Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 50: The terrifying king of snakes!

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"Really? I want to learn more about the King Snake King's skills!". Lin Feng sneered.

This war is absolutely inevitable. If this king of snakes is really killed, Lin Feng and these people can still get endless benefits.

"I don't know if it's life or death. If that's the case, then you all go to hell!".

The King Serpent's voice became extremely cold.

After his voice fell.

Pillars of water.

In an instant, it turned into a huge water dragon. That huge water dragon, with open teeth and claws, roaring and shaking, rushed directly towards Lin Feng and others, and a water dragon locked a monk.

"Do it!"

Lin Feng shouted with a deep voice, and directly sacrificed the black dragon sword, a quasi-creator-level treasure, holding the black dragon sword and slashing towards the water dragon that was rushing.

But when the sword light from Lin Feng's beating hit the water dragon, amazing things appeared. That sword light actually penetrated the water dragon's body.

Did not cause any damage to the water dragon.

In other words ...

These water dragons can ignore attacks.

Water ... all inclusive.

A thought flashed in Lin Feng's mind. When he flashed the thought, his face plummeted. The snake king's attack method used the characteristics of water, and the attack could not hurt the other party.

"Watch out!"

Lin Feng said with a deep voice.

His voice had just fallen. The water dragon and huge claws had already been shot towards Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng about to be shot by that paw, he flew out. But at this time, Lin Feng exhibited eight banned gods. Rune, directly seal this water dragon.

After sealing the water dragon, the water dragon could not attack Lin Feng, and Lin Feng broke the water dragon with a punch, and then Lin Feng quickly killed the deity of the king of snakes.

"Human sword unites!".

Lin Feng's speed is so fast that in the air, others are like swords, and swords are like people.

The sword is one.

Destroy everything.

Lin Feng quickly killed him before the king of snakes, and there was a scepter in the hands of the king, which was a black scepter with many special runes drawn on it. The text, like a dragon pattern, like a snake pattern, is very weird, exuding a force that distorts time and space.

It turned out to be a treasure of quasi-creator level.

The scepter in the hand of the king of snakes was lightened towards Lin Feng, and a black light came out, colliding with Lin Feng, who was one of the swords, Lin Feng was shot and flew out.

"The realm of quasi-creator, the weapon of quasi-creator! The king of snakes is really powerful, it is worthy of being able to contend with the terror of the dragon race with his own strength!".

Lin Feng took a deep breath before speaking.

The king of snakes said, "You are not bad. At your age, it is really rare for you to have combat power like yours. Although you are only a monk in the same realm, with the help of a quasi-creator-level magic weapon, you can even compare it with ordinary quasi-quasi The strong level of the creator level is higher and lower. Throughout history, you are like a rare person. Unfortunately, what you encounter today is not an ordinary quasi-creator, but a top-level quasi-creator, so , You are still far away! ".

"What about me?" The Lord of Immortal Demon also broke the attack of the King of Serpents. He came step by step, the spirit of Immortal Demon lingered around him, and the Lord of Immortal Devil breathed.

"The quasi-creator-level strongman who returned from the robbery? Some meaning, really some meaning, now it's really all kinds of bulls, ghosts and snakes, all born one after another!".

The king of snakes narrowed his eyes and looked at the demon lord.

have to say! This big snake king is really amazing!

Immortal Lord has just returned from the robbery, he can see it at a glance!

The King Snake's perception is moving.

King Snake continued, "Now your potential should be improved a lot. If it develops normally, you have the opportunity to reach my current state, that is, the state where you touch the creator state.

When the words fell, the king of snakes began to read the spell.

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

When his voice resounded, there seemed to be an extremely strange power mobilized between heaven and earth, and that extremely strange power all flowed into his scepter.

Terrible fluctuations swept through the world.

Infinite black air diffused out of the scepter and enveloped directly towards the master of Lin Feng and Immortal Demon.

Lin Feng and the Lord of Immortals were enveloped by black gas. They immediately felt that under the black gas, their mana was suppressed extremely powerfully.

Then, numerous order chains appeared in the black air, and those order chains entangled toward the two.

Neither of them changed their faces slightly, what is this means? It's terrible.

Lin Feng, holding the black dragon sword, beheaded towards the chain of order.

The Lord of Immortal Demon is holding his most precious Immortal Demon Sword, and also slashes toward the chain of order that winds up to him.

Clang clang!

A series of collision sounds resounded.

