Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 72: The war songs of the world!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

Tian Wenzong's array master is still very high, so the speed of layout is very fast, and the layout is also quite perfect.

When Tian Zong arranged the formation method, Lin Feng began to study where he should establish his influence. Site selection is a very important thing. He cannot choose a place casually.

Lin Feng did some research, but found a few good places. For example, before there was a sect called Vajrasattva, this sect was very tyrannical.

But in the end, it was wiped out. The reason why Lin Feng was interested in the old site of this sect was that this sect was extremely good at the formation ban.

Although this sect has been destroyed, the formation prohibition of this sect cannot be completely destroyed. It is certain that the formation prohibition has not been destroyed. And the place where the other party chooses the site must be the place where the dragon veins meet. The establishment of a new formation ban on the old site will save a lot of time.

The newly established formation ban is blessed by the previous formation ban, and it will be more powerful. In addition, the naturally-occurring dragon land is very suitable for cultivation.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the place is surrounded by ancient primitive jungles. It is said that some places are distributed with magnetic fields. Such places covered by magnetic fields will have various effects on many monks.

If Lin Feng can make good use of the magnetic field there, it is definitely an extremely useful boost for Lin Feng. This is very clear to Lin Feng, so Lin Feng intends to go to that place to establish his influence.

After the address was selected, this matter was temporarily stranded. After all, Lin Feng estimated that the monk army under the hands of the black-handed world royal family and several major creators were about to start, and now there is no time to build forces. Start to build your own power, and then find a way to recruit troops and buy horses.

If it is impossible to defeat the monk army under the masters of the Black Hand World royal family and several major creators, then the forces such as Tianwenzong will be wiped out with great probability, and Tianwenyu will also be completely defeated by the monk behind the blackhand world royal family and several major creators The army was completely occupied, let alone mentioning the establishment of forces at that time, it is estimated that you can only choose to leave the domain of heaven.

Counting from the end of the meeting, it took about ten days, and many people began to send them to Tianwenzong.

It seems that some forces' teleportation arrays have been completely built, and they have begun to transfer Zongmen or family members. Tianwenzong has a large area here, and enough people can be arranged.

Of course, when there are many people, various contradictions may arise, so Tian Wenzong did not mix monks of different forces, but divided many mountain peaks for different forces, and people of different forces live in different places. This can avoid many contradictions.

If you can defeat the opposing monk army, then everyone can return to their original forces. It is estimated that Tian Wenzong can't stay here for too long.

After the first batch of monks passed in, the teleportation array never stopped in the next few days, and people of all major forces came in a teleportation array.

The people of these forces were taken to the mountain assigned to them. As for how to allocate the accommodation, it was not a matter of heaven and time. The senior leaders of the major forces will handle this matter. Presumably this is not a difficult matter.

After the arrival of the major forces, the spies who have been paying attention to the behind-the-scenes royal family and several major creators of the monk army sent the news quickly, saying that it was the behind-the-scenes royal family and several major creators ’monk army. After the assembly is complete, we will soon set off to attack many forces.

After this news came, Tian Wenzong and other forces also began to gather monk troops. About five million monk troops were assembled. This number is not too much, but it is definitely a lot.

The monks in the wasteland world are all elite masters, and they are not comparable to those in other worlds. Do n’t underestimate the five million monk army in the wasteland world. The five hundred monk army may be several thousand more than other worlds. Ten thousand, even hundreds of millions of monk troops are much more terrifying.

Even if the quasi-creator-level strong men are surrounded by these monk troops, there is a high probability of being killed.

Lin Feng's battlefield they chose was in the Cangyun Ancient Forest. This place happens to be the junction of the forces and the opponent's ruled area. In addition to the reason for the primitive jungle, there are terrible beasts everywhere. It is easy to breed in the dense jungle. A large amount of poisonous gas, malaria and so on.

Some opponents even have natural killing arrays. During this time, Tian Wenqu personally led a group of monks to arrange large arrays among the ancient clouds of the Cangyun.

But even if you ca n’t use them, you should prepare for these tasks. After all, if you do n’t have them, what if you need them?

The monk army came to the junction of the two forces.

The opposing monk's army arrived two days later. The opposing monk's army came with a total of 10 million people. This number advantage is too great, but after the arrival of the opposing monk's army, it did not mean to directly attack, but to find The place is stationed.

After seeing this situation, everyone knew that the other party's strategy of attacking many forces was the same as Lin Feng's previous speculation. Now these people are stationed, mainly defensive, and involve the monks in Tianwenyu .

The rest of the monk army went to attack the gates of the major forces.

These people must have felt that after the monks of the major forces were transferred out, the major forces were already seriously empty.

Everything is in Lin Feng's plan, so, Lin Feng they did not shoot, but continue to wait for the result.

The same is true of the other party, except that everyone seems extremely confident in their own means.

This stalemate situation lasted for about ten days, and the news came quickly. The time for the monks on both sides to get the news was almost the same.

Behind the scenes, the Mafia World Royal Family and several major creators have received the following news.

We have been fooled. The people of all major forces have been secretly transferred away, and only a small number of people have lured the monk army to kill them. However, the monk army just entered the other party ’s mountain gate, and various lore battles were activated. The army was trapped in it.

The other party was extremely mean and shameless, not only used a large array, but also used toxic, plague and other means, so our loss here is extremely heavy, almost 80% or 90% of the people died, and a small part escaped The situation of the monks is also very bad. The poison and plague among many people are very heavy. If they cannot be cured effectively, they may not escape.

This news displeased the leaders of the Mafia of the Mafia World and several princes of the monk army.

