Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 80: A huge harvest, the sea has changed!

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Lin Feng and Gu Yuexi entered the cave house.

The first thing that appeared in front of them was an extremely long passage.

It has been a long time since no one came here. The passageway was covered with dust. When they entered the passageway, they could hear patchy footsteps resounding through the passageway.

Because Lin Feng did not know if there were any other dangers inside, they walked towards the inside with a cautious look.

Be careful not to make any mistakes, especially in such a place, there may be hidden unknown crises everywhere. If there is an unknown and terrible existence lurking in them, they enter without any precautions, and are likely to be exposed to these unknowns And a terrible attack.

Then, when the time comes, the consequences are absolutely catastrophic.

However, for the next part of the journey, there was no danger. This caused Lin Feng and Gu Yuexi to take a breath.

They finally came to the deep location of this cave house, which was a huge mountainside.

There are a lot of babies in this mountain.

These babies are very rare ones.

However, due to the time is too long, Lin Feng found that many babies have exudes a rotten atmosphere.

This shows that these babies have been destroyed.

This situation makes people feel extremely regrettable. After all, any one of the treasures here can cause a huge sensation, and it is ruined like this, letting people sigh.

But this situation is very common in the world of cultivators. Many treasures have been eroded by the power of time because they have not been excavated for a long time.


The unscrupulous Taoist priest said that he was an archaeologist, serving the souls of all races.

To some extent, it seems reasonable.

After all, these things have been buried deep underground.

The ultimate destiny is to slowly destroy it with the passage of time.

And if it is excavated, it can really help many people.

However, the people of these grave owners certainly don't think so.

Since they buried these things in the grave, they didn't want people to dig them out.

Whoever digs the graves of their tribes, who is their enemy, wherever this guy, Infinite Taoist, is a situation where everyone shouts, and I don't know how this guy is now.

Lin Feng quickly walked towards those treasures.

He tried to find the sand of time he needed.

The sand of time contains the power of time. Lin Feng feels that other treasures may be destroyed.

But things like Sand of Time should not be damaged.

Even if you can't get anything else, please him.

As long as you can get the sand of time, this trip is worthwhile.

What Lin Feng lacks most now is cultivation time.

The sand of time can make his time space evolve. If the time space evolves to a ratio of 1:20, 1:30, or even a higher ratio, it is conceivable how great is the effect on Lin Feng?

At that time, Lin Feng will be able to fight for more practice time.

Then Lin Feng's strength will increase even more.

Lin Feng's combat power will obviously reach a more amazing level before the reincarnation breaks down.

This can play a huge role, and even a decisive role, for many things that follow.

It didn't take long.

Lin Feng felt the power of time.

This made Lin Feng's eyes suddenly brighten up.

Now that you feel the power of time, is this power of time the power of time?

This possibility is still very large.

Lin Feng found.

The thing that exuded the power of time was pressed down by a large number of babies. Lin Feng curled up these babies with force and separated the babies. Lin Feng saw a box.

This is a purple box, I do not know what material is forged.

Lin Feng quickly picked up the purple box.

Lin Feng can clearly feel the power of time emanating from the purple box.

There are many seals on the purple box. It is estimated that the seal imposed by the previous owner is now severely damaged, so the power of time can escape from it.

If these seals are relatively complete, then the power of time cannot escape from this box.

Lin Feng cracked the seal on the box, and he opened the box.

Lin Feng saw that half a box of sand was placed in the box. This sand was a very special kind of sand. It looked like a star shining brightly in the stars outside.

Very gorgeous and beautiful.

Being able to get the sand of half a box of time, Lin Feng is extremely satisfied with this harvest.

Lin Feng felt that the role played by this half-box of time sand might be even more amazing than he thought.

Of course, now is not the time to refine these sands of time. After Lin Feng closed the box, he put the purple box into his time space.

After leaving here, find time to upgrade his time space.

It is estimated that it is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

You must find a more appropriate time to do this.

In addition to the sand of time, Lin Feng can also pick some things.

Lin Feng and Gu Yuexi said before.

He does not choose the magic weapon here. Lin Feng prefers to choose some more powerful exercises and magical powers, or some rare treasures.

Gu Yuexi has collected several top magic weapons.

There is even a magic weapon of quasi-creator level.

There is really enough baby in this place.

A magic weapon of quasi-creator level, the value is unimaginable.

Not to mention there are other babies.

Lin Feng also began to search for what he needed.

Since most of the celestial treasures have decayed, they have no effect.

It is difficult to find something that satisfies Lin Feng among these heavenly and earthly treasures.

Lin Feng did not find a baby that satisfied him after searching for it.

Lin Feng put his eyes on some of the remaining scrolls and jade tubes.

These things should all be records of various inheritances.

Lin Feng tried to view the contents recorded inside these scrolls or jade tubes.

Part of the scroll and jade tube have been damaged.

Part of the scroll and jade tube are well preserved.

Among these well-preserved scrolls and jade tubes, some recorded cultivation practices and supernatural powers, some recorded the experience of cultivation, some recorded things like prescriptions, and some recorded alchemy recipes, There are all kinds of content.

Lin Feng is mainly interested in the scrolls and jade tubes that record magical powers.

There are indeed a lot of top-level exercises and supernatural powers. Some of the mysterious mysteries of the power and supernatural powers make Lin Feng feel a little amazed.

It's just that Lin Feng hasn't been able to find the exercises or supernatural powers that interest him.

