Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 66: Push back the picture, the choice of timing!

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"It never occurred to me that so many people didn't find any trace of me, and even a boy of the human family discovered me to wait!".

At this time, a voice suddenly resounded.


A group of monks stepped out of the void. This group of monks is about 50 or 60 people, which is about the same as the number of exotic creatures.

The breath of these monks is also very powerful.

They were shrouded in darkness, and the dark mist surrounding them completely isolated them from the surrounding monks.

The monks around couldn't even find out what their deity looked like.

"Dark Guardian? Demon Lord?" Exotic creatures headed squinted at this group of people.

Dark Guardian is one of the top forces under the Lord of the Devil.

There are many masters inside.

Normally the Lord of Demons will not dispatch the Dark Guard, but now the Dark Guard has been dispatched.

The Dark Guardian had never appeared before, apparently wanting a mantis to catch the cicada

Now this is a failure.

These exotic creatures naturally have no interest in the Dark Guardians, and even hit their minds on them.

Really do not know life and death.

Does the demon lord stand up and think he can be lawless?

Are they not backed by strong creators?

"Who are you?" The leader of the Dark Guardian narrowed his eyes to the leader of the exotic creatures. Obviously he did not know these people.

"Oh, you guys, are not yet qualified to know our identity!" Said the leader of the exotic creatures.

This guy is quite proud.

Of course, when you say this, you actually mean to deliberately disgust each other. Who made these guys think about pitting them before.

Not disgusting, how can these guys do it?

The monks of Dark Guardian's eyes were slightly cold, even though they knew the other party was intentional, but after hearing the other party's words, they still angered these monks of Dark Guardian.

However, the monks of the Dark Guardian did not directly engage in it. This restraint is still there.

Otherwise, Bai Xun is so powerful.

Lin Feng said, "This so-called dark guard, shouldn't it come for the flower of immortality?".

The leader of the Dark Guard said, "Oh, not before, but now, we have to fix the flower of immortality!".

"It's up to you? I'm afraid I don't have that ability!", The leader of the foreign creature said sarcastically.

"I'll see if I try later!" Dark Guard said unwillingly.

Lin Feng said, "Then, the purpose of the Dark Guardian's initial visit here was actually for the people of the Emperor Shi Family?".

In fact, this is too good to guess. They did not come for Lin Feng or the Liu family. They obviously came for the monks of the Emperor Shi family.

"Yes, I am waiting for the people of the Di Shi family!", The leader of the Dark Guard nodded.

"So, what did the people of the Di Shi clan get? Did you let them deal with them as deliberately as here?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Boy, where are there so many questions, I think you talk a lot, believe it or not will cut your tongue? See if your words are still as much as they are now!". The Darkguard chief said coldly.

His threats did not scare Lin Feng, and Lin Feng said, "The reason why I talk so much is because I am full of curiosity about many things!".

Emperor Shi Kun said, "This is because we got a pushback picture!".

"Push back picture? There is such a thing?" Lin Feng's face showed a surprised expression.

There are too many rumors about the push back map, but almost all the rumors point to one thing, that is, the push back map has the ability to predict the future and even change the future.

When this rumor started, Lin Feng did not know how it spread so widely, and Lin Feng was not particularly clear.

But since the old legend has been passed down for so long.

Bacheng is true.

However, where the pushback map has always been a mystery, countless monks wanted to find the pushback map, but they could not find any clues. The pushback map is too mysterious, not only the pushback map itself is mysterious, but the pushback map is even Wherever, it is also shrouded in mythology.

Did the people of the Di Shi family get a push back picture?

Is it really a push back picture?

Is it a fake pushback?

If it is a fake pushback picture, it would be fine. If it is a true pushback picture, then some of the information hidden behind this is too amazing.

Emperor Shi Kun said, "According to the clues we have now, what we get is indeed a pushback picture, but there should be several pictures of the pushback picture!".

It is difficult to gather things like pushback maps, even if they really exist.

If there is no shortage of roads, there will definitely be difficulties.

Therefore, in theory, if you push the back map like this, if you put it together, the possibility of damage is relatively large. After you separate it, the hope of saving will increase greatly.

Hearing the pushback picture, those exotic creatures also showed extremely surprised expressions. Obviously, many exotic creatures have also heard of such things as pushback pictures. For those treasures that only appeared in this rumor, who does n’t want to take a glance. ?

