Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 68: Fantasy family, terrible means!

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The tense lottery ceremony began. In fact, before the lottery, some of the more famous characters have already been passed on in private. It is a popular figure in this Santa battle.

Of course, there are also characters such as the sons of pioneers, the sons of demon lords, etc., which are extremely terrible characters.

As for Lin Feng, he used the pseudonym when registering before. Not many people have seen him, but there is not much news about him, even if he knows Lin Feng is coming?

Even now ... there are still many powerful people in the major universes who feel that Lin Feng ’s reputation can be established mainly because Lin Feng has a strong man behind him, and many things are not necessarily done by Lin Feng, but It was made by the strong man behind Lin Feng, everything was inserted into Lin Feng's body, just to build Lin Feng's reputation.

This kind of thing is still quite common among major families. Young juniors want to build their reputation, especially in a short time, it is an extremely difficult thing in itself.

If you want to accomplish this, of course, you need the help of your elders. If you have the help of your elders, what seems impossible to accomplish can also become a matter of course.

Uh, uh, uh, uh!

A beam of light was irradiated, and monks were constantly moved into two platforms. The division of the upper and lower halves is more interesting. Why do you say this, because the two monks in the final are the final winners in the upper half With the final winner in the second half.

Instead of deciding on a part of the top powerhouses, and then let these top powerhouses mix together and draw again.

The Battle of Santa Bidou is divided into only one group, and the battles in the upper and lower half are carried out simultaneously.

The poisonous ancestors and others have also been moved to the ring, some people have been moved to the upper half, and some have been moved to the lower half.

The poison ancestors are very powerful. As long as they don't meet the top strong men in the front, they should be able to achieve quite good results.

Lin Feng has not been selected yet.

Lin Feng couldn't help moving slightly, the group would definitely be passive. Although he had hidden his true identity, after all, he had contact with the guardian of the holy tower. The guardian of the holy tower had a rough prediction of his strength.

Originally Lin Feng used a pseudonym level, in fact, he wanted to make himself an ordinary monk in the eyes of others. When grouping, it is easy to meet the top strongmen in the early stage. Such a battle is the battle that Lin Feng expects, because such a battle can be the best. Refine your strength.

But if the guardians of the Santa Claus know their strength, they will probably group themselves as seed players. In this way, the idea of ​​trying to meet the top strong men to refine their strength in advance is completely defeated.

From now on.

Lin Feng could not help but sigh slightly.

If you want to go through several fierce battles and refine your strength, how difficult is it?

The grouping is still going on. Soon after, Lin Feng was moved to the ring on the left, that is to say, Lin Feng was divided into the upper half. At this time, the son of the pioneer was moved to the lower half. Lin Feng and the pioneer The son successfully avoided before the final.

This situation is still a good result for Lin Feng.

The grouping continues. Many powerful characters have not been selected before, but now, these powerful characters have also been grouped successfully. For example, the pioneer of evil pioneers is divided into the second half, and the son of the pioneers is divided into a group, which is interesting. By the way, if these two people meet, I wonder if it will be a dragon fight?

Regardless of the pioneer's son or pioneer's evil thoughts, their strength is unimaginable.

If you really want to divide a victory or defeat, it is not too easy. It is not easy to say who can win the final victory. Lin Feng has contacted the two, and even wiped out a pioneer of evil pioneers, but that one was destroyed. Compared with the present avatar, his avatar is actually very far away.

Although the son of Pioneer has always given Lin Feng an unfathomable feeling, Lin Feng has not played with the Son of Pioneer, so there is no way to assess what level of combat power the Son of Pioneer has.

But a bad thing happened very quickly, because the Red Dust Fairy Venerable was actually divided into the upper half of Lin Feng ’s location. If possible, Lin Feng did n’t want to be separated from the Red Dust Fairy Respect in one and a half districts. How about the strength, say the relationship between the two sides, there is a little bit ambiguous, hazy, if it happens, what should we do then?