The main reason is that Lin Feng is now practicing a lot of top-level exercises and supernatural powers. The exercises and supernatural powers that can promote him are indeed not particularly common.


Lin Feng showed a surprised expression. He found a supernatural power in a jade tube. The name of this supernatural power is called rock solid.

Rock-solid: After displaying this magical power, the body of the monk will become rock-hard, which can offset the powerful external forces. The lowest can resolve the opponent's 10% damage and the highest can resolve the opponent's percentage. Forty damage.

It turned out to be a defensive supernatural power.

The top-level defensive magical powers are relatively rare. Now Lin Feng's means of resolving the other party's attacks mainly rely on magic weapons. In addition to magic weapons, mana immunity is a unique skill and can also play a large role. Make sure you are really immune to all attacks.

So at this time, it is still useful to practice more powerful defensive magical powers.

Especially the rock-solid magical power is definitely a top-level magical power, which can resist up to 40% of the damage, which is too unnatural. Of course, Lin Feng also knows that if you want to reach 40%, it is inevitable It is necessary to cultivate this magical power to the bottom of the fascination to complete this, otherwise, there is no drama at all.

But even if it is less than 40%, it can be up to 20% or 30%, and then the magic power of rock solidity is assisted by mana immunity, plus several top defense magic defenses , Enough to easily eliminate the attacks of others.

This is amazing ...

Lin Feng even felt that even in the face of attacks from some of the strongest creators, it is estimated that they could be resolved.

Lin Feng branded this magical power, and then he continued to sense other magical powers to see if there were still some magical powers that could arouse his interest.

Soon, Lin Feng found another supernatural power.

Small space imprisonment: In an extremely narrow space, the imprisonment is constructed. This supernatural power is completed by the spell. When the spell is completed, the imprisonment will be immediately cast successfully. It can imprison all the mana of the opponent and imprison the opponent. action.

This method is extremely powerful. When is it best to use this method?

In the first case, when the battle between the two sides reached a critical moment, you suddenly exhibited a small space imprisonment technique, and the other side might be imprisoned.

After the other party was imprisoned, although the imprisonment did not last long.

But for the top powerhouses, this period of time has allowed the top powerhouses to make many responses, and can even kill each other.

In the second case, I saw that I was going to be killed by the opponent. The situation was extremely dangerous. Suddenly, a small space imprisonment was performed to imprison the opponent's body. At this time, not only will it not be killed, but the situation may be reversed.

of course.

When and where the small space imprisonment is performed, the specific situation needs to be treated specifically, which requires a monk who has cultivated this magical power, and flexibly used this magical power. In Lin Feng ’s view, it should not be difficult to use this magical power flexibly. Things.

He also branded this magical power, and he will practice this magical power when he has time in the future. Lin Feng feels that this magical power should be able to play a relatively large role for him, which is even more than many of the top magical powers that Lin Feng is practicing now. .

Lin Feng continued to look for other magical powers. He looked at all the jade tubes and scrolls. Although there are some very powerful magical powers, Lin Feng felt that these magical powers were not particularly attractive to him. Lin Feng I did n’t choose those exercises.

"What supernatural powers have you picked?". Gu Yuexi asked curiously.

"Small space imprisonment and rock solid!". Lin Feng said.

Gu Yuexi said, "These two magical powers are quite good. I still have a kind of magical power here. I need to use special skills to assist. After this magical power is successfully cultivated, every time you release a magical power attack, you have a chance to perform a magical power combo!"

The so-called magical combo is to perform a magical power, and have the opportunity to cause two magical damages to the other party. For example, Lin Feng performed a Genesis, but after the first wave of attacks, then a second wave of attacks is automatically formed. This method is absolutely inverse. Extremely.

Lin Feng said, "Show me this magical power!".

Gu Yuexi took out a jade tube and handed it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng had not seen this jade tube before. It was estimated that it was the jade tube that was collected by Gu Yuexi when he was looking for the sand of time.

After Lin Feng sensed it, he suddenly showed a bitter smile.

Because if you want to practice this magical power, you need to cooperate with the Jade Maiden Tianjing. Lin Feng, who is the magical power of the Jade Maiden Tianjing, has heard about it. This is an extremely anti-natural power.


This exercise is not suitable for men to practice.

Lin Feng had heard before that there were men who practiced this practice and eventually became men and women, and even personal orientation issues have changed.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling a chill.

He handed the jade tube to Lin Feng and Gu Yuexi and said, "Let's forget it. Although this supernatural power is strong, I am blessed to suffer!"

Gu Yuexi said with a smile, "He has a heart, he just cultivates."

Lin Feng whispered, too lazy to ignore Gu Yuexi.

Gu Yuexi went on to sort out other things, and soon she collected all the babies.

"It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, let's go," Lin Feng said.

Gu Yuexi said, "Wait slowly, this cave is so big, maybe there are some treasures hidden in some parts of this cave, let's find out!".

Lin Feng said, "Don't look for it anymore. I have just explored it. There is nothing. All the babies are piled up here and you have to go!".

After hearing this, Gu Yuexi nodded and said, "Since this is the case, let's go now!".

The two quickly skimmed out.

They successfully left this secret and came into the sea outside.

It was night outside, because the sea area of ​​Nanmoxian was very dangerous. Since it was night, the two planned to find a place to rest for one night, and it was not too late to leave during the day tomorrow.

They boarded an island and found a cave to rest, and that night, a huge movement came out of the sea. From a distance, the waves were gigantic, and they did not know what happened.

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