Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6598: On the merit award, A Yigu recognizes the Lord!

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Majestic and solemn.

Now, the marks of the 33rd God have long been wiped out.

The Lord of Heaven.

Naturally, it became Lin Feng.

Although some powerful forces beyond the realm of the realm are also very interested in this Lord of Heavenly Court, it is clear that they cannot compete with Lin Feng.

They only admire Lin Feng.

No jealousy.

This time, these forces have received a lot of benefits.

In front of heaven.

The densely packed monk army is well-organized and arranged together.

Lin Feng rode the fire Qi Linyan and arrived with everyone.

Unicorn is a holy beast.

In the traditional sense, only the highly respected sage can make Kirin submit.

Lin Feng came on a fire unicorn and told the world.

He is the "lord of heaven" to whom heaven is destined.

If you have any small movements, think carefully, it is best to converge.

if not.

Don't blame the young man for being rude to you.


"Everyone, this time you can defeat the Heavenly Alliance. Everyone has made a contribution. I promised to reward everyone ’s family. I have 500 improved versions of the surpassing Dan. I speak well. Now, the major families and major forces Representatives come forward! "

Lin Feng shouted loudly.

Hearing Lin Feng's remarks, everyone was excited, including those who transcended the realm. They were also very excited. With these improved versions of Transcendental Dan, their family might be able to have more than one transcendental realm.

This is a very important thing for the inheritance of their family.

"The mighty leader, the mighty leader!".

Numerous monks roared, and the momentum was trembling.

The representatives of major families and major forces flew towards Lin Feng one after another.

Before, how to allocate, Lin Feng has let the following people count.

How much improved version of each force distribution beyond Dan has been put away.

When these people came, Lin Feng gave the improved version of each force beyond the number of Dan to the representatives of the major forces.

Representatives of the major forces looked at the improved version beyond Dan.

All smiles are happy expressions.

Thanks to Lin Feng again and again.

Don't say anything else.

It is said that Lin Feng can come up with an improved version to surpass Dan, which is enough for countless forces to die for Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng is really too generous.

Five hundred improved versions of the surpassing Dan were taken out at one time, and some major forces even divided a dozen improved versions of the surpassing Dan.

Behind the scenes, the Majestic Master of the Blackhand World's Beyond Dan and Lin Feng's improved version of Beyond Dan are far worse than the effect.


The other party is not as generous as Lin Feng.

Every time behind-the-scenes, the royal family of the Black Hand World will take out a few more than Dan to attract others.

After many top-level strongmen got these improved versions of Beyond Dan, they felt that selling life for Lin Feng was indeed a pretty good thing. These strong men looked at each other and bowed to Lin Feng to salute, saying, "I'll wait to swear allegiance to the leader!" ".

As the saying of the cultivator's world spreads widely, the cultivator's world, in the final analysis, still has the supremacy of interests.

This is true between any forces.

Perhaps because of some common purpose, everyone can form an alliance, but if there is no interest in it, this alliance will soon collapse.

For example, the Allies.

After the Allied Forces composed of so many forces have finished fighting, they will probably be separated.

However, the situation today has become somewhat different.

Because everyone can get what they want from Lin Feng, they are willing to submit to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is also willing to solicit these forces.

Those who want to control a large group need not only iron fist but also Huairou policies.

What is the Huairou policy.

It is the Huairou policy that allows major forces to obtain tangible benefits.

Lin Feng said, "Everyone, please be assured that everyone will follow me in the future and I will not treat you badly."

Hearing Lin Feng say this, many powerful people naturally expressed their loyalty again.

Lin Feng knows.

Although the improved version of the Transcendence Dan has been sent a lot, but there are too many monk troops, and among the major forces, only a small number of people are destined to receive the reward of the improved version of the Transcendence Dan.

Ordinary monks basically have no chance to get the improved version beyond Dan, so ordinary monks still hope to get tangible benefits, such as various cultivation resources, exercises, celestial scriptures and so on.

Lin Feng said, "The next step is to reward the three armies, take out the loot and distribute it!"

This time there are many loot.

First of all, killing the Heavenly Court Allied Forces got storage rings for countless monks. There are also many good things in these monks' storage rings.

