Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6601: Pioneers, easily create a big world!

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Purple blood is full of mystery, but as Lin Feng's fourth bloodline, Lin Feng believes that the purple blood will show him some unknown secrets hidden in the purple blood.

Lin Feng is watching this dark world.

It is not yet known what mystery is hidden in this dark world. Lin Feng decided to look in the dark world to see if he could find something special.

Lin Feng was flying fast in the dark world.

It is very quiet here, and it can even be regarded as "quiet, cold".

Entering this dark world is like coming into the starry sky.

After flying for a long time, Lin Feng failed to find anything in this dark world.

Lin Feng frowned and meditated. Since it was his fourth bloodline, he pulled himself into this mysterious world, and it shouldn't be impossible to find anything.

Maybe you can try to use the fourth bloodline to sense something in this place?

From this point on, Lin Feng tried to operate the fourth bloodline. Now, the number of Linfeng's fourth bloodline is increasing.

In the past, only one drop of purple blood came. With time, the amount of purple blood has reached about ten drops.

This situation naturally has many advantages for Lin Feng.

With Lin Feng's fourth bloodline running, Lin Feng really had some wonderful feelings with this world.

This wonderful feeling made Lin Feng helplessly.

Following this special induction, he continued to fly toward the front.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Lin Feng saw that there was a lot of chaos in front.

In the chaos, something seems to be gestating.

Lin Feng tried to get closer to Chaos.

But there was a strong invisible force that prevented Lin Feng, so even Lin Feng couldn't get close to the chaos that appeared in front.

This point made Lin Feng's brows tightly together, why can't he get close to the chaos?

"What breeded in chaos?". Lin Feng said to himself.

"Everything in the world is bred from chaos!".

Suddenly, a voice resounded in Lin Feng's ear.

"Who is talking to me?". Lin Feng was surprised and asked immediately.

The other party did not answer Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't struggle with this problem. It was already strange enough that his mind was pulled into this mysterious world. So, what else should he do to entangle himself?

The top priority is to understand some things related to your fourth bloodline.

This is what Lin Feng is most concerned about.

Lin Feng continued to ask, "Is everything related to me in the birth and chaos of everything? Is it related to my bloodline? My fourth bloodline is called Chaos Bloodline."

However, Lin Feng immediately felt that his bloodline should not be the blood of chaos.

Although the Chaos bloodline is an extremely powerful bloodline.


There should be more than one monk with chaotic bloodlines in this world?

My fourth bloodline is too mysterious and too powerful. It should not be the bloodline of chaos.

The mysterious voice came out again, saying, "How could it be the Chaos Bloodline, and what does the Chaos Bloodline count? There is a chaos here that has nothing to do with you."

The chaos here has nothing to do with yourself?

That probably has something to do with this mysterious existence.

It is estimated that this guy is recuperating in chaos.

The power of chaos does have many benefits for souls.

"It's not Chaos Bloodline, what bloodline would it be?". Lin Feng was puzzled.

This mysterious existence did not directly tell Lin Feng what bloodline it was, but said:

"Chaos breeds everything, the mysterious yellow condenses the world ... The appearance of the primate of everything is inseparable from chaos, and the condensate of the universe of the universe is inseparable from the mysterious yellow. Chaos Xuanhuang Qi together. "

Hearing this person's words, Lin Feng nodded. This person told him so much, and obviously had his own purpose.

Lin Feng didn't mind listening to it. Later, he knew what his fourth bloodline was, and what kind of bloodline he was.

However, Lin Feng has heard the word "initial" from the words that people just said. These two words are very extraordinary.

Don't forget, there was also an original master in the last reincarnation, that is, the most tragic creator.

Just after the breakthrough, the creator realm was subjected to the secret calculation of the cursed master, and eventually died, which is the most tragic reminder in history and the shortest creator.

Lin Feng thought, could his blood be the original blood?

This is not right.

Although the initial bloodline is very rare, it is not without it. Since the initial lord's generation, the initial bloodline has been passed down. Among the descendants of the initial lord, few people awaken the initial bloodline.


