Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 27: Fragmentary pieces of the same material as the mysterious iron box!

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After burning the body of the bat monster to ashes, Lin Feng can take a closer look at what is there in this place.

Lin Feng took out a night pearl. He used the night pearl before, and the night pearl shattered instantly.

At that time, because Lin Feng's Pearl of the Night was broken by the power of the bat monster.

But now Lin Feng takes out the lighting of the night pearl, and the night pearl has not shattered.

Ye Mingzhu shot the dilapidated old ship very brightly. Lin Feng searched carefully among the old ships to see if they could find something good.

Although this ancient ship looks like it will be destroyed anytime and anywhere, it has not been destroyed by the war just now. It seems that this ancient ship is far from being as simple as imagined.

There was a stinking smell in the cabin, I don't know if it smelled from the bat monster.

Lin Feng searched for the good things he wanted here, but after a careful search, he found nothing, which made Lin Feng extremely puzzled. It should be reasonable that such a situation should not occur, after all, the three great spirits before Insects are all sensed.

Shouldn't the three spirits feel wrong?

But nothing really was found in the cabin, Lin Feng thought, could there be a place like a dark grid in this cabin?

He searched carefully and found a dark cell leading to the cabin, which turned out to be hollow.

This space is not particularly large, about 40 to 50 square meters in size, and dense glassware is stacked in this space.

This glassware is almost transparent.

Lin Feng was very surprised after seeing these glassware.

Lin Feng knows that some alchemists have forged such glassware, but it is the first time Lin Feng has seen such a special glassware, it is too clear, almost transparent like water, than Lin Feng had seen before Glassware does not know how many times better.

Many glasswares contain all kinds of poisonous insects and spirits. Lin Feng even saw some bats in some glasswares.

Those bats are relatively small, and their bodies shrink together, about half the size of a fist.

After seeing the bats, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Those bats look exactly like the bat monsters that were killed before. They should be bats of the same family, except that the bats here are smaller.

And the bats here are sealed in amber.

Lin Feng sensed it carefully, and he found that the bats sealed in amber were all alive bats, which means that these special ambers are a bit similar to those **** stones that can seal the souls.

Life is sealed in those **** stones. Life will not pass. There are many souls who break through the stone after the endless years.

Lin Feng has also been exposed to many such existences.

Especially at the end of the epoch, many people know that the world has changed greatly during this time, and they have broken through the birth of the Shenshi. They want to seize this opportunity to improve their strength as much as possible. If you miss this opportunity, you may regret your life.

In addition to those bats, the rest of the poisonous insects, spirits and the like are also sealed in amber, and they also have vitality. I do n’t know who sealed these things. Could it be the owner of this ancient ship? ?

But who is the owner of this ancient ship?

So far Lin Feng has not figured out this matter.

Lin Feng couldn't help but think that the bat outside would be a sealed bat. After breaking the seal, he slowly grew up?

If you think about it, this possibility is still very high.

Lin Feng summoned the three great spirits, the Taikoo Emperor Butterfly, the Taikoo Insect, and the Demon Worm, and then asked them, what is it that attracts them to come, is it the spirits and poisonous insects here?

The three great spirits told Lin Feng that it was not these spirits, something like poisonous insects attracted them to come, but something else. Taikoo Emperor Butterfly found a magic tripod in this space. There is a dark green liquid, and I don't know what this dark green liquid is.

These dark green liquids contain extremely powerful energy. Lin Feng knew that this dark green liquid might not have any special effect on him.

But for spirits, poisonous insects and other creatures should be able to play a huge role. This dark green liquid has a lot of numbers, which can make Taikoo King Butterfly practice for a long time.

If they refine these dark green liquids, the cultivation base is estimated to improve a lot.

Lin Feng put the utensils containing various poisonous insects and spirits into his big world, but the bats were extinguished by Lin Feng's fire.