Of course, the treasure is the things in the treasure house.

Lin Feng and others only took part of the treasures of the heavenly court, and the rest were all taken out to reward the army.

A pile of treasures were taken out.

These babies have been awarded one after another.

After the reward is over.

Everyone is very happy.

The poison ancestor said, "The son, the captives, are suppressed in the prison, how to deal with the captives?".

The heavenly prison is a world of its own. Not to mention the suppression of more than 100 million monk troops, even if there is no problem in suppressing one billion monk troops.

How to deal with the repressed heavenly coalition forces is indeed the next problem facing Lin Feng.

"Let me swallow all these people!".

The holy demon horror said that this guy hadn't been out of the trap for too long, his blood was defeated, and it would be some time before it returned to its peak level.

If you can devour the flesh and blood of those monks, the recovery will naturally be much faster.

In fact, this guy devoured a lot of flesh and blood of the dead monks during the war, and now the demon saint is much stronger than before.

The strength should have recovered a lot.

But the demon demon of the prison also has requirements for all kinds of flesh and spirit, not any flesh and spirit, he is willing to devour.

He hates the devouring of the flesh and spirit of the dead most, but he likes to devour the flesh and spirit of the living.

Therefore, the flesh and blood of the dead monk on the battlefield, this guy also swallowed hard, and only swallowed a part of the people, and there was no swallowing behind.

Because the energy contained in the flesh and soul of the dying monks was quickly dissipated after their death. After the part of the inferior demon devoured, the flesh and spirit of the remaining monks had dissipated, and he naturally could not devour it again. .

This is not the case with the flesh and soul of the living, and the effect of the flesh and spirit of the living is not much better than that of the dead.

Of course Lin Feng would not agree to let the prisoner Mo Sheng gobble up those captives, and those captives Lin Feng had other uses.

Lin Feng said, "I will now go to the prison to see the captives!".

Lin Feng didn't stay. Since someone had arranged for the Allied forces, he quickly flew towards the prison under the guidance of the poison ancestor.

It didn't take long.

Lin Feng came to the prison.

Inside the heavenly court, the monk army of the heavenly coalition army was imprisoned in densely packed cages. After seeing Lin Feng coming, countless people begged Lin Feng for mercy, hoping that Lin Feng would spare them.

"I remember that there were fourteen strong men who were beyond the realm and were suppressed. Take me to see them."

Lin Feng said.

The poisonous ancestors and others took Lin Feng to the place where those who surpassed the realm were imprisoned. The place where those who surpassed the realm were imprisoned was in the deepest part of the Heavenly Prison. Because these strongmen beyond the realm were so powerful, they were imprisoned. It's safer because it's in a prison cage and everyone is locked by chains.

After seeing Lin Feng's arrival, these powerful people beyond the realm looked gloomy. These powerful people beyond the realm still had some dignity, and no one asked Lin Feng for mercy.

"Did you ever think that you would lose in my hands?" Lin Feng looked at the fourteen strong men beyond the realm.

These people, there are exotic creatures, there are era ancestors, and there is a strong man behind the hands of the black hand world, in addition to a God, this imprisoned God, is Xuanming Gonghua among the 33 Gods.

These indifferent powerhouses, such indifferent attitudes, of course Lin Feng can understand.

Lin Feng said, "You people have died a thousand times, and even ten thousand times is not a pity. It's just that I'm thinking that it's not easy for you to practice, and I decided to give you a chance to live. As long as you make an oath, you are willing to take an oath. Become my slave and I can spare you not to die ".

Lin Feng actually wanted to kill these people, but reason told Lin Feng that it should not be done.

The use value of powerful people beyond the realm is still great.

Lin Feng felt that if these powerful people beyond the realm could be recognized, it would be extremely beneficial to him.

First of all.

After these powerful people beyond the realm recognize the Lord, how will the forces behind them decide?

Expel them from the family, or choose to stand with them?

These powerful people beyond the realm are themselves the existence of the ancestors of the major families. Who can expel them from the family?

Expel your ancestors from the family? Dismiss the relationship?

This is a big deal.

A world of cultivators with a strong sense of family honour and disgrace basically does not have this situation.

Therefore, the power behind these powerful people beyond the realm is likely to choose to stand with these ancestors of their family.

