Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 107: Super scary Lin Feng

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From some of Hua Sheng's words, you can know that Hua Sheng is very confident. Her self-confidence comes from her powerful strength, and she does have this strength, not just blindly crazy.

However, there is one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, what is the strength of Lin Feng, Hua Sheng seems a little under-considered.

especially. Lin Feng has now refined a Creator Rule, and he is already strong enough. After refining this Creator Rule, Lin Feng ’s combat power has soared to a level that ordinary people simply cannot imagine, so how much Lin Feng is now Terror cannot be estimated.

"I want to see what powerful methods Hua Sheng has!". The corner of Lin Feng's mouth evoked a light smile.

If you understand it, everyone familiar with Lin Feng knows that when Lin Feng showed such a smile, in fact Lin Feng's heart has moved a little murderous intention.

At this time, a series of law chains appeared. These law chains all quickly entangled towards Lin Feng. Obviously, these law chains are all the law chains formed by the condensing of Huasheng.

The existence of Hua Sheng has now become a climate, and her combat power is extremely against the sky, so the chain of the law she condenses is very strong, and Lin Feng is now extremely imprisoned in mana. From Hua Sheng ’s perspective, dealing with Lin Feng Isn't it a matter of hand?

It didn't take long for the dense chain of laws to entangle Lin Feng.

Hua Sheng said with a smile, "Is this your skill? It makes me a little disappointed. I thought you could make some resistance!".

Lin Feng said, "Hua Sheng, you are too proud to be too early, my lord's methods have not been shown yet!".

The words fell, Lin Feng began to struggle.

Lin Feng did not have the power to use it. He struggled with the power of pure flesh. How powerful Lin Feng's flesh was. He tried his best to break through all the laws. Even if these laws were powerful enough, he was still a bit overwhelmed by Lin Feng.

Under the powerful force of Lin Feng, a powerful rule was directly broken by Lin Feng, which is really terrible.

Even when Hua Sheng saw this scene, she was extremely surprised, and even could not believe the expression. How powerful her law is, it is very difficult for others to break her law, and the monk in front of him has power. , Torn her law, how unbelievably powerful was this power to be able to tear his law?

One thing that even Hua Sheng cannot understand is that the human race has always been weak.

Among the ethnic groups, the human body should be the weakest physical body, but Lin Feng's physical body is ridiculously strong. Why did the human race have such a powerful physical body?

But quickly, Hua Shengbian calmed down. Although Lin Feng's power was extremely powerful, in the world of giant flowers, Lin Feng's mana was suppressed extremely powerfully. What if he was strong?

The strength of the flesh is only temporary, and every time the flesh takes a shot, it will consume a lot of energy.

This is not the same as mana.

Although mana will continue to be consumed along with the continuous shots, the mana stored by each monk is extremely amazing and can be used by monks for a long time, so this consumption rate will be slower.

The flesh obviously cannot reach the mana.

The consumption of flesh is fast.

So Hua Sheng will intend to use the power of the law to continuously attack Lin Feng. Isn't your physical body strong?

See how long you can persist.

have to say.

Hua Sheng's strategy is quite correct.

But will Lin Feng make Huasheng succeed?

Of course not.

Lin Feng knew the plan of Hua Sheng when he saw the second wave of laws coming quickly. Lin Feng's mana was not completely imprisoned. He still had some mana to use.

Lin Feng chose to take the initiative to attack. He locked the hidden place of Hua Sheng and quickly rushed over. When those laws came around, Lin Feng thought and Black Dragon Sword flew out suddenly. Lin Feng held the Black Dragon Sword in his hand. Follow these laws and slash away.

The power of Lin Feng's Black Dragon Sword is too arrogant, it can destroy everything. Although the power of these law chains is powerful, they cannot resist the attack of the Black Dragon Sword. Under the attack of Lin Feng's Black Dragon Sword, one of the law chains was Lin Feng Destroyed.

Lin Feng jumped in the sky and disappeared directly from the spot.


After seeing this scene, Hua Sheng couldn't help frowning slightly, but she realized that she seemed to be underestimating the celebrity monk in front of her.

In the past, Hua Sheng also killed foreign monks. Those monks were also victors in the battle of the holy tower, but the methods of those monks compared with Lin Feng's methods seemed to be a little worse.

Hua Sheng felt that she should hide completely and deal with Lin Feng in secret, so as to be more safe. From now on, Hua Sheng's body is about to dissipate from what she was dealing with, but Lin Feng has already appeared in this place .