Among the descendants of the original Lord, some people still awaken the initial bloodstream every few years?

Is n’t it the original bloodline?

The universe of heaven and earth, the origin of all things primate.

But these are all speculations of Lin Feng.

The specific bloodline can only be finalized after listening to the other party.

The mysterious existence continued, "Some people can create chaotic yellow, so he can evolve the universe of heaven and earth!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but move a little. Isn't the method of Genesis similar to this ability?

Creation is creation, and the world represents the change of years. And Ji. It means epoch.

The meaning of the magical power of Genesis is that mastering this power can create countless eras.

This is the ability that Lin Feng obtained when he ruled Emperor Blood for the tenth time to awaken.

With Genesis, even era can be created.

What does the era include?

Including the universe of heaven and earth ... including all creatures ... including everything in the real world.

"Some people can create reincarnation ...".

"Some people can listen to create cause and effect ...".

"Some people can create fate ...".

"Some people can create curses ...".

"Some people can create fate ...".

"Some people can create everything ...".

"We call the person who created the era the master of the era, we call the person who created the reincarnation the master of reincarnation, we call the person who created the cause and effect the master of cause and effect, we call the person who created the destiny the master of destiny, and we call the person who created the curse , As the cursed master, we call the creator of fate, the master of fate, we call the creator of everything, the pioneers! ".

"Pioneer? How to understand?".

Lin Feng frowned, and the name did sound strange.

But it is quite high.

"The universe of heaven and earth, the primitives of all things have not emerged, and many avenues have not been condensed. Everything is unknown. It is like a land that has been deserted for a long time. It needs people to develop it. This is the so-called pioneering!"

"Pioneers, moving forward through groping, can create everything, such as the universe of heaven and earth, such as the avenue, such as the primates of all things."

Said the mysterious being.

After hearing his words, Lin Feng's face suddenly showed a shock.

Because ... Lin Feng thought of something.

He clearly remembered that in the last reincarnation, the reincarnation master, one of the oldest creators, wanted to change the way of reincarnation.

Let the way of reincarnation become a way of justice and fairness.

Can eventually be robbed.

This shows that before the Lord of Reincarnation, the Way of Reincarnation has appeared, but the Way of Reincarnation is not the way created by the Lord of Reincarnation.

Who created the Tao of reincarnation?

Could it be the Tao created by this pioneer?

"There is a pioneer between heaven and earth, right? He created the universe of heaven and earth and created many avenues?". Lin Feng asked.

"There was once such a pioneer, the universe of heaven and earth, the primates of all things, the Avenues of Heaven, everything, was created by this pioneer!".

Wen Yan.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, and he was right.

For Lin Feng, the strong level of the creator is extremely remote, let alone the so-called pioneers?

The mysterious existence said, "Don't you worry? The only pioneer in the world is dead."


Lin Feng was surprised.

The pioneers are dead?

How is this going?

Hearing this news, Lin Feng couldn't believe it.

Pioneer is the most powerful existence between heaven and earth, right?

No one can kill him, right, why did the pioneers die?

Lin Feng blurted out, "How can a strong man like him die?"

This is indeed an incredible thing.

The mysterious existence said, "It is true that no one can kill him, but he can kill himself. In the long years, he felt lonely and bored, so he dissipated himself. The early creator Why is it possible to break through the creator? Is it really just that the talent is strong? Oh, there are more talented people, and there are more talented people who beat them. Why are those people unable to break through? Isn't the practice hard enough? After the dog-shit luck, some of the original energy left after the pioneers dissipated, so it broke through to the realm of the creator. "

"Later this kind of source energy was basically not found, and the difficulty of breaking through the creator has been greatly improved. Although there is something between heaven and earth that can help the monk to break through, the probability of breaking through is very small, and there is no way to compete with The source energy of expansion is on a par. "

Lin Feng said, "So, in this way, the fourth kind of blood line I have should be the pioneer blood line?".


Said the mysterious being.

