Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 102: Refinery Creator Rule (Part One)

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"What kind of danger is there in that place?". Lin Feng asked.

He is still more attentive to this matter. Isn't there a saying called knowing oneself and knowing the other?

If you do n’t know anything about that place, then rush to the past, who knows how dangerous things will happen?

But if you know the specific dangers in that place, many things will be much easier.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "Everything is unknown, even if I am not particularly clear about the dangers hidden in that place."

After hearing this, Lin Feng could not help frowning slightly. If that was the case, it would be a really troublesome thing.

As a result, it is impossible to know the specific danger, and then it will be more difficult to control how things will develop.

Lin Feng said, "Now we are very strange to many things in that place, lack of enough understanding, I can not guarantee whether I can take out what you need, if encounter some extremely terrible danger, I will quickly Those who withdraw will not let themselves take risks! ".

"Of course, this is the right thing to do!" Said the guardian of the holy tower.

Since she said that thing would be much easier to handle, Lin Feng said, "You can rest assured that since I received your remuneration, I will help you do this as much as possible. Trying to refine the Creator Rule, if I can refine the Creator Rule, then my confidence will be more sufficient! ".

"Yes! Then you can wait for a long time, and you are not in a hurry!" Said the Guardian of the Tower.

Lin Feng said, "Should others leave the top of the Santa after receiving their rewards?"

"Correct!". Said the guardian of the holy tower.

"I do n’t know how long it takes to refining the Creator ’s Law. It takes a certain amount of time to enter the Tongtian Temple, so after other people have received the reward, I hope you will keep my companions and let them stay in the Santa. Waiting for me at the top, not waiting outside the Santa, is this a problem? " Lin Feng said.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "You can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem!".


Lin Feng nodded. Then he said, "Since there is nothing more here, I will go back to retreat first!".

"After you get out of the customs, you can just tell the monks outside, and they will bring you over!" Said the guardian of the holy tower.

"no problem!". Lin Feng responded that he did not continue to stay. After leaving the place quickly, Lin Feng returned to his residence. When he came back, he sealed off the place where he lived with a powerful formation prohibition. When going out, of course, be careful Some, if not careful, who knows how terrible things can happen? In many cases, the attention should be paid more attention.

After sealing off the residence, Lin Feng couldn't wait to enter the space of time, and finally had enough time to refine the Creator's Law. These are two Creator Laws, even more powerful than the ordinary Creator's Law. After these two creator rules, the combat power can certainly be greatly improved, and I feel so happy when I think about it.

Of course, Lin Feng also knows that he ca n’t eat hot tofu anxiously. Before refining the Creator ’s Law, Lin Feng ’s first step is to adjust his own state. The peak state can better cope with various situations. If you want to deal with these situations, the degree of difficulty will be greatly improved.

After Lin Feng adjusted his state thoroughly, Lin Feng began to refine the Creator Rule. Of course, it is impossible to refine two Creator Rules at the same time. It is completely self-seeking. It can only be refined one by one. At that time, Lin Feng heard the guardian of the holy tower talk about the extraordinary features of the Creator Rule, so Lin Feng was more careful. It is really difficult to refine such things as the Creator Rule. If you are not careful, there may be big problems.

Lin Feng found that the rule of creator is indeed too special. The general rule is that Lin Feng is relatively easy to refine, but the rule of creator is too difficult to refine. Lin Feng has refined many times, and there is no way to refine the rule of creator. This caused Lin Feng's brows to wrinkle slightly. Among the Creator's Laws, there seemed to be an extremely special and extremely terrifying energy. This extremely special and extremely terrifying energy was preventing Lin Feng's refining. Therefore, Lin Feng wanted The rule of refining the Creator is only as difficult as this. This is indeed a more troublesome thing.

How to resolve this situation at present, Lin Feng has not yet been able to think.

Perhaps only a dumb method can be used.

The more stupid way is one refining failure, we refining twice, two refining failures, we refining three times, three refining failures, we refining four times, four refining failures, we refining It does n’t matter if we fail five times and fail again and again. Let ’s refine it again and again. Is n’t there a saying that as long as the kung fu is deepened into a needle?

More times, sooner or later, we can refine the Creator's Law.

Lin Feng used this relatively stupid method to refine the Creator ’s Law, and time passed slowly. Lin Feng tried again and again to refining the Creator ’s Law, failing again and again, and failing many times in a row, making Lin Feng a little bit Discouraged, but after failing tens of thousands of times in a row, when Lin Feng tried again to refining the rules of the Creator, a new situation appeared.

Lin Feng found that this time, he seemed to form an extremely special connection with the Creator's Law, and this extremely special connection, although not close, was an extremely positive signal.

All beginnings are hard.

When the beginning is done well, many of the next things will become smoother, and everything is the same, including Lin Feng Refining and Chemical Creator Rule.

Sure enough, the next situation is similar to what Lin Feng expected.

Although the Creator ’s Law is still extremely difficult to refine, as time goes by, the first Creator ’s Rule is gradually refined by Lin Feng. In the process of gradually refining the Creator ’s Rule, Lin Feng can clearly feel his own body How amazing is the power of rapid growth.

How to describe this growing power in the body?

Is Lin Feng's previous savings strong enough?

If the savings of Lin Feng's monks of the same rank are compared to a pool, then Lin Feng's savings are a lake, and the savings of a creator's rule are equivalent to a ** sea.

This analogy is not exaggerated at all. The power contained in the Creator's Law is really amazing. It makes people feel an incredible feeling, but when Lin Feng gradually refined the Creator's Law, a voice suddenly resounded in In Lin Feng's mind.

"It is extremely ridiculous that ants-like things even want to refine the Creator's Law!".

When Lin Feng heard this voice, his face did not change slightly, it was the voice coming from within the Creator's Law.

The Creator's Law gave birth to his own spirit?

At the next moment, Lin Feng felt that extremely terrifying powers came out of the Creator ’s Law. Those forces all poured into Lin Feng ’s body, and the power inside the Creator ’s Law even wanted to control Lin Feng ’s body.

This Creator Rule wants to enslave Lin Feng.

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