These people, one by one, were extremely gloomy. They did not expect that the seemingly perfect means had made a mistake, and it was calculated by others. How did they accept it?

At the same time, they were also very puzzled, how did the other party quietly transfer all the monks of power?

Unable to figure this out, these monks simply didn't think about it any more. These are not the most critical.

The most important thing is to destroy the monk army composed of many local forces in Tianwenyu.

As long as these monk troops can be destroyed, the forces of Tianwenyu will naturally not be able to escape the fate of destruction.

and so!

Behind the scenes, the Mafia Royale also has several masters under the command of the monk army, ordered the monk army to gather, and then launched the general attack.

The news obtained by many forces in Tianwenyu is this:

According to Mr. Lin's plan, we successfully trapped the opposing monk army in the lore of the lore, and assisted in means such as highly toxic and plague. The opposing party could not be defeated. Only a few people left the other party to escape, but Those who escaped were often poisoned by poison or plague. I was afraid that they would not be able to live too long. This time, we have been a great victory.

These news are absolutely extremely important news for Lin Feng and others. These news are really exciting.

After hearing the news, the monk army composed of many forces in Tianwenyu area had high morale and high fighting spirit.

At this time, Lin Feng also discovered the movement of the opposing army, knowing that the opposing party is definitely going to launch the general attack.

The monk army on the side of Tianwenyu also began to gather quickly. It didn't take long for the five million monk army to be completely assembled.

In the distance ... The black squadrons of monks were killed, and they came from the sky like an ancient legion fighting in the universe.

Wherever I go, destroy everything.

All the large arrays in the mountains were destroyed by these monks.

This situation caused Lin Feng's brows to wrinkle slightly. Sure enough, as he guessed, there were monks who were proficient in the formation of the opposing monk army, found the large array arranged here, and then ordered the monk army to destroy the large Formation.

As a result, the large formation here will not be able to have any effect. It must be said that this is a huge loss. If the large formation can play a role before the war, not only can kill many of the other's monks The key is that it can also cause a huge blow to the morale of the other party.

Lin Feng asked the poison ancestor to lie in the way of the plague god, release the highly toxic and plague, and deal with the opposing monk army.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that the opposing monk army resisted the erosion of the highly toxic and plague. The reason why the opposing party was able to resist the erosion of the highly toxic and plague is estimated to have taken some special elixir in advance, the other party has the ability to refine This immortality.

Really cautious enough.

That is to say, no matter whether it is a large array, a highly toxic or a plague, it can not have any impact on the monk army under the command of the black hand world royal family and several major creators. This situation is for Lin Feng ’s monk army on their side. , But a very bad situation.

However, Lin Feng still has a powerful method that has not been exhibited yet.

That is the war song of the world.

This is the powerful ability of Lin Feng's blood awakening.

Once it is exhibited, you can bless the combat power of those around you, at least 50% of the combat power, and at most ten times the combat power!

Obviously, how much combat power can be blessed for the people around them depends on the level of the exhibitor.

If the level of the exhibitor is superb, it is possible to bless ten times.

If the level of the exhibitor is generally possible, it can only bless 50% of the combat power.

As a supernatural power inherited from the family blood, Lin Feng's cultivation of war songs of the world has been relatively smooth in recent years. The greatest role of this supernatural power is in large-scale operations.

Behind the scenes, there are several major creators of the Black Hand World Royal Family, and the individual combat capabilities of the monk army of the monk are indeed stronger than the individual combat capabilities of the monks of the forces in the Tianwen domain.

The number of opponents is twice that of Lin Feng on their side.

It seems that the situation is really bad, but if Lin Feng's war songs of the world can be effective, it is enough to reverse this unfavorable situation.

At this moment.

Many people tightly hold the magic weapon in their hands.

As we all know, there is no way out in the war today.

It's not that the other party died.

It's that everyone died.

So this battle can only be won by death.

Many people are also prepared for this.

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a high, mysterious voice resounding between heaven and earth.

"We are all solitary walkers walking in the world. We gather together for one purpose. Take up the weapon in our hands. We will unite and fight to kill the enemy, only to expel darkness and usher in light ..."

As the "songs" of war songs of all the world resounded.

Everyone feels that his own strength has started to increase madly.

Increase the combat power by 50%.

Double the combat power.

Increase the combat power by 1.5 times.

Increase the combat power twice.

The improvement of combat power has not stopped, and it continues.

"My God, what happened?".

"My combat power has doubled? And it's still improving. What happened?".

Everyone was shocked, everyone was moved.

Then, everyone looked at Lin Feng who was singing.

It must be Lin Feng.

I don't know what method was used to make everyone's combat power crazy. This method is really unpredictable.

Everyone was excited.

Everyone's combat power has improved so much, are you afraid of the other bird?

Even the high-level leaders of all major forces were very shocked.

They have seen the means to increase combat effectiveness.

But for the first time, they were the means to increase the fighting power of a huge army of five million monks.

Worthy of being a descendant of the Creator.

The means to master is really extreme.

Tianziyi was destined to be the level of waste soil dominance, and he quickly calmed down, he shouted, "Pay attention to military discipline, don't make noise, don't whisper, prepare for the war!"

After hearing Tian Ziyi's applause, the cathartic monk army suddenly became quiet.

Everyone is slowly experiencing the feeling of soaring combat power.

2.5 times the fighting power.

Three times the fighting power.

3.5 times the fighting power.

Four times the fighting power.

4.5 times the fighting power.

Five times the fighting power.

Under the blessing of Lin Feng's war songs.

The fighting power of everyone.

After a five-fold increase, it stopped.

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