Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 105: I'm afraid that you have no chance with this place?

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The secrets that can be called the secrets of the heavens by the guardians of the holy tower, and even the strong level of the creator level are qualified to know the secrets. It can be seen how amazing these secrets are.

Lin Feng is naturally extremely interested in these secrets, but I do n’t know what these secrets are, but if they can solve the matter of the guardian of the holy tower, do n’t they know these secrets? The guardian of the holy tower gave Lin Feng a hint in advance, telling Lin Feng that there will be dessert to eat after the event, Lin Feng looked at it in his heart, but did not care too much.

He can also understand the mood of the guardian of the holy tower. Now the guardian of the holy tower is expecting to leave the place of the holy tower smoothly this time, but whether things are going well, she is not the one who can make the decision. One thing, that is, now the fate of the guardians of the holy tower is not held in the hands of the guardians of the holy tower, but in the hands of others.

The guardian of the holy tower must naturally use all means to let the monk who is holding her fate try her best to help her.

Lin Feng said, "Then we're done, you should wait for my good news. It's not too late. We don't need to continue to delay here. How about starting now?".


The Saint Guardian nodded, and the two came out of the temple where the Saint Guardian practiced. They did not stay at all. Under the leadership of the Saint Guardian, Lin Feng and the Saint Guardian quickly moved in one direction. Fly away.

Their speed is extremely fast.

It didn't take long for them to come to the front of a palace, which had to be thousands of meters high and covered dozens of acres of land. It was really huge.

This huge palace is the Tongtian Temple mentioned by the guardians of the holy tower.

The word Tongtian is actually familiar to Lin Feng. A predecessor who Lin Feng had known before was called Tongtian Dahou. He once mastered the method of entering the path of Tongtian. Lin Feng had experienced a period of time in the path of Tongtian. Think about it For many years, I haven't seen the predecessor of Tong Tian Da Yao.

I don't know where he is now, what's wrong with him.

When Lin Feng first heard the guardian of the holy tower talking about the Tongtian Temple, he had doubts in his heart. Is this Tiantian Temple related to the path of Tongtian?

But whether it is related or not, it seems that it does not matter.


"I can only send you here. You can take the holy tower stone you got before and walk to the gate of the Tongtian Temple. Standing there and thinking that I want to enter the Tongtian Temple!"

The guardian of the holy tower looked at Lin Feng and said.

"it is good!". Lin Feng nodded and walked towards the Tongtian Temple, and soon Lin Feng came to the gate of the Tongtian Temple.

This gate is also extremely high. Lin Feng stood in front of the gate as if an ant was standing in front of a towering giant tree.

There are many mysterious pictures engraved on the door. What exactly do these mysterious pictures mean? Lin Feng is not particularly clear. He has never even seen such mysterious pictures engraved on the door.

This is a mysterious, unknown ancient picture and text, the specific origin is unknown.

But no matter what the origin, the appearance of this mysterious picture and text seems to explain one thing. That is the long history of this heavenly palace, which is absolutely unimaginable.

Not the product of this reincarnation.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, he withdrew his mind, and then took out the holy stone he had previously obtained. He held the holy stone in silence and said, "I want to enter the Tongtian Temple."

It's also magical. When Lin Feng's voice fell, many runes on the gate recovered, and then, the energy of Lu was poured out from inside the special runes on the gate.

After those energies gathered together, they formed a very special energy gate.

The gate of energy exudes amazing waves.

At the next moment, a powerful force escaped from the inside of the energy gate. That powerful force enveloped Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was instantly moved into that energy gate.

Lin Feng felt that there was nothing in front of him, and he could not see anything. The whole world became quiet in an instant. It seemed that there was only a slight gasp of his breath, and there was no other voice.

This situation is still somewhat suppressed. Lin Feng did not particularly like this atmosphere. Fortunately, this situation lasted for a very short time, probably only about half a quarter of an hour. Lin Feng found that he appeared in a Among the mountains.

The place of Tongtian Temple itself belongs to an independent space or small world, but this independent space or small world has been refined into a palace.

This method is not particularly clever. If Lin Feng wants to refine some space and small world into a palace, this is actually quite easy to do.