The leader of the foreign creatures said, "It turned out to be a push back map. This push back map contains the power of evil. I don't think it should be brought to the demon lord. It is not good for the demon lord, and we are obviously different. We are not afraid of the power of evil, and the strong people behind us are even less afraid of the power of evil. Therefore, we want the flower of the undead, and we also want the pushback picture! ".

"This seat is the same as yours, we have two things to decide!". The leader of the Dark Guard responded with a sneer.

Lin Feng said, "Coincidentally, my thoughts are the same as yours. I am very interested in pushing back pictures and undead flowers!".

After hearing Lin Feng's words, foreign creatures, monks of the Dark Guardian, all looked at Lin Feng with an idiot's gaze.

Who said this kid?

Are you stupid?

How dare you say such things, your brain was kicked by a donkey?

Even the Emperor Shi family and the Liu family's monks looked strangely at Lin Feng.

Before, Lin Feng was relatively low-key.

Now Lin Feng has become too high-profile.

Moreover, in everyone's view, Lin Feng's behavior is simply described in high-profile, even beyond description.

It should be described as catching death.

If you do n’t catch him, what is Lin Feng?

"Let's find a way to break through!".

The nun who looked like a young girl beside Liu Yuxin whispered.

Now it seems that it is only a way to break through.

If you break out, you can still pick a life.

If you can't break out, you will definitely die today.

Everyone's mood has become extremely heavy.


No matter how heavy your mood is, you still have to face it.


Liu Yuxin said in a deep voice.


Emperor Shi Kun also shouted in silence.

But at this time, the Dark Guardian and the exotic creatures had spread apart, and surrounded everyone.

All kinds of powerful attacks came.

People from the Liu family and the Di Shi family have fought against each other.

When the two sides broke out.

It's hard to break through.

Everyone is tired of dealing with each other's attacks.

No counterattack can be done.

The gap in strength is still somewhat large.

Obviously, the Dark Guardian and the exotic creatures want to first solve the monks of the Liu family and the Emperor Shi family.

After resolving these monks, then **** the undead flower and push back the picture.

These people's wishful thinking is really good.

After several rounds of attacks, the Liu family and the monks on the Di Shi family could no longer support it.

The most powerful Emperor Shi Kun and Liu Yuxin looked somber.

Although the two of them are beyond the realm of cultivation, however, whether it is the leader of the dark guard, or the combat strength of the exotic creatures, the fighting power of the two is much stronger than them.

Moreover, whether it is the Dark Guardian side or the exotic creatures side, it seems that there are more than one power beyond the realm.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to break out.

A more terrifying attack came and saw the monks on the Liu and Di Shi families, and many people would die under the other's attack.

However, at this time, Lin Feng was one of a kind, a huge defensive mask was condensed, and then this defensive mask protected everyone in it.

The attack made by the Dark Guard and the exotic creatures was suddenly blocked by the defensive mask formed by Lin Feng.

This scene is clearly beyond everyone's expectations.

Many people from the Di Shi family and the Liu family took a breath, but then someone asked, "Why don't you have such a skill?

Lin Feng looked at the monk who questioned himself coldly, and asked, "Are you questioning? What's more, why should I help you? Are we familiar?"

See Lin Feng coldly.

The monk's face was slightly pale, and he now realized that he was just too impulsive. Although this celebrity monk was young, from the strength he showed, it could definitely be described as unfathomable. Questioned?

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings, Ji Gongzi, everyone is friends!". Liu Yuxin hurriedly said that it was the monk of the Liu family who just questioned Lin Feng. She, as the leader, certainly had to explain it.

Lin Feng said: "I suppose you should see how dangerous the troubles you are facing now. Didn't you even think about handing over things to each other before to save your life? That's fine, let me give you things, and I will protect you! ".

The reason why Lin Feng shot late was to let these people know that he alone could save them.

If the shot is early, Lin Feng asks them for something. These people think they know Lin Feng after all, and everything can be discussed. The probability that Lin Feng wants something will not be too high.

And now that they have experienced the breath of death, the probability of coming will be greatly increased.

"Ji Gongzi has such a skill and I admire it. Ji Jizi takes everyone to break out, let's talk about the remuneration?". Liu Yuxin said.

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