Death Jedi are. The Lord of the Forbidden Zone obviously has something to do with the Life Forbidden Zone. In fact, these Life Forbidden Zones do hide some amazing secrets.

"The Lord of the Forbidden Zone is the strongman of the last reincarnation. He is the strongman who walked out of the Forbidden Zone of Life. It is said that it was made of a stone clan's holy spirit. It is extremely terrifying. Not particularly clear. "

"The life exclusion zones of the heavens and the world are all under his jurisdiction, but he does not pay much attention to the various things that happen in the life exclusion zone. Many times, the masters of some life exclusion zones want to contact him, and it is difficult to contact him."

"But in any case, his face is still in front of those ancient existences. Those oldest strong men, even races, don't dare to offend him easily." Li Mingxi said.

Lin Feng asked, "Have you ever seen the owner of the restricted area?".

Li Mingxi shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it, but I can become the master of Fallen God Cliff. It has something to do with him. He sent someone to contact me. Eventually I became the ruler of Fallen God Cliff!".

Lin Feng said, "What is the Swire Covenant? It seems to have something to do with life exclusion zone and death jedi?".

Li Mingxi nodded and said, "That was the last glory of Kyushu. At that time, the Kyushu lights changed, attracting countless strongmen, including some strongmen in the life-forbidden zone, who also stepped out of the life-forbidden zone."

"When so many strong people come to Kyushu, the consequences are often disastrous, because among those strong people, the evil generation is so numerous that there is no reason to kill, and some people know that Kyushu's family has strong savings, Taking advantage of this opportunity, looting violently. "

"The top powerhouses in Kyushu will naturally be extremely angry, and the war will break out. Of course, there is a behind-the-scenes world behind this war, foreign creatures, and era ancestors will help. Although this war has won, but the losses are extremely heavy." .

"After the end of the war, many foreign monks died and fled, but the creatures in the life restricted area or the dead Jedi will not easily leave the life restricted area or the dead Jedi. They rely on the life restricted area or the dead Jedi to become more and more powerful. Of course, there are many costs to be paid. Of course, there is another thing that can not be denied. That is, many creatures know the terrible behind-the-scenes black hand world, staying in the death jedi, probably also have the intention to avoid the behind-the-scenes black hand world. "

"The strongmen of Kyushu worried that the creatures in these life-forbidden areas and death jedi will leave the life-forbidden areas and death jedi again, so they signed the Swire Covenant."

"The Swire Covenant stipulates that the creatures in the life-forbidden zone or death-jedi cannot leave the life-forbidden zone or the death-jedi at will. If they leave at will, they will be punished by the Swire Covenant, and they will die until the century is over. Only then can we leave the life-forbidden zone or die of death. "

Lin Feng said, "Did you follow me and left the Falling God Cliff without being punished by the Taikoo Covenant?".

Li Mingxi said, "I am the ruler of the restricted area of ​​life. Although the Swire Covenant also restricts me, this binding force is far less than that of other restricted area creatures, so even if I am subject to some discipline, it will be harmless. Things, unlike other restricted area creatures will lose their lives! ".

Lin Feng then asked, "What about the Kyushu lamp? How much do you know?".

Li Mingxi said, "The Kyushu lantern is very mysterious and very old. It is said that it involves a lot of secrets. However, I do n’t know much about the secrets involved in the Kyushu lantern. When the Kyushu lantern was born, I was retreating and practicing. The critical period of cultivation, so I did not go out to find the Kyushu lamp. "

Lin Feng said, "So where do you think the Kyushu lamp will be hidden?".

Li Mingxi thought for a while, then said: "This is not easy to say."

"Will it be hidden in the restricted area of ​​life?". Lin Feng then said what he doubted.

Hearing Lin Feng ’s words, Li Mingxi pondered for a moment, then said, “As the master of the life exclusion zone, what is there in the life exclusion zone, I probably know, but I have never found the whereabouts of the Kyushu lamp unless, The Kyushu lamp is hidden in that place ... ".