As a result, they stand on the opposite side of the black hand world behind the scenes.


These top powers are not as simple as a single power. Various relationships are intertwined. I do n’t know how many allies there are. It is like an undead family.

This time, a monk army was organized to assist Lin Feng against the Allied Forces.

Allies of the undead family also sent a large number of monks.

These allies have been friends for many years, and their interests are too deep, and it is basically difficult to separate.

These forces beyond the realm of the realm, certainly have a lot of allies.

At that time, these allies will also be able to fight for it.

At last.

Lin Feng recruited these captives instead of killing them, so that he can show the world that Lin Feng is not a killer.

And what about the black hand world behind the scenes?

What cruelty?

Will you support the world behind the scenes, or will you support Lin Feng?

When the World War II arrives, most forces will have to make a choice. Lin Feng's series of actions can definitely attract many monks to come to him.

"If you want us to recognize the Lord, we will never agree, and you are not qualified to be our master!" Xuanming Gonghua said coldly.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes to Xuanming Gonghuatian, he walked towards Xuanming Gonghuatian step by step, and soon Lin Feng came to Xuanming Gonghuatian, said, "Behind the scenes, the master of the black hand is eligible to become Your master? ".

"No, we are only a cooperative relationship with the master of the black hand behind the scenes, and he is not qualified to be our master. The powerful beyond the realm are all dignified." Xuan Ming Gong Huatian said.

"Dignity? What is the so-called dignity? Does collusion kill the innocent creatures behind the hands of the blackhand world? Is it carrying countless infamy? Is this your so-called dignity?" Lin Feng sneered.

Xuanming Gonghuatian said, "This world is always weak and strong, the fittest survives, and its strength is not strong enough, so it can only be bullied. This is something that cannot be changed. , Close to the strong, there is nothing wrong! ".

Lin Feng suddenly felt a little sad, because, the other party's wrong idea has been deeply ingrained.

This kind of thinking cannot be changed.

Anyway, Xuanming Gonghuatian's race is also a congenital race, but one of the oldest races of the race.

Why is there such a consciousness?

Lin Feng said, "I really feel sorry for you."

Xuanming Gonghuatian did not refute Lin Feng, but said, "Maybe we can talk about cooperation, which is good for both parties, do you think?".

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Want to talk about cooperation with me? Are you worthy?".

Lin Feng stretched his hand towards Xuanming Gonghuatian's forehead.


A beam of light instantly penetrated Xuanming Gonghuatian's head.

Xuanming Gonghuatian's soul was crushed instantly.

Xuanming Gonghuatian's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Feng with incredible eyes.

He couldn't believe it.

Lin Feng would kill him without hesitation.

Xuanming Gonghuatian wanted to open his mouth to say something, but he made a **** ho **** voice in his throat and could not say anything at all.

Then, Xuanming Gonghuatian felt that his consciousness was sinking into endless darkness.

Xuanming Gonghuatian's body spread to the ground.

There is no interest at all.

The others saw that Lin Feng was so cruel, and his faces were pale.

Even if they are powerful people beyond the realm.


They are also afraid of death.

Lin Feng looked at the thirteen strong men beyond the realm and said, "I do n’t want to say more if I have too much. Now I will give you two choices. The first choice will now be sworn to me and recognize me as Lord , The second choice, that is the same ending as Xuanming Gonghuatian, give you ten breaths to consider this matter! ".

These powerful people beyond the realm look ugly.

Let them recognize the Lord and become Lin Feng's slave, which makes them difficult to accept.


If you do not recognize the Lord, there is only one way to go.

It is better to be alive than dead.

"I recognize the Lord, I will recognize the Lord now, don't kill me!".

A foreign creature said quickly, with a humble expression on his face.

Lin Feng glanced at the exotic creature, and said, "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, now make an oath!".

The foreign creature quickly made an oath, "I Agu, I am willing to recognize Lin Feng as the master. From then on, I will be loyal and loyal to my master.

After Agu took the oath, Lin Feng immediately felt that he had formed a strong contract with Aigu.

With one thought, he could even kill A Yigu.

From then on, A Yigu, a strong man who transcended the realm, became Lin Feng's slave.

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