Lin Feng carefully observed the independent small world in front of him. Since this independent small world is the inner world of the Tiantian Temple, it is enough to show how extraordinary this independent small world is.

Now looking at peace, but is there any danger hidden under the peace?

"Damn!". Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a sudden pain in his neck.

His neck seemed to be slammed with something.

Lin Feng's shot was lightning-fast, and he pinched a small bug with his hand. This was a small black bug, and he didn't know what it was. It was this small bug that had just bitten Lin Feng.

At the next moment, Lin Feng felt spinning, his body strength seemed to be hollowed out in an instant, and his body fell to the ground.

Difficult to move.

"It was the little bug just now!".

Lin Feng's complexion became extremely difficult to look at.

In fact, Lin Feng ’s physical toxicity is already very strong, but the unknown little bug just now is so powerful that Lin Feng ca n’t compete with it.

Lin Feng then said.

At this time Lin Feng saw a piece of black pressure flying in the distance. Lin Feng, a monk of this level, was able to see the scene dozens of miles away.

Wherever I went, I couldn't bear any grass.

The swarm exudes a strong emotion, which seems to be excited.

The swarm seems to regard Lin Feng as prey.

After calculating the prey of Lin Feng, these insect swarms will begin to enjoy their feast.

The situation is really too bad. If you leave others alone, you will definitely be desperate now.

But Lin Feng will not!

This is because Lin Feng has a white jade toad. The white jade toad can detoxify all the wonders of the world.

In recent years, Lin Feng has rarely seen the highly poisonous white jade toad.

Lin Feng also admitted that the poison of the little bug was very powerful.

If you rely on him alone, you may be able to resolve this highly toxic, but it will take time, and what Lin Feng lacks most now is time.

Baiyu Toad can help solve these troubles in a relatively short time. Why not do it?

After receiving the order from Lin Feng, Baiyu Toad began to absorb the poison that poured into Lin Feng's body, paralyzing him, and making him unable to move.

Baiyu Toad has now completed nine transformations. The ability to devour the highly toxic has not been the same as before. Although this poison is terrible, it is still completely swallowed by Baiyu toad at a very fast rate.

This situation made Lin Feng extremely happy.

White jade toad is really powerful.

In fact, Baiyu Toad has been trying to transform for the tenth time, and has been trying for many years, but every attempt finally ended in failure. Which is so easy for the tenth transformation?

Whether it is a human monk, demon monk, holy spirit, or other monks, it is extremely difficult to complete ten transformations.

Lin Feng was very clear about how much he suffered for the tenth turn of the bloodline.

Sometimes it takes some luck. If there is no such luck, it is basically a dream to complete ten revolutions.

After the highly toxic substance was absorbed by Baiyu Toad, Lin Feng's body resumed action.

Those bugs are too weird. Lin Feng can't afford those bugs. Isn't there a saying that they can't afford us? Can't we hide them?

Lin Feng got up quickly and chose a direction to fly away quickly.

The world inside the Tongtian Temple is not safe. There are many terrible dangers in this place, such as some terrible insects, and some terrible creatures. Lin Feng has felt the dangerous breath several times, and it seems to be dormant in the dark The existence of those, the unknown and terrible existence obviously also knows that Lin Feng is not a messy existence.

Therefore, he did not directly deal with Lin Feng. It is estimated that he was dormant in the dark, waiting for a better mobile phone meeting. At this time, we must be more careful.

If the other party seized the opportunity, it was a very bad situation.

Lin Feng searched for a while, but found nothing. Although the world inside the Tongtian Temple is large, where is the good thing?

The guardians of the holy tower say there are many oldest things here, baby.

Lin Feng wouldn't think that the guardians of the holy tower would be aimless.

But I couldn't find where the good things are.

This makes Lin Feng depressed.

Because Lin Feng thought of a word.

"I am afraid that I have no chance with this place?".

If this is the case, then it is really something that makes people cry and tears, after all, is it easy for Lin Feng to get this first place?

Finally, he defeated the pioneer's evil thoughts and got the symbol of the holy stone, originally thinking of finding some precious and precious things.

However, the situation made him extremely distressed.

But Lin Feng did not give up. He felt that it was too early to draw a conclusion.

"Is it possible to use the holy stone to sense the baby here?". Lin Feng suddenly thought of an idea.

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