Lin Feng moved slightly in his heart and asked, "What is the place you are talking about?".

Li Mingxi said, "The responsibility of the master of the restricted area, as well as the strongmen of the deputy master level below, is actually to protect the life of a special space in the restricted area! This special space is deep in the underground world, the place I said It is this special space that I guard! ".

"What kind of origin do you mean by the special space?". Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

Li Mingxi said, "In fact, even I don't know what kind of origin this special space has. I only know what my responsibilities are. Some things are not mentioned above. I didn't ask. You know, you shouldn't ask. If things are asked, there may not be any good ending! ".

Li Mingxi continued, "However, I heard that the Lord of the Forbidden Zone is the Holy Spirit who came out of a special space in the Life Forbidden Zone! So, this is why the Life Forbidden Zone gave birth to so many terrible Holy Spirits. The reason for the Supreme is absolutely extremely important to that particular space. "

Lin Feng said, "Can you take me to see that special space?".

Li Mingxi said, "Of course!"

So Lin Feng and Li Mingxi exhibited the technique of earth escape, lurking towards the bottom of the life restricted area.

Having been diving for about 10,000 meters, Lin Feng saw that a huge black energy mask appeared below. The endless black mist was rolling, covering the huge black energy mask.

"The interior of the black energy reticle is self-contained, but I don't know what the situation is inside, because I have followed the rules set above and never tried to enter it." Li Mingxi said.

Lin Feng knew that this time if he didn't want to get into it.

Li Mingxi would never think of entering this space.

Lin Feng and Li Mingxi tried to approach this mysterious space shrouded in black light.

But when they came to the area of ​​100 meters outside the black mask, suddenly, a powerful force came.

Lin Feng and Li Mingxi directly flew out. This situation made Lin Feng and Li Mingxi's faces change slightly.

How powerful are Lin Feng and Li Mingxi now?

But still flying, it can be seen how powerful that kind of power is.

This place is really strange.

The two continued to try to approach the space enveloped by the black mask, but the result was exactly the same as before, and each time they were blasted out.

There is no way to get close to the space covered by the black mask.

The situation is quite bad for Lin Feng and them.

"No, I can't get close!". After trying a dozen times, Li Mingxi said.

Lin Feng said, "You retreat first, I will try again."

"Be careful yourself." Li Mingxi said.


Lin Feng nodded.

Li Ming retreated.

Lin Feng activated his domineering magnetic field.

Eighteen times the domineering magnetic field is released.

Lin Feng resorted to a domineering magnetic field.

Resist the invisible force released inside the black mask.

He kept approaching the space covered by the black mask, about 100 meters away from the space covered by the black mask.


Lin Feng found that his own blood was flowing at an unprecedented speed.

The whim ability was actively activated.

"Not good! Danger!".

Lin Feng's face changed abruptly, and he knew that it was because he had encountered a life-threatening danger.

Lin Feng hurried to make up the sky.

Just as Lin Feng was performing the Sky-Making Technique, a terrible power gushed out inside the black mask, which instantly hit Lin Feng's body.

At that moment, Lin Feng felt like an ant.

His mind was horrified.

What is there in the space surrounded by the black mask?

Was it possible to release such an attack?

It's unimaginable.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's make-up technique was successful, and he disappeared instantly.

Although that terrifying force hit Lin Feng's body, in fact, he did not cause any damage to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng appeared three hundred meters away, then quickly rushed towards the outside.

"Brother Feng, how are you? Are you injured?" Li Mingxi looked at Lin Feng worriedly.

Lin Feng said, "I'm not injured, don't worry!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Mingxi took a breath.

It's just that Lin Feng's expression is extremely dignified. The mysterious space shrouded in black light is really terrible.

I want to explore that place, I'm afraid it's gone.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and if he could not explore the space, the clue of the Kyushu lamp would be broken.

Perhaps we can only wait for more content to appear in the Wu Zi Tian Shu before we can further uncover the secrets of the Kyushu lantern.

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