Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6606: Arrived in the Valley of Heaven's Blood! The Secret of Heaven's Blood

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There is a price to pay for what you need.

Since the other party made his own request.

Then there are only two options before Lin Feng.

Either agree or refuse.

Lin Feng is naturally impossible to reject the other party, if this guy is rejected.

Lin Feng can't get the black spirit he wants.

Heaven and Earth Black Spirit is too important for Lin Feng. Whether the Black Dragon Sword can return to the Quasi-Creator Realm depends on whether Lin Feng can get Heaven and Earth Black Spirit.

If the Black Dragon Sword returns to the level of quasi-creator power.

By then, it was really too important for Lin Feng.

"I can promise you!" Lin Feng said.

Seeing Lin Feng agree to come down, Emperor Mo Luo could not help but smile. He said, "Recently, you can stay with me for a while, and I will notify you immediately after the news comes from Heaven's Blood Valley."

Lin Feng is not willing to live in the palace of Emperor Moro, who knows whether Emperor Moro has some special means to monitor them?

It is better to go out to live, but also more convenient.

Lin Feng said, "We have already settled down outside. Let's stay outside for a while. After the news of Heaven's Blood Valley, Emperor Mo Luo can send someone to inform us."

"That's fine," Emperor Mo Luo nodded.

Lin Feng and others did not stay here for a long time.

Alonso ’s friends personally sent Lin Feng away, and after Lin Feng ’s departure, Alonso ’s friends returned to the palace.

"the host". Alonso's friends salute Emperor Moro who is still in the palace.

Emperor Moro asked, "Do you know the origin of the celebrity monk who came with Alonso?".

The friend of Alonso said, "Looking back to the master, the subordinates don't know the identity of that person. The subordinates will go and ask Alonso now."

"Forget it, no need to inquire, he deliberately concealed his identity, just don't want to expose, you can't inquire about specific information." Emperor Moro said.

Alonso's friend said, "Or, let's investigate his identity?".

Emperor Moro thought for a while and then said, "No, who he is has nothing to do with me. I only care if he can help me get Tianxuelian".

As the words fell, the body of Emperor Moro disappeared into the hall out of thin air.


Back to the residence.

Lin Feng and others went back to their own rest, Lin Feng also wanted to continue to retreat and study the six reincarnations he shaped.

However, after returning, Xiaohei told Lin Feng that he wanted to chat with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was surprised that Xiao Hei wanted to take the initiative to chat with himself. It was really the sun came out from the west. I did n’t know what Xiao Hei wanted to talk about.

Of course Lin Feng would not refuse Xiaohei's request. He summoned Xiaohei, then looked at Xiaohei and asked, "What do you want to talk to me?".

"Talk about the black treasure seal!". Xiao Hei said.

The origin of the black treasure that Xiaohe got was Lin Feng was not clear.

The only thing I know is that the black treasure is very mysterious, and the secret involved should be quite amazing.

Xiao Heite must know.

In addition, the black wind demon king he met before should also know, so he urgently got the black treasure seal of Xiaohei.

Only in the end did not succeed.

Now Xiao Hei wants to talk to himself about the Black Seal, which proves that Xiao He wants to share with him the opportunity hidden behind the Black Seal.

Lin Feng said, "Then talk about it, I also want to hear about the black treasure seal."

Xiaohei said, "You know, my family is a family before 1,700 epochs. It is extremely ancient. The original ghost beast is a race living in the dark world. This treasure is me Ancestors, something found in the dark world. "

"What do you mean by the dark world?" Lin Feng asked in doubt.

Xiaohei said, "In fact, I don't even know exactly what I mean. After all, it is too long, and some things have already become a mystery.

"However, according to what the ancestors left behind, if you go to the wasteland with a black treasure seal, you might find something."

Lin Feng frowned slightly. This place of waste soil is an extremely dangerous place. The ruler in the waste soil is ancient, powerful, and mostly not a good person.

The waste soil is so xenophobic that it is inseparable from the waste soil domination.

The waste soil forest maple is of course going to suffer.

He still has some things that need to go to the wasteland world to deal with.

Moreover, if Lin Feng can break through beyond the realm, then if you want to quickly improve your cultivation in a short time, you need to go to the wasteland.

The waste soil is very suitable for monks to practice, and there are many opportunities, more opportunities, and naturally more opportunities for breakthroughs.

Lin Feng thought, after solving some things in the Devil's Abyss, he would resurrect the fire and then go to the wasteland world.

If there is no accident, then, the Black Dragon Sword has been upgraded to the level of quasi-creator.

Lin Feng also holds so many powerful ancient weapons.

Even if the wasteland world is even more dangerous, you can go for it.

Lin Feng still has this confidence.


Lin Feng asked, "So, what does this black treasure seal have to do with, did you ever know?".

Xiaohei said, "It has something to do with pioneers."

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Lin Feng moved.

The four universes, the heavens and the earth, the primates of all things, etc., everything in this world was created by the pioneer.

The pioneer has indeed been dead for a long time, but he still has many things left, such as some origins or some baby heritage, Lin Feng even feels that the pioneer may still have some marks of mind and magic. One kind of thing stays.

But no matter what it is, the value of anything related to that pioneer is unimaginable.

Lin Feng really didn't think that this black treasure seal had anything to do with the pioneers.

