Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 98: The merit hall receives rewards!

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"It's over, the son won!" The ancestor Zu suddenly shouted, he was so excited, but this is the first place in Santa Bidou, and it is not an ordinary Santa Bidou, this time Santa Bidou is really too important, It is not only honor, but the reward is too generous. It is not only honor, but also the role that the Santa battle can play for everyone.

The first place, but you will get two creator rules.

The ownership of these two creator rules will cause a series of problems. If it is obtained by the pioneer's evil thoughts, it will be worse. After all, the pioneer's evil thoughts are already so powerful. If he gets two more creator rules, then Who is his opponent? Unless the true creator comes down, anyone will be a dead end to the evil ideas of the pioneers.

As the opponent of the pioneers 'evil thoughts, if they were given two creator rules by the pioneers' evil thoughts, Lin Feng and they could only leave the wasteland world and continue to stay here with absolutely no good ending.

And Lin Feng got two creator rules is a situation of completely different meaning, then Lin Feng can rely on the two creator rules to improve his strength, now Lin Feng's combat power is already so powerful, he refined With the two creator rules, the combat power will also be unbelievably improved, and many of the things that will happen can be dealt with more calmly.

The poisonous ancestors and others are naturally very aware of this doorway. Lin Feng obtained the rule of creator, and Longteng Pavilion is a complete leap to the top power in the wasteland world. It really makes people feel incredible. what? It suddenly became such a terrible force. Before that, if someone said that an external force could become one of the top forces in the wasteland world in more than ten years, absolutely no one believed it, even many people. Everyone feels that the person who said this is definitely a lunatic, but what is the actual situation? The Longteng Pavilion created by Lin Feng is indeed becoming stronger. With Lin Feng becoming stronger and stronger, who dares to provoke the current Longteng Pavilion?

Many people are discussing this war, and everyone is really impressed with this result. Before the war, many people felt that this first place was either the pioneer's evil thought or the son of the pioneer, and now this first is In the hands of a dark horse, even the pioneers' bad thoughts were defeated, and no one would believe it, but these monks, but they are witnesses of this matter, maybe they will witness a creator level The strong, slowly rising.

Above the ring, the pioneer's bad thoughts reorganized his body, and his face was extremely gloomy. He was extremely dissatisfied with Lin Feng, because after he exhibited the attack after the bottom of the box, Lin Feng had no ability to counterattack. The reason why he was defeated was that Lin Feng's calculations were considered by Pioneer's evil thoughts. Although Lin Feng did not know what means he used, the Pioneer evil thoughts as a party, of course, knew exactly what Lin Feng's means did. Kind of effect.

In other words, the reason why his pioneers' evil thoughts would be defeated was because of his own attack.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing is estimated to be spitting blood, and the pioneers' evil thoughts are naturally the same. The gritted teeth of hatred are ordinary, but how can this be? Things have already happened, no changes can be made, and we can only bear it silently.

"I really didn't think that the result of the horror of the Santa Claus turned out to be like this. The two rules of the Creator are nothing more than rare things. Do you think I have no other way to get the rule of the Creator?". The Pioneer looked at Lin Feng coldly, and then flew towards the ring.

He did n’t say anything like Lin Feng ’s victory, but it ’s not the pioneer ’s evil way of doing things. Victory is victory, defeat is defeat. There is no such thing as victory in life and death. There ’s nothing wrong with this defeat. The key is to see if you can remember the next time, remember the mistakes you made this time, and resolutely never make the same mistake again.

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning slightly, he wouldn't think that the words of the pioneers 'evil thoughts were untargeted. Since the pioneers' evil thoughts said that there are other ways to get the Creator's Law, then 80% of them really have There are other ways to come up with the Creator Rule. Of course, the method mentioned by the pioneers is not very easy to implement. If it is easy to implement, he will not spend a lot of time to come here to participate in the Santa battle?

Since he participated in the battle of Santa, he wanted to get the reward of the creator rule. This is no doubt. Lin Feng can only hope that the pioneers can not get the creator rule by other methods.

The guardian of the holy tower looked at Lin Feng and said, "As the ultimate winner, you will be rewarded by the two creator rules, but the place to receive the reward is not here, but at the temple of merit, including other monks, to receive the reward The places are all in the Hall of Merit. Today ’s war is officially over. Everyone has been so tired for a long time. It must have been very tired. Go back to rest first. After three days, you can go to the Hall of Merit to collect yours. Reward! "

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling depressed, and had to wait another three days. He can't wait to go to the Temple of Merit to receive the reward. He now desperately wants to refine the Creator Rule. If he refining the two Creator Rules, then How much combat power will it increase? Lin Feng didn't even dare to imagine this too much.

The crowd dispersed.

Everyone is really tired, and I want to go back to rest and adjust my status, especially Lin Feng. The final is really too hard. His physical condition is not particularly ideal. He must rest quickly and recover quickly. If it is late, Lin Feng is really worried that his body will be worse.

Many people greeted Lin Feng and released Lin Feng ’s goodwill, because these people felt that Lin Feng might really become a creator-level strongman in the future. Before Lin Feng became a creator-level strongman, it was very good to have a good relationship with Lin Feng. There is something that is not necessary. If Lin Feng becomes the creator, and then go for friendship, then it will be too late.

Lin Feng also politely responded to these monks who greeted each other. Lin Feng ’s principle has always been that you respect me one foot and I respect you one foot. If the other party respects him, Lin Feng will be polite, if the other party troubles him, Lin Feng will give back ten times and one hundred times. He has never been the kind of lord who swallowed his voice.

After returning to the residence, Lin Feng was about to retreat. He entered the time and space, Lin Feng could not help but groaned slightly, Hong Chen Xianzun gave him the place to advance to the finals, Hong Chen Xianzun was expelled here, I do n’t know Where is Hongchen Xianzun now, it would be better if Hongchen Xianzun knew that he had won the battle in the finals, and Hongchen Xianzun gave up this place to himself.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Because Lin Feng was closed in time and space, he actually spent 120 days, which is four months. Lin Feng ’s state has already been adjusted. In order to improve myself a lot, this kind of life-and-death war can best sharpen the strength of the monk. After every life-and-death war, Lin Feng will have an epiphany.

And the strength will also be greatly improved.

This has become quite normal.

It is the day to go to the Temple of Merit to collect rewards after exiting the customs. Everyone is very happy on this day. Although the rewards of other places in Santa Pitou are not as rich as the rewards of the first place, in fact, other places The rewards are enough to make countless people crazy. Lin Feng and they came together, and it didn't take long for them to come here.

When they came to the Hall of Merit, the gate of the Hall of Merit was still closed, but there were already thousands of monks gathered outside. Everyone was waiting for the Hall of Merit to open, and then they could enter the Hall of Merit to receive their corresponding rewards.

Perhaps it was the reason for the end of the war. The atmosphere of the crossbows has disappeared. The atmosphere here is still quite good. Many people are making friends, hoping to meet more friends, and some monks who met during the war can also smile. Enemy, do n’t know each other, they are top-level strongmen, and one more such strongman becomes a friend, and may be of great help to myself in the future.

After half an hour, everyone came out of the Hall of Merit. At this time, the gate of the Hall of Merit slowly opened ...

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