Those bats are naturally very powerful, but Lin Feng hates bats very much, so Lin Feng is not willing to use it anymore. Lin Feng broke those seals of spirits and poisonous insects into a whole world after he put those glassware into the big world. There needs to be a complete biological chain, and what does a complete biological chain include?

Lin Feng feels that it should include creatures of all races, whether it is human race, demon race, demon race, or other races, of course, including all kinds of fierce beasts and even poisonous insects, spirit insects, etc., everything in the world, everything should be Included in it.

So Lin Feng wants to cultivate these spirits, poisonous insects and other creatures in his big world, and coincided with this time, Lin Feng's big world has integrated the innate purple gas.

Under the transformation of the congenital purple gas, his big world has become more and more perfect, and has entered the most prosperous cultivation period. Many creatures in his big world will advance by leaps and bounds.

Lin Feng believes that the strength of these spirits, such as poisonous insects, will also increase rapidly.

After doing all this, Lin Feng was about to leave. Suddenly, Lin Feng saw something. He found a piece of debris on the ground. Lin Feng picked it up.

He carefully observed the fragment. Lin Feng found that the fragment was not simple, because there were some extremely mysterious and strange runes imprinted on the fragment, which were extremely complicated.

Lin Feng's attainments in the formation ban are extremely advanced, but after seeing the runes branded on it, he has no idea what these runes mean.

It should be an extremely ancient rune. What exactly does it mean? Need to do further research.

In fact, it is not this rune that really surprised Lin Feng, but this fragment. Why did he say this, because he found that this fragment is the same material as the mysterious iron box, and the mysterious iron box is also hidden by Lin Feng here One of the biggest secrets.

The broken body inside the mysterious iron box is extraordinary, but the mysterious iron box itself is also extraordinary, hiding countless secrets. The material of the mysterious iron box is extremely special.

Lin Feng has never seen this kind of material, cold, depressed, mysterious, dark, it seems to hide the endless killing thoughts, it seems that it can destroy everything.

And this piece of scrap, since it is the same material as the mysterious iron box, what is this piece of chip that fell off from it? This made Lin Feng extremely puzzled.

But no matter what the debris falling off, it can't hide the extraordinaryness of this debris, so Lin Feng intends to collect this debris.

But at this time, Lin Feng only felt the sky spinning in front of him, and the next moment, he found that he was still standing in the stone room.

Everything just now is like an illusion, but those things are so real, so that Lin Feng has a feeling of true and false.

However, the next moment Lin Feng discovered that he had a piece of debris in his hand. It was the piece he had obtained before.

"Everything is true!". Lin Feng said to himself, he was a little surprised. The world just now was really special. It was not as simple as a pure spiritual world. It seemed to be connected with this stone room.

But no matter what is going on in that world, at least Lin Feng got enough benefits from that world, and the poisonous ancestors and others were all in the stone room, just one by one as if they were locked in, and did not wake up. .

Lin Feng's heart moved slightly, and they might also have their own chances, so Lin Feng did not bother them. Lin Feng looked carefully at the debris in his hand, and he couldn't help but think of a certain possibility.

Is it because of the broken piece that the reason for entering that world? Everything is unknown. With pure conjecture, it is obviously impossible to figure out anything, so Lin Feng did not continue to think about it.

He temporarily collected the broken piece. After the matter here ended, Lin Feng planned to study the broken piece well.

When the time comes to see if this piece of debris has anything to do with the mysterious iron box, Lin Feng waited for a while, and the rest of the people woke up one after another, seeming to have received no small benefits.

After waking up, everyone still sighed with the things they experienced before, like illusions, but what they got was real, and they couldn't understand what was going on.

This world is so magical, there are many unknown things, so although everyone is puzzled, this kind of thing is not unacceptable.

After Lin Feng and others came out of the second stone room, they walked toward the third stone room.

Several ancestors of Long Island broke through the prohibition of the third stone room, and Lin Feng and others immediately opened the stone door of the third stone room.

When the pungent smell in the stone room was almost released, they entered the third stone room.

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