Many chains of order were cut off by Lin Feng and the Lord of Immortals.

But what made them look ugly is when they cut off those chains of order.

The new chain of order is condensed again, and the new chain of order has become more powerful. It is really weird. I don't know what the means of the big snake king is.

"You must quickly resolve his means, otherwise, we are too passive!". The demon master said.

"I released the magnetic field and countered him. At the same time, we quickly approached him and interrupted him to read the spell!". Lin Feng responded.

"Okay, just do it!". The fairy demon replied.

Lin Feng activated his domineering magnetic field and released 21 times the domineering magnetic field. The resulting attacks, imprisonment, and suppression were unimaginable.

King Snake used the black gas released by the scepter to cover Lin Feng and the fairy demon master, and Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field also shrouded King Snake.

This is a contest between repression and repression.

When Lin Feng ’s twenty-one-time domineering magnetic field was released, the strength of the chains of order began to be quickly suppressed, at least by about 50%. As a result, the pressure of Lin Feng and the fairy demon was greatly reduced .

They cut the dense chains of order with their swords.

After those chains of order were cut off, the speed of re-condensation became much slower.

Master matchups, and the changes in an instant can cause different results and may determine the battle situation of the entire battle.

For example, in this battle between Lin Feng, the Lord of the Immortal Demon and the King Serpent, after the release of Lin Feng ’s domineering magnetic field, it is not only the order chains condensed by the King Serpent that have been seriously affected by the King Serpent.

It also includes those black qi, the suppression of Lin Feng and the fairy demon master, they were suppressed very powerfully, their real combat power can not be exerted, and now it is almost restored.

Before the new order chain failed to condense successfully, the two men had already killed the king of snakes.

"Go to hell!".

Lin Feng beheaded the Great Serpent King with the Black Dragon Sword, and the Lord of Immortals held the Great Serpent King with the fairy sword.

King Snake waved his scepter to resist Lin Feng's attack.


Lin Feng's blow collided fiercely with the King Snake King's scepter. The King Snake King's scepter was also a quasi-creator level. It was amazingly powerful and resisted Lin Feng's blow.

At this time, the attack of the Lord of Immortal Demon had already beheaded the King of Serpents.

How arrogant was the attack of the fairy demon lord, beheaded the king of the snake, severely wounding the king of the snake, or even splitting the king of the snake in half?

But what about the actual situation?

It was as if he were beheaded on the peerless soldier.

There was also a loud noise from Keng.

Did not cause any damage to King Serpent.

Body magic!

Lin Feng and Immortal Lord's complexion could not change slightly.

"Yes, I have two treasures of quasi-creator level, one is this scepter, and the other is the body armor!".

The King Snake said proudly.

After his voice fell, two horrible light beams were irradiated from his eyes, and the two horrible light beams were bombarded towards Lin Feng and the fairy demon respectively.

Lin Feng and Immortal Demon look terrified, because they feel how amazing the power of the two beams is.

The two hurriedly laid the sword in front of them.

Resist the attack of the light beam.

Two consecutive heavy blows, each bombarded on their swords.

Fly Lin Feng and Immortal Demon out.

Powerful, the convulsions of the two tumbling blood.

At this time, the poisonous ancestors and others also resolved the water snakes that attacked them.

Then flew towards Lin Feng and others.

"Together against this guy!".

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Everyone sacrificed the magic weapon and launched a terrorist attack. So many masters shot together. The resulting attack was naturally terrible. However, the king of the snake held the scepter and remained motionless.

With the scepter lighter in hand, the black air filled the world, and a large amount of black air bombarded it, colliding with the attacks of Lin Feng and others.

then. It easily broke the attack of Lin Feng and others.

"Why is this guy so powerful?".

Lin Feng and other people's faces became more and more difficult to look at. The power of the big snake king was completely beyond Lin Feng's expectations.

A top-level quasi-creator-level strongman, plus two quasi-creator-level magic weapons, is simply invincible.

"It's my turn to attack!"

The King Snake sneered, holding a scepter, and waved fiercely towards where Lin Feng and others were.

An invisible force erupted instantly.

That invisible force, across the void, bombarded Lin Feng and others.

Fly Lin Feng and others out.

Emperor Shi Yaoxian's side immediately had many monks alive and shocked by powerful forces.

Even the poisonous ancestors and others, vomit blood one by one.

The most powerful lords of Lin Feng and Immortal Demon, withstood the attack just now.

His face became extremely pale.

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