This made Lin Feng feel extremely headache, but if you think about it, it seems that you can also interpret this matter from another aspect. He and Red Dust Fairy are in a half of the district. Lin Feng feels that he and Red Dust Fairy Zun guard this Should half of the area be achievable?

At least one person can go to the final and compete for the final championship.

This is also a good result.

The grouping is a grouping, but it has not been encountered for the time being. Consider the next countermeasures after encountering it.


It didn't take long for the upper and lower halves to complete the partition.

Obviously, there are a lot more famous people in the second half than in the first half. After all, the pioneers have bad thoughts and the reputation of the sons of the pioneers is too great. Except for the strong level of the creator, Who is more famous than them?

Even the strong ones at the level of quasi-creators, if they talk about fame alone, there is no way to compare them with them.

As for the first half of the district, although there are some top powerhouses, and even characters like Hong Chen Xian Zun, their reputation is far from even, even if Hong Chen Xian Zun's strength is exceptionally strong, but Hong Chen Xian Zun is in the wasteland world. Not much prestige.

She is not quite the same as Lin Feng.

Hongchen Xianzun is the kind of person whose strength is greater than fame. It is mainly related to Hongchen Xianzun's low profile. Hongchen Xianzun rarely stands on the bright side, and she will not like Lin Feng, wherever she goes, she likes to build herself. She belongs to the solitary, such a character, it is naturally difficult to be remembered by people. Furthermore, there is no strong ancestor in Hongchen Immortal Venerable. The promotion of fame is a big obstacle, others do n’t know. The name of Red Dust Fairy is really normal.

Compared with the mourning voices in the second half, the monks in the first half have much better emotions. Many monks with good strength are even more powerful and plan to show their talents and be able to achieve a better result in the competition.


The guardian of the holy tower said, "Everyone, everyone has a quarter of a break. After a quarter of an hour, the battle in the ring will officially begin!".

All the monks flew from the upper and lower half of the ring.

As the war approached, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more dignified.

Uh, uh ...

Rings are emerging one after another. These rings are all the rings to be held in the ring battle. Obviously, the ring battle is not just as simple as two rings, but multiple rings are held together.

A quarter of an hour soon came.

In the upper and lower half of the district, each of the 50 platforms can accommodate up to 100 people to participate in the competition.

Two light beams were irradiated from each ring, and then a famous monk was moved onto the ring.

In the first battle, Lin Feng was not selected, but the Red Dust Fairy Venerable was selected. In addition to the Red Dust Fairy Vendor, the Pioneer evil thoughts were also selected. In addition, Lin Feng ’s babe and poison ancestors were also selected. Too.

The opponent of Hongchen Xianzun is a demon with three heads and six arms. The breath of this demon is terrible.

From Lin Feng's perspective, this demon god's combat power is indeed powerful.

This demon **** is also extremely confident in his own strength, thinking that he can easily solve this celebrity nun in front of him.

But when the real war broke out, the demon **** knew how wrong his idea was.

Hongchen Xianzun probably didn't want to delay time, so she chose the method of quick battle and quick decision. When the demon **** killed, Hongchen Xianzun moved towards the left side, avoiding the attack of the demon god, and then she The disappearance disappeared, and when the Red Dust Fairy Venerable appeared again, he had come behind the demon god.

Hong Chenxian Zun shot towards the demon **** with a palm. This demon **** is powerful, and naturally can sense many things, such as the terror sent from behind, which makes him feel a creepy feeling.

This demon **** knew that the situation was not good, and he probably didn't think that watching such a weak human race nun was so powerful, before he underestimated the enemy.

He tried to walk through the void and leave quickly.

However, the development of things always made people feel extremely helpless. He found that the surrounding voids were imprisoned, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to travel through the void.


