Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 114: Charge the real body of the stone man!

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This kind of mysterious iron box belongs to the kind that it does not provoke you, you should incense and pray, thank the 18th generation ancestors for blessing.

Are you going to provoke the mysterious tin box?

I do n’t know the terrible guy in the mysterious iron box, or the guy with stone face is too confident about his strength.

Of course, the face of the stone man is indeed strong. He should have some means to suppress the bottom of the box, and then estimate the level of the power of the mysterious iron box. I feel that I should have the ability to handle all of this, so I ca n’t wait to shoot.

It's just that in many cases, some situations that the monk senses are not necessarily the same as the actual situation.

The actual situation is often more complicated than imagined. Nowadays, it is probably the same. Who knows the hidden power of the mysterious iron box?

Even if Lin Feng only knew a few things, what level of strength of the mysterious iron box was in the end, he could not make preparation judgment.

The strong level of the creator level is estimated to make accurate judgments.

With the revival of the mysterious iron box runes, the power inside the mysterious iron box began to brew.

Shiren face knows the horror of the mysterious iron box, so when he saw the rune power on the mysterious iron box began to recover, Shiren face began to try to mobilize his power.

When the face of the stone man opened his mouth, a baby flew out. This baby was a special thing that looked like a ball, the size of a football, but it was not as smooth as football. What is this thing Lin Feng? I know, if you look at the material, it should be a stone ball. I do n’t know if it is a powerful stone tool.

Some top stone tools are extremely scary, such as the thirty-six stone swords that Lin Feng is collecting now. If they can really collect the thirty-six stone swords, it is definitely a top-level killer. Unfortunately, Lin Feng only got a part of the stone sword now.

It is said that some of the stone swords are lost in the past and the future. Even now Lin Feng has some headaches. I do n’t know how to find the stone swords lost in the past and the future.

But anyway, the horror of the stone sword is absolutely unimaginable.

Just like the stone ball produced by the stone man's face, even if he does not know the specific origin of the stone ball, he can guess that the stone ball is definitely an extremely precious baby, otherwise, the stone man's face will not be so critical Sacrifice at the moment.

Among the stone balls, a force of tyranny was released. The force inside the stone sphere began to suppress Lin Feng ’s mysterious iron box. The mysterious iron box struggled, and to the surprise of Lin Feng, the mysterious iron box did not appear in the first place. Struggling away, this is a bit scary, is the stone ball horrible? This really shocked Lin Feng.

After all, there are too few things that can suppress the mysterious iron box.

Seeing this scene, Shiren's face suddenly became proud, and he looked at Lin Feng and said, "I see it, this is my skill. Although the mysterious iron box is extraordinary, but after many changes, it is no longer impossible to be suppressed. Something, after I suppress the mysterious tin box, I will replace you, to explore the secret of the mysterious iron box, all the secrets hidden in the mysterious iron box belong to me, and this baby will also be used by me, of course Now, when I surrendered to the mysterious tin box, at that time, it is your death! ".

As the words fell, Shiren's face continued to try to urge the stone ball.

Under the urging of the stone man's face, the stone ball became stronger and stronger, and the suppression of the mysterious iron box became more and more powerful. Lin Feng's brows could not help but wrinkled slightly. Was the stone ball so extraordinary?

The mysterious iron box was suppressed by the stone ball, which was a bit unbelievable, and made him feel a little unreal, but Lin Feng knew that all of this is true, and the stone ball is so powerful.

Lin Feng is deciding whether to interfere with the face of Shiren, but Lin Feng soon dismissed this idea, because Lin Feng believed in the mysterious iron box. Over the years, Lin Feng has never seen anyone or any baby who can really suppress Live this mysterious iron box.

The more powerful the opponent releases, the stronger the resistance that the mysterious iron box releases. Now the mysterious iron box is not suppressed. This is only temporary.

"Haha, let me collect it!".

Shiren smiled hugely, wanting to take advantage of the great opportunity of the mysterious iron box being suppressed, and charged the mysterious iron box.


At this time, the suppressed runes on the mysterious iron box were all recovered, and everything was too sudden. When the mysterious runes recovered, the power released by the mysterious iron box instantly destroyed the stone ball Unleash the power.


The power released by the mysterious iron box is to blow the stone ball out. The baby of the stone ball is indeed a bit extraordinary. It has n’t even suffered much from the powerful force released by the mysterious iron box, even a crack. It does not appear, so it can be seen that the stone ball really belongs to the top treasure.

The power of the mysterious iron box then bombarded the stone face, and the face began to shatter.

"Damn something, you hurt me!". The stone man's face growled angrily.

He is not without a way to resolve this crisis. I saw that the face of the stone man is gradually disappearing. Obviously, the face of the stone man is not a deity, but a form that appears. What is the deity of this guy? Lin Feng can't figure it out now. .

"good chance……".

Lin Feng's eyes lighted up slightly.

Now that the energy of the stone man's face is focused on dealing with the mysterious iron box, it is just possible to collect the real body of the stone man. Presumably, the face of the stone man can't stop himself. From this point on, Lin Feng will fly towards the real body of the stone man In the past.

Soon Lin Feng came to the side of Shiren's real body.

When he came to the real body of the stone man, Lin Feng said nothing, and put the real body of the stone man in his time and space.

Things are already in hand, and there is no need to continue in this place.

Lin Feng intends to evacuate here.

It would be more dangerous to stay here again. The reason for this is because Lin Feng found that this guy with a stone face has a way to resolve the threat posed by the mysterious iron box, which shows how terrified this guy is.

The mysterious iron box has always been strange. Lin Feng used its power once or twice, but it was extremely unrealistic to want to use the mysterious iron box to suppress the face of the stone man. of.

So the best choice now is to take the best course.

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