Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 21: Coffin and Doom

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

In the past, the infinite Taoist prince also said that the family of Xian Hongxue did not pay special attention to the Wanling pen. Otherwise, the infinite Taoist could not steal the Wanling pen.

Now the other party is so eager to find the Wanling pen because they probably know that the Wanling pen is related to Yu Shang's fall, and the Wanling pen is in Lin Feng's hands.

At that time, you can find Yu Shang falling to the ground with the other party. If the other party really insists on returning to the magic pen, then I am sorry, then Lin Feng feels that I can leave these people away. Anyway, Xian Hongxue was not sincere to Lin Feng before. .

If the other party takes a step back, they are all happy. After they find Yu Shang falling to the ground, they will have a chat with Xian Hongxue to exchange the magic pen. Lin Feng has a lot of good things here. If the other party is satisfied, Lin Feng feels , The other party should still be willing to exchange magic pens with themselves.

Lin Feng then began to study ways to crack the ban outside Zhoufu. The ban outside Zhoufu is very powerful, so cracking is not an easy task.

Lin Feng's attempts to cross the formation prohibition outside Zhoufu all failed before, but although it failed, he basically completely remembered the formation prohibition outside Zhoufu.

As long as you remember how the opponent's formation prohibition is arranged, Lin Feng believes that a solution can be found. Lin Feng spent two days and finally successfully cracked the formation prohibition outside Zhoufu.

After doing all of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but take a breath. Tomorrow, he and the infinite Taoist priests could go to Zhoufu to meet Zhou Xingxing, and then ask Zhou Xingxing to interpret their dreams for them.

That night, Xian Hongxue arrived again. After sensing the breath of Xian Hongxue, Lin Feng walked out of the residence and saw Xian Hongxue in the former pavilion.

Xian Hongxue is as beautiful and beautiful as ever. This kind of muddy and untainted temperament makes people feel ashamed. After seeing Lin Feng, Xian Hongxue smiled and said, "The sons have been Is it alright? ".

Lin Feng said, "Not bad, fairy?"

Xian Hongxue said, "How can I be in a good mood because I am worried about the things in the magic pen?"

Lin Feng said, "The fairy is really a dedicated person!".

Xian Hongxue smiled slightly, showing a beautiful suffocating smile, and then asked, "I don't know if the son has talked about the magic pen with the Taoist?".

Lin Feng said, "Say, the Taoist said that Wanling Pen is related to Yu Shang's ethics. He is not interested in Wanling Pen. What really interested him is what Yu Shang left!"

Hearing Lin Feng ’s words, Xian Hongxue ’s face changed slightly, but soon returned to normal. She said in a pretended surprise, “The Wanling pen has something to do with Yu Shang ’s tradition? How did I hear it for the first time? ? Was the Taoist 80% wrong? ".

Pretend! Really can be installed!

Lin Feng couldn't help but slander, he thought Xian Hongxue was a relatively simple person.

But now it seems that there are so many simple people in this world.

Women are born actors.

And acting like dumping a man ten streets and eight streets to play.

Xian Hongxue, Tie Ding is also a good actor.

But Lin Feng did not mean to tear through Xian Hongxue.

The face should be given to others, otherwise how to cooperate and trade in the future?

Lin Feng said, "Infinite Taoist priests are very sure about this matter. It seems that this matter is not groundless. Perhaps it is true. I know this dead Taoist priest very well. I will definitely explore the end of things. I will not see the Yellow River. Don't give up! ".

"So this guy said, he will not hand over the Wanling pen, maybe everyone can explore Yu Shang and fall to the ground together, if you really rush him, he will come to a dead net and destroy the Wanling pen directly. No one wants to get a magic pen at that time! ".

"This person is so shameless to this extent, it is really hateful!". Xian Hongxue said ugly.

Lin Feng laughed inwardly, scolding the dead Taoist, cursing the dead Taoist.