When Lin Feng appeared, Lin Feng quickly blocked the place with the formation method. For a top-level formation master, this was naturally not a difficult thing, so Hua Sheng was trapped in this place. Gather your body smoothly.

Of course. After all, this place is the site of Huasheng. Huasheng should not be difficult to break Lin Feng's formation ban, but it will take some time.

Lin Feng also clearly saw Hua Sheng's appearance at this time. Hua Sheng was so beautiful. She was about one and seven meters tall. She was tall and tall, with a goose egg face and delicate face, especially a pair of eyes, giving Lin Feng the impression Incomparably profound, these are pitiful eyes, and the watery appearance makes people have an urge to pity her.

Such a woman can be described by Fenghua peerless, just a dry job, but not a good job.

"It is worthy of the Holy Spirit born in the flower. It really doesn't have to say that such a delicate and beautiful face is rare!", Lin Feng praised.

Hearing Lin Feng ’s words, Hua Sheng Leng snorted and said, “I had underestimated your skills before. I did n’t expect you to find me. Even if you can find it, it ’s useless because you and I At this time, it is in an unequal state. Your mana is suppressed too much. If it is suppressed so much, I can't deal with you, and I am in vain.

Hua Sheng's hands changed the tactics. Then, there were countless flowers in the void. These flowers were all white flowers. They looked exactly like this giant flower, but they looked like the giant flower after shrinking countless times.

The petals bloomed instantly. When these petals bloomed, they released a terrifying power. When Lin Feng actually summoned these petals, he generally thought of the means of the Huashenghui, and knew How these petals attack others, so Lin Feng activated the two magical defenses like mana immunity and rock solid.

The two defensive supernatural powers helped Lin Feng offset about 50% of the power, and the rest of the power was carried down by Lin Feng ’s powerful flesh. Although Lin Feng was blown out, Lin Feng did nothing, but Hua Sheng didn't know Lin Feng's reality, she felt that Lin Feng should have suffered a lot of trauma after she had just suffered the attack. Hua Sheng was right to think so.

"Do you feel the gap between you and me? It was just an attack of appetizers. My real strength is far from being shown, so, what do you fight me for?".

Hua Sheng looked coldly at Lin Feng.

"The attack is really good!".

Lin Feng praised him. Judging from the attack just made by Hua Sheng, Lin Feng was probably able to judge Hua Sheng's combat power. Hua Sheng's combat power is estimated to be comparable to that when he didn't have the rule of refining the Creator, plus this giant The blessing of flowers, among the giant flowers, Hua Sheng's combat power is even more powerful than he was at that time.

This is Hua Sheng's self-confident capital.

If Lin Feng ca n’t solve the problem of mana being suppressed, there is a high probability that he will lose in the hands of Hua Sheng, but Lin Feng has a way to solve the problem of mana being suppressed. Lin Feng ’s method is very simple, that is, to release his domineering magnetic field, Lin Feng The domineering magnetic field is very special and can offset various negative effects.

For example, if his mana is suppressed, it can be successfully resolved.

Lin Feng released the domineering magnetic field, and his domineering magnetic field really worked wonders.

Lin Feng's mana is completely restored as before.

The face of Hua Sheng, who was in the domineering magnetic field, changed greatly. This magnetic field made her feel uneasy for a while, and her perception was very strong. She already felt that Lin Feng's mana had recovered.

"Magnetic field, such a powerful magnetic field, how many domineering do you cultivate to form such a powerful magnetic field?". Hua Sheng is incredible.

"Hehe ... ask so much? I want to see how you can subdue me?". Lin Feng sneered.

Then stepping out, he launched an attack on Hua Sheng. Lin Feng now masters a creator rule. When Lin Feng ’s mana is restored, he can mobilize the creator rule against the enemy. Hua Sheng relies on the cooperation of the giant flower, although the combat power is slightly It surpassed the previous Lin Feng, but the current Lin Feng is much stronger than the previous Lin Feng, so even if Hua Sheng's method is extremely powerful, but in Lin Feng's hands, it is still not quite enough.

Under the stormy attack of Lin Feng, Hua Sheng supported more than a dozen rounds, and even if he could not fully support it, he was completely defeated by Lin Feng. Lin Feng sealed Hua Sheng, and then Hua Sheng became Lin Feng's prisoner.

Lin Feng pinched Hua Sheng's exquisite and beautiful cheeks, his eyes flickered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking, Hua Sheng looked at Lin Feng in horror, and asked with a trembling voice, "What are you going to do?".

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