"You are the first person between heaven and earth to awaken the pioneering blood." Said the mysterious being.

"Aren't pioneers the first?". Lin Feng said.

The mysterious being said, "In a strict sense, the pioneer is certainly not the first, because the pioneer is itself a structured existence of laws! It is not a creature, although he is a pioneer, but there is Pioneer Bloodline, Pioneer Bloodline, is a special kind of bloodline that only appeared after he fell! ".

Lin Feng said, "I have the pioneer blood, does it mean that I can create all kinds of things like the pioneers?".

"This is the power of the creator ...". Said the mysterious being.

Of course Lin Feng knows that this is the ability of the creator. For example, the creator can turn stone into gold, water into oil, and soil into noodles, etc.

All kinds of terrifying abilities are simply incredible and stunned.

This is also the terrible place of the Creator.

However, since this pioneer was blown so evil by this mysterious existence.

Lin Feng felt that, with his pioneering blood, he should be able to do something similar to the creator?

Lin Feng said, "If you don't even have the power of the creator, wouldn't my pioneering bloodline have a virtual chart?".

The mysterious existence said, "I haven't finished it yet. In the real world, you really can't do this, but in the world you create, when you awaken the pioneer blood, you can already do To many unbelievable things, such as some means that the creator has mastered, and even the means that the creator cannot master, you can also master, for example, the cursed master can create the cursed way, cannot create the way of destiny, cannot create the way of fate .

"And you, you can create the cursed way, you can also create fate, fatal way, etc. They all have mastered a single ability, and you have mastered all the abilities. Of course, when doing these things, you It needs to be completed in the world created by yourself. If you want to have these extraordinary abilities in the outside world, it is estimated that it takes more than five or six revolutions in the bloodline. "

"Actually, mastering these abilities is not the most critical. The most important thing is that a monk with a pioneering bloodline may become the second pioneer!".

"Oh? Become the second pioneer? A pioneer beyond the level of the creator?".

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly burst into light.


The mysterious existence nodded.

He said, "It's fair to say that Pioneer Bloodline is the only supreme bloodline between heaven and earth. Is your Lord Emperor's blood strong enough? But it still needs to be suppressed by the Pioneer Bloodline. Other bloodlines are also a reason. No matter whether it is the blood lineage inherited by the creator or the innate blood lineage, it will be suppressed by the pioneer bloodline, which is the horror of the pioneer bloodline. "

"However, sooner or later, when you awaken the blood of the pioneers, some of the creator-level powerful people will notice it. Others may not know about the pioneers, but some ancient creators, who had the origins of the pioneers in the past, how do they Maybe you do n’t know about pioneers? ".

"If you let those creators know that you have awakened the Pioneer Bloodline, they will definitely come to you, I guess, then these powerful creators will choose to take you away, so that they have the possibility of becoming Pioneers, Of course, it is also possible to choose to exchange blood directly with you and take away your pioneer blood. "

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

How does this guy's voice sound a bit gloating?

But some of his words are quite reasonable.

Those powerful creators will definitely stare at him. Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. Having a supreme bloodline was originally a very happy and joyful thing.

But now Lin Feng is happy and worried.

Any strong man in the realm of the Creator can hang him.

Now that the strong level of the creator level is self-confident, and behind Lin Feng there is also the strong power that controls the ancestor, so the strong level of the creator level will not personally deal with Lin Feng.

At most, it is a phantom or a doppelganger.

But whether it is a manifested ghost or a sent-in avatar, there is a huge gap between the strength of the creator deity.

This gap is a gap that cannot be bridged.

There may be a way to resist the appearance of ghosts or avatars.

But if the deity of the Creator arrives, it will definitely be a dead end.

So when Lin Feng awakened the Pioneer bloodline, he was actually caught in an extremely dangerous situation.

This must be taken seriously.

As much as possible, don't expose your pioneering blood.

However, sometimes, even if you do it yourself, you will not be allowed to use the powerful means of the creator level.