Lin Feng said, "Don't the Dark Wind Demon King also know that Black Seal is related to the pioneers?"

Xiao Hei said, "I don't think he necessarily knows, but maybe only some strong quasi-creators and some creators will know."

Lin Feng said, "Then the destruction of your family has something to do with some quasi-quasi-creator-level powerhouses or some creators?".

After asking this question, Lin Feng thought about it and thought that the strong man of the level of quasi-creator should be removed.

Why do you say this way?

This is because.

Xiaohei's ancestors are extremely terrifying. There are rumors that his ancestors are beyond the peak, and there are even rumors that they may be quasi-creator levels.

Even if it only surpasses the peak, his family is very talented.

It is estimated that the general quasi-creator-level strong man cannot be the ancestor of Xiao Hei.

Therefore, the probability of destroying this group of monks is the strong level of the creator.

Xiaohei's family was in the Kunlun universe before, and later fled into the Kyushu universe.

Who is the creator of the Kunlun universe?

Ye Xuan, the Lord of Kunlun?

It should not be him, this person, quite good.

Dominate the ancestor?

Even more unlikely, the ancestor dominated the long sleep.

King Taishan?

There is this possibility.

The Lord of Curses is also possible.

I just do n’t know if there is a hidden creator in the Kunlun universe.

If anything, it may be the creator hidden in the dark.

"Related to Taishan Prefecture Jun". Xiao Hei said.

Hearing that it was Taishanfu Jun who had exterminated Xiao Hei's family, Lin Feng's brows could not help becoming dignified.

He said, "This Taishan Man is too terrible. It is said that after the death of the strong man beyond the realm, if the soul does not disperse, he will report to him, and the souls of those strong men will be enslaved by him!".

"If he really did, you want to get revenge, it is not an easy thing."

"I know!". Xiao Hei said.


Xiaohe gritted his teeth and said, "But no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely kill Taishan Prefecture Jun and avenge the hatred of my clan's dead people."

Lin Feng said, "You can rest assured that I will help you when the time comes. You can put away the black treasure for now. When we get to the wasteland, see if we can use the black treasure to find what the pioneers left behind."

In fact, Lin Feng is very much looking forward to this matter. After all, the pioneers are so extraordinary. How precious are the things left by the pioneers, Lin Feng could n’t imagine how.

He was looking forward to this day soon.


After half a month.

The Emperor Moro sent someone to inform Lin Feng that Tianxuegu appeared again. At present, Tianxuegu looked very illusory and had not been solidified. Now you can go to Tianxuegu.

After learning the news, Lin Feng and others rushed towards the place where the Heavenly Blood Valley was located.

The place where the Heavenly Blood Valley is located is in the Heavenly Blood Ancient Forest.

This place is not too far from Moro City, only ten days away.

Ten days later, Lin Feng and others came outside the Tianxue Ancient Forest.

A large number of monks came from all over, and entered the ancient forest of heaven and blood.

Among these monks, there are monks of the Devil Race, monks of evil Dao, monks of Devil Dao, and some other races.

In this place of the Devil Abyss, the Devil Clan occupies a dominant position.

About 80% of the races are all devil races. It is said that if the devil races are subdivided, almost tens of thousands of races can be divided.

The remaining races only accounted for about 20%, and there is no way to compare with the demons.

However, there are no simple races and forces that can survive in the abyss of demons.

Lin Feng and their team caused some creatures to spy.

But when Alonso released his breath beyond the realm, those creatures ran away like scorpions.

Even in places like the Devil Abyss, there are very few powerful people who transcend the realm.

Powerhouses at this level are definitely the top powerhouses, and few people dare to provoke powerhouses at this level easily.

Lin Feng and others went all the way into the Heavenly Blood Ancient Forest.

Two days later.

They came to the central area of ​​Tianxue Ancient Forest.

Sky Blood Valley is here.

From afar.

can be seen.

In front is the banned area.

A mysterious valley appeared in sight.

That mysterious valley is huge.

But the valley has not yet fully revealed.

There are many monks around, and these monks do not necessarily want to enter into it to explore the opportunities inside. Most people come to pay respect to the blood valley of heaven.

And there are rumors.

The rules inside Skyblood Valley are special. Every time Skyblood Valley appears, some babies will take the initiative to fly out. Monks who come here should have many people thinking about whether this kind of thing will happen.

If there are real babies flying out, maybe they can get them?

Lin Feng heard some monks talking about some secret stories in the Valley of Heaven's Blood.

One of the old men talked about a secret. According to the old man ’s words, Tianxuegu buried a strong man of quasi-creator level, and the person who buried the strong man of quasi-creator level was more powerful It is probably the existence of a creator level.

They are still a pair of lovers.

This is the first time Lin Feng has heard of this statement, and I don't know if it is true.

But the hole did not come.

Since there are such rumors.

Maybe, everything that the old man said is true?

If it is true, who is the strongest quasi-creator realm that has fallen here?

Who is that strong creator level?

The strong level of the creator level, both hands can be counted.

Lin Feng currently knows a few powerful creators.

I just do n’t know if the creator who collected the blood of the sky is a certain one that Lin Feng knew?

Lin Feng was full of curiosity about this matter.

These are secret stories after all, and the old man is not clear.

If you enter the Valley of Heaven's Blood, you may be able to find out the truth.

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