Lin Feng said, "Here is good for both, and I don't need to say this. The fairy also understands it, so I think we can really cooperate. After the exploration of Yu Shang falls, I will use the magic pen from the infinite Taoist. If you do n’t want to come, I will help the fairy to grab it! ".

Xian Hongxue sighed in his heart, Wan Lingbi is not the key, the key is that their family, of course, want to swallow the things left behind.

This is the key.

But now it seems that there is no such hope.

And Lin Feng is running around for this matter, can't chill Lin Feng's heart, right?

Thinking of this, Xian Hongxue said, "Then do it according to the method Lin Gongzi said!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Fairies are reasonable people."

After the two sides were separated, they each returned to their accommodation, Lin Feng slept a good night at night.

The next day.

Lin Feng and others went to Zhoufu together.

There are still many people trying to cross the formation ban here, hoping to see Zhou Xingxing, and then asking Zhou Xingxing to explain their dreams to them, but there is still no successful formation ban crossing.

According to Lin Feng's observation, the formation prohibition here is indeed not trivial, and it is indeed an extremely difficult thing to crack the formation prohibition here.

It is necessary to be extremely proficient in large formations, otherwise, there is no hope at all.

Lin Feng took everyone into the formation ban.

Many people were stunned for a while.

It is rare to see a group of forces enter the formation prohibition together. This group of people have entered the formation prohibition. What is going on?

Could it be. Do you know how to break the line?

Lin Feng they have aroused the attention of many people.

Everyone was talking about Lin Feng and their pedestrians. After a quarter of an hour, Lin Feng and others did not appear, which caused a sensation.

For such a long time, it is rarely seen that someone can successfully cross the formation prohibition. Lin Feng and their pedestrians have actually crossed the formation prohibition here. Now you can find Zhou Xingxing to form an alliance. It is impossible to envy .


At this moment, Lin Feng stood in front of Zhou Fu.

Zhou Fu did not guard, Lin Feng and they entered the Zhou Fu, they saw that inside the Zhou Fu, very large, there are four main roads, leading to different places.

Probably it was sensed that someone came in through the formation prohibition, so a monk flew in the depths. This is a middle-aged monk. The figure is relatively short, only about one meter in height.

This man is not a dwarf.

It should be dwarfism.

"Why wait for this?". The man asked.

Infinite Taoist said, "Naturally is to find Zhou Gong to explain his dream!".

"Duke Zhou is not here. If you want to interpret your dreams, I'm afraid I can only find someone else." The man said.

Hearing his words, Lin Feng and others frowned.

Zhou Gong is not here?

Is this serious, or is it a joke?

Lin Feng, they spent so much attention before they came here, turned out to be this result?

The Infinite Taoist shouted, "Who should I lie to? Take us to see Duke Zhou quickly, otherwise, believe it or not, will we beat you halfway?".


The man snorted coldly, turned and flew towards the depths.

"Where to go?"

Infinite Taoist shouted coldly, trying to catch up with the man.

Then grab the man.


The man shrunk into an inch, incredible speed, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Infinite Taoist blinked and said in disbelief, "This guy is so powerful?".

Lin Feng said, "People must not look, the sea can not be weighed, this Zhoufu, I am afraid it is not easy!".

Infinite Taoist asked, "What shall we do now?".

Lin Feng said, "This Zhou Gong obviously didn't want to shoot. I guess he never thought that someone could crack the formation he arranged. If we don't believe others' dream interpretation techniques, we can only look around. , Maybe you can find out Zhou Gong! ".

"It can only be this way". Infinite Taoist nodded.

Lin Feng and they wandered around the mansion, which is strange to say. In such a large mansion, Lin Feng and they walked for a long time without seeing anyone.

The poison ancestor said, ‘This place is a bit weird, why is there no one living? Some are not reasonable! ’.

Lin Feng also found something wrong. Indeed, it is too quiet here. Apart from the gnome man who appeared at first, he never touched anyone else.

"You won't be trapped in the illusion, will you?". Sacred Devil Saint said.