They may have some special methods. Through these special methods, even if Lin Feng does not operate the pioneer blood, it may be noticed by them.

The strong level of the creator level does have this ability. This must be carefully guarded. Lin Feng thought, or he could use the Grand Destiny technique to cover his breath.

Lin Feng was trying to continue to ask some questions about this mystery. Suddenly, a sudden change, Lin Feng felt a powerful force of attraction and wanted to **** himself into the outside world.

next moment.

Lin Feng's thoughts withdrew from that mysterious world and returned to reality.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

I still have some questions that I haven't asked clearly. How can I end this?

Really depressed.

Lin Feng's pioneering blood is still growing.

Lin Feng tried to sense the first awakening of Pioneer Bloodline, and what ability he had given to him.

Lin Feng's thoughts sensed his pioneering blood.

Suddenly got a lot of information.

Pioneer Bloodline: The most mysterious, oldest, and most powerful bloodline.

Number of awakenings: once.

Awakening ability: You can easily create a big world.

After sensing these contents, Lin Feng's face suddenly showed joy.

Create a big world at will?

This ability is amazing.

Now, Lin Feng has created a middle world.

But how the middle world evolved into the big world made Lin Feng feel very headache.

The first ability of Lin Feng's pioneering bloodline is to create a big world at hand. This ability is too powerful.

Lin Feng feels that the middle world itself is equivalent to a basic world. The time it takes to create this big world on the basis of the middle world must be very short. When this big world is created, the laws of heaven and earth will evolve. The creatures in the world will become stronger and stronger.

The big world can provide continuous feedback to Lin Feng's powerful power.

In addition, the creatures in the big world can also continuously feed back to Lin Feng's power. Lin Feng thought before and waited for everything to be processed.

He moved the powerful fierce beasts in the ancient forests of the heavens to the middle world, and let these beasts enhance the power of his middle world.

At the same time feedback to yourself more powerful.

At that time, his combat power will be greatly improved.

But now it seems.

Let's first perfect this middle world into a big world, and then collect the powerful fierce beasts in the major ancient forests.

"I don't know when I can wake up for the second time?".

Lin Feng said to himself.

Although he did not know what method could be used to enable Pioneer Bloodline to complete the second awakening.

Don't worry about this kind of thing. Take a step by step.

all will be good.

Lin Feng believes that when the time comes, he can certainly know the way to awaken Pioneer's blood.

Lin Feng was familiar with his pioneering blood for a while.

Bloodline awakening does not promote your own realm.

However, blood awakening will greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the monk.

This time Lin Feng awakened the Pioneering Bloodline, and his own combat power has improved at least three or four times.

If it is an ordinary blood line, it is impossible to increase so much, it is extremely rare to double it.

Pioneering bloodline, as the first bloodline in ancient times, has increased the combat power three or four times, which is reasonable.

After he had stabilized his realm, Lin Feng immediately began to forge the thirty-three heavenly treasure.

He took out the 33th Heaven and the main trunk of Jianmu.

Lin Feng made the trunk of Jianmu Tree into the 33rd Heaven, and made the trunk of Jianmu Tree the backbone of the 33rd Heaven.

On the 33rd day, he began to evolve and improve himself.

After the rule is completely shaped successfully, the 33rd heaven should be forged successfully.

At that time, Lin Feng sacrificed some time.

Let Thirty-three Heavens form a perfect fit and connection. Thirty-three Heavens will be transformed into a treasure.

Lin Feng estimated that it will take some time before the 33rd genius can form the perfect law.

And Lin Feng just can use this time to upgrade his cultivation to the peak of the Holy Lord.

Once the forty-three heavens are forged successfully, Lin Feng can use the thirty-three heavens to make a breakthrough beyond the realm.

Lin Feng is still looking forward to it, this day will come soon.

After all, who doesn't want to break beyond the realm?

Of course Lin Feng thought.

Not only does he want to break beyond the realm, he also wants to break through the quasi-creator realm, the creator realm.


Press all the creators.

Become the only pioneer in the world.

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