Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 65: Things related to pioneers and the contemporary existence of pioneers!

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The guardian of the holy tower has an extraordinary status. It stands to reason that there are not many things that can make her exist, but the thing brought out by Lin Feng caused the marvel of the guardian of the holy tower. What is this thing?

What's more, the existence of Lin Feng's attack was indeed very powerful.

The strength of that existence has not been fully recovered, only a part of it is so powerful. It is difficult to imagine to what extent this strength of existence will be fully recovered.

The thing brought out by Lin Feng is this unknown and terrifying existence. What is important is Lin Feng, who is temporarily unclear, but you can ask the guardians of the holy tower.

"What is this thing? In order to bring this thing out, I spent a lot of energy!". Lin Feng said.

The battles I experienced before now still have a feeling of lingering fear.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "Come with me!"

She flew towards the distant palace, Lin Feng was a little surprised, is this thing so complicated? Can't say it here?

Is there an ear in the partition or another reason?

Could you give me something, please?

That is mine, what have you been holding?

Of course, Lin Feng is not worried that the guardians of the holy tower will be greedy for her own things. She should not be such a person. This has a huge impact on her reputation.

Soon, Lin Feng came to a palace with the guardian of the holy tower. The guardian of the holy tower said, "Before answering some of your questions, I need to verify this thing. Otherwise, some questions are not very easy to answer. you!".

Lin Feng nodded, and they came to a room deep in the palace. There was a Baoding in this room. This Baoding contained some special liquids. I did n’t know what it was. Liquid, when Lin Feng saw this liquid, he could not help frowning slightly, he felt that this liquid seemed special.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "This is the true sacred liquid. Through the true sacred liquid, you can see the essence of something!".

After hearing this, Lin Feng was very surprised. What exactly was this kind of holy liquid? This is the first time Lin Feng heard.

But listening to the name, this kind of thing seems quite simple.

Lin Feng did not disturb the operation of the guardians of the holy tower.

The guardian of the holy place put the iron lump-like thing into the sacred liquid, and then began to read the spell. What he was saying was an extremely mysterious spell, which sounded a bit like an ancient Protoss language, but listening carefully, it seems not.




The liquid in Guizhenshengshengye began to roll violently. As these liquids rolled up, Lin Feng's brows could not help but pick out slightly. Guizhenshengshengye was indeed a bit weird.

For the next period of time, the guardian of the holy tower had been observing the iron lump-like thing, and the sound of her spells never stopped.

I don't know if she can see some doorways now. It's been more than an hour before the holy guardian stopped.

"This thing should be able to confirm the specific situation", the guardian of the holy tower took out the same thing as iron bumps, and then gave it to Lin Feng.

"What is this?" Lin Feng asked.

"This is the fairy stone that gave birth to the pioneers, part of the remaining material!".

Said the guardian of the holy tower.

"Oh? Is this still the case?" Lin Feng was surprised. He didn't expect this thing to be connected with the pioneers, which was amazing.

In this world ... everything that is associated with the pioneers is different.

This iron lump-like thing is even more mysterious than many things that can be associated with the pioneers. Why do you say this?

This is because……

This thing is the remnants of the pioneers. What is it that can breed such a powerful existence as pioneers?

This makes Lin Feng extremely curious. Perhaps no one in this world is not curious about this matter.

At this time, the guardian of the Santa said, "In fact, there are some similar residues, but similar residues have little to do with the pioneers, and may also breed other existences, but even if the existence is even more powerful, compared with the pioneers There are still some gaps, so I just used some special methods just to find out whether this thing is to breed pioneers or other existing things. If it is to breed pioneers, the value can be It is not comparable to other materials of the same type! ".

Lin Feng asked curiously, "So now that the origin of this thing has been determined, what exactly is this thing? Also, what kind of existence did I encounter in the Golden Palace? This makes me extremely curious. His strength is unimaginable. It stands to reason that with such a powerful existence, it is not difficult to leave the Golden Palace? ".

The Santa Guardian said, "It's hard to say whether you saw this existence, is it good luck, or bad luck? But from the current results, your luck seems to be pretty good, of course, I always feel that luck It is linked to strength. The reason why your luck is so good is because your strength is strong enough, so it seems that your luck is better! ".

"As for why you said that the existence does not come out, it is because of some agreement that the other party is not yet able to come out. The Golden Palace is originally a place that contains thousands of worlds, in which some ancient existence is sleeping, nor is it What's special, the existence of this one you encountered was also a tremendous existence at that time. It's a pity, a pity ... ".

I do n’t know what is the pity of the holy guardian, and she did n’t name it directly. It seems that some things still make the holy guardian quite taboo.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "But anyway, if you take out these things now, you should look forward. This kind of thing is called the remnant of the open sky stone. It is the most important thing to use this kind of thing to improve your strength. of!".

Lin Feng asked, "How to use this kind of thing to enhance strength?".

"As the remnants of the pioneers, not only contains powerful energy, but also contains the Tao related to the pioneers. You can imagine how extraordinary this remnant is.", Said the guardian of the holy tower.

Lin Feng said, "So I took this thing out and completely offended the existence inside. If he comes out, he will definitely not let me go, but I am not necessarily afraid of him!".

The guardian of the holy tower said, "It's good to have confidence, but that guy is really not very easy to deal with. I advise you to say, if you encounter that guy, you should leave."

Lin Feng nodded.

The guardian of the holy tower said at this time, "In fact, what this kind of thing really does is not particularly great for that guy, but after all it is his thing. Although it has little effect, he may even treat this thing as garbage, But it will not let other people get involved at will! ".

Hearing the words, Lin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, but this thing is the treasure, was that guy treated as rubbish?

Curious about the specific identity of that guy.

The guardians of the holy tower seem to know Lin Feng ’s inner thoughts. He said, "That guy is the existence that was bred in the same era as the pioneers. Even the materials that bred them are similar, but there are still some differences. He is not as powerful as the pioneers, so he has a certain gap with the pioneers in terms of abilities. Presumably, the existence of this respect must have been extremely annoying! ".

Lin Feng moved, the origin of that guy was so amazing.

It's scary.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "In fact, you don't have to worry too much, the mediocrity only disturbs me. How can I borrow a day for this thing?".

"No loan!" Lin Feng said.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "Don't be too busy to refuse, this thing is in your hands. It is more difficult for you to refine some of the power contained in it, or to understand some of the Taoism related to the pioneers. Because you do n’t know the specific method, in fact, there are shortcuts. If you are willing to cooperate with me, then, after a day, I will give you back this thing, and I can tell you the specific method, you will soon Can you devour the internal energy to improve your cultivation, and feel the Tao related to the pioneers, to increase your own precipitation, what do you think of this transaction? ".

Lin Feng said, "This transaction is good, I wish us a happy cooperation!".

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