"Not quite like that!". Infinite Taoist frowned, and he was also good at the prohibition of formation. Whether he was trapped by the illusion or not, he could still tell by his ability.

The infinite Taoist felt that it was not an illusion, but that there was indeed a evil gate in this place, and he was also inaccurate, so he looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Little Maple, what do you think of this place?".

Lin Feng said, "This place really doesn't look like a fantasy, but we have gone to so many places and we haven't seen living people. This is a bit evil!"

Some things are really difficult to explain clearly, such as the current environment of Lin Feng and others, what is going on.

It's a very difficult thing to explain.

Everyone frowned and thought.

The manor is large enough, they continue to look for it in Zhoufu ’s manor, and in the afternoon, they come to a courtyard, which is divided into three layers: the inner, the middle, and the outside. Lin Feng looks for it in the outer courtyard. They went to the central courtyard to look for it, while the Infernal Demon Saint and others went to the inner courtyard to find it.

Soon after, the Prison Demon hurried out, he said, "Son, there is a situation!".

"what's the situation?". Lin Feng wondered.

"The son came with me, and I knew it at a glance!" Said the prisoner Mo Sheng.

Lin Feng followed the demon of the prison to the depths.

There is a large palace in the deep courtyard.

When Lin Feng entered the palace, Lin Feng's face suddenly showed a surprised expression, because in this temple, there were densely packed coffins.

There must be thousands of coffins.

"this is……". Lin Feng's brow jumped violently.

Infinite Taoists and others also arrived.

After seeing these articles, the countless Taoists could not help showing their extremely surprised expressions.

The poison ancestor said, "Is so many coffins owned by the Zhou clan?".

Lin Feng frowned. He didn't know if the people in the coffins were all people of the Zhou clan, but it was indeed too evil to put so many coffins here.

Why not bury them?

Into the earth for peace.

This is an old saying that has not been known for thousands of years.

So when people die, they are usually buried under the earth.

Some large mausoleums are built with conditions, but those with no conditions are simpler.

Of course, there are also some monks who choose to sit in unmanned places, but this kind of people mostly do it alone.

The real big family, the monks of the main forces, most of them will still sit in the forces behind them.

Things will also be left to future generations, rather than let these treasures become unowned.

"Do you want to open it to see if there are any of these coffins?", Said Drug Ancestor.

Infinite Taoist said, "No, there are people in these coffins, they have been dying for a long time!".

Lin Feng and others went to other places, and found many coffins in the courtyards of other places.

The living people didn't see it, but there were so many coffins.

Coming out of the ninth courtyard where the coffin was placed, Lin Feng finally saw a living person, but this living person was an old man, smoking a dry cigarette, and lingering.

The old man sat in the distance and looked towards Lin Feng's courtyard. After Lin Feng and others came out and saw the old man, they quickly walked toward the old man.

Soon, they came to the old man. Lin Feng clenched his fists and said, "Old man, we are here to find Zhou Gong to explain our dreams, but I don't know where is Zhou Gong? Can the old man take us to find Zhou Gong? ? "

The old man did not answer Lin Feng whether to lead the way, but asked, "Have you seen those coffins?".

Lin Feng and others nodded.

The old man said, "Interpretation of dreams, calculation of hexagrams, and other things are all things that leak the heavens. In the early years, Zhou Gong did not take these things into his heart. More and more, Zhou Gongfang knew that everything is true, so in these years, Zhou Gong is not helping people to interpret dreams, he still has a few apprentices still, the means are also good, maybe you can find a few apprentices of Zhou Gong to explain Doubt in joy. "

Infinite Taoist said, "The so-called leaking of heavenly machines, these are all superstitions for doom."

"Why? You don't believe in the power of heaven?" The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at the infinite Taoist.

Infinite Taoist said with a lip, "I only believe that Dao will win the sky! And, if Tian Dao can really decide some things, Dao Ye will have been robbed long ago, and I won't be so smart now."

"So let Duke Zhou not be afraid, his people's tragic death is estimated to be related to some unknown reason, not because of the leak of heaven!".

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