Hong Chen Xian Zun slapped this demon **** with a palm. This demon **** was flicked out by Hong Chen Xian Zun, and his mana instantly collapsed.

This Demon God hated and mad, he has such a powerful fighting power that the battle was defeated just at the beginning.

He doesn't think it's his own combat power. He thinks it's his carelessness. If it's not his own carelessness, he can't lose. In fact, he didn't think about what kind of person his opponent is.

Many monks watching the battle are surprised. They do n’t know Hongchen Xianzun, but they can feel the age of Hongchen Xianzun. The monks who come here to fight, many people are monks who have crossed multiple eras. Zun Cai has more than 3,000 lives, very young, okay?

How could such a young human race nun have won the battle?

Is it too dramatic?

After solving the demon god, the red dust fairy flew down the ring. On the remaining ring, the battles were mostly in a white-hot state. The opponent of the poison ancestor was a powerful figure. This monk mastered extremely terrible means. The poisonous ancestor has only the power of defense, but no power to fight back, which can poison the poisonous ancestor.

The poisonous ancestor probably did not expect to encounter such a powerful person in the first game. This is definitely a great test for him. Even Lin Feng and others pinched the sweat for the poisonous ancestor, but the poisonous ancestor The guy has some powerful methods. The normal methods can't solve the other party, but if some other methods are used, such as poison, the result will be hard to say.

The poisonous ancestor performed extremely powerful poison to deal with others. His poison was extremely terrifying. After it was exhibited, it silently caused the other party to be poisoned.

No matter how powerful it is, if it is poisoned, how much strength can it exert?

After the monk was poisoned, his combat power plummeted.

Tu Zu shouted, "I'm going to be awe-inspiring."

Then this guy began to bully others. The other party scolded the poisonous ancestor for his shameless use of poison, but he could not change the result. This monk was eventually defeated by the poisonous ancestor.

And Beibei also defeated his opponent quite smoothly, after all, Beibei's strength is quite scary.

Next, the rest also appeared one after another. Xia Donghuang and others were equally powerful. They all successfully defeated their opponents. Lin Feng also appeared in the battle. His opponent was not particularly strong, so Lin Feng defeated the opponent very smoothly. .

The round of the war went on, and Lin Feng was somewhat depressed. After several battles, the test against him was not particularly great. Until the fifth round of the war, Lin Feng only encountered a powerful person.

When the two sides fought together, Lin Feng ’s attack bombarded him, his body suddenly turned into an illusory body, avoiding Lin Feng ’s blow, and the monk flew Lin Feng out, This made Lin Feng's expression shocked. The peer's peerlessness was somewhat similar to his Unreal Mantra, but Lin Feng felt it carefully and found that it didn't seem to be a supernatural power.

Since it is not a supernatural power, then it shows that this is a bloodline ability?

The blood capacity of the monk is terrible.

This monk's bloodline ability is especially terrible, but Lin Feng feels that he cannot always urge this ability to avoid all attacks?

Lin Feng continued to attack the monk. His attacks bombarded the monk several times, but he was evaded by the monk.

Lin Feng was shot several times by him.

Lin Feng used the magic weapon of defense, so he did not suffer too much damage, but the situation in front of him was too bad for him.

Because of this continuous war, both sides consume a lot. The other side can always be immune to his attacks. If he wants to hurt the other side, there is no hope at all. If he cannot hurt the other side, how can he defeat the other side?

The monk walked towards Lin Feng step by step, he said, "I am a person of the fantasy family, my family has the unreal body, and the unreal body can be immune to all attacks, so no matter how powerful your attack power is, , You ca n’t hurt me, but you ca n’t always be immune to my attack! At the beginning of this battle, the result is already doomed! This is your destiny, you ca n’t resist! ”.

As the words fell, a twisted illusory light sphere condensed in the hands of the monk of the Magic Clan, and the illusory light sphere quickly flew towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can clearly feel what terrifying power is contained in that illusory light sphere.

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